rael ramone
Well-Known Member
I have heard this as well Black Hawlk Down set in the Star Wars Universe. Think Saving Private Ryan but with Rebels vs Empire. Very gritty and dark an actual war movie set in star wars. Probably not as graphic per say but dark. Aprently they are doing this with most of the Anthology Series. Taking cues from other genres and smashing them together with the Star Wars Universe. So this one is part SW part war flic, the next one will be part star wars part something else kind of very them to tell the story and not the same formula of galaxic soap opera. Not that I think the film's are doing bad as they are but it might be regressing to see a slightly different spin on them. As long as they stay according to canon and are solid films.
Variety is the spice of life. Jiko is one of my favorite restaurants on the planet. Doesn't mean I want to spend every night of a trip eating there.
While I'm disappointed in TFA (haven't picked it up, and I don't believe I will at this point), Rogue One I think will be better, even if the box office doesn't show it...