The Spirited Sixth Sense ...


Premium Member
Well looks like P&R is up 9% year over year revenue wise and profit is up 17% so most of the revenue boost was from price increases and the profit boost from cost cutting...

Oh joy 2014 will be the 'Year of a Thousand Cuts' at WDW
Well there is a full year of Carsland revenue boost in there so it's not all price increases and cost cutting...just mostly;)


Premium Member
The question is, does TSMM have those lines because it's a fantastic ride? Or because it is literally the only ride in DHS that actually caters to the demographic that they are marketing the resort too? Not to mention DHS only has 6 rides.

Yet people are willing to wait much longer for it in dca than most of the park... Right on par with tower, soarin, grr, and ca screamin... Not bad company.

I think you earlier post pegged you. You don't like tsmm because of what it isn't.... Instead of judging by what it is


Well-Known Member
CBR with a CM discount? I am guessing 60% off value season, right? What did that run you now? That will help me determine whether I think they have crossed a line with pricing (I think with hotels they did long ago, which is why the deluxe resorts are becoming DVC ... there isn't an enough dumb folks with money that will pay $900 a night for a standard room at the Poly over Christmas)

Fifth largest? It could be. I recall when it was being built it was the largest (or going to be) hotel complex in the world. Then, Excalibur opened on the Vegas Strip and outdid it and started their massive building ...

As to Frozen, it is a huge hit. No doubt. That doesn't alter my opinion of it one bit. Still, the best Disney has made since the 90s, but not on par with much of what was produced that decade ... and music that is largely not memorable (whether it will be headed to Broadway or not, I'd rather see Aladdin or Newsies and then maybe they can finally bring Hunchback to life!)

Rack rate is $162 week and $177 weekends. It was around $70-$80 bucks a night. Which is fine as far as I am concerned. I thought the resort was extremely well kept, versus my disastrous stay at POP a year ago. The frequency of the busses were excellent. At that resort its all about location, location, location. You have to absolutely get a preferred room. If you are on the other side of the resort you have to take a internal bus just to get a drink.

As far as Frozen is concerned, I agree on most points except the music. It may be simply from your perspective. My 6 yr old granddaughter continuously sings the songs and knows every word.


Well-Known Member
The question is, does TSMM have those lines because it's a fantastic ride? Or because it is literally the only ride in DHS that actually caters to the demographic that they are marketing the resort too? Not to mention DHS only has 6 rides.

Not that I disagree but to play the Devi's advocate for a moment, TSMM draws terribly long lines at Disney Sea and that is not because that park is lacking. TSMM does good lines too at DCA whereas something like Mermaid with 5 minutes waits better illustrates the disparity with the Mermaid at Magic Kingdom.

It's a decently fun D-ticket that the average guest (especially Japanese guest apparently) really likes to re-ride. But... it has a mediocre capacity. Lack of rides at DHS is certainly part of the equation, but it's not the whole reason TSMM draws long waits.

Edit: I clearly was beaten out by @flynnibus and @danjen2331
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Well-Known Member
@WDW1974 was at the CBR last week ( on a CM heavily discount).....was an absolute Ghost town. Its purported that CBR is the worlds 5th largest resort. Could this be indicative of WDW crossing the line in their price points? The parks were moderately busy. Sadly January is no longer the "off season" at least in the parks.

Frozen has had decent repeat numbers....can we classify it a hit?

I loved the movie but I am simply amazed with how much Frozen has struck a nerve with people. It is looking like it will cross the 1 billion dollar mark. I don't know if Spirit has heard this but there has been some talk of a Frozen show coming soon. But I have also heard that the cutting of the Ziti Sisters show may just be the beginning of entertainment changes coming to World Showcase.


Well-Known Member
Eisner could have done better first time around, instead he became a paranoid, power-obsessed maniac who lurched from one disaster to another without Frank Wells to reign him in.

His time at Disney is done and has rightly been consigned to history. When the time comes for the company to find new leadership it should look to move forward in a new, creatively innovative direction, not revisit its past.
Or you can pair him with a Frank Wells equivalent. A passing of the torch for a few years.

Steve Jobs became paranoid during his final days at Apple the first time around too. He went as far as to stage a failed coup to oust Scully which back-fired, making him yet more paranoid.


Well-Known Member
I see your point and actually partially agree. Thanks for the back and forth! :)

Not just that... Midway Mania has a TERRIBLE per hour capacity in comparison to Spider-man and Transformers. Terrible in comparison to most other E-Ticket rides... Disney or no.

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