The Spirited Seventh Heaven ...

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
A lot of my friends are using Facebook less often, some actually not using it at all anymore. They've gone back to Live Journal, a place I never left.
I find this actually kinda funny.
Since the russians took over Livejournal, the quality went downhill. I remember getting banners and very intrusive ads. Not to mention the constant downtimes.
Haven't touched that site after a year after the takeover.

As for facebook, more of my friends gets annoyed at facebook but not for what they do and their little experiments. But their blatantly stupid ideas (like having a separate app for the chat of facebook, its like they're trying to make their version of skype and badly doing it.)

Also, speaking of the competition in the space program...
When we will be able to buy our own X-wing or Warp capable yatch?

This made me cringe every time, especially people here that still call it a ring.

Well, it is actually a ring.. a ring of scrapped metal ;)
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Yikes. I hate off-topicality more than most so @WDW1974 please forgive me, but I'm going to have to jump on this. Simply stated - If we needed to put an american, tomorrow, onto the ISS -- we'd have to ask Putin to drive. That's not a space program! That's like saying you have a car and can drive to work....but what you really have is an empty driveway and a co-worker down the block that makes you look like a moron at the office on a daily basis and you have to pay him to drive you to work every day. Oh yes, you have plans to buy a car. You have $1,600 in the bank saved up to buy a $26,000 car -- someday.

And sorry...but plans to test an unmanned mission by year-end is what's known around here as 'blue sky.' During our golden age of space exploration, unmanned missions testing X-level spacecraft happened concurrently with an existing space program -- so that downtime between phases only occurred in very short periods or (in the case of Apollo I or Challenger) occurred when unforeseen disasters drove the downtime.

I seriously question whether NASA will put an american in low earth orbit before the end of the current administration's term. Like him or not, the guy currently in office doesn't like american exceptionalism -- and our space program was exceptional -- right up until the point where it no longer existed.

Perhaps the current confrontation with Putin will reignite another space program wars.

Because after pointing how Putin is now a "danger worldwide" (just like they did with Saddam and Bin Ladem before). They will put their attention on him and thus cut down the "rent a Soyuz " fiasco. reigniting the Space programs or pushing the private ones further (like SpaceX)

Speaking of Danger.... I remember reading a newspaper claiming that the US now faces "Space Terrorism".
Pure yellow journalism, as the source of most of the "terror".. is actually from debris and space trash. :hilarious:
I swear they overuse that word so much.. it as lost its real meaning.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
This made me cringe every time, especially people here that still call it a ring.
See, that is how my way of thinking differs. Cringe, why? All of Magic Kingdom is fantasy. Every story is made up. Nothing is based on fact. It all comes from the imagination of the designers. What possible difference does it make if some people believe that this is what it was supposed to be. Their happy and you are unaffected. If they think it is supposed to be a wedding ring placed there for alert individuals to find, I fail to see the harm. It is as real as anything else you will find there. Please explain why it matters. While you're at it tell me why it's OK for them to decide that the Sword is really stuck in the stone.


Well-Known Member
See, that is how my way of thinking differs. Cringe, why? All of Magic Kingdom is fantasy. Every story is made up. Nothing is based on fact. It all comes from the imagination of the designers. What possible difference does it make if some people believe that this is what it was supposed to be. Their happy and you are unaffected. If they think it is supposed to be a wedding ring placed there for alert individuals to find, I fail to see the harm. It is as real as anything else you will find there. Please explain why it matters. While you're at it tell me why it's OK for them to decide that the Sword is really stuck in the stone.
Because it was a fence post... it's as bad as people writing fan fiction.


Well-Known Member
All of Magic Kingdom is fantasy. Every story is made up. Nothing is based on fact.

Now that makes me cringe. I understand your larger point, but so much in the Magic Kingdom has a basis in reality, from The Hall of Presidents to the authentic steam trains which circle the park. Even "fantasy" is often grounded in historic myth or legend, including the idea of an old mansion which is haunted.

Because it was a fence post... it's as bad as people writing fan fiction.

I don't really see the harm in fan fiction (copyright issues aside) so long as everyone understands that not only is the story not 'canon', but it may well be based on assumptions and ideas which completely contradict or even undermine the very tale(s) it is based upon.


Well-Known Member
Because it was a fence post... it's as bad as people writing fan fiction.
And the stone is plastic, what's your point! Fence post, ring embedded in the sidewalk, ghosts appearing to be riding in your buggy, but, they aren't, what's the difference. It's not a matter of reality anywhere in the park, it is a matter of what people think they see. Fan fiction could actually be the fence post. I've been around for years and this is absolutely the first time I have heard that explanation. What makes that one any more real then the ring. Anything related to an explanation made by a fan about a fantasy theme park, is fan fiction.
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Well-Known Member
Now that makes me cringe. I understand your larger point, but so much in the Magic Kingdom has a basis in reality, from The Hall of Presidents to the authentic steam trains which circle the park. Even "fantasy" is often grounded in historic myth or legend, including the idea of an old mansion which is haunted.

The fact that there were Presidents is no different then the fact that there have been mansions. The fiction comes in when you see them all on a single stage, listening to a president speak. I don't think that is based on any type of reality. It's all show, not reality based, it didn't happen. It is not a re-creation of a factual event. Some of that does exist in Epcot, but not in MK.
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
They're very reusable for park admission. You simply link them to your account. I have three, sofar.

And as long as your account is linked to your hotel room ressie, all of those SHOULD* be able to open your door.

*Your mileage may vary. Some restrictions apply. Member FDIC.
but dont they keep sending you magicbands everytime you book a vacation?
or you can select to not get them?


Well-Known Member
Today you can now buy a limited release Haunted Mansion Magic Band at the Magic Kingdom for 24.95...

Not my photo. But apparently no special sounds or lights on these bands like the others.

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