The Spirit Takes the Fifth ...

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The report from Jim Hill was a dark ride where guests would activate things using a wand, presumably similar to the Monster's Inc ride in Tokyo. I don't know if it would have used the same ride system (it's the same ride system as TSMM). The other component would have been a care of magical creatures petting zoo. It doesn't sound like the initial plan would have been anywhere near as expansive as Hogsmeade's Village, but I don't know for sure.

And you likely never will.

Because of ownership rights to the Potter IP, you aren't going to see it in the next coffee table book on all those amazing projects that WDI never follows through with (at least in the FL swamps).

I do have it on VERY good authority that Disney's pitch wasn't nearly as impressive as UNI's. ... But I am sure Disney could have done just as impressive work IF they wanted to. Thing is, though, Disney never really wants to.

So ... go make your ressies for your next three Pixie Dust hits and enjoy riding your MAGIC Bands!


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If you follow ALittleWhistle on Twitter, he said Tony Baxter designed a Harry Potter concept that was never shown to JK/WB.

Now why would I follow anyone on Twitter? I enjoy seeing the crazy things the Lifestylers put out and I have to admit it can be fun seeing just how much mental illness is on display ... fanbois, bronies and Pixie Dust, oh my. And sometimes it is fun playing 'Where in the World is Tom Bricker?' ... But taking anything serious from Twitter? The place where Card Walker lives and Dick Nunis tweets? Yeah, like sushi, I'll pass.


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The Government of Hong Kong already demanded that The Walt Disney Company pay for the recent three land expansion at Hong Kong Disneyland due to the small size of the initial park and that the strategy of adding a few attractions over several years was not going to work (it was the strategy then employed to fix Disney's California Adventure and the Walt Disney Studios Park). An arbitrary change to the terms of the partnership would still be a catastrophic event for the Chinese. That is the vehicle for most foreign investment and would cause just as much of a scare as a total take over.


And it bears repeating. Many Americans like to focus on the fact that China is ruled by the Communist Party, which is true. But it's also naively simplistic and ignorant at its base.

China is ruled by capitalism. Same as us. And they aren't going to destroy the makings of what may turn out to be the only 21st century super power by screwing with business deals to get better terms after the fact.

If the CCP wants something from Disney, then they'll get it ... but it will come thru negotiation and backroom business deals. Just like here in the good, old, moldy US of A!


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I have to slightly disagree with casting Jim MacPhee in a 'evil mangement' role though in this tune.
He is a very nice guy and is one of the few in WDW management that actually 'gets it' and tries to make some headway in a positive least, that was the case before his promotion and becoming overseer of the NextGen/MM+ project.
Perhaps he is now a changed man...?



Well-Known Member
That's the point TP! Ride operators should get $50K/year!

Srsly though - Disney does underpay. They do it at DLR too, where the cost of living is exponentially higher, and I don't know how most CMs do it. A $180K tract home in Orange County is a flat out impossibility.

It's not like Disney couldn't afford to pay its hourly CMs are more decent wage than minimum or just above, they choose not to. Conversely, the people who work for them could choose to work elsewhere where there is more room for advancement.

Inflation has been insane over the past 20 years and shows no signs of stopping, but wages have not kept up the pace.
Right, but $180K in Anaheim is a 16 bedroom estate.


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@WDW1974 in an earlier post you mentioned a hotel near Disneyland that you recommended. What was the name again? Looking to make our first trip to Disneyland in February. Thanks.

There are many places I would recommend. It depends on price, needs and whether you'll have a car.

I highly advise using's Name Your Own Price bidding service. I've never been disappointed by any Anaheim area lodging I have received with it. I recently helped some friends and they wound up with the Embassy Suites North for $65 a night with free parking, free cooked to order breakfast and free booze and appetizers (five nights).

I do NOT advise booking some of the mom and pop fan fave's along Harbor Blvd at all.


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Its 12:07 AM and for the life of me, I cannot understand why TWDC is expanding into Shanghai.

It's 7:25 p.m. and I can tell you quite simply as someone fortunate enough to have lived and worked in China (both Mainland and HK) and that is people and a HUGE emerging middle class, something unlike anywhere else on Earth.

Understand that Disney gets that the old bread and butter American middle class visitor is dying faster than landlines and newspapers (and the ability to drive) because Disney is helping it along. They are the largest single site private employer in the nation and the vast, vast majority of their 'valued' cast members are part time and make under $10 an hour, most under $8. That sure helps the economy ... if you're trying to make a third world nation.

In China, it is the opposite. And even if the middle class is still small in percentage, it is HUGE in numbers and growing annually.

Those are people barely exposed to Disney much beyond Mickey the Corporate Symbol. Disney is going there because there is huge growth potential.


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probably to have a park in the most important and most populated zones..
China is now a comercial powerhouse, so was Tokyo and Hong Kong.

I wonder how long until they build one in Dubai or India.

They won't build in those places.

BTW, did I miss anything or are all my social media whoring pals pretending that I didn't release the SDL roster ... or tell y'all that you won't get Star Wars land or anything new of substance until the BoD sees returns on NGE?


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@WDW1974 - So apparently the Nemo subs are now on the refurb schedule from Jan 16-Sep 26. Should we be interpreting this as an indefinite rehab?

Seems like a crazy amount of time for a ride that is supposed to be gone a little over a year later.

Alice is also down for 4 months, seemingly all but confirming the redo of the Fantasyland dark rides for the 60th.

I know about the subs and I admit it is strange ... unless they close and never reopen. 20,000 Leagues was closed for rehab in FL for a good 2-3 years before Disney copped to the fact it was not coming back. Someone told me about the closure last week and I found the timing very weird.

As to Alice, it is getting its 60th rehab/update first because of those absurd OSHA issues that cropped up last year (the one that has safety rails on everything ... like benches!) It is the first one, but every F-land dark ride will be getting lots of love ... do I even need to say 'unlike WDW' here?


Well-Known Member
I know about the subs and I admit it is strange ... unless they close and never reopen. 20,000 Leagues was closed for rehab in FL for a good 2-3 years before Disney copped to the fact it was not coming back. Someone told me about the closure last week and I found the timing very weird.

That's what I figured. The mice-chatters seem to feel it is evidence that Dusty and you are wrong about the attraction leaving and StarWars ever coming. I don't think that is likely though (unlikely that you are wrong that is). ;)


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First the 2d folks, now the CG ones. My reaction to this is very similar to the main point in this BSA article; "...that may ultimately culminate in Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios coming more fully under the same roof". I mean just recently, we saw Iger hand Disney Interactive over to Jim Pitaro so they could consolidate the Interactive sector under one Los Angeles-based unit. Just a thought.
Back to WDW, I did find the Niles-Baxter interview quite fascinating (in particular on part 2 talking about attraction misconceptions). Also, while on there, he mentioned in another article that Disney is going to open Pandora in phases (a la NFL). I know you don't like to talk about it, but have you heard anything on that front?

Edit: Also saw on D&M that DLP (the plan as of now) will recieve their TL/Star Wars expansion in 2022.

I would almost take for granted that Pandora will open in phases. If you look at the truly absurd 2009-2014 buildout for a TINY, TINY, TINY (just want to make sure some fanbois get the point in the end!) Fantasyland project, then you'll see how Disney builds things and budgets them. That isn't going to change until Iger and all the old P&R guard are gone from the company.


Well-Known Member
Now why would I follow anyone on Twitter? I enjoy seeing the crazy things the Lifestylers put out and I have to admit it can be fun seeing just how much mental illness is on display ... fanbois, bronies and Pixie Dust, oh my. And sometimes it is fun playing 'Where in the World is Tom Bricker?' ... But taking anything serious from Twitter? The place where Card Walker lives and Dick Nunis tweets? Yeah, like sushi, I'll pass.
There's about 100 diehard Disney freaks in the Orlando area most of whom have multiple twitters & all follow each other. The rest of the followers are out of towners who enjoy a good train wreck.


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I don't disagree that Shanghai has many banks and is a huge financial center. If you are an American or European or Japanese company wanting to do business in China (and who doesn't nowadays?), you will have to go through a banker in Shanghai.

But statistically and realistically, it's not an affluent city and it's metro area economy is smaller than other global capitals like New York, Tokyo, London, LA, Paris, or even Chicago or San Francisco. And then there's the 15+ Million people in Shanghai living in grinding poverty. But it's easy to ignore them from the lobby bar of the Hyatt.

Go for an extended visit to Shanghai and your perspective will change.

Shanghai is widely viewed as the NYC of the Mainland and it isn't simply because people come there to make deals and check on their factory slave labor. Poverty is plentiful, but so is a strong middle class. Disney wouldn't be there otherwise.


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Well we can make an educated guess as to the ticket price.

Hong Kong Disneyland's one day adult ticket is HK$450, equivalent at this moment to US$58.05. A one day adult ticket to WDW's Magic Kingdom is US$95, DLR US$92, DLRP US$100.22 and TDR US$60.94.

TDR and HKDL are a steal (especially TDR!), while DLRP is committing highway robbery and still unable to make any money. Fascinating, huh?

That DLP number is off. Way too high.

And TDR and HKDL are steals. I had an AP in HK when I lived there and it cost less than a one day, one park ticket to WDW. Yes, it had many blockouts, including Saturdays. But it also had MANY discounts/benefits and did I say it was less than a one day ticket to TPFKaTD-MGMS?
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