
Well-Known Member
Off the top of my head I thought the following movies sucked....

28 Days Later...As many have said it just wasn't scary
My Little Eye....See above
Jackass:The Movie....Just totally gross IMO
Hamlet(the one with Mel Gibson)...Almost fell asleep
Stepmom....Wanted to kill myself afterwards


Well-Known Member
HAHA! Now this is my kind of thread! My cousin Jack and I have a bad movie collection... it's still growing, but here's what we have so far...
1. Battlefield Earth
2. From Justin to Kelly
3. The Stupids
4. Big Bully (starring Tom Arnold and Rick Moranis :eek:; found this one for $5.50 on DVD at Wal-Mart, so I *knew* i had to get it! :D)
5. Bio-Dome
6. The Regis Philbin WorkOut Video :eek: (has picture of Regis in a sweatsuit on the cover... :eek: :eek: )


Well-Known Member
Steamboat_Kevin said:
6. The Regis Philbin WorkOut Video :eek: (has picture of Regis in a sweatsuit on the cover... :eek: :eek: )
Words cannot describe the terror that struck me when I saw this for the first time...

this is not for the faint of heart or stomach.

you sure you want to see??





1. South Park: The Movie -- most offensive movie EVER (and I don't consider myself to be a prude) - only movie I ever walked out on
2. Ghost - Any movie starring Whoopi Goldberg, Demi Moore, OR Patrick Swayze is bad - this one has all three
3. The Royal Tennebaums - great cast but exceptionally unfunny - who really finds incest to be funny?
4. Star Trek: Nemesis - hopefully the last Star Trek film in a while - give the franchise a break and bring it back in about 10 years
5. Pretty much any sequel > 2 (although the last Harry Potter film (#3) was probably the best of the bunch)


Well-Known Member
1. Longshot... the most horrible movie EVER. I'm not kidding. After 5 minutes, the only reason I kept watching was because I wanted to feel the sense of accomplishment from watching the biggest waste of resources on the planet!! And I'm not exaggerating!!

2. Mafia. Oh, Leslie Nielsen... you have done so much good for us. Whyyyy?!

3. Glitter. I went to go see this because I heard it was bad. I heard right.

4. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen... no good!

5. Johnny English. Oh, Rowan Atkinson... you have done so much good for us. Whyyyy?!


New Member
Dumb and Dumber, followed by the sequel: Dumb and Dumberer.

Thankfully I did not waste my time with the sequel.

Are we including TV movies? NBC's 10.5. Didn't a few people on here have a drinking game with that one? :D

I generally don't see alot of movies. The ones I do generally watch are action movies, so even though many people think Armageddon sucked, it was a decent action movie. Other times, I see titles of movies and coming attractions that have decent stars in them, and wonder if they really read the script. :confused:


New Member
Original Poster
Thanks, Kev for mentioning "From Justin to Kelly."

I watched 10 mintues of that stinker before realizing that just watching it reduced my brain capacity.


Jurrassic Park: III -- The search for more money;) Lame plot, even lamer ending
Godzilla -- Big Lizards I guess forgo the need for a plot.
Half Past Dead -- "Hey everybody, what time is it?" HALF PAST DEAD!
Feardotcom -- The ring you are not.


Premium Member
imagineer99 said:
Jurrassic Park: III -- The search for more money;) Lame plot, even lamer ending

I cannot believe I forgot the horror that was Jurassic Park 3. :lol: Batman and Robin makes my list as well.

Words cannot describe the terror that struck me when I saw this for the first time...

:eek: :eek:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
These are really good, err, I mean BAD. I've enjoyed reading your contributions. Armageddon - nooo! I'm a sucker for a love story with Aerosmith power ballads, I guess.

I would like to add these few movies to the general catalogue, and I am trying not to front load the list with sequels, although it isn't easy:

1. Jaws 3 - in 3-D! a/k/a the shark that ate Sea-World.

2. Moulin Rouge. Hey, honest opinion! I don't CARE about the awards it won - I could not watch this movie, and for a movie with Nicole Kidman, that is saying a lot! I REALLY tried!

3. Every Rocky movie after Mr. T. (Rocky III)

4. Showgirls. arrrrgh! This movie was a major setback in so many ways!

5. Waterworld. a/k/a the downfall of Kevin Costner. a/k/a Mad Max on water. I can't believe Universal has devoted a show in their parks to this atrocity.

There are so many wretched movies. I have tried to focus only on highly publicized, big budget bombs. Probably any movie ever shown on HBO at 3:00 on a weekday afternoon could qualify for this list!

As far as sequels go, Walt Disney was famously quoted on the subject. Based on his words, I have NO DOUBT that if he were alive, all the sequels to the Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and the Lion King would never have been made. The 3 Little Pigs was a smash hit when released as a Silly Symphony cartoon. The song "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" was a national sensation, at a time when the country was on the verge of entering World War II (or was it the great depression?) Under pressure to follow it up with another $$$ hit, a second pigs short was released to a lukewarm reception. Walt's quote: "You can't beat pigs with pigs," and he never made another cartoon sequel, preferring always to find new and original stories to tell.


Well-Known Member
i loathed having to sit through Men of Honor, starring Cuba Gooding Jr.

The movie was so slow and just kept going, and going, and going. And Charlize Theron's character int he movie had no real purpose, she was just always showing up, making odd faces. And the dialogue was pretty bad.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
5. Baby Geniuses ( cough choke hack )
4. Troy ( Brad Pitt was aweful. Plus it was pretty boring and had alot of LOTR rip-off shots )
3. Baby Geniuses ( just... lame )
2. Matrix Revolutions ( unbelievably bad. )
1. Battlefield Earth ( good lord... )

But what about all those bad movies shown on MST3K?

5. A Touch of Satin
4. Santa Claus vrs. the Martians
3. Space Mutiny
2. Pod People
1. Manos: the Hands of Fate

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
5. Baby Geniuses ( cough choke hack )
4. Troy ( Brad Pitt was aweful. Plus it was pretty boring and had alot of LOTR rip-off shots )
3. Baby Geniuses ( just... lame )
2. Matrix Revolutions ( unbelievably bad. )
1. Battlefield Earth ( good lord... )

But what about all those bad movies shown on MST3K?

5. Boggy Creek 2: The Ledgend Continues
4. Santa Claus vrs. the Martians
3. Space Mutiny
2. Pod People
1. Manos: the Hands of Fate


Well-Known Member
Some of you said Armageddon :eek:. I loved that movie. Oh well. The only thing I really disliked was Ben Affleck's life being spared and Bruce Willis having to die :mad:. But come on! Steve Buscemi was hilarious in this movie.


New Member
OK you guys I can't believe some of the movies you hate. (Bringing Down the House, Stepmom, Armageddon, Signs, the Village) wow! I guess that goes to show everyone doesn't like the same things. My top five are:
1. Glitter- This movie was soo bad. All through the movie I kept saying, I can't believe I'm wasting my time watching this crap. But I might as well finish watching it since I already sat here an hour. Then at the end I was ANGRY that I wasted an hour and a half watching it!

2. Being There.-It was a movie from the 70's or 80's. I think it won an Academy Award too. I don't know why seeing as how this movie made absolutely no sense.

3. Birth of a Nation- Too bad it wasn't subtitled Death of a Movie.

4. The Ring- Everyone said it was scary. I watched it, I didn't get scared, and I didn't get the ending.

5. Blair Witch Project's (1-2)- With and without the shakey cameras, they both gave me horrible haeadaches.


New Member
Original Poster
FairytaleMagic said:
OK you guys I can't believe some of the movies you hate. (Bringing Down the House, Stepmom, Armageddon, Signs, the Village)

We all have different opinions...that's why Hollywood produces SO many movies. I like Signs as well.

However, may I inquire what was actually GOOD about Bringing down the House?

What did you like more? The shoddy story, the racist overtones, the blackification humor, the poor script, the common denominator humor, or Eugene Levy talking "ghetto"?

Just Curious...:lookaroun

Bringing down the House is one of the few films where I turned to the person next to me and said: "How could anybody read this script and agree to make this movie? ;)

Well to each his own...

Let the crap continue to fly!


Well-Known Member
FairytaleMagic said:
3. Birth of a Nation- Too bad it wasn't subtitled Death of a Movie.

4. The Ring- Everyone said it was scary. I watched it, I didn't get scared, and I didn't get the ending.

I just wanted to comment on a couple of things from your post. As far as the Ring not being scary, my friends and I personally found the movie creepy and scary. Now, I have seen the movie a couple of more times since then on cable, but of course after you've seen it once, the scare factor goes down dramatically. I still enjoy the movie though. And the ending can be a little confusing but I did understand it. I can explain it to you if you want but not here :lol:.

Birth of a Nation- It's obvious by the content of this movie that it is wrong on so many levels. However, if you look at it from the perspective that this was the first epic movie of its kind pretty much, then it is a fantastic movie. I saw it once in my sociology of film class, and yes it was long as heck, but to think what they had accomplished almost century ago with the movies, I thought it was great.

Of course, it is going to be different for each individual person :wave:.


New Member
DDuckFan130 said:
I just wanted to comment on a couple of things from your post. As far as the Ring not being scary, my friends and I personally found the movie creepy and scary. Now, I have seen the movie a couple of more times since then on cable, but of course after you've seen it once, the scare factor goes down dramatically. I still enjoy the movie though. And the ending can be a little confusing but I did understand it. I can explain it to you if you want but not here :lol:.

Birth of a Nation- It's obvious by the content of this movie that it is wrong on so many levels. However, if you look at it from the perspective that this was the first epic movie of its kind pretty much, then it is a fantastic movie. I saw it once in my sociology of film class, and yes it was long as heck, but to think what they had accomplished almost century ago with the movies, I thought it was great.

Of course, it is going to be different for each individual person :wave:.

You've got to explain The Ring to me!! PM me or something. I've had three friends try to explain it to me. And I still didn't get it. One explanation: chain letter like :confused: :veryconfu

As for Birth of a Nation. Good cinematography doesn't hide the fact that the movie still blows. But I've never been into cinematography so your value of it would no doubt be greater than mine.

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