Cesar R M
Well-Known Member
I find this actually kinda funny.A lot of my friends are using Facebook less often, some actually not using it at all anymore. They've gone back to Live Journal, a place I never left.
Since the russians took over Livejournal, the quality went downhill. I remember getting banners and very intrusive ads. Not to mention the constant downtimes.
Haven't touched that site after a year after the takeover.
As for facebook, more of my friends gets annoyed at facebook but not for what they do and their little experiments. But their blatantly stupid ideas (like having a separate app for the chat of facebook, its like they're trying to make their version of skype and badly doing it.)
Also, speaking of the competition in the space program...
When we will be able to buy our own X-wing or Warp capable yatch?
This made me cringe every time, especially people here that still call it a ring.
Well, it is actually a ring.. a ring of scrapped metal

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