
New Member
Two more movies to add:

1. Jurassic Park 2 (The T-Rex attacking San Diego... :rolleyes: )
2. Jurassic Park 3 (I want my money back...I don't even remember what happened in the movie)


Well-Known Member
1. The Royal Tenenbaums - Really wanted to hurt myself after watching this one.

2. The Punisher (2004) - At least they got the name right. It was punishment.

3. O Bropther, Where Art Thou? - Painful to watch AND listen to. I was full of constant sorrow while watching this.

4. Black Knight - A new low for Martin Lawrence.

5. The Big Lebowski - This was supposed to be funny? Dude!

6. It's Pat - Worst SNL movie ever.

7. Bad Boys 2 - I couldn't wait for the credits. Very mean spirited for a buddy cop comedy. Well it was supposed to be funny at least.

8. Monty Python's Life of Brian - Nowhere near as good as Holy Grail or Meaning of Life.

9. Dumb and Dumberer - It's sad this is associated with the original (In name only).

10. Dogma - I found this to be quite boring and unfunny.


Well-Known Member
artvandelay said:
Bad Movies that you have to watch every time they're on HBO

1 Clash of the Titans
2 Midnight Madness (long time ago)
3 Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones

I forgot to add:

4 Red Dawn (WOLVERINES!!!!!)


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
8. Monty Python's Life of Brian - Nowhere near as good as Holy Grail or Meaning of Life.
10. Dogma - I found this to be quite boring and unfunny.
That's two from my ten favourites list! Funny how tastes differ :wave:


Well-Known Member
My least favorites and/or hated. I actually only have 4 movies that I hate:

4) The Lost World: Jurassic Park- Lots of stuff that happened in the first, got recreated here, and lots of stuff that didn't make sense

3) Rat Race- I thought it was funny at the beginning, but became laggard, and boring

2) Jurassic Park III- I had high hopes for this, but it literally screwed every chance of having another sequel in the movies

drumroll please.......(Drums roll) and the winner for the #1 worst movie is....(rips envelope)

1) Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines- I had really high expectations for this movie, but it hardly made sense, bored me a lot, and it was a huge waste of time. It also had the same problem that JPIII had: it literally changed the whole storyline of the series, leaving almost no room for sequels.


New Member
Original Poster

I shall add:

Kazzam (Shaq's a Genie! How come no else thought of this...)


Let's see: Bad acting! CHECK
Bad story! CHECK
Laughable Special Effects! CHECK
Lame Basketball One Liners! CHECK

Boo's Mom

New Member
the core- bad physics, totally boring
dumb and dumber-jim carrey was obnoxious
toy story 2- sorry but i didn't think it was good. I fell asleep both times I went to see it
the chipmunks movie- their voices are like nails on a chalkboard. i was forced to watch it 3 times on the way to disney one year by my cousin
any of the terminator movies- arnold makes me want to :hurl:
kindergarten cop- need I say more
meet the parents
there's something about mary

I could go on and on and on.... I cannot believe some said bringing down the house and armegeddon and o brother. o brother is not one of my favorites but I can tolorate it. the movie isn't that bad. my dad has watched it so much that I now can tell you word for word in the movie.


New Member
Boo's Mom said:
I cannot believe some said bringing down the house and armegeddon.
Regarding Armageddon - the British are probably one of the most cynical races on the planet and from that point of view we find some of the speeches in Armageddon very funny. I saw it on DVD in America and I was the only one in the room laughing. As Woody pointed out in his post we can have different senses of humour.


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
That's two from my ten favourites list! Funny how tastes differ :wave:

But I also must say that I do love Holy Grail and I think there are some parts of The Meaning of Life that are hillarious. So it's not that I do not like Python humor at all. I just didn't think Life of Brian was entertaining or funny.

And I like about 1/2 of Kevin Smith films. I liked Clerks and Chasing Amy allright and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is my favorite of his. But I didn't care for Mallrats and I HATED Dogma.


Well-Known Member
Boo's Mom said:
I could go on and on and on.... I cannot believe some said bringing down the house and armegeddon and o brother. o brother is not one of my favorites but I can tolorate it. the movie isn't that bad. my dad has watched it so much that I now can tell you word for word in the movie.

Well I can't believe you said the original Dumb and Dumber too. It's in my top 5. Another one of those differernt strokes for different folks things.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I think I'll have to nominate several movies all at once by star...

4. Anything with Chuck Norris in it - seems like a nice enough guy in real life, but a terrible actor

3. Anything with Steven Seagal in it, but especially the one set in Brooklyn - a truly terrible actor

2. Anything with Keanu Reeves in it (with the exception of "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure") - a truly, truly terrible actor

1. Anything with Jean Claude Van Damme in it - a truly, truly, truly terrible actor


Well-Known Member
Wow! It really is interesting how the opinions vary. Seems like some lists are a "worst of the best" as far as films with critical acclaim. I don't watch too many movies that have bad press, so I miss a lot of these bad films, but I will agree with:

Half Baked

Then I add:

Catch that Kid (my kids loooooooooooove it! SOOOO STUPID!)
The Rock AND Con Air (Why, Nick Cage, WHY??)
I'm sure there are more that I've blocked from my memory. ;)


Well-Known Member
imagineer99 said:
Jurrassic Park: III -- The search for more money;) Lame plot, even lamer ending
Godzilla -- Big Lizards I guess forgo the need for a plot.
I assume by Godzilla, you mean the American Godzilla? Thenn I agree that it would be one of the worst films made. That wasn't Godzilla, that was a sissy pansy lizard that ran away from the military and was killed by 12 missles while the real Godzilla would melt the tanks, destroy the helicopters and would take the missles without a single drop of blood shed. I can't wait for the new Japanese Godzilla movie (Godzilla Final Wars, which will be the last one for 5 to 10 years) and see Godzilla kill the American Godzilla and in general kicking butt and taking names. As for Jurassic Park 3, that has to be the worst of the the Jurassic Park movies, because the spinosaur killed the T-Rex which in reality would be in reverse as T-Rex is a stronger creature while the Spinosaur was designed for fishing. They thought they could get away with that because Spinosaurus was just a little bigger then T-rex(by 2 freaking feet) I wish that they had a bunch of T-Rexs come at the end of the movie and kill the spinosaurus, and see the intestines and entrails flying in the air. I'll end my rant now.


Active Member
barnum42 said:
Regarding Armageddon - the British are probably one of the most cynical races on the planet and from that point of view we find some of the speeches in Armageddon very funny. I saw it on DVD in America and I was the only one in the room laughing. As Woody pointed out in his post we can have different senses of humour.

I must have lots of that British cynicism. I laughed out loud throughout this movie. It was hysterically awful! I also had people look at me weird while I was laughing, wondering why I found it so bad. The first time I watched it I thought "this is the worst movie ever". When I attempted to watch it a second time, I found it to be even worse. Thus, Armageddon viewed the second time is the only movie worse than Armageddon viewed the first time. I imagine each consecutive time watching it would get worse. Thus, I've made it all 5 of my top 5 picks. :lol:


New Member
PeeplMoovr said:
I must have lots of that British cynicism. I laughed out loud throughout this movie. It was hysterically awful! I also had people look at me weird while I was laughing, wondering why I found it so bad. The first time I watched it I thought "this is the worst movie ever". When I attempted to watch it a second time, I found it to be even worse. Thus, Armageddon viewed the second time is the only movie worse than Armageddon viewed the first time. I imagine each consecutive time watching it would get worse. Thus, I've made it all 5 of my top 5 picks. :lol:
I too was the only one in the room laughing out loud.

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