Politics Theme Park Reopening Guidelines to be released 10/20/20

This thread contains political discussion related to the original thread topic

Deleted member 107043

If you weren't referencing President Trump with the phrase "MAGA", what were you referencing if I might ask? I'm genuinely curious what that refers to other than Donald Trump.

You got tripped up on MAGA and missed the ideologies part.

You and several others here are squarely focused on MAGA aligned political arguments that frame Covid as a non-serious issue, poking fun at Pelosi's hair, and mocking a Democratic governor for wrongly hosting a dinner party (which he has apologized for) with folks from outside of his immediate household. Any meaningful discussion about Disneyland or what measures would reduce cases and get OC, and thus DLR, back on track have left the room. This thread is almost 100% political now.

So some people in LA County must not being wearing masks and socially distancing.

My understanding is it's largely due to people in the region largely not following guidelines in private.

Who knows... some of them might even be Democrats!

And? Wrong is wrong no matter the political party.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
What people do in their own homes I don’t know and it doesn’t matter as it’s not enforceable.
This is the problem, its not what you see in public, its what you don't see that is the problem.

Its the parties and intermingling without wearing masks in private that are the problem. The very ones that some in the very thread are proud of attending or being a host to that are the problem. You can't tell me all those people are wearing masks 100%.

I don’t think the numbers still being high proves people aren’t following rules. It just shows this virus is hard to control and that people from all walks of like and from different counties and cities/ states will continue to mingle and live their lives. So you may as well open things up (like DL) safely with the same safety protocols in place. Outside of a full shut down nothing is really substantially helping. So with the economy, people’s mental health etc considered I say open everything up and keep promoting masks, social distancing and limited capacity. Make DL only available to people from SB to SD (the ole 23$ pp discount promo) if you have to at first but open it up.
Opening everything back fully is what was tried back in May remember. The "screw it lets just reopen everything" attitude is not going to resolve this.

Unfortunately we have to just limp along like this until the vaccine is ready to be distributed.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
You (and others) might not say those words exactly, but it doesn't take a hop, skip, and a jump of logic to figure out which "political party" the blame is always being directed at.
Honestly if someone on the left is stupid I'll call them out too. Whether I think one side has politicized this topic is beside the point. It shouldn't be a political matter.

I remember back to a time where this country used to come together to tackle problems. Now accusation like this get made because everything HAS to be politicized now. Its stupid. Lets get passed this right vs left crap and just come together and fight this thing. Everyone do their part and just ignore the rest.

Mac Tonight

Well-Known Member
Any meaningful discussion about Disneyland or what measures would reduce cases and get OC, and thus DLR, back on track have left the room.
I think at this point, there's just such a growing frustration with all things Covid, that it seems like the practical answer to "what can be done?" is essentially, "wait it out".

Until guidelines (not just local, but nationwide) can be 100% enforced, or Covid-testing 100% mandated, or there is a working vaccine, people are just going to keep on doing what people do best... aka, whatever the heck they want. It's in our nature. Obviously, that's not the answer anyone wants, and frankly, it shouldn't be what we as people are known for, but it has to be acknowledged. Selfishness will be our ultimate downfall. How do you tell people to care about others... or better yet, how do you enforce that?

But more to your point, if you're looking for a reason this thread (and many before it) have gone "political", I think it's because for the last several months, we've been witness to an ongoing "Newsom vs Disney" battle, where it's been almost impossible to not draw distinctions and pick "sides". And since Newsom is a political figure... I mean... I really don't know how you avoid bringing politics into it.

Disney at this point seems resigned to just poo-poo the guidelines while trying to figure out ways to circumvent the rules and get some folks back to work.


Well-Known Member
This is the problem, its not what you see in public, its what you don't see that is the problem.

Its the parties and intermingling without wearing masks in private that are the problem. The very ones that some in the very thread are proud of attending or being a host to that are the problem. You can't tell me all those people are wearing masks 100%.

Opening everything back fully is what was tried back in May remember. The "screw it lets just reopen everything" attitude is not going to resolve this.

Unfortunately we have to just limp along like this until the vaccine is ready to be distributed.

No in private people are going to do what they want. Doesn’t matter as it’s not enforceable. So my point is if people in public are following the rules and it isn’t really helping then you may as well open everything up (including DL) keeping those same safety protocols in place (that at the very least may be keeping numbers from getting out of control) when you consider the economy and other negative impacts of having these places closed.

Mac Tonight

Well-Known Member
Honestly if someone on the left is stupid I'll call them out too. Whether I think one side has politicized this topic is beside the point. It shouldn't be a political matter.

I remember back to a time where this country used to come together to tackle problems. Now accusation like this get made because everything HAS to be politicized now. Its stupid. Lets get passed this right vs left crap and just come together and fight this thing. Everyone do their part and just ignore the rest.
Way easier said than done I'm afraid...

People are selfish and often can't see beyond their own needs. It shouldn't be that way, but I don't know how you can really force someone to care about others. At the end of the day, we each have to take responsibility for our actions while realizing that in the grand scheme of life, we are not the center of the world. How you make people do that though is a whole different subject.


Well-Known Member
Orange County is in the Red Tier until Tuesday at Noon, so if you want to take advantage of a few things before they close/shift as we move into the Purple Tier.

From the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce.

Citing an alarmingly fast rise in COVID-19 cases, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced today he was pulling an “emergency brake” to slow the spread of the virus, forcing almost all of California to return to the most restrictive tier in its reopening blueprint and strongly hinted that a curfew may be next.

California's daily COVID-19 cases have doubled in the last 10 days, the fastest increase seen in the state since the start of the pandemic. The highest rate seen previously was in June, when there was a one-week 39.2% increase — between Nov. 1 and Nov. 7, there was a 51.3% increase.

California Health Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said that the reason for this shift is that the state's health care system is coming under stress. He expressed the importance of keeping transmission low to prevent flooding the system, as well as the importance of keeping health care workers safe during the winter as cases increase.

Orange County immediately reverts to Purple Tier 1, the most restrictive tier, per emergency action by the State of California.

A return to the purple tier drastically impacts many local businesses that will now have to close indoor business operations or reduce capacity. Effective November 17 at noon, the following businesses will have these restrictions:

Family entertainment centers: Outdoors only with modifications

Gyms and fitness centers: Outdoors only with modifications

Movie theaters: Outdoors only with modifications

Museums, zoos and aquariums: Outdoors only with modifications

Places of worship: Outdoors only with modifications

Retail: Open indoors with a maximum of 25% occupancy

Restaurants: Outdoors only with modifications

Shopping centers: Open indoors with a maximum of 25% occupancy

Personal care services, nail salons, hair salons and barber shops can still remain open indoors with modifications in the purple tier and must follow the State’s industry guidance.

Any schools that have reopened for in-person or hybrid learning while Orange County was in the red tier are not required to close and can remain open. Schools that have not yet opened will remain online only.

To see a complete list of which activities and businesses are open in the four tiers, visit the CDPH ‘Activity and Business Tier’ document. To see specific industry guidance, visit the State’s guidance page.

Anaheim - please do your part and wear a mask, wash your hands, stay safer at home, and avoid gatherings.

For more information, please go to covid19.ca.gov or Anaheim.net

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Way easier said than done I'm afraid...

People are selfish and often can't see beyond their own needs. It shouldn't be that way, but I don't know how you can really force someone to care about others. At the end of the day, we each have to take responsibility for our actions while realizing that in the grand scheme of life, we are not the center of the world. How you make people do that though is a whole different subject.
Seems to me it wasn't that long ago when this nation came together on many topics including a pandemic just like this. Its only been recently in the last two decades where once things got politicize did the nation get divided and become this "everyone for themselves" nation. I blame the internet, but YMMV.

If people really want to make this nation "great again", then get everyone to believe in civic duty again. That is bring everyone together for a common goal, not divide everyone.

Deleted member 107043

But more to your point, if you're looking for a reason this thread (and many before it) have gone "political", I think it's because for the last several months, we've been witness to an ongoing "Newsom vs Disney" battle, where it's been almost impossible to not draw distinctions and pick "sides". And since Newsom is a political figure... I mean... I really don't know how you avoid bringing politics into it.

Oh I get that, and agree. However, debating Newsom's policies relevant to Disneyland and Covid in this forum is one thing. Using far right Covid talking points and mocking liberal politicians while ignoring the gross negligence of the conservatives running the nation's Covid response is another. The latter is purely political and partisan.

I have no issue with people expressing their opinions, just do it in the appropriate forum.


Well-Known Member
Oh I get that, and agree. However, debating Newsom's policies relevant to Disneyland and Covid in this forum is one thing. Using far right Covid talking points and mocking liberal politicians while ignoring the gross negligence of the conservatives running the nation's Covid response is another. The latter is purely political and partisan.

I have no issue with people expressing their opinions, just do it in the appropriate forum.
Yet doing it from the other side of the political spectrum is just peachy right?


Well-Known Member
You got tripped up on MAGA and missed the ideologies part.

You and several others here are squarely focused on MAGA aligned political arguments that frame Covid as a non-serious issue, poking fun at Pelosi's hair, and mocking a Democratic governor for wrongly hosting a dinner party (which he has apologized for) with folks from outside of his immediate household. Any meaningful discussion about Disneyland or what measures would reduce cases and get OC, and thus DLR, back on track have left the room. This thread is almost 100% political now.

I'm still not sure what "MAGA aligned political arguments" are if they are not in alignment with Donald Trump. I'm pretty much in alignment with Donald Trump on COVID; it's actually a serious issue, you need to take care of yourself if you are old and sickly, but you can't live your life in fear forever because eventually we all die. And if you catch it, trust your doctors and take it easy until you can get back to work and to life.

That said, I didn't poke fun at Pelosi's hair (I actually was complimentary about how fabulous she looks, especially for 80 years old). I poked fun at Pelosi's blatant hypocrisy and illicit behavior in her own congressional district. If you don't think that's a problem, or you think the hairdresser lured her into that speakeasy under false pretenses, then state that and we can move on.

But unless someone is ready to say that she was set up and provide proof of the set up, Nancy Pelosi's blatant COVID hypocrisy, her illicit behavior in her home district, and her immediate decision to blame the help when she was caught speaks for itself.

As for Governor Newsom, I am not mocking his decision to host a dinner party. He didn't do that. He and the First Partner traveled to a different county to attend a birthday dinner in a small private dining room at The French Laundry with 10 other people from five other households. That process took deliberate planning and purpose to achieve and required at least 6 or 7 hours of his time, he didn't just forget to put his mask on for a moment. That is in direct violation of his own "Mandatory Requirements" for "Gatherings" that he released on October 9th.

Newsom purposely broke his own rules and kept it quiet for a week. Then he got caught, so he issued a gobbledygook half-apology about "modeling better behavior". At least he didn't blame the help like his aunt did.

And somehow that all becomes the fault of "MAGA" and "Qanon"??? How the heck do you figure that?

Newsom is the guy who wants Disneyland to remain closed until well into 2021, and then only reopen at 25% of its capacity indefinitely. But he's so unafraid of COVID and his own mandates himself that he willingly violates every rule in the book that he himself created to ostensibly prevent the spread of COVID. If I'm a furloughed TDA exec or a laid off Jungle Cruise Skipper, I'm going to be awfully upset about that. Aren't you??? o_O

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Mac Tonight

Well-Known Member
Seems to me it wasn't that long ago when this nation came together on many topics including a pandemic just like this. Its only been recently in the last two decades where once things got politicize did the nation get divided and become this "everyone for themselves" nation. I blame the internet, but YMMV.
I blame social media.

I miss life before Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
No in private people are going to do what they want. Doesn’t matter as it’s not enforceable. So my point is if people in public are following the rules and it isn’t really helping then you may as well open everything up (including DL) keeping those same safety protocols in place (that at the very least may be keeping numbers from getting out of control) when you consider the economy and other negative impacts of having these places closed.
You and I just won't agree on this. Reopening everything fully just isn't going to work at this point, safety protocols or not. Outside of DL and other theme parks its already been tried and it hasn't worked.

Like I said it appears we're just going to have to limp along until the vaccine is ready to distribute.

Mac Tonight

Well-Known Member
Oh I get that, and agree. However, debating Newsom's policies relevant to Disneyland and Covid in this forum is one thing. Using far right Covid talking points and mocking liberal politicians while ignoring the gross negligence of the conservatives running the nation's Covid response is another. The latter is purely political and partisan.

I have no issue with people expressing their opinions, just do it in the appropriate forum.
I apologize as I've certainly been guilty about going off the rails before. Sometimes I have a real love-hate relationship with these boards...


Well-Known Member
You and I just won't agree on this. Reopening everything fully just isn't going to work at this point, safety protocols or not. Outside of DL and other theme parks its already been tried and it hasn't worked.

Like I said it appears we're just going to have to limp along until the vaccine is ready to distribute.

25% capacity with zip code restrictions is not opening fully. By hasn’t worked, do you mean not meeting Newsoms ridiculous tier criteria?

WDW has been open for months, are we much better off than Florida? Or even better at all? Even if the numbers are so much better here there isn’t really any way to attribute that to all the things we have being closed here. Florida is a different state with a different Demo of people. If they re spreading it in Florida it’s most likely happening at their homes or more rural areas and not places like WDW where people have to follow rules.

So here’s the rub - if the vast majority of these cases are being spread in private is it worth keeping places like Disneyland closed? I say no.
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