Politics Theme Park Reopening Guidelines to be released 10/20/20

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Disney Irish

Premium Member
Why stop there? Just say no one should die ever. Outlaw all tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and high fructose corn syrup. Also meat and fats. Limited dairy. Sacramento should issue guidance that keeps everyone in their homes forever; only drones deliver approved groceries and supplies to your home, you never leave and you never subject yourself to any risk ever. All human interaction is carried out via Zoom. It's much safer that way.
Of course yet another dramatic response, I expect no less.

Me? I'm driving up to Oregon for Thanksgiving. I've been put in charge of the cornbread stuffing and the cocktails.
Well I'll just say be safe driving, enjoy your holiday, and hope you make it back safely as well. And if you are charitable you can share your cornbread stuffing recipe.


Well-Known Member
Of course yet another dramatic response, I expect no less.

At this time of night as I enjoy a second cocktail, it's what I do. 🧐
Well I'll just say be safe driving, enjoy your holiday, and hope you make it back safely as well. And if you are charitable you can share your cornbread stuffing recipe.

Deal! It's actually an old recipe warped via two different continents from my Swedish grandmother, but I'm tweaking it a bit to omit the lard and upping the Lingonberries. :)


Well-Known Member
Such as?....

I'm hoping you say New Zealand, that remote island nation of 5 million people and 26 million sheep that has now cut itself off from the world with no known ability to reopen itself to the world.

It's now illegal to travel to New Zealand, and it's illegal for New Zealanders to leave their home island. Everyone is stuck there, they may not leave. A la' East Germany circa 1962-1989.

Dude, you're on the internet.

Just look it up lol. Clearly looking things up is not an issue for you. ;)

And I'm not saying everywhere is New Zealand, but that they have it waaaaay more contained than America does. Even the so called bad countries.

Here are some examples:

Japan has 40% of the population we have and today they have 1400 cases today, for a country of 125 million.

Brazil was starting to creep up badly a few months ago. Today, they got 13,000 cases for a country of 210 million. They are still considered one of the worst as well.

France basically went into lockdown again and yet they have only 9,600 cases today.

China, yes the one that started it all. You know how many cases they had had today? 15 cases. And no, it's not lockdown anymore. They are all living life again. Kids are back in school, their Disney parks are clearly open, restaurants can eat inside, etc. People thought their ways were draconian, but they contained it in 3 months. We're living with it 8 months later and it's only getting worse.

You don't have to go overseas either and just look in our own backyard.

Canada currently got 6,000 cases today. It's only a country of 30 million but that's still pretty good considering.

Mexico is the same size of Japan and has around 2800 new cases today.

America has 135,000 new cases today alone. It's been over 100,000 for the past 7 days.

We are 4% of the world and yet have 20% of the cases and deaths.

What's wrong with this picture?


Well-Known Member
Dude, you're on the internet.

Just look it up lol. Clearly looking things up is not an issue for you. ;)

And I'm not saying everywhere is New Zealand, but that they have it waaaaay more contained than America does. Even the so called bad countries.

They certainly do have it "contained" in New Zealand. They shut the whole island nation down six months ago. No one can get in, and no one can get out. Air New Zealand no longer flies internationally. It's cut off from the world. Just sitting there in the middle of the ocean awaiting a vaccine. Tick, tick, tick...

The New Zealand route is not an option for us, nor is it an option for most nations. Nor should it be for how non-lethal this virus is, especially for healthy and young people. In my opinion, of course.

We are 4% of the world and yet have 20% of the cases and deaths.

What's wrong with this picture?

I dunno. Europe is a disaster right now. The USA has 330 Million people and today we had 795 deaths. France has only 60 Million people, and today they had 506 deaths.

The death rate per 1 Million people is quite telling, using some of the countries you used to compare to the USA:

USA = 772 Deaths Per 1 Million, 2.19% Confirmed Case Fatality Rate
Mexico = 783 Deaths Per 1 Million, 9.79% Confirmed Case Fatality Rate
United Kingdom = 787 Deaths Per 1 Million, 3.75% Confirmed Case Fatality Rate
Spain = 882 Deaths Per 1 Million, 2.71% Confirmed Case Fatality Rate
Belgium = 1,227 Deaths Per 1 Million, 2.72% Confirmed Case Fatality Rate

China, as much as you can trust any data coming out of Communist China, has a confirmed case fatality rate of 5.37%. They have only conducted 160 Million Covid tests for 1.3 Billion people, compared to the USA that has conducted 170 Million Covid tests for 328 Million people. The USA confirmed case fatality rate of 2.19% is less than half of China's.

And you think Communist China and those official stats from the Politburo are something to emulate and admire?

The one country you referenced that I think is worth noting in a good way is Canada. They have a death rate and transmission that is notably lower than the USA, although their weak testing and higher fatality rate is a tad embarassing to their "free!" socialized medicine up there.

USA... = 772 Deaths Per 1 Million, 170.1 Million Tests or 52.1% of Population, Confirmed Case Fatality Rate 2.19%
Canada = 298 Deaths Per 1 Million, 10.7 Million Tests or 28.6% of Population, Confirmed Case Fatality Rate 3.65%

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Well-Known Member
They certainly do have it "contained" in New Zealand. They shut the whole island nation down six months ago. No one can get in, and no one can get out. Air New Zealand no longer flies internationally. It's cut off from the world. Just sitting there in the middle of the ocean awaiting a vaccine. Tick, tick, tick...

The New Zealand route is not an option for us, nor is it an option for most nations. Nor should it be for how non-lethal this virus is, especially for healthy and young people. In my opinion, of course.

I dunno. Europe is a disaster right now. The USA has 330 Million people and today we had 795 deaths. France has only 60 Million people, and today they had 506 deaths.

The death rate per 1 Million people is quite telling, using some of the countries you used to compare to the USA:

USA = 772 Deaths Per 1 Million, 2.19% Confirmed Case Fatality Rate
Mexico = 783 Deaths Per 1 Million, 9.79% Confirmed Case Fatality Rate
United Kingdom = 787 Deaths Per 1 Million, 3.75% Confirmed Case Fatality Rate
Spain = 882 Deaths Per 1 Million, 2.71% Confirmed Case Fatality Rate
Belgium = 1,227 Deaths Per 1 Million, 2.72% Confirmed Case Fatality Rate

China, as much as you can trust any data coming out of Communist China, has a confirmed case fatality rate of 5.37%. They have only conducted 160 Million Covid tests for 1.3 Billion people, compared to the USA that has conducted 170 Million Covid tests for 328 Million people. The USA confirmed case fatality rate of 2.19% is less than half of China's.

And you think Communist China and those official stats from the Politburo are something to emulate and admire?

The one country you referenced that I think is worth noting in a good way is Canada. They have a death rate and transmission that is notably lower than the USA, although their weak testing and higher fatality rate is a tad embarassing to their "free!" socialized medicine up there.

USA... = 772 Deaths Per 1 Million, 170.1 Million Tests or 52.1% of Population, Confirmed Case Fatality Rate 2.19%
Canada = 298 Deaths Per 1 Million, 10.7 Million Tests or 28.6% of Population, Confirmed Case Fatality Rate 3.65%

Not once did I mention New Zealand. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing scenario, but you seriously think this is the best we can do??? You're proud of that figure? You're smarter than this man.

And yes maybe now the death rate is down, but this isn't hard science, the more the cases and the positivity rate goes up, the higher the death rate can climb again. And you're not counting the hospitalizations which are now at an all time high. Once again there are states with over crowded ICUs that other countries don't have the same problems. So you can't just spin the death rate, which are still a disgrace, everything in general is a bigger issue if people are still sick and stuck in a hospital for weeks.

And you're moving the goal post. My original post you responded to was talking about the people who simply catch the virus, not the number of people who die from it. We are catching it more than others because we are doing less things to keep us from getting it. That's the point. Yes, we're dying a little less from it, but you know what would prevent from people dying more from it? Not getting it at all.

And will you stop with the China nonsense. It's still a country of 1.3 billion people. Trust me, if people were dying on the streets over this thing, it would be getting out just like it did before. The reality is though everything is open as before. There are no rampant cases. How do I know, because they would simply shut the country down again if it were so. Instead everything is open. People are living their lives again. The last time a major area was shut down was an area in Beijing and that was over two months ago. Same time hong Kong shut down HKDL again before it reopened.. Compare that to America where every other day a state or a city is announcing more lock downs again.

In America people want to live their lives again which is understandable. But not everyone wants to do what isi being asked of them to do that and here we are. People have to make up their mind, either we live life as we want and shut things down because the hospitals keep filling OR we wear the masks and try to be as mindful as others.

And put this another way, one that people like you seem to think about so much, but a lot of America businesses depends on tourism, especially international, such as the Disney parks for example. How many people are going to want to fly to America when cases are spiking everywhere?? And in some of the biggest states that bring people? As long as we are entrenched with this virus nothing is truly going to get to pre-covid leves for a long tong time. A lot of businesses are going to suffer just based on the image alone and keep many others away, agree?

We were told this was going to 'disappear' months ago, well that guy is now disappearing in a few months. We can still get this under control, but we have to take it more seriously.
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Well-Known Member
Why stop there? Just say no one should die ever. Outlaw all tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and high fructose corn syrup. Also meat and fats. Limited dairy. Sacramento should issue guidance that keeps everyone in their homes forever; only drones deliver approved groceries and supplies to your home, you never leave and you never subject yourself to any risk ever. All human interaction is carried out via Zoom. It's much safer that way.

As for me? I'm driving up to my niece's place in Oregon for Thanksgiving. The forecast is for snow over the Siskiyous and I could easily slide off the snow packed road and die rolling down a steep, icy ravine into the darkness.

But let's hope not. I've been put in charge of the cornbread stuffing and the cocktails. 🦃🍸
What do you have against Dairy? Milk (REAL MILK not that crap from a walnut) is awesome. I don't care if I get the cow's consent or not.


Well-Known Member
Typical his tirade ends with a Trump jab. Always on the mind... Guiding their thought processes... Blind hatred.
The hatred is not blind. There’s a lot of evidence to back it up.

I don’t come to this forum to talk politics. I was sucked in by the comments and most don’t want to see that here. I’m bowing out on all COVID/President talk. It’s just not worth it and no one wants to read it.
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Well-Known Member
Typical his tirade ends with a Trump jab. Always on the mind... Guiding their thought processes... Blind hatred.
If you want to discuss with people on their opinions on trump, go to the politics thread . Literally it's just a group of a few people mainly bashing trump. One guy declared an all out execution of him 😂 Oh boy, I left that place so quickly


Well-Known Member
We haven't seen that in OC, nor have I seen it on any TV or radio media in SoCal lately. This is the current flowchart from the OC Health Department website, and since I have no symptoms and no comorbidities, testing is "not recommended".

Technically that chart simply says "are you at risk for COVID-19" not "do you have comorbidities that can cause severe symptoms of COVID-19."

If you have been out in public without a mask, or had anyone around you without a mask then yes you are at risk for COVID-19.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Governor Newsom put nearly the entire state into Purple today. 94% of Californians now live in a county that is in the Purple Tier.

See the stats below about how OC has one of the lowest case rates of the 10 most populous counties. That's just the case rate based on Science and Data, before it gets "Adjusted" by Sacramento for gold stars by testing healthy people with no symptoms. Look how naughty Sacramento County is! :devilish:

1. San Bernardino County, 2.2 Million = 27.6 Covid Cases Per 100,000
2. Sacramento County, 1.5 Million = 21.2 Covid Cases Per 100,000
3. Riverside County, 2.5 Million = 21.1 Covid Cases Per 100,000
4. Los Angeles County, 10.2 Million = 20.6 Covid Cases Per 100,000
5. Fresno County, 1.0 Million = 13.9 Covid Cases Per 100,000
6. San Diego County, 3.3 Million = 12.1 Covid Cases Per 100,000
7. Santa Clara County, 1.9 Million = 11.9 Covid Cases Per 100,000
8. Contra Costa County, 1.1 Million = 11.4 Covid Cases Per 100,000
9. Orange County, 3.2 Million = 10.8 Covid Cases Per 100,000
10. Alameda County, 1.7 Million = 9.1 Covid Cases Per 100,000

This isn't surprising at all. San Bernardino, Riverside, LA counties...all with large minority populations which have been hit especially hard by the pandemic. This study was released today (I'm passing no judgement on any race in case anyone decides to try and go down that path)

New study from Stanford and Duke found Black and Hispanic patients accounted for more than half of in- hospital deaths from COVID-19​



Well-Known Member
Dude, you're on the internet.

And I'm not saying everywhere is New Zealand, but that they have it waaaaay more contained than America does. Even the so called bad countries.

China, yes the one that started it all. You know how many cases they had had today? 15 cases. And no, it's not lockdown anymore. They are all living life again. Kids are back in school, their Disney parks are clearly open, restaurants can eat inside, etc. People thought their ways were draconian, but they contained it in 3 months. We're living with it 8 months later and it's only getting worse.
New Zealand, and island, cut itself off almost totally from the rest of the civilization.
They didn't have a case for 100 days. Then they got one. How?

And Dude, if you believe China then that explains a lot. Dude.


Well-Known Member
New Zealand, and island, cut itself off almost totally from the rest of the civilization.
They didn't have a case for 100 days. Then they got one. How?

And Dude, if you believe China then that explains a lot. Dude.

Because the virus didn't disappear, it's just contained. And it's one case lol. But it also tells you that yes it can ALWAYS come back. That's why we should be doing MORE to contain it, not less, right?

As for China, I'll say it again, if the country had major issues with the virus, all the schools, movie theaters, stores and restaurants wouldn't be open. Disneyland Shanghai was the first Disney park to reopen and they have added capacity there. Their hospitals would be overflowing with sick people just like before. There has not been a city wide shut down in months. It's not 1962 anymore lol. You can't fool the world everything is OK when you have social media and international reporters living and working in the country. And there are whistle blowers just like we have. That's literally how the virus came to be known in the first place. Could they be lying about the cases, sure, but clearly they have it well under control!

Do we? Not even close.

And I don't trust everything what our government says either. What's funny is Trump was caught lying about the virus just like China lied in the beginning. Exactly why this guy needs to go.

Deleted member 107043

Do we? Not even close.


I completely understand how this is a new coronavirus and therefore a challenge for any nation to combat, but at this point, 10 months since it arrived here and infections hitting all time highs, there is simply zero defense for the fact that the US has mismanaged its response to the pandemic. Especially when we see so many nations without the resources we have, countries like Ghana and Nigeria, effectively controlling the spread within their borders. It's absurd that anyone would come to this forum and attempt to defend such negligence.

But Nancy's hair.
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Disney Irish

Premium Member
So sounds like today that OC Leaders are starting to realize testing is not just for waiting until you have symptoms. It was announced today the ability to get the saliva based at-home test for free. Specifically it was outlined to get tested before any holiday gatherings and after to ensure you aren't getting COVID. It was emphasized not to wait to get tested.


Well-Known Member
I completely understand how this is a new coronavirus and therefore a challenge for any nation to combat, but at this point, 10 months since it arrived here and infections hitting all time highs, there is simply zero defense for the fact that the US has mismanaged its response to the pandemic. Especially when we see so many nations without the resources we have, countries like Ghana and Nigeria, effectively controlling the spread within their borders. It's absurd that anyone would come to this forum and attempt to defend such negligence.

But Nancy's hair.

Nancy's hair is still fabulous. And it was the help that lured her into that illegal speakeasy, she was entirely blameless.

But as for Ghana and Nigeria... Are you suggesting that the health data coming out of those impoverished third world countries is just as accurate as the health data coming out of California or New York or Ohio?

United States. = 327 Million Population, GDP $21 Trillion, $62,795 Per Capita
Ghana............. = 30 Million Population, GDP $67 Billion, $2,202 GDP Per Capita
Nigeria.......... = 195 Million Population, GDP $400 Billion, $2,028 GDP Per Capita

Here's a typical village in Nigeria in 2020. Do you see a CVS or Walgreens offering free COVID testing anywhere nearby?

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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So sounds like today that OC Leaders are starting to realize testing is not just for waiting until you have symptoms. It was announced today the ability to get the saliva based at-home test for free. Specifically it was outlined to get tested before any holiday gatherings and after to ensure you aren't getting COVID. It was emphasized not to wait to get tested.
While we don't have at home tests here yet in Riverside County, they are doing more widespread saliva based (cough into your hand 5 times, swab various parts of the inside of your mouth) testing out here. I do wonder if we will see more widespread distribution of at home testing going forward.

Deleted member 107043

Nancy's hair is still fabulous. And it was the help that lured her into that illegal speakeasy, she was entirely blameless.

But as for Ghana and Nigeria... Are you suggesting that the health data coming out of those impoverished third world countries is just as accurate as the health data coming out of California or New York or Ohio?

United States. = 327 Million Population, GDP $21 Trillion, $62,795 Per Capita
Ghana............. = 30 Million Population, GDP $67 Billion, $2,202 GDP Per Capita
Nigeria.......... = 195 Million Population, GDP $400 Billion, $2,028 GDP Per Capita

Here's a typical village in Nigeria in 2020. Do you see a CVS or Walgreens offering free COVID testing anywhere nearby?


Kindly skip by me with your junk opinions sir. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Kindly skip by me with your junk opinions sir. Thanks.

Not opinions. Just purely facts, provided by the United Nations.

But if you think the health authority of Ghana or Nigeria is more accurate than California's Department of Public Health, then you should probably call your congressman.

United States. = 327 Million Population, GDP $21 Trillion, $62,795 Per Capita
Ghana............. = 30 Million Population, GDP $67 Billion, $2,202 GDP Per Capita
Nigeria.......... = 195 Million Population, GDP $400 Billion, $2,028 GDP Per Capita

Disney Irish

Premium Member
While we don't have at home tests here yet in Riverside County, they are doing more widespread saliva based (cough into your hand 5 times, swab various parts of the inside of your mouth) testing out here. I do wonder if we will see more widespread distribution of at home testing going forward.
I fully expected the widespread distribution of the at-home testing kits to other counties. In fact OC Supervisors today stated there was no limit in how many OC residents can request. Indicating they feel that OC residents "should" be getting tested more often.

And the fact they are promoting these saliva based tests indicates they are trying to encourage those that were hesitant before because of the swabs to get tested.

I would even add they specifically mentioned this was what was going to get OC out of the Purple tier, ie more people getting tested.

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