The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 8: Magic Journeys

Mr. Sullivan

Well-Known Member
I think the one *in* the Playbill is also not working 🤣🤣

Look. It’s a good script okay!

Well, it seems like we got all the pieces out there eventually

I'm sorry everyone, I don't know why the hyperlinks decided they didn't want to cooperate. We even uploaded the stuff to different places to try and help that. But the pieces are all there, sorry it didn't come out in one post.


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House Heimlichen

The Cheapest Muppet Show Ever Made

Starting off, this was intended to be @Lord Fozzinator 's time to shine - placed in his first leadership role with something that is up his wheelhouse. Overall, given the circumstances of some being busy and overall the 'dog days' of the game, I was actually pleased with how you handled the project manager role. I think there are still some areas to improve for the future. For instance, I think you can be more assertive. As PM you can either be the leader or the one that brings everyone together and sacrifices their own ideas for the team as a whole. Either one of those options takes charge throughout the brainstorming, either by establishing the direction of the project, or active gardening of ideas in order to get to a consensus. One of the ways to help that is by daily (nightly) posts that summarize where the project is going. That helps show how much more is needed and keeps the brainstorming thread itself in motion. Another thing that is helpful, but comes with experience, is knowing how to effectively use the players on your team, especially those who are unsure how to contribute.

For example, I love the direction that you took with the newspaper review as well as the puppet show itself. I don't mind that you didn't use live actors (I didn't have a preference either way), but I do think given that you are using puppets, that a better description of the theater, location, capacity, and overall venue could have been helpful rather than a broad overview assuming the reader is on board with the concept. That could have been a job for someone looking for a role and added a lot to the project itself.

Into the script and overall vibe of the project, I thought it was quintessential Muppets. The custom songs and lyrics, while I probably am not able to exactly get the tone and vibe of some of the songs without music, I can try my best and it seems that most if not all of the songs fit the characters perfectly. The script is profesisonally done and really give credit to @Lord Fozzinator @OSUPhantom and @Pi on my Cake for its culminating effect. And @JokersWild providing another great musical number. There was one player, I think it was Lizzy, who wanted to do concept art, which would have been awesome, but again I think without a unifying direction, it's hard to put out concept art for something you're not sure on. That's a team effort too not just on one person, as I think as we get to these final rounds, communication is going to play a big role.

So overall, I hope the team had fun with the Muppets this round. I think the project came out really well and please note the feedback is only to help you going forward as the project and script especially were very well written!

House Tintirrino
The Muppets Go Broadway

With this team, @Earlie the Pearlie was chosen to be the project manager not specifically because of the Muppets, but because you've really been one of the best new players this game has seen, and I thought you were up for the challenge. Giving it to @AceAstro would have been too easy. But...while Earlie you did a great job at continuing to update the team and bring the final project together, I really think your teammates deserve a lot of the credit as well, particularly @Mr. Sullivan @Tegan pilots a chicken and @AceAstro -- however it was truly a team effort, which is exemplified from the playbill. A playbill which was inspired by past SA projects and brought to light here in a great way. I appreciate how you talked about the kinetics of the theater, this being a theme park 'Broadway' show the dynamics are important and they were laid out here. While I didn't know that Mr. Sullivan was a theater major, I can certainly tell from the script that this is someone who truly has a passion for their craft! I do think both teams had incredible scripts, but it's just so professionally laid out, truly hats off.

And while not a huge part of the project, I do appreciate the attention to detail in the surrounding area of Muppet City and the thought to expanding it as well, with Toho Town to the north, and factoring in all of the lore of SA's MGM Studios into the project. Tegan really led the charge there.

I will say while the song lyrics are well put together, I do wish there was some music to go along with it. Even if example music if not custom music. I know both teams had ambitious ideas when it came to this and ultimately it wasn't completely realized, however I do think that adds an element to these musical projects.

Getting back to the script itself, and I will tag back to Heimlichen's review as well - as both teams like I said had great dialogue and quintessential Muppet mania, but went about it in completely different ways.

Where I feel Heimlichen went for more of the zainy, chaotic Muppets, Tintirrino went for a more 'grounded; plot framed story with Muppet humor sprinkled in, especially with the addition of Ray Paucity, which honestly at first, I was unsure about, but I really think that ended up being the anchor of the script in a good way. Ray kept the plot moving forward, from being the catalyst for promoting his show, to then being the mob boss, and ultimately the big bad that the Muppets have to work together to defeat. It had more of a Muppets Christmas Carol vibe (story-driven) vs the Muppet*Vision 3D vibe (comedy/wacky driven) of Heimlichen. I could be misinterpreting these from the respective teams. But that is the beauty of art and script writing --- and why I think this round has been so great despite the real world struggles that both teams faced.

I hope these reviews helped provide some perspective - I really think both teams did a great job in their respective styles - and I think each had strengths that countered the other, with Tintirrino being more technical, and Heimlichen providing more of the whimsical musical approach with actual custom music. Ah! It's so close!


Original Poster
I will take a bit more time to come to a conclusion on the winner of Book VIII

In the meantime - I will post the prompt for Book IX - which is the final book of Act 2. Some who have played the game before may recognize this project, others will soon find out about it in all its glory...

We are headed to Disney's Animal Kingdom - prepare to flush the competition away...


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We've arrived at Disney's Animal Kingdom, taken the Wildlife Express train to Conservation Station, and now behold the wonder that is the Lavatory Laboratory at Rafiki's Planet Watch


The new restroom and #HippoSplatterWall has been so successful for Disney marketing, that they've tasked you to catch lightning in the bottle again.

In 20 sentences or less, design a new animal 'dung' themed restroom anywhere in Disney's Animal Kingdom and build a marketing campaign around it.

- You may theme it to any animal of your choosing (real or mythical)
- There must be a wall of some kind for a photo spot (rock walls are acceptable)

Project Managers

House Heimlichen - @PerGron
House Tintirrino - @Tegan pilots a chicken

This Book is due Tuesday September 3rd at 11:59PM PST

Any questions feel free to ask, thanks and enjoy!

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member

We've arrived at Disney's Animal Kingdom, taken the Wildlife Express train to Conservation Station, and now behold the wonder that is the Lavatory Laboratory at Rafiki's Planet Watch


The new restroom and #HippoSplatterWall has been so successful for Disney marketing, that they've tasked you to catch lightning in the bottle again.

In 20 sentences or less, design a new animal 'dung' themed restroom anywhere in Disney's Animal Kingdom and build a marketing campaign around it.

- You may theme it to any animal of your choosing (real or mythical)
- There must be a wall of some kind for a photo spot (rock walls are acceptable)

Project Managers

House Heimlichen - @PerGron
House Tintirrino - @Tegan pilots a chicken

This Book is due Tuesday September 3rd at 11:59PM PST

Any questions feel free to ask, thanks and enjoy!


Original Poster
Book VIII Results

Slept on this and was still going back and forth for the same reasons I mentioned earlier. Fortunately the most 'stakes' the winner has in Act 2 is to have their project become a part of the SAU, but I could very easily see the winning team be amenable to having the other team's show be a 'seasonal' offering or something like that so that both can be represented.

House Tintirrino!
While I think Heimlichen had the strong leadership and musical score that stool out, there was something about Tintirrino's sincerity in the plot and attention to detail with the show (and show building) that really made this feel authentic and now a part of the SAU Studios. Congrats!


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