No, you also have to at least partially participate. It's not exactly a medal, it's a soft rubber thing that looks like a refrigerator magnet with a thyroid condition. I know that to the highly competitive it seems wrong to give those things out, but Disney is not the Boston Marathon, it has many more uses. I have a sister that had about 8 months previous undergone the (don't remember what it is called), for lack of a better description the stomach stapling procedure and during the remaining time had lost nearly 100 pounds. She entered the 5K. Previous to that she was having trouble walking 500 feet. It was a major incentive for her to lose weight and start the long process of feeling good about herself. That is what Disney provides. If you must be super competitive then run the Boston or other Marathons and skip the Disney one. The rewards are completely different and serve a much wider purpose then an individual trophy.
If you could have seen her face and how proudly she displayed the faux medal. It represented a break through from years of self loathing. It represented months of hard work, determination and overcoming emotional obstacles to WIN that badge of honor. It meant more to her than any medal for 1st place that anyone could have ever received.
Moral of the story... there are real people out there that have overcome many things to get what the "better then thou" crowd considers a freebee. I have more respect for them and their efforts then I will ever have for the super athlete born with ability and therefore achieves at a higher level.
If one wants to take themselves seriously and go to a place where only 1st, 2nd or 3rd, measures accomplishment then don't, I repeat don't go to a place called Disney and expect that to be the case. There are many other places where you can accomplish that. Where do these other people get to go?
BTW, since I've had this problem before I would like to point out that even though I used your post to quote, I am not necessarily addressing you specifically. You is used in the general sense and not directed.