Politics Theme Park Reopening Guidelines to be released 10/20/20

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Well-Known Member
Exactly what "message" needs to get out there that isn't being repeated everywhere you look? How many different ways are there to say "wear a mask, wash your hands, and stay 6-feet from others"? The problem isn't getting the message out there... it's making sure people are actually doing those things.

Same message, just coming from multiple sources, or potentially sources people trust more. If the message is well established, quantity can be useful to increase compliance. Some people notoriously don't watch the news or read the internet.

At this point it's like expecting Disneyland to remind California drivers to wear their seatbelt. :rolleyes:

When did they stop?


Well-Known Member
1. I think it's hilarious that people on here are acting like Disneyland is still closed because they refuse to buy their way open...
2. I don't believe Disney can buy their way open.

If that's still hard for you to digest, I'm sorry. I don't know how else to explain it.
And quite frankly, I'm over the semantics games. Have a nice weekend. :)

Disneyland is still closed, because the virus is still infecting people, and in greater numbers now. There is still a risk to the healthcare industry and we risk losing capacity and healthcare workers by reopening the park.

Disney could help, certainly, in trying to get infections in the community down, but it won't really change whether they get to open or not, because the number of infected people dictates that. Maybe they spend some money on some messaging and community outreach, and it doesn't change the numbers. Even so, they would have cultivated good community relations and a better image. That's the whole reason their community outreach programs exist in the first place.

It's definitely not the same thing as suggesting they pay off the governor to get a more favorable guideline in place.

What's amazing is that they think people are still obeying them and cancelling Thanksgiving. 🤣

Keeping the park closed, would certainly suggest they believe numbers will continue to rise.

Bob Harlem

Well-Known Member
I was near Monterray last weekend so I decided to go over to Santa Cruiz, Even though I'm from Florida, I may or may not have been able to talk myself onto the rides. Either way they were doing a pretty good job, although it looks like they are closed again. Again, doing a lot of traveling (work related) what I see here on the board doesn't match up with what my own eyes see. I'll be in SoCal in a few weeks, so I may try to see what DL and Knotts are doing. (I do the masks and get tested every other week and so far so good)


Well-Known Member
Yeah... you keep losing me there. When and where did I say that?

All I initially said was: "I also just really love the implication that Disneyland is still in the place it's in because it hasn't chosen to "buy" its way to re-opening."

There is no mention of "Disney's responsibility" or anything close to it in that statement.

You responded to that by saying, "no one is saying anything close to that" which I took to mean, no one is saying anything close to "Disney could buy their way to re-open" and then I quoted you as having said that very phrase.

Good grief. I think this entire this has just been a big misunderstanding.
Have to give you the Fortitude Award Mac Tonight.
I quit playing his games awhile ago. You could say "I like apples" and he and his ilk will hit you with "so, since you hate oranges"


Active Member
If the whole country and businesses applied the measures that Disney and universal have done with their parks throughout the world, the pandemic would be far less damaging. I go to opened businesses in California that are deemed non-essential and essential, that are not following any new protocols to deal with covid. The saddest part is, that our state is allowing these businesses to operate but won’t allow Disneyland to reopen. A company that is following a scientific approach to operating.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Same message, just coming from multiple sources, or potentially sources people trust more. If the message is well established, quantity can be useful to increase compliance. Some people notoriously don't watch the news or read the internet.
Part of the problem is that while we have many folks shouting from the rooftop about masks and distancing, we have a president that sets a completely different example. All he had to do was get onboard at the beginning. The damage is done and as hard as Biden might try, there is no way you are going to get those that have already followed Trump's lead to change. We're hosed until we have a vaccine...best that we all just hunker down for another 4-5 months and take care of ourselves as best we can.


Well-Known Member
Trump Derangement Syndrome is still being studied and undoubtedly has long lasting aftereffects, much of the populace will suffer from it for years to come as evidenced here. Will have nightmares of Trump coming into their bedrooms and stealing their masks while they sleep etc...

For Thanksgiving I'm going to have a massive gathering with people from FIVE different households. Just following the ways of my governor as he is so wise in the ways of covid.


Well-Known Member
Trump Derangement Syndrome is still being studied and undoubtedly has long lasting aftereffects, much of the populace will suffer from it for years to come as evidenced here. Will have nightmares of Trump coming into their bedrooms and stealing their masks while they sleep etc...

For Thanksgiving I'm going to have a massive gathering with people from FIVE different households. Just following the ways of my governor as he is so wise in the ways of covid.

No one will care about him when he's gone. He'll make headlines like he always does but no one will care once he goes to prison.


Well-Known Member
His cult like followers will still care. They will be carrying the torch in an effort to get him to try and run in 2024...if he's not in prison.
Yeah, he's already indicted for the same crime his lawyer went to jail for. We'll see what happens but regardless, he'll get the attention he craves.


Well-Known Member
Smugness and arrogance is a natural repellent of COVID. That's also why aunt Nancy was able to safely visit a hair salon when no one else was.

Isn't it great?!? Aunt Nancy getting caught in an illegal speakeasy hair salon in her own district was fabulous, but this is just as good.

Newsom's administration released rules in October specifically forbidding "Gatherings" of more than 3 households, and no Gatherings may be indoors; outdoor dining only with those 3 households, and Gatherings may be no longer than 2 hours at a time.

So what does Mr. and Mrs. Newsom do in November? They travel to a different county with over double the infection rate of Orange County, to a small indoor dining room with 6 other households and more than a dozen people for a private birthday party at a restaurant famous for it's 3 hour long, 9 (nine!) course meals. And if they sang "Happy Birthday" when the Gathering rules specifically say no singing, then they literally broke every rule in the book. PERFECTION! 🤣

But you are probably right from a medical perspective; smugness and arrogance is a natural repellant of COVID-19. And when you put a thick layer of hypocritical elitism over that, I think it even protects the help and the kitchen staff. Mr. and Mrs. Newsom were selflessly protecting their fellow Californians by going to that birthday party!

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Well-Known Member
Isn't it great?!? I mean, you couldn't make this up if you tried. Aunt Nancy getting caught in an illegal speakeasy hair salon in her own district was fabulous, but this is just as good.

Newsom's own administration released rules in October specifically forbidding "Gatherings" of more than 3 households, and no Gatherings may be indoors; outdoor dining only with those 3 households, and Gatherings may be no longer than 2 hours at a time.

So what does Mr. and Mrs. Newsom do in November? They travel to a different county with over double the infection rate of Orange County, to a small indoor dining room with 6 other households and more than one dozen people for a private birthday party at a restaurant famous for it's 3+ hour long, 9 (nine!) course meals. And if they sang "Happy Birthday" when the rules specifically say no singing, then they literally broke every rule in the book. PERFECTION! 🤣

But you are probably right from a medical perspective; smugness and arrogance is a natural repellant of COVID-19. And when you put a thick layer of hypocritical elitism over that, I think it even protects the help and the kitchen staff. Mr. and Mrs. Newsom were selflessly protecting their fellow Californians by going to that birthday party!
Just imagine if you were some poor unlucky fool also celebrating their 50th birthday on the exact same day in Southern California, and all you wanted to do was go to Disneyland for that special day as you'd planned for as long as you can remember. Double points if you'd planned to stay at the DL Hotel and eat a celebratory meal at Goofy's Kitchen! Instead, the best you could do was go to Downtown Disney and have a milkshake. Without all your friends you'd planned to celebrate with because groups are not allowed to congregate. Without birthday buttons given out and cast greeting you by name or the Dapper Dans singing 'Happy Birthday' to you - because singing is forbidden even if the Dappers weren't all furloughed. How annoyed must you be that the day you waited half a century to celebrate was canceled... by the man who went to someone else's 50th birthday party that night with a group of friends. Huh. That would suck.


Well-Known Member
For those who may feel guilty about celebrating Thanksgiving indoors with family this year, don't be.

Here's the Science and Data on the birthday dinner Governor Newsom attended at The French Laundry this month.

Newsom's dinner took place on November 6th. The weather in Yountville, California that day was partly cloudy with a high of 62 and a low of 45. Obviously the dinner with 12 people was indoors with the windows closed with evening temps in the 50's heading towards the 40's. It was likely held in this private dining room at The French Laundry that seats up to 12 people, since all large parties at The French Laundry need to go through the Private Dining reservation system and having the super cool Governor attend would automatically trigger extra-schmooziness anyway. :cool:


I really do like those Saarinen-esque chairs! But it's not an overly large room, as you can see. Often a suburban home has a dining/great room space this size or larger, plus you've got the kids table out in the family room to spread dining even further apart. And rarely does a Thanksgiving dinner stretch longer than 3 hours at the table, unlike the famous 9 course menus presented at The French Laundry.

So if Mr. and Mrs. Newsom can attend a long, indoor dinner in this small room with a dozen other people from 6 other households, then you can certainly have a dozen or more friends and family over to your home for Thanksgiving!
It's COVID-19 Proof! Apparently you can't spread or catch Covid by dining like this.

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Well-Known Member
For those who may feel guilty about celebrating Thanksgiving indoors with family this year, don't be. Here's the facts on the birthday dinner Governor Newsom attended at The French Laundry this month.

Newsom's dinner took place on November 6th. The weather in Yountville, California that day was partly cloudy with a high of 62 and a low of 45. Obviously the dinner with 12 people was indoors with the windows closed with evening temps in the 50's heading towards the 40's. It was likely held in this private dining room at The French Laundry that seats up to 12 people, since all large parties at The French Laundry need to go through the Private Dining reservation system and having the super cool Governor attend would automatically trigger extra-schmooziness anyway. :cool:


I really do like those Saarinen-esque chairs! But it's not an overly large room, as you can see. Often a suburban home has a dining/great room space this size or larger, plus you've got the kids table out in the family room to spread dining even further apart. And rarely does a Thanksgiving dinner stretch longer than 3 hours at the table, unlike the famous 9 course menus presented at The French Laundry.

So if Mr. and Mrs. Newsom can attend a long, indoor dinner in this small room with a dozen other people from 6 other households, then you can certainly have a dozen or more friends and family over to your home for Thanksgiving!
It's COVID-19 Proof! Apparently you can't spread or catch Covid by dining like this.

Yeah, definitely doesn't compare to sitting outside socially distanced on a planter ledge in Downtown Disney with a to-go milkshake in a plastic cup while having Cast Members watch closely to make sure your mask was up the second you took the last slurp through your soggy paper straw. Mmmhmm. :banghead:



Well-Known Member
Anyone who preaches to follow what Newsom says after this is an idiot.

Well... yeah. But in the defense of anyone who still follows Governor Newsom's mandates, I have no problem with anyone who adheres to a particular religion or belief system. It's when their belief system infringes on others that I will speak up.

I am merely presenting the Science and Data behind this latest example of Sacramento leadership.

To his credit, Governor Newsom did issue a statement on this on Friday afternoon after this story broke on Thursday. To his discredit, that was a full week after the dinner took place and he only issued a statement once the story broke widely in the media and he faced condemnation for breaking his own rules. I have a hunch just like Aunt Nancy's visit to the illegal hair salon, a lowly member of the help reported this to the press a few days after it happened.

Here is Governor Newsom's Friday statement on the now-infamous birthday party, and it goes down as a gleaming example of Newsomspeak...

"While the First Partner and I followed the restaurant’s health protocols and took safety precautions, I should have modeled better behavior and not joined the dinner." -Governor Newsom's prepared statement, 11/13/20

For those not in California, the term "First Partner" is the term Gavin Newsom created in 2019 after he was sworn in to office. It replaces the previous and very outdated term "First Lady" or "First Gentleman" to refer to the Governor's spouse. Your tax dollars at work!
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, definitely doesn't compare to sitting outside socially distanced on a planter ledge in Downtown Disney with a to-go milkshake in a plastic cup while having Cast Members watch closely to make sure your mask was up the second you took the last slurp through your soggy paper straw. Mmmhmm. :banghead:


Are you kidding? That kind of dining is for tacky inlanders who shop at WalMart and go to amusement parks. They deserve what they get, and they shouldn't have gone to a crappy state junior college. (Go Hornets!)

You can't catch Covid from 12 people who drove to Napa from multiple counties and then were seated for 3 hours in a small dining room for a 9 (nine!) course birthday party at a Three Star Michelin restaurant.

That's simply the Science and Data!

Disneyland, on the other hand... 🧐

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Well-Known Member
True. I guess I'm just too uncultured to have deserved a better celebration. Unlike the governor's lobbying buddy.

View attachment 513200

I'm heading up to Oregon for Thanksgiving. The Governor up there has gone off the deep end too and is trying to cancel Thanksgiving, but at least she doesn't break all her own rules and then only releases a statement once she gets caught by the help.

So my niece, who is the hostess for the big turkey dinner, has already heard about California's Thanksgiving Gathering Rules and wants us to create some sort of Internet video of all of us from many households from four different states sitting at the dinner table and cheering that she wants the kids to then Tweet to Governor Newsom of California and Governor Brown of Oregon.

I usually steer clear of the Social Media thing, but in this instance I'll be happy to partake. 🤣

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Well-Known Member
Well... yeah. But in the defense of anyone who still follows Governor Newsom's mandates, I have no problem with anyone who adheres to a particular religion or belief system. It's when their belief system infringes on others that I will speak up.

I am merely presenting the Science and Data behind this latest example of Sacramento leadership.

To his credit, Governor Newsom did issue a statement on this on Friday afternoon after this story broke on Thursday. To his discredit, that was a full week after the dinner took place and he only issued a statement once the story broke widely in the media and he faced condemnation for breaking his own rules. I have a hunch just like Aunt Nancy's visit to the illegal hair salon, a lowly member of the help reported this to the press a few days after it happened.

Here is Governor Newsom's Friday statement on the now-infamous birthday party, and it goes down as a gleaming example of Newsomspeak...

"While the First Partner and I followed the restaurant’s health protocols and took safety precautions, I should have modeled better behavior and not joined the dinner." -Governor Newsom's prepared statement, 11/13/20

For those not in California, the term "First Partner" is the term Gavin Newsom created in 2019 after he was sworn in to office. It replaces the previous and very outdated term "First Lady" or "First Gentleman" to refer to the Governor's spouse. Your tax dollars at work!

What a hypocrite and 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 @ “First Partner”

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