The Spirited Seventh Heaven ...


OV 104
Premium Member
Orion is all that's left of the original Constellation program from the Bush administration. I hope it survives, but the next admin could gut it or cancel it outright. Orion has been called Apollo on steroids.

What happened to 39B? I know SpaceX has leased 39A, but didn't hear anything about 39B.

39B was decimated pretty bad during the Ares IX launch in Oct 2009. The roll control program had a slight miscalculation that rotated the nozzle an inch or so too close to the service structure. Much of it was blast melted/welded together in a split second, steam trenches were crumbled, etc.

And SLS will fall victim to the shuttle's shortcoming. To make a lunch worth it, it needs a near full payload. That means human rating EVERYTHING. Constellation had it 100% right with using Ares I for just man while Ares V would have held all of the payload allowing the two to dock.


Well-Known Member
39B was decimated pretty bad during the Ares IX launch in Oct 2009. The roll control program had a slight miscalculation that rotated the nozzle an inch or so too close to the service structure. Much of it was blast melted/welded together in a split second, steam trenches were crumbled, etc.

And SLS will fall victim to the shuttle's shortcoming. To make a lunch worth it, it needs a near full payload. That means human rating EVERYTHING. Constellation had it 100% right with using Ares I for just man while Ares V would have held all of the payload allowing the two to dock.
Sad to hear about 39B. Does this mean that NASA will have to rent 39A from Space X when they need to launch SLS?

Great point about human rating for SLS. Didn't know that. Thanks.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
39B was decimated pretty bad during the Ares IX launch in Oct 2009. The roll control program had a slight miscalculation that rotated the nozzle an inch or so too close to the service structure. Much of it was blast melted/welded together in a split second, steam trenches were crumbled, etc.

And SLS will fall victim to the shuttle's shortcoming. To make a lunch worth it, it needs a near full payload. That means human rating EVERYTHING. Constellation had it 100% right with using Ares I for just man while Ares V would have held all of the payload allowing the two to dock.

Had not heard that about 39-B with Ares. Not surprised tho.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Spirited Weekend Musings:

Yes, summer (my least favorite season for those keeping score at home) is mercifully coming to an end. But I am still not in any Halloween mindset on August 24th ... maybe by September 24th, but not yet.

So, the TV Academy allows itself to be pushed around by the likes of the NFL and MTV? Yep, that's why one can only wonder how low the ratings will land for tomorrow's Primetime Emmys broadcast on NBC (a month too soon) while many on the west coast are still working. But, hey, you know America wanted to see a preseason football game between the Bengals and Cardinals, right? And the VMAs? I think people stopped caring about them before the iPhone was invented.

I guess with the lack of respect it's no wonder that each year it's harder to get the top talent to come out for the Nominees Reception at the Design Center, an event I have attended numerous times. It's sad how few showed up at this year's event (on a Saturday not the traditional Friday) but I think what Jesse Tyler Ferguson did for a 'friend' of mine was very, very kewl and I thank him even if I can pretty much guarantee that he ain't reading this!

BTW, congrats to a special MAGICal member, who shall remain nameless, on her relative's Emmy win last week!

So, let me get this straight: Phil Kippel is attacking me on the Twitter again? He's giving special needs folks a very bad name. But watching him and Andy 'Fidel's Little Bro' Castro go back and forth was amusing for about 24 seconds. Y'all know something is off with Phil, right?

And Andy is rightfully crediting me with the huge mindblowing (so important that I hear Vlad Putin was riveted to his computer reading) news that Toontown is very likely going to be history, so Luke, Leia, Chewie, Stewie, Cooksey, Lameoh, Koo-Koo and Obie Wan Canoodle can move it! Yeah Andy!!!

BTW, Andy has Tweeted that there is a Hidden Darth Vader in the Hidden Princess and Frog 'artwork' that adorns the walls of the new Club 33 (which is about as much a secret now as DVC!) and I just can not come up with words for what demographic this kinda wink-wink crap appeals to as they destroy real history from the company's founder to create this place where fans with money can feel better about themselves.

I just am sickened by this crap. Who knew that Hidden Mickeys were the start of a cancer?

Which leads me to this:

If even Deb Wills is ripping your hard ticket event, then you likely effed it up bigtime.

Look, I find the kind of adults that want to hang out with special 'rare' foamheads to be ... well, a bit strange at best. But that's their choice and they aren't harming anyone. But Disney is so taking advantage of this group/demo (see: any of my posts on mental health and the Disney -- and now UNI too -- fan community) that we all suffer with in park product. If you are George Kalogridis, who was seen skulking around last night's villains event trying to get his own meet-greet-and-grope location, how can you not view these passionate, devoted and, in many cases, crazy fans as a never-ending revenue stream?

These are people who grabbed 55 guidemaps for the night, so they could eBay them to other losers for absurd sums of money. These are people who got in lines to buy massive quantities of LE merchandise to resell online. These are people who paid $15 for slushies with less alcohol than you get in a typical Slurpee at 7-11.

How if you are Disney do you not want to keep these addicts coming and spending?

These are the adults that want to have pics with Anna and Elsa etc. This is what it has come down to for the Disney of today. We all suffer when the masses decide that they want crap from WDW, much like we all suffer when the masses decide to shop at Walmart and put Americans out of work or on welfare.

Disney now believes, because in large part these crazy fans, that character meet-greet-and-gropes and dance parties equals entertainment and perhaps that is true for some children and some arrested development adults, but some of us know what it is.

OK, I did give Deb Wills kudos a few hundred words ago, but I will take a bit of a shot at her in that one of her complaints was that the Oogie show was a bit more adult than what Disney is known for. I'm sorry, but I just don't think that flies for a hard-ticket after hours event that isn't at MK. I haven't seen a video of the show (I may later this week), but I doubt that the show was even 20% of what you'd see at HKDL's Halloween let alone say at Bill and Ted's show over at UNI. This is the mentality that PARTLY allowed PI to be destroyed. No, everything Disney does doesn't have to be suitable to a 'special' eight-year-old. It's OK to be a little out there at times. ... Bob Iger does use the 'f-word' quite a bit, ya know? Let's cut the (s-word removed for your protection) and be serious about what harms kids (like say pedophiles working in theme parks or authority positions).

So, Jim Hill is crowing about the DVC expansion I told you about (we'd call it breaking the news if this were a traditional news outlet) at WLV? And talking about the proposed DVC at CBR that I told y'all about too? Gee, sometimes you do start to wonder who is simply taking your information and making themselves look good with it (to be fair, he probably needs all the help he can get in that department!)

BTW, yes No. 2, we all know that you @Lee first mentioned the possibility of raising BVD to allow a waterway connection to EPCOT. You win Hillbilly Disney Insider for the 27th straight month (now, get to Dollywood and see how gay friendly they really are!) and I, for one, couldn't be prouder.

But let's be real: they will never do it. And if CBR gets the DVC it will not be considered a lower-end product because by that time Disney won't be using the 'value', 'moderate' and 'deluxe' labels anyway. They are moving away from that purposely and you see that in different resorts having different prices despite being in the same category now. Just a precursor.

It's nice to see that the BEST BY FAR film Marvel has put out this (or any other) year is going to surpass that overrated Captain America 2.

How's that 30% AP discount working at Spice Road Table?

If you have a problem at WDW or UNI or any company out there and you don't complain to the powers at the company, then don't expect anything better in the future.

So, someone told me that Dr. Blondie is on this thread? Hey there ... how you doin?

Did social media really bite Disney on the last night? Perhaps, but it was just a drop in the bucket to what could happen in different circumstances.

Speaking of which ... what night has Disney comped all the Lifestylers/bloggers/podcasters into MNSSHP? Are they in for free next Monday?

If people think Disney does QSRs right at MK or Studios, then I'm going to suggest they eat out more often.

BTW, did any Lifestyler fail to make it to the event the other night? People fly in for it?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Which rocket/capsule can deliver a U.S. astronaut to orbit or the ISS right now (or maybe before about 2020)? We have gone from putting a man on the moon - with serious proposals to 'scale-up' Apollo to reach Mars by the early 80's - to not even being able to put a man in space ourselves. That's not just sad, it needs a new word.

A space program isn't about having plans to go to space, it's about actually making the journey.

It is the sign of a nation ... a society on the decline. Period.

The fact that we bought into the shuttle program, as flawed as it was, allowed it to operate with known safety issues that cost lives and two multi-billion spacecraft and didn't expand our reach in the UNIverise was a huge mistake. And no politician of any party really gives a damn about making us explorers again.

The Chinese or the Russians ... or maybe even the Paraguayans will make it to Mars before we ever do.


Well-Known Member
Flying in for a one time appearance would be way cheaper than casting it. Especially if DL plans on using them at the Halloween Party

Okay, got it. A round trip on Virgin America from LAX to MCO is about 350 bucks. Plus a couple thousand bucks for his hotel, per diem, and a few days of pay.

I Googled some pics of Star Lord at this event. I guess I didn't know you couldn't find a reasonably handsome 25 year old with less than 15% bodyfat in Central Florida. But if you need to fly that guy in from Anaheim for a one-night event, then so be it. It's just kind of odd.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Okay, got it. A round trip on Virgin America from LAX to MCO is about 350 bucks. Plus a couple thousand bucks for his hotel, per diem, and a few days of pay.

I Googled some pics of Star Lord at this event. I guess I didn't know you couldn't find a reasonably handsome 25 year old with less than 15% bodyfat in Central Florida. But if you need to fly that guy in from Anaheim for a one-night event, then so be it. It's just kind of odd.
At the end of the day the movie studio paid for it so it got sucked into the marketing budget

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
Spirited Weekend Musings:

Yes, summer (my least favorite season for those keeping score at home) is mercifully coming to an end. But I am still not in any Halloween mindset on August 24th ... maybe by September 24th, but not yet.

So, the TV Academy allows itself to be pushed around by the likes of the NFL and MTV? Yep, that's why one can only wonder how low the ratings will land for tomorrow's Primetime Emmys broadcast on NBC (a month too soon) while many on the west coast are still working. But, hey, you know America wanted to see a preseason football game between the Bengals and Cardinals, right? And the VMAs? I think people stopped caring about them before the iPhone was invented.

I guess with the lack of respect it's no wonder that each year it's harder to get the top talent to come out for the Nominees Reception at the Design Center, an event I have attended numerous times. It's sad how few showed up at this year's event (on a Saturday not the traditional Friday) but I think what Jesse Tyler Ferguson did for a 'friend' of mine was very, very kewl and I thank him even if I can pretty much guarantee that he ain't reading this!

BTW, congrats to a special MAGICal member, who shall remain nameless, on her relative's Emmy win last week!

So, let me get this straight: Phil Kippel is attacking me on the Twitter again? He's giving special needs folks a very bad name. But watching him and Andy 'Fidel's Little Bro' Castro go back and forth was amusing for about 24 seconds. Y'all know something is off with Phil, right?

And Andy is rightfully crediting me with the huge mindblowing (so important that I hear Vlad Putin was riveted to his computer reading) news that Toontown is very likely going to be history, so Luke, Leia, Chewie, Stewie, Cooksey, Lameoh, Koo-Koo and Obie Wan Canoodle can move it! Yeah Andy!!!

BTW, Andy has Tweeted that there is a Hidden Darth Vader in the Hidden Princess and Frog 'artwork' that adorns the walls of the new Club 33 (which is about as much a secret now as DVC!) and I just can not come up with words for what demographic this kinda wink-wink crap appeals to as they destroy real history from the company's founder to create this place where fans with money can feel better about themselves.

I just am sickened by this crap. Who knew that Hidden Mickeys were the start of a cancer?

Which leads me to this:

If even Deb Wills is ripping your hard ticket event, then you likely effed it up bigtime.

Look, I find the kind of adults that want to hang out with special 'rare' foamheads to be ... well, a bit strange at best. But that's their choice and they aren't harming anyone. But Disney is so taking advantage of this group/demo (see: any of my posts on mental health and the Disney -- and now UNI too -- fan community) that we all suffer with in park product. If you are George Kalogridis, who was seen skulking around last night's villains event trying to get his own meet-greet-and-grope location, how can you not view these passionate, devoted and, in many cases, crazy fans as a never-ending revenue stream?

These are people who grabbed 55 guidemaps for the night, so they could eBay them to other losers for absurd sums of money. These are people who got in lines to buy massive quantities of LE merchandise to resell online. These are people who paid $15 for slushies with less alcohol than you get in a typical Slurpee at 7-11.

How if you are Disney do you not want to keep these addicts coming and spending?

These are the adults that want to have pics with Anna and Elsa etc. This is what it has come down to for the Disney of today. We all suffer when the masses decide that they want crap from WDW, much like we all suffer when the masses decide to shop at Walmart and put Americans out of work or on welfare.

Disney now believes, because in large part these crazy fans, that character meet-greet-and-gropes and dance parties equals entertainment and perhaps that is true for some children and some arrested development adults, but some of us know what it is.

OK, I did give Deb Wills kudos a few hundred words ago, but I will take a bit of a shot at her in that one of her complaints was that the Oogie show was a bit more adult than what Disney is known for. I'm sorry, but I just don't think that flies for a hard-ticket after hours event that isn't at MK. I haven't seen a video of the show (I may later this week), but I doubt that the show was even 20% of what you'd see at HKDL's Halloween let alone say at Bill and Ted's show over at UNI. This is the mentality that PARTLY allowed PI to be destroyed. No, everything Disney does doesn't have to be suitable to a 'special' eight-year-old. It's OK to be a little out there at times. ... Bob Iger does use the 'f-word' quite a bit, ya know? Let's cut the (s-word removed for your protection) and be serious about what harms kids (like say pedophiles working in theme parks or authority positions).

So, Jim Hill is crowing about the DVC expansion I told you about (we'd call it breaking the news if this were a traditional news outlet) at WLV? And talking about the proposed DVC at CBR that I told y'all about too? Gee, sometimes you do start to wonder who is simply taking your information and making themselves look good with it (to be fair, he probably needs all the help he can get in that department!)

BTW, yes No. 2, we all know that you @Lee first mentioned the possibility of raising BVD to allow a waterway connection to EPCOT. You win Hillbilly Disney Insider for the 27th straight month (now, get to Dollywood and see how gay friendly they really are!) and I, for one, couldn't be prouder.

But let's be real: they will never do it. And if CBR gets the DVC it will not be considered a lower-end product because by that time Disney won't be using the 'value', 'moderate' and 'deluxe' labels anyway. They are moving away from that purposely and you see that in different resorts having different prices despite being in the same category now. Just a precursor.

It's nice to see that the BEST BY FAR film Marvel has put out this (or any other) year is going to surpass that overrated Captain America 2.

How's that 30% AP discount working at Spice Road Table?

If you have a problem at WDW or UNI or any company out there and you don't complain to the powers at the company, then don't expect anything better in the future.

So, someone told me that Dr. Blondie is on this thread? Hey there ... how you doin?

Did social media really bite Disney on the last night? Perhaps, but it was just a drop in the bucket to what could happen in different circumstances.

Speaking of which ... what night has Disney comped all the Lifestylers/bloggers/podcasters into MNSSHP? Are they in for free next Monday?

If people think Disney does QSRs right at MK or Studios, then I'm going to suggest they eat out more often.

BTW, did any Lifestyler fail to make it to the event the other night? People fly in for it?

Some notes:

- NBC has been overly obvious with their shoehorning in the Emmys with all their other shows. I thought I was watching ABC there was so much Synergy! Lol
- Bob F'in Iger, I'm actually surprised I wouldn't take him as a fellow frequent f bomber
- Expanding the waterway, I actually like that even though sometimes you can walk faster
- You really hated Captain America 2? I thought it was good, just not very Russo Brothers whereas GotG was very James Gunn.
- I hate QSR


Well-Known Member
Okay, got it. A round trip on Virgin America from LAX to MCO is about 350 bucks. Plus a couple thousand bucks for his hotel, per diem, and a few days of pay.

I Googled some pics of Star Lord at this event. I guess I didn't know you couldn't find a reasonably handsome 25 year old with less than 15% bodyfat in Central Florida. But if you need to fly that guy in from Anaheim for a one-night event, then so be it. It's just kind of odd.

Here's the thing - DLR face character casting now oversees WDW face character casting, and DLR's casting directors have the authority in the equation. A few years ago when this change occurred, DLR's casting director flew to Florida and "disapproved" countless performers from various roles because he/she didn't feel they were correct for their parts - operational needs be damned.

A lot of WDWers were upset, obviously, but they've never been known for their spot-on face character casting, so the move was considered necessary from DLR's end when it comes to maintaining the brand.

I don't know the particulars of this situation, but it could have just been that the DLR casting directors found no one to approve for the role in WDW, so they ordered the expense as necessary. I'm not totally sure, but it looks like one of the Maleficents for this event was flown out from DLR as well based on some pics I've seen.


Well-Known Member
Here's the thing - DLR face character casting now oversees WDW face character casting, and DLR's casting directors have the authority in the equation. A few years ago when this change occurred, DLR's casting director flew to Florida and "disapproved" countless performers from various roles because he/she didn't feel they were correct for their parts - operational needs be damned.

A lot of WDWers were upset, obviously, but they've never been known for their spot-on face character casting, so the move was considered necessary from DLR's end when it comes to maintaining the brand.

I don't know the particulars of this situation, but it could have just been that the DLR casting directors found no one to approve for the role in WDW, so they ordered the expense as necessary. I'm not totally sure, but it looks like one of the Maleficents for this event was flown out from DLR as well based on some pics I've seen.
If this is true then who the hell approved all the Anna and Elsa's??? Most Cos Players and Birthday Party characters look 10x better than the ones wdw has???


Well-Known Member
If this is true then who the hell approved all the Anna and Elsa's??? Most Cos Players and Birthday Party characters look 10x better than the ones wdw has???

They are not involved in every day casting - they're out in CA - but they do have veto power. In the case of Frozen faces, operational needs have outweighed casting, I assume at the demand of management.


Well-Known Member
Spirited Weekend Musings:

Yes, summer (my least favorite season for those keeping score at home) is mercifully coming to an end. But I am still not in any Halloween mindset on August 24th ... maybe by September 24th, but not yet.

So, the TV Academy allows itself to be pushed around by the likes of the NFL and MTV? Yep, that's why one can only wonder how low the ratings will land for tomorrow's Primetime Emmys broadcast on NBC (a month too soon) while many on the west coast are still working. But, hey, you know America wanted to see a preseason football game between the Bengals and Cardinals, right? And the VMAs? I think people stopped caring about them before the iPhone was invented.

I guess with the lack of respect it's no wonder that each year it's harder to get the top talent to come out for the Nominees Reception at the Design Center, an event I have attended numerous times. It's sad how few showed up at this year's event (on a Saturday not the traditional Friday) but I think what Jesse Tyler Ferguson did for a 'friend' of mine was very, very kewl and I thank him even if I can pretty much guarantee that he ain't reading this!

BTW, congrats to a special MAGICal member, who shall remain nameless, on her relative's Emmy win last week!

So, let me get this straight: Phil Kippel is attacking me on the Twitter again? He's giving special needs folks a very bad name. But watching him and Andy 'Fidel's Little Bro' Castro go back and forth was amusing for about 24 seconds. Y'all know something is off with Phil, right?

And Andy is rightfully crediting me with the huge mindblowing (so important that I hear Vlad Putin was riveted to his computer reading) news that Toontown is very likely going to be history, so Luke, Leia, Chewie, Stewie, Cooksey, Lameoh, Koo-Koo and Obie Wan Canoodle can move it! Yeah Andy!!!

BTW, Andy has Tweeted that there is a Hidden Darth Vader in the Hidden Princess and Frog 'artwork' that adorns the walls of the new Club 33 (which is about as much a secret now as DVC!) and I just can not come up with words for what demographic this kinda wink-wink crap appeals to as they destroy real history from the company's founder to create this place where fans with money can feel better about themselves.

I just am sickened by this crap. Who knew that Hidden Mickeys were the start of a cancer?

Which leads me to this:

If even Deb Wills is ripping your hard ticket event, then you likely effed it up bigtime.

Look, I find the kind of adults that want to hang out with special 'rare' foamheads to be ... well, a bit strange at best. But that's their choice and they aren't harming anyone. But Disney is so taking advantage of this group/demo (see: any of my posts on mental health and the Disney -- and now UNI too -- fan community) that we all suffer with in park product. If you are George Kalogridis, who was seen skulking around last night's villains event trying to get his own meet-greet-and-grope location, how can you not view these passionate, devoted and, in many cases, crazy fans as a never-ending revenue stream?

These are people who grabbed 55 guidemaps for the night, so they could eBay them to other losers for absurd sums of money. These are people who got in lines to buy massive quantities of LE merchandise to resell online. These are people who paid $15 for slushies with less alcohol than you get in a typical Slurpee at 7-11.

How if you are Disney do you not want to keep these addicts coming and spending?

These are the adults that want to have pics with Anna and Elsa etc. This is what it has come down to for the Disney of today. We all suffer when the masses decide that they want crap from WDW, much like we all suffer when the masses decide to shop at Walmart and put Americans out of work or on welfare.

Disney now believes, because in large part these crazy fans, that character meet-greet-and-gropes and dance parties equals entertainment and perhaps that is true for some children and some arrested development adults, but some of us know what it is.

OK, I did give Deb Wills kudos a few hundred words ago, but I will take a bit of a shot at her in that one of her complaints was that the Oogie show was a bit more adult than what Disney is known for. I'm sorry, but I just don't think that flies for a hard-ticket after hours event that isn't at MK. I haven't seen a video of the show (I may later this week), but I doubt that the show was even 20% of what you'd see at HKDL's Halloween let alone say at Bill and Ted's show over at UNI. This is the mentality that PARTLY allowed PI to be destroyed. No, everything Disney does doesn't have to be suitable to a 'special' eight-year-old. It's OK to be a little out there at times. ... Bob Iger does use the 'f-word' quite a bit, ya know? Let's cut the (s-word removed for your protection) and be serious about what harms kids (like say pedophiles working in theme parks or authority positions).

So, Jim Hill is crowing about the DVC expansion I told you about (we'd call it breaking the news if this were a traditional news outlet) at WLV? And talking about the proposed DVC at CBR that I told y'all about too? Gee, sometimes you do start to wonder who is simply taking your information and making themselves look good with it (to be fair, he probably needs all the help he can get in that department!)

BTW, yes No. 2, we all know that you @Lee first mentioned the possibility of raising BVD to allow a waterway connection to EPCOT. You win Hillbilly Disney Insider for the 27th straight month (now, get to Dollywood and see how gay friendly they really are!) and I, for one, couldn't be prouder.

But let's be real: they will never do it. And if CBR gets the DVC it will not be considered a lower-end product because by that time Disney won't be using the 'value', 'moderate' and 'deluxe' labels anyway. They are moving away from that purposely and you see that in different resorts having different prices despite being in the same category now. Just a precursor.

It's nice to see that the BEST BY FAR film Marvel has put out this (or any other) year is going to surpass that overrated Captain America 2.

How's that 30% AP discount working at Spice Road Table?

If you have a problem at WDW or UNI or any company out there and you don't complain to the powers at the company, then don't expect anything better in the future.

So, someone told me that Dr. Blondie is on this thread? Hey there ... how you doin?

Did social media really bite Disney on the last night? Perhaps, but it was just a drop in the bucket to what could happen in different circumstances.

Speaking of which ... what night has Disney comped all the Lifestylers/bloggers/podcasters into MNSSHP? Are they in for free next Monday?

If people think Disney does QSRs right at MK or Studios, then I'm going to suggest they eat out more often.

BTW, did any Lifestyler fail to make it to the event the other night? People fly in for it?

This is one of your best posts in a long time. Good stuff.



It will be interesting to see where it would go at CBR. If they do update each building as part of the new renovations then I would assume they will be building a new buulding completely for DVC.

I would be truly glad to see DVC go moderate. A cheaper DVC might sell me.

I don't think a separate/lower tier DVC would work because that wouldn't help with the demand issue from all the state-side Aulani owners. Unless they allowed the moderate DVC owners to use their points at other DVC resorts with some sort of exchange rate, where the moderate DVC points are valued less than the traditional DVC points.

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