@WDW1974 I for one am glad the FC deal is almost dead. However to your point about taking a nap in the middle of the intersection, just be careful. A lot of CMs who live in Lake County actually use the roads that connect to Western Way via Flamingo Crossing because it's the only route that avoids Toll Roads or the heavily traveled US 27/US192 roads.
However that area is in fact still a major revenue stream from one entity: Orange County Sheriff's Dept. Because those roads are 35 mph and the traffic signal at FC/Western Way is a perpetual blinking red light, cops are station around FC at all hours hunting for speeders and stop sign "pausers".
Funny thing is: the one time i was stopped the cop actually told me they patrol the area because of the frequency of drag racing. I drive that route daily and my commute varies from all shifts and I have never seen anyone drag racing there. So I know that area is just being used by law enforcement for tickets.
Didn't mean to go too far off topic, but to bring it back around..wether the two Marriott Hotels are every built or if the area is ever sold off to other investors, I just hope they keep the roads open so I can get to work on time.