"Paint is cheap in the big picture of things and it was never an issue at any Disney park until ME took over."
Was it, or did you never look for it? Before SD started, not many people complained about these things (yet things were no different).
"What???? What are your sources, my friend? You seem very uninformed. Eisner received record high bonuses for any CEO. It is debatable whether or not those bonses were deserved. He was certainly very successful at Disney for a long time. But he was most certainly NOT on the lower end of the CEO payscale. If you're going to make those kinds of claims, you're going to have to back them up with data becuase Eisner's record high compensation is well-documented and was the source of public outcry in light of Disney's poor performance in recent years."
I got that directly from FORBES lists of top compensated CEOs (2005). Go
here to see more.
"You're comparing apples and oranges; Eisner's an employee vs. Roy who's an owner."
Roy is paid. He was on the board of directors and got paid. Do you think Roy (or Stan) worked for free? I think not. Both people are CM's of the WDC. People keep complaining that Eisner should put some of his money in the company, so I was just saying the same thing about Roy. Also, one more thing...Michael Eisner is a shareholder too! So I guess I'm comparing Apples....and Apples.
"I can tell you I have seen the show about a dozen times and never have I had nor seen a torn, ripped, or cut seat in the theater, and I make a point of looking every time."
Exactly. If you are looking for negative things...you will find them. You would have found them 50 years ago too. (Okay, I know the parks weren't around 50 years ago, but you know what I mean) Two weeks ago I saw a paper cup on top of a garbage (not inside it). Now, I could have complained to everyone about how people are so stupid or how 30 years ago it wouldn't have been there...but I did not. Instead I picked it up and put it in the garbage. Maybe someone put it there seconds before I saw it. Maybe someone put it down to tie their shoe and forgot to pick it up.
"The fact is that just because it is Disney does not mean the CM's have to make magically gigantic salaries."
Exactly. Do CMs expect to be paid $20 an hour? That is insane. Disney World is the largest single site employer in the USA (possibly the world). They don't have the money to greatly increase CMs pay.
Michael Eisner's Compensation (Forbes)
1997-#62-$8m-Top Paid CEO made $104m
1998-#37-$16m-Top Paid CEO made $227m
1999-#1-$589m-Top Paid CEO made $589m
2000-#16-$50m-Top Paid CEO made $650m
2001-#14-$72m-Top Paid CEO made $235m
2002-#458-$1m-Top Paid CEO made $706m
2003-#457-$1m-Top Paid CEO made $116m
2004-#134-$7m-Top Paid CEO made $147m
2005-#163-#8m-Top Paid CEO made $230m
Note that 1999 was a record year for many CEOs. 4 others made over $100m. In 2002, 8 people made over $100m. So even with the huge bonus in 1999 (which I believe was deserved), he only averaged $83m over the past 9 years, well below other CEOs. Take out 1999 and he only averaged $20m over the 8 years. Total the amount he made in the past 9 years and you get $752m. (Barely more than what Lawrence Ellison made in 2002) Total the amount the top CEOs made in the past 9 years and you get $3004m. What I just showed you were facts...unbiased facts.
here to see how well the animation department did under Roy's watch.
"Who was head of that division when Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid, Aladdin were hits? Who was head when Home on the Range was a flop? I honestly don't know and cannot locate that information anywhere... But I think the Disney animation department has taken a huge step back and have seen more flops recently than hits.. But, I don't like to judge their movies based on theater ticket sales.. I base them on story and brother bear, although not a theater blockbuster was still cute and enjoyable... Home on the Range wasn't..."
Disney's golden age (Little mermaid to TLK) were all seen under Katzenberg. Even the films that came after that (Pocahontas-Mulan) was mostly Katzenberg. Roy came in with Tarzan (I believe). And although I love Brother Bear, HotR, and Atlantis...a film's sucess is based on the money it makes. According to Wikipedia, Katzenberg also signed the deal with Pixar. Katz was the head of the Studios. He was the reason for Disney's movie success in the early 90s.
"We should just stop pointing fingers of blame and look foward to a wonderful, magic filled future."
There's 15 pages on this...we can't stop now.
"That's a mighty big conclussion you've jumped to based on his resignations. Especially given his reasons for resigning."
Or the fact that he would rather go yachting then be a part of the company...
As for his resignation...yes...he would have been forced out. (Key words: "Would have") However, the very age limit that would have forced him out...he voted on. How can you vote yes for something and then complain about it?
"One caveat: There were several members on the board for whom that exception had been granted. In fact, though the rule had been on the books it had not been enforced historically."
I have to disagree with this. For one thing, I have never heard about this rule being broken. In fact, Chairman George Mitchell will have to retire after this year because of the age limit. I believe the rule says that Disney Board Members can stay on until a certain age (lets say 78). The only exception is that if a CEO chooses to stay on the board, I believe he can stay on for an extra amount of time (lets say 5 years). A.so, I know my words here can easily be twisted, but you know what I mean.
"The board had made exceptions before..."
Do you have proof of this? The age limit is relatively new.
"No one person was responsible for the animation implosion. Blaming it on Roy is silly."
Yet people do the same things to Eisner...
"And well, he should be.. He is/was the man in charge after all.. "
So Eisner should be blamed for little things because he is in charge, but Roy shouldn't be blamed for things he's in charge of?