The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 8: Magic Journeys


Original Poster
Thank you to everyone for all the projects - reviews will come out today!
Due to the quality and time put in to all of these submissions - each of these park expansion plans will be added to the SAU for good!

We've now concluded Act 1 - and while that is a cause for celebration, it is also a time of reflection on the first five books as we progress into Act 2.

Act 2 will begin later today. For now sit back, relax, and enjoy the time off!



Original Poster
(Part 1)



Starting off I very much appreciate how clean the presentation is. While I can get into some elements of it that I wish were better described, I am grateful for a straightforward presentation that hits the high points of the expansion plan. The write-up by the CEO set the stone for what would be a highly realistic plan for the future of the park.

As I was saying to this team in the early stages, I thought this park would have been the most popular to go after, because there is so much room for expansion and the identity of the park could be adjusted as needed. And while I think many of the plans in place would make the project better, I will say I was hoping for a bit more. I really like how you focused on the honey aspect and seemed to make the park more diverse in its offerings, but again it would have been nice to be a little more specific when it comes to the details of each year's expansion with visuals/art/etc.

And I hope I'm not being too critical when it comes to this, but I was concerned that @WaltWiz1901 for a while didn't know he was the Project Manager. There were a few comments in the group chat that expressed opinions waiting for Walt to respond and then I even suggested if we wanted to switch Project Managers we could, but none of those comments were replied to. It's understandable if you're busy for the round and can't be the PM, but please in the future communicate one way or the other because I feel like several on this team had to step in to be pseudo-PMs and I think that impacted the progression of the project. While many others on the team were busy as well, I just think team communication in that sense is important to ensure that the project chugs along.

2025 - Entranceway
I love the concept of going back to the roots of the park and having the entrance sign be transitioned from essentially a billboard to Maya the Bee themed with honeycombs. I think that adds a bit of nuance entering the park. I think the Museum space as well at the entrance would create a bit of historical value to the park that was not really on display before.

2026 - The Vikin Longhouse
This is one of the things I was most looking forward to with the brainstorming, as I think a hotel to keep people on the property was a great idea. I love all the characters that are being included into this park as you're making it into another 'European' Disneyland with all these characters coming together in the park, such as Vic the Viking.

2027 - The Honey Games
Almost read this as 'hunger games'! I like the addition of a dark ride similar to Peter Pan's Flight. It definitely seems like you're continuing the park for kids and families with this expansion which is something that makes the park stand out even with one of the most highly anticipated bucket list coasters in the world located within the park gates. Adding more influence of Maya the Bee to the park was great - nice write-up @Tegan pilots a chicken !

2028 - 100% Wolf Land
Adding another animated TV show with 100% Wolf continues to progress the park along with an assortment of IP characters. I really appreciate the expanded dark rides of this park and everything that it brings with it.

2029 - The Flight of the Pterodactyl
An RMC at this park would add a nice 1-2 punch with Ride to Happiness as well. Using a Raptor Track as well would add to the airtime and the sensation of flying as well. Even adding a dark ride portion to this ride makes it feel more 'disney' than before as well.

The property map was a nice touch at the end of the project as well. Overall, like I said on one hand I do appreciate how straightforward the project is, on the other I can't help but think that some of these team members have had untapped potential that perhaps in Act 2 in a new setting will be put on display.


Original Poster
(Part 2)



I must applaud this team for such creativity when it came to the presentation of this project. There were many posts in the group chat regarding how to present this that part of me was concerned that may overtake the content of the project as a whole, but I am happy to say that this combined both the spirit of Sorcerer's Apprentice with an actually impressive project.

The leak aspect was also nice and while I (think?) that was supposed to be posted before the actual project, I did end up reading that first before diving into the E14 2024 presentation.

I love the comic nature of the presentation as well, presenting via a conversation between Josh D'Amaro (? lol) and the audience. I also like the pauses for cheering from the audience.

Transforming Energylandia into the 'energy of music' was honestly a home run concept. It was something I never thought of but as the transition of the park unfolded it became all the more realistic and sensible especially for an eastern european park in a nation with a musical background.

Starting off in Cremona, Italy - I love what you did to a simple Vekoma. Making it indoors and theming it to the Devil's Trill by Tartini was such a unique concept for a simple attraction. I also enjoyed the Pagameowni's Music Catchers world tour shooter ride as well. And then introducing Paul McCartney into the presentation made me laugh.

I do want that T-shirt!

The retheme of the Aztec Swing to the Devil's Swing was a simply yet effective transition to keep with the theme of the area. I also like the Violin museum as well.

Continuing on the park's centerpiece being Swan Lake was a fantastic choice, and it's clear the crowd does as well as they are *going wild* I also like the subtle hand wave as well.

Wow Neil Armstrong - this presentation is really bring out the big guns!

The Planets is such a unique way of bringing together Hyperion into a larger and more immersive themed environment. The surrounding area all focused on music *still!* but coupled now with the planets and the solar system brings out a nuanced futuristic land into the area. I love everything about this - naturally as a big space enthusiast, but also simply because of the creativity behind these additions.

I believe that is photoshop? It's a great job with it - having the Hotel Symphonia be built on Swan Lake with Hyperion in the background is an amazing visual. The piano floor as well as the entire lobby area looks so incredible.

Moving onto the Four Seasons, again this presentation keeps getting better with every new land. I can't stress enough that the 'wow' factor keeps getting better with each land announcement. Having 4 coasters all themed around the seasons is such a great way of utilizing that space. Transitioning to the Aqualantis area - transforming that into the Swiss Alps into the Overture Adventure was very cool. The smaller offerings such as Mysterious Flight, round out the area nicely.

Year 4 in Vienna with Mozart now! I really think bringing in these cultural backdrops will not only elevate the park to levels seen at competing parks such as Europa, but with the coaster collection of this park that it already hard, it will make it one of the best, if not the best park for thrills in Europe.

The Ode to Joy was a great idea, and the Magic Flute, the trackless dark ride themed around an enchanted musical journey of Mozart, felt like the chef's kiss to this project, along with the custom art.

Overall, this team was well led by @D Hulk with many others combining their wits together to seamlessly create this masterpiece. This team truly operated like an orchestra, keeping each other up to date, making sure everything was laid out properly, and coming together with leaked previews, video previews, and then ultimately this slide presentation of E14. Great work, Tintirrino!


Original Poster
(Part 3)



Making @PerGron the Project Manager for this park felt like a bit of a cheat code, and it was funny how Tintirrino picked that up and almost took this park just to avoid that advantage. But it so happened that Heimlichen was granted this park and dare I say knocked it out of the park.

While there were some challenges especially toward the end of the round perhaps with fatigue or just general busy schedules, I think this team really did turn this park into a spectacle that would put it among some of the best parks in Europe.

The challenge of this park is that it is first and foremost a zoo, so how much in terms of attractions vs zoo elements would you add onto to. And I like the blend of multiple new coaster additions plus the zoo enhancements as I think that was the best way to handle this project.

I also appreciate an outline of the expansion plan in the beginning of the project as well as a map. While I could see the map better in the group chat, I think it was a bit too small on the google doc for anyone to be able to make out what is said on it.

Starting with the Resort Offerings - Naturens Torn is a wonderful hotel design and does a great job setting the stage for this park to truly be a resort destination for tourists. I also like the Minecraft designs (are these custom?) as they are a nice way of adding some images to otherwise well-described texts of the lobby/rooms, and so on.

Direct access to the new water park transitioning to... Havets Trädgård having this be partially indoor due to the climate was a great choice. While I could have probably used a bit more detail here considering it's a new addition to the resort, I do appreciate the effort of its inclusion.

The new entrance of Europatown to the park is fantastic - with Call of Skogsrå as well which was a nice dark ride as guests enter the park. Now this park as mentioned emphasizes wildlife, and the exhibits did that justice. Starting with Ibex Mountain, this feels like it would be such a beautiful area to walk into. The goat-antelopes sound awesome. Next to Ibex Mountain is Macaque Island and that houses many other wildlife. All the descriptions here and throughout the project with regard to the wildlife area all well-researched and clearly have a labor of love behind them. This extends into the Europa Forest and Water's Edge, both sections have more eclectic wildlife. The only thing here I think would have enhanced it is as a novice to many of these animals, having a visual guide or some pictures throughout the descriptions would have gone a long way. Nonetheless, great job all around.

Next in Bamses World - this is a children's play area themed to the popular Swedish character Bamses - similar to Akuades I really like how you researched and took the culture of this prompt and put it on display. Using things from these areas that locals would appreciate goes a long way in the realism department. Having a petting zoo in the children's area makes a lot of sense. Entering into Greater Asia and Pagoda Valley, I think this was one of my favorite areas in all the park - because of all the rich biodiversity on display. The Serow Enclosure would be quite the experience! I also really like the boats as the anchor attraction of this area as you sail around the eclectic wildlife exhibits. A nice touch.

Now going into the coaster - Fheng Zheng - 250 feet tall hyper flying coaster! Setting records right off the bat. I like how this also takes a bit of that extra budget and props up the queue and surrounding area a bit. Having the tea house and the authentic museum as well as the kite theme as well adds to the lore of this attraction. Making the transition to the flying position on the lift hill would be such a dramatic moment. I like the description of the coaster as well. Feels like a more enhanced Manta at SeaWorld and on the level of The Flying Dinosaur in Universal Studios Japan in terms of intensity.

Transitioning to the Arctic Circle and the surf coaster of Balto: The Sled Dog, I think this was another example of including the coaster in the land's theme very well. This would add 3 world class coasters to what is first and foremost a wildlife park, making this one of the most unique experiences in the world.

Overall I really like the feel of this area as being in the north, this would be an area that would make thematic sense in the colder times of the year. I also like the map of the sled coaster too!

Marine World was a quick stop, not much to say there. But we are now getting into the Tropical Forest...

I love that this is in a greenhouse dome. I think naturally given the climate, that indoor areas are essential and this one allows for a warm climate with thematic sense. That said I do wish that there was more to this section as it was labeled the flagship land but then says details are fuzzy.

Finally with Africa and the re-theme of Wildfire, I think this transition completed the transition of this park to be the European Animal Kingdom (in a good way!) I like how the themes are added around Wildfire making the experience even more immersive. Lastly the seasonal elements were a nice touch that I don't believe any other team tackled so great job there.

Overall, this team again had the most amount of brainstorming pages and is very active bouncing ideas off of one another. Another great entry by Heimlichen!


Original Poster

House Akuades
While a very clean presentation, with a proper outline of all the expansions over the next 5 years, I felt like compared to the other two projects, this one left a lot on the table. Whether it was due to time or just the sheer will of the other two teams, who knows. But overall I did like the thought-process and appreciate many of you stepping up to help lead this round!

House Heimlichen
This was a close one, and for a while this week I would have said this team was the front-runner. But I think perhaps a bit of time got the best of this team toward the end. I loved the map and the individual ride maps, but would have loved to see some added images of animals, the exhibits, and the overall 'vibe' of the park. And while the lands of the park were top notch I think places such as the Tropical Greenhouse which was such an incredible concept, felt a bit unfinished. Still, wonderful job all around on this team.

House Tintirrino
Really everything about this musical park concept felt like a home run. The team dynamic was amazing to watch. The leaks and special previews added a layer of anticipation for the final project which did not disappoint. Strong leadership, even stronger ideas from this team, congrats on the win!


Original Poster

Congratulations to everyone for making it this far.

At the conclusion of Act 1, we have three houses of imagineers that have created masterpieces that will stand the test of time in the SAU. But in accordance with the principle's of Newton's Third Law, in order to get anywhere, you have to leave something behind.

In past iterations of Sorcerer's Apprentice (Seasons 1-3), the losing House Project Manager has to nominate themselves and two other candidates to the Board Room/Orient Express. However, I don't want to put that burden on anyone (yet) and instead will be basing the candidates for the Orient Express journey based on activity over this past book as well as the totality of the game so far.

This is not the end of the game for you all by any means. However, if time is getting the best of you and you wish to have this be your swan song, there is always room for you as a guest judge or observer for the remainder of the season.

If you would like to continue in the game - the top two responses to the questions below (along with a review of the work so far in Act 1) will be back in the game to start Act 2.

1. What was your favorite team project so far this season and why?
2. What do you hope to improve on as an imagineer in Act 2?
3. Describe what your favorite type of imagineering prompt is

You'll have 24 hours to reply - thank you!

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Well it was fun while it lasted but there still may be hope, here are the answers to your questions.
  1. My favorite project is probably the Disney MGM studios expansion project because the map that I created and the sheer uniqueness of the idea.
  2. I really do hope to increase my contributions to the projects since I have not really contributed hugely in 2 of the prompts.
  3. My favorite type of prompt is when we have to expand the Walt Disney World parks since I know the most about those parks.


Well-Known Member
What was your favorite team project so far this season and why? Last project ! I liked looking at a totally different park then I normally would and liked tying in the parks og origins into it
2. What do you hope to improve on as an imagineer in Act 2? Being more active in writing and contributing! I unfortunately got a really bad July unexpectedly . had a planned conference that ended with my mom being in the hospital for two weeks and due to some things in my past that made my brain soup for three weeks, and this particular weekend was my live action roleplay and we didn't decide on a concept till I was already in the process of preparing for that. Life has settled now and I don't have a full weekend commitment till end of September
3. Describe what your favorite type of imagineering prompt is I like being able to come up with a new land, figuring out all the pieces that have to come in to make it work.

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
1. What was your favorite team project so far this season and why?
2. What do you hope to improve on as an imagineer in Act 2?
3. Describe what your favorite type of imagineering prompt is
1. Definitely the Communicore Hall project. Selfishly my main reason for selecting it was that I got to do some really cool concept art, which is always my favorite thing to do with any project. I also felt the concept was so open that this prompt could come back again and again in future competitions and not get old.

2. Time management. Real life is a bit overwhelming at right now, and I’m also preparing for What If Season 2. However, I know that I am fully capable of participating the brainstorming and contributing significantly to the projects regardless. See: Book V. I just have to be better about organizing my time and communicating when there is a hiccup. I’m up for the challenge.

3. My favorite prompts are the ones that allow each member of the team to have a significant role to play. So basically anything that isn’t “retheme this singular attraction using its original footprint.” I enjoy prompts that cover either multiple attractions or entire lands, particularly in big team games like this.


Well-Known Member
If you would like to continue in the game - the top two responses to the questions below (along with a review of the work so far in Act 1) will be back in the game to start Act 2.

1. What was your favorite team project so far this season and why?
2. What do you hope to improve on as an Imagineer in Act 2?
3. Describe what your favorite type of Imagineering prompt is
  1. I'm gonna have to go with Worlds of Wonder. So many good or great ideas and pitches that led to a very solid take on an international Islands of Adventure
  2. You do have a point about having the chops to be a good PM - though there were a couple of other things I was occupied with during our brainstorming process (and to be perfectly honest, considering I'm not super invested in the park my team was given, maybe you should've picked another member to be the PM for the last prompt). Managing my time well enough to contribute more to these prompts is another thing I feel I could improve on.
  3. Alternate realities are definitely up my alley (mainly because we get to envision what if a revamp, IP implementation, etc. was executed better than it really was), and helping out with new lands or expansions is something I enjoy too


Original Poster
(and to be perfectly honest, considering I'm not super invested in the park my team was given, maybe you should've picked another member to be the PM for the last prompt).
I did specifically offer to change the PM in the chat last Wednesday, you didn't reply to it though.
Just wanted to check in with this team

I had given @WaltWiz1901 the assignment of Project Manager, however if you're not able to lead this round or don't feel comfortable, that's fine. But I do feel like every team needs a leader to guide the process.

Others have done a good job with the brainstorming but I want to make sure there is no disadvantage.

Would you like to remain Project Manager or would you like me to reassign it? Thanks!
And there's no way for me to know whether or not you're invested in the park because you didn't say that you weren't invested.

Communication is a two way street and I'm happy to help out but also not assume things if people don't communicate their needs.


Well-Known Member
I did specifically offer to change the PM in the chat last Wednesday, you didn't reply to it though.

And there's no way for me to know whether or not you're invested in the park because you didn't say that you weren't invested.

Communication is a two way street and I'm happy to help out but also not assume things if people don't communicate their needs.
Just now rectified that with a (much belated) reply - gotta remember to put my communication skills to use more effectively


Well-Known Member
Just now rectified that with a (much belated) reply - gotta remember to put my communication skills to use more effectively
Communication issues are always a tricky thing in these games. I think it's kind of safe to assume most people who have enough free time to play in them to begin with aren't exactly IRL social butterflies, then the barrier of tone that is text just adds onto it. I've already had a communication breakdown of my own during the very first project just because I got way too overwhelmed with the sheer amount of stuff going on that round. Just putting it out there :)

Also, yes my new avatar is based on a freaking ancient meme coined by Monkey and I haha.

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
Communication issues are always a tricky thing in these games. I think it's kind of safe to assume most people who have enough free time to play in them to begin with aren't exactly IRL social butterflies, then the barrier of tone that is text just adds onto it. I've already had a communication breakdown of my own during the very first project just because I got way too overwhelmed with the sheer amount of stuff going on that round. Just putting it out there :)

Also, yes my new avatar is based on a freaking ancient meme coined by Monkey and I haha.
That’s part of my struggle; I actually am quite the social butterfly 🤣🤣
So for me it’s finding the balance in all of the hobbies, events, plans etc.

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