Politics Theme Park Reopening Guidelines to be released 10/20/20

This thread contains political discussion related to the original thread topic


Well-Known Member
[Insert comment about how Reynolds should be ignored because she dresses poorly.]

I had to Google her. I had no idea who the governor of Iowa is, nor have I ever had a reason to care.

This was the first image that popped up. She looks great! A sleek bob hairdo. A black shell blouse, seasonally appropriate. But the standout is that creamy camel jacket with the little cropped collar. I love that! I'm not entirely sold on those glasses, but in this photo she's got them pushed down on her nose a bit to read her notes at that podium, so I'll give her a pass.


Also from the Google, at a recent press conference she wore a red suit. She clearly has a great tailor, and a petite frame that takes to tailoring well. Hair is still very well done and age appropriate. Notice no glasses. But, about that lip color? Not convinced that was the right choice for the tomato red suit she wore that day. But in general, she appears to be one of our better looking Governors. Go Hawkeyes!


What were we talking about again? Disneyland is still closed, right? 🤣

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
The only explanation the Shut It Downers have for Cases is Masks. The same masks we were told not to wear in March, while I was still fashioning my own, and are now apparently the greatest defense against the virus. Why is it in so many places where people are masked, the virus still gets around? Could it be that masks just aren't that effective?

Talk radio was trying to tell me over the weekend that China Virus particles can actually get in through your mask and give you mild symptoms. Huh? I thought the masks were to prevent the spread in the event the person wearing the mask had the virus. It keeps it out now and also lets the virus in?


Well-Known Member
Wow, O.C. back in the purple?

Not surprising unfortunately. At least the good news is another vaccine may be approved soon because let's be honest, America has screwed this up royally. And the only way we are going to dig ourselves out of it is through a vaccine and even then I don't see things really getting back to normal until a year from now. We're going to have another 100,000 dead by January. Just unbelievable.

None of these theme parks have any chances of opening until there a vaccine at this point. Especially when the cases yo-yo as much as they do across the country.

Anyway, everyone just try and stay safe as possible.


Well-Known Member
The only explanation the Shut It Downers have for Cases is Masks. The same masks we were told not to wear in March, while I was still fashioning my own, and are now apparently the greatest defense against the virus. Why is it in so many places where people are masked, the virus still gets around? Could it be that masks just aren't that effective?

Talk radio was trying to tell me over the weekend that China Virus particles can actually get in through your mask and give you mild symptoms. Huh? I thought the masks were to prevent the spread in the event the person wearing the mask had the virus. It keeps it out now and also lets the virus in?

Which is also why people should still stay 6 feet apart from each other even when wearing masks because masks aren't a guarantee you can't catch it, simply the best deterrence we have.

But this isn't that hard. Look at all the other countries around the world where mask wearing is mandated everywhere, their cases are miniscule compared to America's. They aren't doing anything special, simply following the exact same guidelines worldwide. Not every country has turned it into some bizarre conspiracy theory or political expression and fortunately for them are getting through it much better and faster. But here in the free land of crazy, it has turned into a ridiculous fist fight over it while the bodies continue to pile up no other country is dealing with.


Well-Known Member
At this point, we just need a separate thread to chronicle the updates that are directly about the opening of theme parks and what is directly affecting them.

Yeah but that's not going to work. Sadly it's just too political and many clearly wants to keep it political. No matter what you do it's going to fall into the same fights over and over again. Why I stop seriously discussing it months ago here.


Well-Known Member
Wow, O.C. back in the purple?

Governor Newsom put nearly the entire state into Purple today. 94% of Californians now live in a county that is in the Purple Tier.

See the stats below about how OC has one of the lowest case rates of the 10 most populous counties. That's just the case rate based on Science and Data, before it gets "Adjusted" by Sacramento for gold stars by testing healthy people with no symptoms. Look how naughty Sacramento County is! :devilish:

1. San Bernardino County, 2.2 Million = 27.6 Covid Cases Per 100,000
2. Sacramento County, 1.5 Million = 21.2 Covid Cases Per 100,000
3. Riverside County, 2.5 Million = 21.1 Covid Cases Per 100,000
4. Los Angeles County, 10.2 Million = 20.6 Covid Cases Per 100,000
5. Fresno County, 1.0 Million = 13.9 Covid Cases Per 100,000
6. San Diego County, 3.3 Million = 12.1 Covid Cases Per 100,000
7. Santa Clara County, 1.9 Million = 11.9 Covid Cases Per 100,000
8. Contra Costa County, 1.1 Million = 11.4 Covid Cases Per 100,000
9. Orange County, 3.2 Million = 10.8 Covid Cases Per 100,000
10. Alameda County, 1.7 Million = 9.1 Covid Cases Per 100,000



Well-Known Member
Governor Newsom put nearly the entire state into Purple today. 94% of Californians now live in a county that is in the Purple Tier.

See the stats above about how OC has one of the lowest case rates of the 10 most populous counties. That's just the case rate based on Science and Data, before it gets "Adjusted" by Sacramento for gold stars by testing healthy people with no symptoms.

I live in L.A., purple is our new color lol. But it's just funny in a way, we been talking about how these theme parks may open up when in reality they never had any real chance to begin with given how strict everything is. But it doesn't feel good when we never seem to progress much either.


Well-Known Member
I had to Google her. I had no idea who the governor of Iowa is, nor have I ever had a reason to care.

This was the first image that popped up. She looks great! A sleek bob hairdo. A black shell blouse, seasonally appropriate. But the standout is that creamy camel jacket with the little cropped collar. I love that! I'm not entirely sold on those glasses, but in this photo she's got them pushed down on her nose a bit to read her notes at that podium, so I'll give her a pass.

View attachment 513597

Also from the Google, at a recent press conference she wore a red suit. She clearly has a great tailor, and a petite frame that takes to tailoring well. Hair is still very well done and age appropriate. Notice no glasses. But, about that lip color? Not convinced that was the right choice for the tomato red suit she wore that day. But in general, she appears to be one of our better looking Governors. Go Hawkeyes!


What were we talking about again? Disneyland is still closed, right? 🤣

This can't be a real post?

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Maybe someone in Sacramento could reach out and explain it to them? I imagine they have phones and email access in Sacramento, and would know the health authority contact numbers for each county.
I'm sure they've been told. The reason question you should be asking, is OC actually doing anything about it? So maybe ask OC leaders of that.

Also maybe start a marketing campaign, get it out on the TV news and such? Because currently the general thought, in addition to all the official communication on the various state government websites is "If you have symptoms, go get tested".
Good idea, sounds like other counties have already done it like has been mentioned for Riverside. Again why isn't OC doing this?

The general thought in SoCal is not "If you feel fine and are symptom-free, go get tested every two weeks anyway to help get a gold star from Sacramento".
Well maybe OC needs to change their messaging at the local level instead of expecting the state to do it for them from the state level. Remember that the state provides the guidelines and metrics, its up to each county to implement them. If they choose not to take the state up on the abilities within the system to improve their metrics, well that is not on the state that is a failure of county leadership.

But... wouldn't a whole bunch of healthy people clogging up the testing system every week just make it more difficult for those who actually have symptoms for COVID? Or am I just being too stupid? Again. :)
Its why the state has increased testing capacity yet again. So that way there isn't a risk of "clogging" the system even if you are "healthy".


Well-Known Member
But this isn't that hard. Look at all the other countries around the world where mask wearing is mandated everywhere, their cases are miniscule compared to America's.

Such as?....

I'm hoping you say New Zealand, that remote island nation of 5 million people and 26 million sheep that has now cut itself off from the world with no known ability to reopen itself to the world.

It's now illegal to travel to New Zealand, and it's illegal for New Zealanders to leave their home island. Everyone is stuck there, they may not leave. A la' East Germany circa 1962-1989.
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Well-Known Member
I'm sure they've been told. The reason question you should be asking, is OC actually doing anything about it? So maybe ask OC leaders of that.

Orange County has one of the lowest transmission rates of all the big mega-counties in California. Orange County is roughly half the transmission rate as Los Angeles County and Riverside County, which are right next door.

If I were to contact the OC health authority, all I would tell them is "Good job, fellas! Keep up the good work!"

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Orange County has one of the lowest transmission rates of all the big mega-counties in California. Orange County is roughly half the transmission rate as Los Angeles County and Riverside County, which are right next door.

If I were to contact the OC health authority, all I would tell them is "Good job, fellas! Keep up the good work!"
I wouldn't be so proud of those rising numbers. And I'm sure the OC health officials aren't proud of those rising numbers either.


Well-Known Member
Such as?....

I'm hoping you say New Zealand, that remote island nation of 5 million people and 26 million sheep that has now cut itself off from the world with no known ability to reopen itself to the world.

It's now illegal to travel to New Zealand, and it's illegal for New Zealanders to leave their home island. Everyone is stuck there, they may not leave. A la' East Germany circa 1962-1989.

South Korea. 54 million people, 494 deaths. Masks, social distancing and contact tracing.

Japan, 126 million people, 1874 deaths.

Hong Kong, densely population city of 7 mil, 108 covid deaths.


Well-Known Member
Man, I've been so desperate that I've been driving out to OC to watch movies. Now either I need to just learn to enjoy movies in my own home or find something else to do. I wonder if the Shut It Downers have any job openings....


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be so proud of those rising numbers. And I'm sure the OC health officials aren't proud of those rising numbers either.

Compared to Los Angeles County, Orange County is much more healthy and much less deadly. Death! Fear! Cases!

Los Angeles County... = 20.6 Cases Per 100K, 7,275 Deaths or 0.07% Of County Population
Orange County ........... = 10.8 Cases Per 100K, 1,526 Deaths or 0.04% Of County Population

They're freaking dying in the streets north of the 91 Freeway! Shut it down up there!

Disclaimer: 54% of Covid-19 deaths are in patients aged 75 to 100. That's very old. They were born before Television.


Well-Known Member
Man, I've been so desperate that I've been driving out to OC to watch movies. Now either I need to just learn to enjoy movies in my own home or find something else to do. I wonder if the Shut It Downers have any job openings....

If you can drink Cabernet out of a coffee mug on a 2pm Zoom meeting and look down your nose at anyone who shops at WalMart, they've probably got a job for you!

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Compared to Los Angeles County, Orange County is much more healthy and much less deadly. Death! Fear! Cases!

Los Angeles County = 20.6 Cases Per 100K, 7,275 Deaths or 0.07% Of County Population
Orange County .= 10.8 Cases Per 100K, 1,526 Deaths or 0.04% Of County Population

They're freaking dying in the streets up there north of the 91 Freeway! Shut it down up there!

Disclaimer: 54% of COVID-19 deaths are in patients aged 75 to 100. That's very old. They were born before Television.
Or how about we cut out the dramatics. And just agree that NO ONE should be getting sick and dying from a virus that with some simple steps can limit the risk of getting sick in the first place no matter what age or zip code you live in.


Well-Known Member
Or how about we cut out the dramatics. And just agree that NO ONE should be getting sick and dying from a virus that with some simple steps can limit the risk of getting sick in the first place no matter what age or zip code you live in.

Why stop there? Just say no one should die ever. Outlaw all tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and high fructose corn syrup. Also meat and fats. Limited dairy. Sacramento should issue guidance that keeps everyone in their homes forever; only drones deliver approved groceries and supplies to your home, you never leave and you never subject yourself to any risk ever. All human interaction is carried out via Zoom. It's much safer that way.

As for me? I'm driving up to my niece's place in Oregon for Thanksgiving. The forecast is for snow over the Siskiyous and I could easily slide off the snow packed road and die rolling down a steep, icy ravine into the darkness.

But let's hope not. I've been put in charge of the cornbread stuffing and the cocktails. 🦃🍸
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