Politics Theme Park Reopening Guidelines to be released 10/20/20

This thread contains political discussion related to the original thread topic


Well-Known Member
At the start of the summer I told my VA doctor that I'd be happy to take part in a vaccine trial. He laughed, but then looked me in the eye and said I was too healthy to take part in all the trials he was aware of. :(

Once you get to be, ahem, a certain age, apparently all the companies were only wanting trial participants that had long term "co-morbidities" like diabetes, renal failure, lung disease, heart disease, etc. :rolleyes:
I'm not joining this convo. Just wanted to know if you tried this yet?


Well-Known Member
I'm not joining this convo. Just wanted to know if you tried this yet?

I haven't tried that recipe yet, but when the weather gets colder it's already on my list! I have really enjoyed that channel you recommended, and have gotten several great recipes from them. Thank you so much! :)


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried that recipe yet, but when the weather gets colder it's already on my list! I have really enjoyed that channel you recommended, and have gotten several great recipes from them. Thank you so much! :)
You're welcome and now I'll leave you and your friends to your bickering;)

Disney Irish

Premium Member
If it's safe enough for the Governor and First Partner and 10 of their stylish friends, it's safe enough for you! :D

Speaking of beautiful Napa County, let's talk Tiers.

The Tier game is integral to getting Disneyland and all other theme parks reopened. Some counties (Napa, LA) get extra credit for murky reasons that are assumed to be political, and some counties (Orange) get absolutely no credit for murky reasons that are blatantly political. The extra credit results in a lower "Adjusted Case Rate" that is different from the actual Case Rate based on Science and Data.

But that's the rules of the game, and Orange County must learn to play by them. Still, OC appears to be in a much better position than other counties who get lots of extra credit and gold stars. These current figures aren't new trends, they are merely continuations of long term trends. For example, here are the latest number of cases and the Science and Data behind them as of today...

Napa County - Home to The French Laundry
22.1 - New Covid Cases Per 100,000 Residents
14.7 - Adjusted Cases For Tier Assignment

Los Angeles County - Home to Universal Studios
20.6 - New Covid Cases Per 100,000 Residents
13.7 - Adjusted Cases For Tier Assignment

Orange County - Home to Disneyland USA
10.8 - New Covid Cases Per 100,000 Residents
10.8 - Adjusted Cases For Tier Assignment

This isn't an aberration just this week. For the past several months Orange County has only received one adjustment that I noticed, back in October where they were adjusted down a measly 0.1 for one week. Of California's ten mega-counties with millions of people living in each county, Orange County has consistently had one of the lowest actual case rates in the state. But OC never gets "adjusted" downward for good behavior. The die has been cast on that I'm afraid. :(

Looking ahead to 2021, it's to be a very difficult task for Orange County to achieve and thus for Disneyland to reopen.

You've been told many times this is not political but you seem to not listen. @MisterPenguin even provided you the actual data and you still go on this dramatic rant about it being political.

So let me spell it out for you once again:

Orange County isn't getting the adjustment for one reason only, the county is below the states testing median every week. If OC would just test more people per 100,000 in the county OC would get the adjustment, period. It all comes down to testing, testing, testing.

Let me repeat for those in the cheap seats, its not political, its all about testing. Tell OC leaders to round up people and test more, especially in the lower income areas and OC would move faster in the tier system by getting the adjustments.

Its all moot right now anyways because almost all counties are back in Purple as of today, but for the future it makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
Where did I say there were references to POTUS?

Sorry, I thought that's what you meant by "MAGA".

This thread has become a safe zone for MAGA and Qanon ideologies and is no longer about Disneyland or effective policies/guidelines to reopen DLR during the pandemic.

If you weren't referencing President Trump with the phrase "MAGA", what were you referencing if I might ask? I'm genuinely curious what that refers to other than Donald Trump.


Well-Known Member
You've been told many times this is not political but you seem to not listen. @MisterPenguin even provided you the actual data and you still go on this dramatic rant about it being political.

So let me spell it out for you once again:

Orange County isn't getting the adjustment for one reason only, the county is below the states testing median every week. If OC would just test more people per 100,000 in the county OC would get the adjustment, period. It all comes down to testing, testing, testing.

Let me repeat for those in the cheap seats, its not political, its all about testing. Tell OC leaders to round up people and test more, especially in the lower income areas and OC would move faster in the tier system by getting the adjustments.

Its all moot right now anyways because almost all counties are back in Purple as of today, but for the future it makes a difference.

Got it. But if people aren't feeling sick, why get tested?

The actual Science and Data case rate for OC is among the lowest of the mega-counties, and we test thousands of people per day in OC anyway. Today 4,848 Covid tests were conducted in OC, and today 380 of those tests came back positive. So far this year OC has conducted 1.2 Million Covid tests, in a county with 3.2 Million people.

More of the big counties should try harder to be as healthy as Orange County is. Based on Science and Data.

It seems awfully silly and wasteful to test people who feel fine and/or have no symptoms of cold or flu.

I got tested back in June just for fun, to see what all the fuss was about. It was free and easy and there were several testing sites near my home with immediate reservations available all day. It took a few minutes online, and then less than 5 minutes from the time I pulled up to the building.

I feel great! I've spent all summer and fall socializing and having fun. I'm headed up to the Northwest for a very naughty Thanksgiving with my family, but should I go get a Covid test before I leave OC just to juice up the numbers? That seems like a very silly thing to have to do to be able to reopen private industry, but maybe that's just me?
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Disney Irish

Premium Member
Got it. But if people aren't feeling sick, why get tested?

The actual case rate for OC is among the lowest of the mega-counties, and we test thousands of people per day in OC anyway. Today 4,850 Covid tests were reported in OC, and today 380 of those tests came back positive. So far this year OC has conducted 1.2 Million Covid tests, in a county with 3.2 Million people.

It seems awfully silly to test people who feel fine and/or have no symptoms of cold or flu to get tested.

I got tested back in June just for fun, to see what all the fuss was about. It was free and easy and there were several testing sites near my home with immediate reservations available all day. It took a few minutes online, and then less than 5 minutes from the time I pulled up to the building.

I feel great! I've spent all summer and fall socializing and having fun. I'm headed up to the Northwest for a very naughty Thanksgiving with my family, but should I go get a Covid test just to juice up the numbers? That seems like a very silly thing to have to do to be able to reopen private industry, but maybe that's just me?
The issue as has been discussed ad nauseam is that COVID is both symptomatic and asymptomatic. So you could be feeling just fine but still spreading it to your friends/family at that "very naughty" Thanksgiving dinner you're so proud of.

So yes everyone should get tested even if they aren't feeling sick, and not just once but multiple times. The testing is one of the primary ways of doing contact tracing. Because once you find out if that person is infected through the testing you can trace who else might be and isolate all of them. Its why the state puts so much emphasis on testing as a measure of how well the counties are doing.


Well-Known Member
Most of the state went back to Purple today, even San Francisco went back to Red from Yellow today. Cases have skyrocketed over the weekend, averaging close to 10k per day now.

This is what happens when people want to blame and make fun of the guidelines instead of doing the actual work needed to bring down cases.

Everyone please, just wear a mask, wash your hands frequently (even more than normal), and socially distance. Its very simple and takes no real effort on your part.

Here in LA everyone is doing that and numbers are still apparently up.


Well-Known Member
At the start of the summer I told my VA doctor that I'd be happy to take part in a vaccine trial. He laughed, but then looked me in the eye and said I was too healthy to take part in all the trials he was aware of. :(

Once you get to be, ahem, a certain age, apparently all the companies were only wanting trial participants that had long term "co-morbidities" like diabetes, renal failure, lung disease, heart disease, etc. :rolleyes:

Of course. That way when you die from the fast tracked vaccine that’s they can blame it on the fact that you had diabetes.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Here in LA everyone is doing that and numbers are still apparently up.

Is "EVERYONE" really, or you just making assumptions based on what you and your family are doing? The data just doesn't bear that out, LA County is the worst hit with 1/3 of all the cases in the State. So some people in LA County must not being wearing masks and socially distancing.

Mac Tonight

Well-Known Member
Is "EVERYONE" really, or you just making assumptions based on what you and your family are doing? The data just doesn't bear that out, LA County is the worst hit with 1/3 of all the cases in the State. So some people in LA County must not being wearing masks and socially distancing.
Who knows... some of them might even be Democrats!


Disney Irish

Premium Member
And who knows... some of them might even be Democrats!

Its very possible, I'm not the one who claimed it was political. The virus doesn't care if you're on the left or the right.

Mac Tonight

Well-Known Member
Its very possible, I'm not the one who claimed it was political. The virus doesn't care if you're on the left or the right.
You (and others) might not say those words exactly, but it doesn't take a hop, skip, and a jump of logic to figure out which "political party" the blame is always being directed at.


Well-Known Member
Is "EVERYONE" really, or you just making assumptions based on what you and your family are doing? The data just doesn't bear that out, LA County is the worst hit with 1/3 of all the cases in the State. So some people in LA County must not being wearing masks and socially distancing.

Yes everyone means everyone I see all over the city all the damn time. And I’m out a lot for work - all over the city. Not just downtown LA. Greater Los Angeles. I notice a change in behavior when I start heading into the OC or Inland Empire. People are a little more relaxed there but in LA I’m convinced 99% of people are following the rules. What people do in their own homes I don’t know and it doesn’t matter as it’s not enforceable.

I don’t think the numbers still being high proves people aren’t following rules. It just shows this virus is hard to control and that people from all walks of like and from different counties and cities/ states will continue to mingle and live their lives. So you may as well open things up (like DL) safely with the same safety protocols in place. Outside of a full shut down nothing is really substantially helping. So with the economy, people’s mental health etc considered I say open everything up and keep promoting masks, social distancing and limited capacity. Make DL only available to people from SB to SD (the ole 23$ pp discount promo) if you have to at first but open it up.
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