I am happy to here that you seemed to have a nice time here in Europe! Am intrigued by what you have to say about the Disney brand over here. Interestingly enough my local supermarket chain here was running some Disney Christmas promotion for the second year now. We never had stuff like this in the past. Oh and then there is the new Disney Channel here in Germany, have you heard of that?
Welcome back, I am looking forward to read about your adventures!
Rewe? Disney stickers?
Oh yeah.
And Disney Channel launching as a free station that is for all demos and isn't aimed at tweens? Oh yeah, we'll talk about that. We can even talk about how the night I flew back and attended an industry dinner in Miami after a 10 1/2 flight and talked to a dude from Disney's TV Distribution arm that had no clue what I was talking about when I brought up the German debut ... yep, these folks all have their jobs because they are better and smarter than the rest of us. Sure. The folks who run this country want you to think that!