Politics Theme Park Reopening Guidelines to be released 10/20/20

This thread contains political discussion related to the original thread topic


Well-Known Member
What a hypocrite and ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ @ โ€œFirst Partnerโ€

Isn't it perfect?! ๐Ÿคฃ

On Friday November 27th I will be issuing my own public statement of regret for celebrating Thanksgiving with my family in violation of all of Governor Newsom's guidance. My statement will prevent me from catching or spreading Covid, and it will definitely include the term "First Partner", just to be extra safe.


Well-Known Member
I'm heading up to Oregon for Thanksgiving. The Governor up there has gone off the deep end too and is trying to cancel Thanksgiving, but at least she doesn't break all her own rules and then only releases a statement once she gets caught by the help.

So my niece, who is the hostess for the big turkey dinner, has already heard about California's Thanksgiving Gathering Rules and wants us to create some sort of Internet video of all of us from many households from four different states sitting at the dinner table and cheering that she wants the kids to then Tweet to Governor Newsom of California and Governor Brown of Oregon.

I usually steer clear of the Social Media thing, but in this instance I'll be happy to partake. ๐Ÿคฃ

Are you sure you won't reconsider?

The Science and The Data have made it quite clear that the only safe group activity is a political protest. And what better occasion than Thanksgiving?

#boycottthanksgiving #throwapeacefulprotestinstead #withturkey #freebird



Well-Known Member
Well, although I know this will have little to no affect to Disneyland anytime soon, I'm hoping that we now (thankfully) will get different national leadership come January then maybe things will start to change nationally. Sadly I'm not hoping for much on that considering we still have to wait basically two months for any major changes and they are predicting over 400 thousands deaths by then which is BEYOND sickening. Can't believe out of all places, this happened here to this extent.

Anyway, my guess is regardless what happens after January, unless California itself is in much better shape it change what happens with the theme parks here. At that point, the only thing that might make a huge difference is the vaccine.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it perfect?! ๐Ÿคฃ

On Friday November 27th I will be issuing my own public statement of regret for celebrating Thanksgiving with my family in violation of all of Governor Newsom's guidance. My statement will prevent me from catching or spreading Covid, and it will definitely include the term "First Partner", just to be extra safe.

End of the day no one is going to get arrested. And frankly nothing has really stopped anyone from gathering, right? I understand these things bother people and I get it, people are sick of it. But dude, no one is going to stop you and you know it. It's just guidelines people should follow, but clearly most aren't following it now, hence all the cases.

I'm certainly not going to guilt trip anyone who just wants to be around their family for the holidays. We decided we're not taking any chances and its just going to be us. But I just hope whoever does decide to have big gatherings simply try to be as safe as possible while they do it.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure you won't reconsider?

The Science and The Data have made it quite clear that the only safe group activity is a political protest. And what better occasion than Thanksgiving?

#boycottthanksgiving #throwapeacefulprotestinstead #withturkey #freebird


A quick double check shows no Michelin starred restaurants in Oregon, so I can't blame it on a restaurant. That means my public statement of regret the day after Thanksgiving is going to have to be very carefully worded. I also have only 10 days to find a First Partner to share the blame with.

I hear all the kids talking about the Grindr. I may try and find a First Partner on there for Thanksgiving.


Well-Known Member
End of the day no one is going to get arrested. And frankly nothing has really stopped anyone from gathering, right? I understand these things bother people and I get it, people are sick of it. But dude, no one is going to stop you and you know it. It's just guidelines people should follow, but clearly most aren't following it now, hence all the cases.

I'm certainly not going to guilt trip anyone who just wants to be around their family for the holidays. We decided we're not taking any chances and its just going to be us. But I just hope whoever does decide to have big gatherings simply try to be as safe as possible while they do it.

I'll be celebrating in Oregon. Governor Brown up there is already asking the Oregon State Police to be ready to enter homes and ticket or arrest those who have more than six people for Thanksgiving dinner. I am going to dress especially nicely, just in case I get hauled into jail and my mugshot shows up on the nightly news as a guilty celebrant who wasn't smart enough to just reserve the small private dining room at The French Laundry.

โ€œThe Oregon State Police will be working with local law enforcement to enforce the Governorโ€™s orders, in the same way local law enforcement officers respond to noise complaints for loud parties, for example, and issue citations,โ€ Brown spokesman Charles Boyle said in an email Saturday. The state police said it wouldnโ€™t have details on its enforcement plans before Monday.

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Well-Known Member
A quick double check shows no Michelin starred restaurants in Oregon, so I can't blame it on a restaurant. That means my public statement of regret the day after Thanksgiving is going to have to be very carefully worded. I also have only 10 days to find a First Partner to share the blame with.

I hear all the kids talking about the Grindr. I may try and find a First Partner on there for Thanksgiving.
I'd volunteer, since being a First Partner sounds like it comes with Covid immunity, but alas, I do not think I am your type. ;) And I dress funny - all crazy Disney kind of stuff. :D Not at all presentable First Partner material for you, I'm afraid. :(


Well-Known Member
I'd volunteer, since being a First Partner sounds like it comes with Covid immunity, but alas, I do not think I am your type. ;) And I dress funny - all crazy Disney kind of stuff. :D Not at all presentable First Partner material for you, I'm afraid. :(

Don't worry. There's a lid for every pot. Maybe that could be my nickname on the Grindr? Or do I just go full frontal and call myself TP2000?

Whatever I call myself, I've only got 10 days to find a pot and First Partner!


Well-Known Member
I'll be celebrating in Oregon. Governor Brown up there is already asking the Oregon State Patrol to be ready to enter homes and ticket or arrest those who have more than six people for Thanksgiving dinner. I am going to dress especially nicely, just in case I get hauled into jail and my mugshot shows up on the nightly news as a guilty celebrant who wasn't smart enough to just reserve the small private dining room at The French Laundry.

Wow, Oregon means business lol. Had no idea. My guess is they aren't going to be hauling many family members in Sunday suits to jail for having dinner, but I guess the idea is not to temp it. Fining will probably happen but even then my guess is people flagrantly break the rules, have 20 people or something. Or they can very well mean it lol. Anyway, good luck!


Well-Known Member
Wow, Oregon means business lol. Had no idea. My guess is they aren't going to be hauling many family members in Sunday suits to jail for having dinner, but I guess the idea is not to temp it. Fining will probably happen but even then my guess is people flagrantly break the rules, have 20 people or something. Or they can very well mean it lol. Anyway, good luck!

Sadly, my niece lives a bit south of Portland in Clackamas County, not in Portland's Multnomah County. The elected officials of Clackamas County, headed by the fabulously named Tootie Smith, have just this evening issued defiant statements stating they won't be obeying Governor Brown's orders and they won't be asking county sherrif's or local law enforcement to ticket or jail those who disobey by having family over for Thanksgiving dinner.

Unfortunately, I probably won't have a chance at my first mugshot. But I'm still on the lookout for a First Partner for that holiday weekend anyway! A man has gotta live, after all.

Steering back OT just a tad, can you imagine if Mayor Sidhu of Anaheim or the Orange County Board of Supervisors were this defiant to their betters up in Sacramento?!? It may have to come to that after the new year.


Well-Known Member
On a more serious note, I agree. I think everyone hopes a successful vaccine will change the world for the better as they have in the past - including allowing for the reopening of the parks. ๐Ÿคž

The country is in such a bind now, I don't know what's going to turn it around outside of having a nation wide shut down for a few months which I don't see happening, even with Biden. I think now that we know there is at least real hope a vaccine is coming, nothing that drastic will change, but I'm hoping we still have some stricter measures considering that's probably not going to really happen until Spring the earliest.

As far as the theme parks, I'm guessing now they have just resided to the fact they will be closed at least through the Spring now anyway. Santa Cruz didn't even go a full week until it got shut down again and winter sounds like it's going to be a disaster cases wise.

Even if things miraculously got better now, winter would probably force them all to shut down anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Sadly, my niece lives a bit south of Portland in Clackamas County, not in Portland's Multnomah County. The elected officials of Clackamas County, headed by the fabulously named Tootie Smith, have just this evening issued defiant statements stating they won't be obeying Governor Brown's orders and they won't be asking county sherrif's or local law enforcement to ticket or jail those who disobey by having family over for Thanksgiving dinner.

Unfortunately, I probably won't have a chance at my first mugshot after all. But I'm still on the lookout for a First Partner for that holiday weekend anyway! A man has gotta live, after all.

Steering back OT just a tad, can you imagine if Mayor Sidhu of Anaheim or the Orange County Board of Supervisors were this defiant to their betters up in Sacramento?!? It may have to come to that after the new year.

I know everyone is trying to paint people as villains here, but honestly they are only trying to cause less deaths as possible. End of the day that's all this is about, so your entire family will be around for the next Thanksgiving...and the one after that.

But that said, trying to arrest people for celebrating a holiday would be the worst PR mistake ever lol. So I don't think anyone was ever that serious about it, but something has to be done. I don't pretend to know what that is other than trusting people to make the right and mature decisions for themselves. But at the rate the cases has gone up in much of the country, clearly that's not working. ;)


Well-Known Member
The country is in such a bind now, I don't know what's going to turn it around outside of having a nation wide shut down for a few months which I don't see happening, even with Biden. I think now that we know there is at least real hope a vaccine is coming, nothing that drastic will change, but I'm hoping we still have some stricter measures considering that's probably not going to really happen until Spring the earliest.

As far as the theme parks, I'm guessing now they have just resided to the fact they will be closed at least through the Spring now anyway. Santa Cruz didn't even go a full week until it got shut down again and winter sounds like it's going to be a disaster cases wise.

Even if things miraculously got better now, winter would probably force them all to shut down anyway.

This is the most likely scenario. The first batches of vaccines will be prioritized first to health care workers and first responders followed by the those at high risk with the general population able to get it hopefully between April and June

Then of course you have Newsom declaring that CA will independently review any FDA approved vaccines which may or may not delay the vaccine being available in the state but I guess if they start their review after the companies making vaccines stops the test in phase 3, they can ok it for the state before or shortly after the FDA approves if they don't find anything that the FDA and the companies didn't when looking at all the testing data

I would put the theme parks in CA being able to reopen (with some restrictions) sometime in the summer if the Blueprint hasn't been tossed out for either yet another reopening plan based on "Science and Data" or by the courts.

And I don't think a national lockdown will happen here. Even Fauci doesn't believe the country doesn't need a national lockdown at this point and instead recommends double downing on mask mandates states and promote physical distancing.
I'm heading up to Oregon for Thanksgiving. The Governor up there has gone off the deep end too and is trying to cancel Thanksgiving, but at least she doesn't break all her own rules and then only releases a statement once she gets caught by the help.

So my niece, who is the hostess for the big turkey dinner, has already heard about California's Thanksgiving Gathering Rules and wants us to create some sort of Internet video of all of us from many households from four different states sitting at the dinner table and cheering that she wants the kids to then Tweet to Governor Newsom of California and Governor Brown of Oregon.

I usually steer clear of the Social Media thing, but in this instance I'll be happy to partake. ๐Ÿคฃ

Being Napa county residents, we decided based on Newsom's science it is safe to have a gathering as long as we stay in this county. So families from neighboring counties will be coming to our house on Thanksgiving and use the aura of Napa county to protect us from COVID.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
More great news. Moderna Vaccine shown to be 94.5% effective.
15K given placebo, 15K given vaccine.
Placebo - 90 developed virus, 11 seriously ill
Vaccine - 5 developed virus, 0 seriously ill
Very minor side effects

Expectations are that vaccines will begin late December for the most at risk individuals, most others will get April-July. One advantage of this one over the Pfizer vaccine is that it can be stored at normal vaccine storage temperatures, unlike Pfizers which requires considerably colder temps not found at pharmacies or dr offices. Things are moving in the right direction, finally.



President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
I wonder how much they pay people to get exposed to coronavirus for this test.
They don't.

They wait until 50 people get infected and give those names to a monitoring group. The monitoring group looks up to see if those 50 were in the placebo group or the vaccine group.

Obviously, just about everyone that got infected was in the placebo.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
They don't.

They wait until 50 people get infected and give those names to a monitoring group. The monitoring group looks up to see if those 50 were in the placebo group or the vaccine group.

Obviously, just about everyone that got infected was in the placebo.
Exactly. The results are very promising.

Disney Irish

Premium Member

Most of the state went back to Purple today, even San Francisco went back to Red from Yellow today. Cases have skyrocketed over the weekend, averaging close to 10k per day now.

This is what happens when people want to blame and make fun of the guidelines instead of doing the actual work needed to bring down cases.

Everyone please, just wear a mask, wash your hands frequently (even more than normal), and socially distance. Its very simple and takes no real effort on your part.

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