Spirited Tuesday Afternoon Musings:
Was that a couple of MAGIC bands in the mailbox or was the mailman just happy to see me? Yeah, probably a little of both. Now, gotta go wrap them in tinfoil and hide them in the garage.
So, those bands are so convenient. You can leave your wallet in a safe. All your cards ... oops, what? You want an AP discount??? Well, then you better have that gray discount card in your pocket that you'll have to fumble and bumble and stumble around for. Again, this thing was so well thought out.
So, Bob Iger spent $500 million (about 30-40% of the cost of a nice theme park) on a tech company that has no real synergies with Disney. Look for Disney to lay people off, remove content and replace it with Disney-BRANDED content soon if history is any guide.
Talking about leaders, Michael Eisner is having fun at WDW with the kids and grandkids and having fun by showing exactly how you'd never see Iger (or Rasulo or Staggs or Crofton or Kalogridis) behaving. I've told you as someone who has had the pleasure of knowing the man that he is real. I think his Tweets show it. ... There is no ulterior motive here, btw. He is enjoying what he created with his family and thumbing his nose at Iger and Co at the same time. ... So to Eisner-hating fanbois I just say LET IT GO!!!
George Kalogridis is gay? Who knew? OK, we all knew ... well, I didn't when I first met him, but I can be a bit slow that way. But he finally attends an O-Town LGBT event late last week and the only reporter invited is a columnist from the O-Town Business Journal. Georgie, never a good public speaker, made a couple of comments that likely made Disney PR tongues fall out of mouths and he rewrote a little history, but so what? I do find the timing a little odd ... but I also think George thinking he'll replace Tom Staggs at age 62 very odd.
Speaking of Greeks that don't get much attention ... so Kouzzina is closing. I wish I could say I am shocked. I'll only be shocked if something better and at the same (or lower) price points opens there. I have never had dinner there, but since Boatwrights stopped serving breakfast in a cost saving move, Kouzzina absolutely serves the best breakfast at a Disney resort. Great coffee and sublime Bloody Marys too. ... Sure, Spoodles was better ... it was even better when it first opened and had a massive menu and was open for lunch that was great and cheaper than say running to the Red Lobster on 535.
Oh well, so last night I went to a place on SoBe that has a $1,000 ice cream sundae on the menu (complete with edible gold flakes). Answers the question what would I not buy if I ever go from Faux Top One Percenter to Real Top One Percenter.
I may be eating grapes right now, but I am fantasizing about some of those TDR treats ... damn you
Speaking of TDR, is
@Buried20KLeague back from Japan? I want to hear all about the trip (mostly the food!)
Fanbois really need to get off the ''Oswald is a great character and Disney needs to use him more'' kick. And one fanboi friend really needs to get off the "Bob wants to boy Warner Brothers kick'' before I put him over my knee!
Saw the RCCL's Majesty of the Seas leaving Miami yesterday. Boy, does that look like an old tug compared to today's modern ships.
Let's all take a moment to celebrate the fact
@Lee hasn't even moved into his hillbilly mini-man... I mean cabin ... and he already isn't getting along with the neighbors. Way to go buddy. Same thing would happen to me!
Traffic problems at TAFKaDD? (The Area Formerly Known as Downtown Disney) Seriously, who could have ever seen that one coming?
I am not conservative about many things (imagine wanting living wages, honest politicians an the rich to pay a bit more instead of less!?!) BUT ... I am sorry, I don't get why everyone under the age of 65 (fanbois excepted) feel the need to cover their bods in tatts. They don't look good. On anyone. And they only look worse with age.
Finally, I tried Shake Shack. Burgers are good,like much better than the overrated (but also good) In N Out, but way overpriced.