That’s just because George became corporate. Which all his director buddies go on camera (notably Stevie and Frank) and claim he never was to this day…
…but the shade thrown by Kurtz, kershner, even ford for 40 years finger it…
George as he ran a billion dollar empire lost his chops - if he ever had them? - to write and direct.
Phantom movie and attack of the Walmart toy isle were ATROCIOUS. If George hadn’t paid to make them himself I fully believe every studio in Hollywood would have rejected them in short order.
So Disney had the chance - knowing the mistake - to learn from it and completely botched it trying to compensate. A reboot. No one EVER thought a reboot was a good idea outside the dwarf boardroom. And they try to lie/excuse their way out of it to Gen X.

That dog don’t hunt.
It’s like a pilot who rolled the plane all the way over to the left let’s the Co-pilot take over and he rolls it all the way over to the right to compensate.
This is really not that hard.