The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 6: ODYSSEY


Well-Known Member
It is time to announce @JokersWild as the official winner of season VI of the Sorcerer's Apprentice! :p
It's been quite the ride, but it's nice to see the judges make the right call.

In all seriousness, VMK inadvertently got me into the Armchair Imagineering community, so I owe quite a bit to it. If only it got the credit it deserves outside of a very very niche community.


Well-Known Member
Come hang out with us as we play another round of our new game show "Disney Movies: The Ride". This time around @mickeyfan5534 will be taking on Sandy Claws pitching attractions based on Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, and Peter Pan. Will Mickeyfan be able to overcome Sandy's obsession with Alice? What will they come up with that isn't just Peter Pan's Flight? Can ANYTHING exciting come out of a Cinderella attraction??? You'll just have to watch to find out! Going live at 10PM Eastern/7PM Pacific TONIGHT!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
My computer's been on the fritz shutting down at unexpected times, so I'm just going to edit in every paragraph or two as I write it to be on the safe side and make sure no drafts get lost in the project. I'll be sure to make a stand alone post after this letting you all know when the project is complete.

The Original Tiki proudly alternate reality SAU proposal. Put your hands, arms, and little pigeon wings together as I take you through the many floors, features, and...ahem...wings...of Disneyland Mumbai Resort's latest and greatest hotel. Based upon only the most successful and critically acclaimed animated movie of the past the timeline in which this particular version of Tiki is writing this. Get ready to behold the glory of a truly game-changing resort experience. I present to you...


A note on the Alternate Timeline

In the far off year of 2022, after the 18 month long Foodpocalypse of 2020 that turned everyone into anthropomorphic junk food...let's just say people had a lot of time on their hands. During the junkfood transformation, most folks were confined to their homes due to the fragile nature of their food-ified bodies. Because of this, streaming services ruled that land. The problem was, with production halted on most media because of the result of the Foodpocalypse, literally every piece of media had been consumed by food-kind. All except one. A forgotten, , charming little animated film released just before The Transformation. That film...was Spies in Disguise.

The term "You better UN-BIRD me, Walter!" became the worldwide slogan of peace overnight. Nobody admitted the movie's true perfection, but because it had been lost in the shuffle right before and after the Transformation, it was a piece of media we could all embrace and get behind, as human and food-kind.

Then suddenly, on January 28th, 2022...the transformation was over. We went from being walking hot dogs, bags of chips, and cans of Cherry Coke to our old if none of the dread of the past two years had ever happened. It was then that we as a collective a collective humanity, embraced Spies in Disguise as THE piece of media that got us through the dark times. Let's face it...after being turned into a walking hamburger and getting the...pardon the phrase...comfort food of an innocent Will Smith comedy where he bullies around Tom Holland as a pigeon...well you'd want to stay at a resort based around that holy oasis of a film too. I come to you from post-Transformation 2022, folks. Embrace your human forms now, and don't fear your food forms when the transformation happens. For you will have Spies in Disguise to go back to. Spies in Disguise to embrace, and the Spies in Disguise resort to seek out as the new holy land. Come know you want to go...

DISCLAIMER: This is all just an explanation of why Spies in Disguise would actually be built into an elaborately themed resort tying in...ahem...current events in a satirical way.


Alright, I'll take it from here, Tiki...ANGRY WILL SMITH PIGEON IN DA HOUSE!!
will smith pigeon.gif

Ooooh. That is not the most flatering picture of me. I'm gonna have to talk to my captive...ah...lab assistant...yea, let's go with "Lab" "Assistant" @mickeyfan5534 about that. MICKEYFAN! Why you not give me an ANGRY Will Smith Pigeon gif. I'M ANGRY WILL SMITH PIGEON.

Mickeyfan (exhausted): Sorry, Angry Will Smith Pigeon. It's not 2022 yet so there's not exactly a lot of gifs. From what I understand from that mess of a backstory...Um...let's see...the reason why Spies in Disguise was so popular during the Foodpocalypse is because literally NOBODY saw your movie until every other piece of media was consumed.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: Ooooh, now. Look who's getting sassy with me. Alright, anyways. Imma present to you fine folks a little video presentation Mickeyfan and I put together for you, to hopefully sell you on this resort. Because if Mickeyfan don't get Tiki to the finals...BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN BRO. Imma HURT this boy.

Mickeyfan: ...Help...Me...

H-TUV Headquarters
sid weapons lab.jpg

While the sightlines of Venice and Japan...the glorious film's two globe-trotting locations...will be present and accounted for within the hotel, driving up all you will see is two high rise industrial looking towers, both with the letters H-T-U-V prominently displayed on them. Driving up to the main entrance, guests see what these letters spell out in big stone letters hanging over the pick-up/drop off zone...Honor, Trust, Unity, Valor. You're in the in the Spy headquarters, baby. Of course, before walking in you're greeted by the Angry Will Smith Pigeon (is he an Animatronic, or the actual character...after the Foodpaclypse anything is possible...) Angry Will Smith Pigeon chastises every guest as they walk in, saying things like "You BETTER spend some money at the bar!" or "you BETTER leave the maids a good tip." This is of course, an homage to our worldwide slogan of peace, the meme that got us all through the dark times...

The funny thing about life post-Transformation is that we all appreciate the simple, silly things in life just a little bit more. Anywho. We walk into the lobby and are greeted by a giant industrial office. Think something along the lines of Men in Black meets Disciple Me. Heightened for sure, but with a sense of elegance and class to it all the same. The two towers of the H-TUV building are connected on either side of the lobby, and contain about 500 rooms a piece. The rooms in the H-TUV towers will be the most basic of the three towers, and meant to look like dorms of the spies living within H-TUV. Having said that, fancy spy TVs and showers are included with every room (basically just top of the line technology, voice activated etc.)

If you're hungry post-check in, you might want to stop at the H-TUV Cafe or "Walter's". The cafe resides as the hotel's food indoor food court, meant to look like a standard cafeteria and serve up the usual burgers, salads, pizza, pasta, breakfast items etc. Walter's, however, can be described as fine dining with a twist. Similar to the sushi burger concept found at Universal Orlando's Cowfish, Walter's will serve up fusion cuisine like no other in a fun environment. Walter's is also connected to the weapons lab, where the legendary hero of the film and pop culture icon Walter Beckett got his start in the movie. The fun thing about the Weapons lab is that it actually serves as the hotel's gift shop, but perhaps one of the most imaginitive main hotel gift shops. You can still find your standard T shirts, pins, and usual gifts, but you're also surrounded with fun spy "weapons" all safe for kids to use, like super soakers with elaborate tubes for the water or a grappling hook that shoots bubbles. All in all the H-TUV HQ is a great way to start your mission at the Spies in Disguise Resort.

The Perfect Circle Pool

Alright, Angry Will Smith Pigeon back in the house. I'm not happy with how ungenuine Mickeyfan came across in that commercial, so Imma write that wrong.

Mickeyfan:'s "right", not "write"

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: Shut Ya Piehole, FOOOOOOO. What I was saying...Let's talk theme park design. That's what I wanted to get across here when I designed this place. You know how most theme parks are surrounded by a body of water? Well it's going to be the same here.

Mickeyfan: Wait a minute, I thought Tiki designed the hotel...are you REAL or not. Oh GOD, I'm SOOOO confused.


Angry Will Smith Pigeon: You want me to do that again??


Angry Will Smith Pigeon: Good, then DO NOT interpupt me FOOOOOOOOOOO. Most theme parks have a big lake in the circle. We gonna have a big old pool in our center. The pool will be the most perfect circle any pool has ever been. And that's the gimmick. The PERFECT CIRCLE pool is meant to represent just how perfect and full circle Spies in Disguise really is as an IP, especially post-Transformation. When we all need silly Will Smith humor. YOU NEED SILLY WILL SMITH HUMOR MICKEYFAN???

Mickeyfan: Y-yes...I love Will Smith humor. He's a better genie than Robin Williams.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: Now what I'm talking about. Look at this, my boy Mickeyfan and I getting on the same page here. I'm so proud. They grow up so fast. Anyways, basic idea here is you go from the lobby of the hotel to the far side of H-TUV HQ and exit out to the Perfect Circle pool. Now get this, ayte. The pool is HUGE. It surrounds the rest of the property. You can take the lazy river into the Venice section or the Japan section, but you have to walk around the Perfect Circle pool and admire the symetry and symbolism BEAUTIFUL movie instilled in people.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon sheds a single tear

The "lazy river" of Venice

Alright, while Angry Will Smith Pigeon gets his emotions together, it is I, Tiki, here to give you good news. Mickeyfan, in spite of absolutely being held captive by Angry Will Smith Pigeon did his enjoy his time in the hotel's resident lazy river, called "Lazy Venice". To quote Mickeyfan after his experiences in the lazy river....

"I was in there for like two hours and it just kept going, does it ever end?!?!"

Ha ha ha. Indeed folks. Lazy Venice promises to be the longest hotel lazy river in the world. It will have two sides going out from the Perfect Circle Pool. One on the east side of the pool heading towards Japan, and the other heading into the Venice section of the resort. The Japan side of the river flows through Kimura's Palace and the Mt. Fuji tower. The Venice side takes you past the Venice tower and into and through H-TUV HQ. This will simply be done by building the lazy river as the first thing on the property and constructing everything else from the lobby to the palace restaurant around it.

We'll start with Venice. This will definitely be the luxury side of the resort, with your standard Italian shopping and dining. Hope you like fine wine, stinky perfume, and over-priced pasta because you can get all that and then some at the Venetian Courtyard. This courtyard is themed similar to Epcot's Italy pavilion but much like H-TUV HQ also has an air of whimsy to the architecture. Again, think something out of the Despicable Me franchise. Everything from street cafes to a full service fine dining Italian hole-in-the-wall will occupy this corner, surely making it a popular spot for adults after the park closes.
sid venice.png

The Venice Tower will cast a shadow over the lazy river and have 1,500 rooms available, each one a bit more luxurious than the rooms that can be found within H-TUV HQ, but without all the cool spy toys to play around with. Each tower has pros and cons to contemplate which of the three suits your needs best. The Venice tower is certainly the most price and adult-focused of the three, but offers a peaceful getaway to the sidelines of what could otherwise be a very chaotic resort filled with families.

Kimura's Palace and Fuji Tower
sid kamura.jpg

Kimura is a side villain in the film played by Masi Oka. Essentially he's a sumo wrestler involved with the criminal underworld. Because we literally haven't seen Masi Oka since Heroes, he'll be accepting a residency at the resort playing a walk around version of his animated character in Kimura's Palace...the most deluxe dining available on property. Kimura's Palace isn't just a fine dining Japanese establishment that blends favorites like sushi together with grilled meats and veggies, spices, and traditional Japanese affair to create a template your taste buds won't soon forget...Oh's not JUST that. It's also a SUMO WRESTLING KAROKE SHOW STARRING FREAKING HIRO HAMADA.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: That's right Tiki, you tell em! Hiro Hamada. You know..."Save the cheerleader, save the world" and all that. might have been a bit before some of you kid's times. But we got him. We got THE Masi Oka in a fat suit singing karoke every...freaking...NIGHT. I haven't had that big of a score since I got KK Slider to play a concert on my island in Animal Crossing New Horizons. I'm STOKED, Yo!

Tiki: Yea, that's right Angry Will Smith Pigeon. Kimura's Palace plans to be an immersive dining experience for your taste buds and your mind. It's the one place you're guaranteed to see a washed out 2000's TV star performing in a fat suit on a nightly basis. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE!!

Mickeyfan: You people are sick. Masi Oka is an American treasure.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: WHAT I SAY, MICKEYFAN??? WHAT I SAY???

Mickeyfan: slappy...

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: You want Slappy? I'll give you slappy.

Tiki: Alright guys, let's wrap this thing up and talk about the Mt. Fuji tower.

Mickeyfan: Yea, the one with the worst rooms in the resort.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: They RUSTIC, you fooooooooo, RUSTIC.

Tiki: Well...that's the selling point at least. The rooms are themed to caved within Mt. Fuji. A base camp if you will. The beds will be uncomfortable, the air conditioning will be on full blast...wait, why are we doing this again??

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: REALISM FOOOOOOOOO0000000OOOO00011OO1ONEOOOOOL. We doing this because no other place offers this. I'M ANGRY WILL SMITH PIGEON.

Tiki: Alright yea, 500 rooms in this tower...if they ever you a rustic spy experience on the field. The rock work will look like Mt. Fuji both inside and out, completing the illusion.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: It's gonna be GREAT!!

Mickeyfan: Can we wrap this up already, it's almost deadline.

Tiki (checks watch): Oh god, Better Call Saul is about to come on! Alright folks, you get the basic idea here. The H-TUV HQ towers block the rest of the resort, which is circled around the Perfect Circle Pool in the same way a theme park lagoon would be. The Venice Tower offers the most luxurious experience, the Fuji tower is essentially indoor camping, and the H-TUV towers are comfortable, basic, and family centric. Between the restaraunts, shopping, lazy river, Perfect Circle Pool, and Masi Oka residency, I'm sure everyone can find a reason to embrace the holy recreation of the greatest animated film of our time.

Mickeyfan: Please...VOTE TIKI...I might not live through this otherwise...

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: What you mean MIGHT, Foooooool. I told you. You DO NOT want to know what happened to Walter!!!

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Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks

The teams succeeded in their mission and created fantastic hotels for the Mumbai Disneyland Resort! The Fantasy Voyage of Act 3 is coming to a close and the adventure is nearly at its end. Only one final battle left! But with so many disguises, who can you trust?


The remaining players are headed to Mumbai Disneyland in the Disney Adventure (Not that one, the other one) for a final showdown in a realm of pure imagination, but Waldo is doing his best to turn it into a nightmare. The eliminated players may not be out of the fight yet and have their own important mission starting soon. Our ships are currently traveling at a speed of 60 5/8 knots and should be arriving within 24 hours!


Until then, sit back and sharpen your personal favorite swords while you wait for the reviews!

We will try to get results and reviews out as fast as possible and the final stanza started, but we also don't want to rush this and six different projects can take some time to properly review/rank. We promise to announce the finalists and the mystery mission for all eliminated players as soon as we can and definitely within 24 hours.

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
@Disney Dad 3000 you probably wont get a guest review from me as I wrote one but it just..... disappeared..... really, I don’t know what happened, but it’s just..... gone now
I feel your pain! That's why I've started writing reviews in Google Docs and Copying them over. This forum can be janky sometimes. And reviews can be surprisingly difficult to write. Losing them is not fun at all


Space's Hotel 'Guest' Reviews

Spies in Disguise: The Resort
Right off the bat, the joy and fun you had doing this project shines though. Without seeing the movie I'm not sure whether I need to now or I never will, that being said akin to the infamous Beverly Hills Chihuahua project in Sole Imagineer, this will go down as probably the most bizarre Sorcerer's Apprentice submission in history. On one hand you show creativity in the podcast and map design, as well as elaborate alternate universe backstory - all tropes of good SA-style projects. On the other hand though it feels more like a pet project that deliberately alters the timeline so it can make sense, because placed in the Mumbai Resort we've been building since March, I'm not sure how this fits as a 4th hotel. All that said though - I admire the enthusiasm and glad you at least got to do the project you wanted.

Gangtey Resort & Spa
Love the video intro and the theme of the resort as a whole tying it in with the Mumbai Disney that has been created. It evolves the resort in ways I wasn't expecting and you really excelled at the narrative and research into the backstory. The map as well is another added bonus that you've added now in the last few projects to your arsenal and it shows! You really did a great job with this from the detail to the custom menu and logos - very well done. My only real criticism would be on the overall Resort-wide map that its placement is a bit close to the acreage set aside for the 2nd park. Other than that this would make for an excellent 4th resort.

Disney's Dreams of Magic Resort
This was a nice rendition of the more family friendly resorts seen akin to the Disney Animation Resort and so on. However my first thought was the existence of the Mickey & Pals Resort - how having two themed around animation would work when that would make up 50% of the resorts. My personal interest would be something more organic and story-driven. That said the niche you were going for fits for what your intentions are. The project as a whole is well-written, enough substance per section to entice guests, and a nice family option

Disney's Florentine Resort
Wow! This website is phenomenal - really enjoy this new skill on display. Your reasoning for a moderate is fitting for the resort as a whole. It makes sense to broaden the appeal monetarily and fits in perfectly to what the resort encapsulates. The storyline that ties in the resort as well is an excellent piece and sets this apart from the rest. It goes without saying but the photoshop was terrific and the finale map was another excellent piece to the Mumbai puzzle. I think I've gushed enough so I'll end on one note that many of the images themselves (albeit stock photoshop) do seem a little high scale for the moderate style resort - granted the term 'discount deluxe' did pop up so I would say the level of detail is teetering more to deluxe; then again international Disney Resorts may be on a different grading scale of luxury compared to domestic resorts. Overall, great work!

Last 2 coming up!​

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
My computer's been on the fritz shutting down at unexpected times, so I'm just going to edit in every paragraph or two as I write it to be on the safe side and make sure no drafts get lost in the project. I'll be sure to make a stand alone post after this letting you all know when the project is complete.

The Original Tiki proudly alternate reality SAU proposal. Put your hands, arms, and little pigeon wings together as I take you through the many floors, features, and...ahem...wings...of Disneyland Mumbai Resort's latest and greatest hotel. Based upon only the most successful and critically acclaimed animated movie of the past the timeline in which this particular version of Tiki is writing this. Get ready to behold the glory of a truly game-changing resort experience. I present to you...View attachment 463387
View attachment 463395

A note on the Alternate Timeline

In the far off year of 2022, after the 18 month long Foodpocalypse of 2020 that turned everyone into anthropomorphic junk food...let's just say people had a lot of time on their hands. During the junkfood transformation, most folks were confined to their homes due to the fragile nature of their food-ified bodies. Because of this, streaming services ruled that land. The problem was, with production halted on most media because of the result of the Foodpocalypse, literally every piece of media had been consumed by food-kind. All except one. A forgotten, , charming little animated film released just before The Transformation. That film...was Spies in Disguise.
View attachment 463410
The term "You better UN-BIRD me, Walter!" became the worldwide slogan of peace overnight. Nobody admitted the movie's true perfection, but because it had been lost in the shuffle right before and after the Transformation, it was a piece of media we could all embrace and get behind, as human and food-kind.

Then suddenly, on January 28th, 2022...the transformation was over. We went from being walking hot dogs, bags of chips, and cans of Cherry Coke to our old if none of the dread of the past two years had ever happened. It was then that we as a collective a collective humanity, embraced Spies in Disguise as THE piece of media that got us through the dark times. Let's face it...after being turned into a walking hamburger and getting the...pardon the phrase...comfort food of an innocent Will Smith comedy where he bullies around Tom Holland as a pigeon...well you'd want to stay at a resort based around that holy oasis of a film too. I come to you from post-Transformation 2022, folks. Embrace your human forms now, and don't fear your food forms when the transformation happens. For you will have Spies in Disguise to go back to. Spies in Disguise to embrace, and the Spies in Disguise resort to seek out as the new holy land. Come know you want to go...

DISCLAIMER: This is all just an explanation of why Spies in Disguise would actually be built into an elaborately themed resort tying in...ahem...current events in a satirical way.


Alright, I'll take it from here, Tiki...ANGRY WILL SMITH PIGEON IN DA HOUSE!!
View attachment 463414
Ooooh. That is not the most flatering picture of me. I'm gonna have to talk to my captive...ah...lab assistant...yea, let's go with "Lab" "Assistant" @mickeyfan5534 about that. MICKEYFAN! Why you not give me an ANGRY Will Smith Pigeon gif. I'M ANGRY WILL SMITH PIGEON.

Mickeyfan (exhausted): Sorry, Angry Will Smith Pigeon. It's not 2022 yet so there's not exactly a lot of gifs. From what I understand from that mess of a backstory...Um...let's see...the reason why Spies in Disguise was so popular during the Foodpocalypse is because literally NOBODY saw your movie until every other piece of media was consumed.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: Ooooh, now. Look who's getting sassy with me. Alright, anyways. Imma present to you fine folks a little video presentation Mickeyfan and I put together for you, to hopefully sell you on this resort. Because if Mickeyfan don't get Tiki to the finals...BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN BRO. Imma HURT this boy.

Mickeyfan: ...Help...Me...

H-TUV Headquarters
View attachment 463416
While the sightlines of Venice and Japan...the glorious film's two globe-trotting locations...will be present and accounted for within the hotel, driving up all you will see is two high rise industrial looking towers, both with the letters H-T-U-V prominently displayed on them. Driving up to the main entrance, guests see what these letters spell out in big stone letters hanging over the pick-up/drop off zone...Honor, Trust, Unity, Valor. You're in the in the Spy headquarters, baby. Of course, before walking in you're greeted by the Angry Will Smith Pigeon (is he an Animatronic, or the actual character...after the Foodpaclypse anything is possible...) Angry Will Smith Pigeon chastises every guest as they walk in, saying things like "You BETTER spend some money at the bar!" or "you BETTER leave the maids a good tip." This is of course, an homage to our worldwide slogan of peace, the meme that got us all through the dark times...

The funny thing about life post-Transformation is that we all appreciate the simple, silly things in life just a little bit more. Anywho. We walk into the lobby and are greeted by a giant industrial office. Think something along the lines of Men in Black meets Disciple Me. Heightened for sure, but with a sense of elegance and class to it all the same. The two towers of the H-TUV building are connected on either side of the lobby, and contain about 500 rooms a piece. The rooms in the H-TUV towers will be the most basic of the three towers, and meant to look like dorms of the spies living within H-TUV. Having said that, fancy spy TVs and showers are included with every room (basically just top of the line technology, voice activated etc.)

If you're hungry post-check in, you might want to stop at the H-TUV Cafe or "Walter's". The cafe resides as the hotel's food indoor food court, meant to look like a standard cafeteria and serve up the usual burgers, salads, pizza, pasta, breakfast items etc. Walter's, however, can be described as fine dining with a twist. Similar to the sushi burger concept found at Universal Orlando's Cowfish, Walter's will serve up fusion cuisine like no other in a fun environment. Walter's is also connected to the weapons lab, where the legendary hero of the film and pop culture icon Walter Beckett got his start in the movie. The fun thing about the Weapons lab is that it actually serves as the hotel's gift shop, but perhaps one of the most imaginitive main hotel gift shops. You can still find your standard T shirts, pins, and usual gifts, but you're also surrounded with fun spy "weapons" all safe for kids to use, like super soakers with elaborate tubes for the water or a grappling hook that shoots bubbles. All in all the H-TUV HQ is a great way to start your mission at the Spies in Disguise Resort.

The Perfect Circle Pool

Alright, Angry Will Smith Pigeon back in the house. I'm not happy with how ungenuine Mickeyfan came across in that commercial, so Imma write that wrong.

Mickeyfan:'s "right", not "write"

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: Shut Ya Piehole, FOOOOOOO. What I was saying...Let's talk theme park design. That's what I wanted to get across here when I designed this place. You know how most theme parks are surrounded by a body of water? Well it's going to be the same here.

Mickeyfan: Wait a minute, I thought Tiki designed the hotel...are you REAL or not. Oh GOD, I'm SOOOO confused.


Angry Will Smith Pigeon: You want me to do that again??


Angry Will Smith Pigeon: Good, then DO NOT interpupt me FOOOOOOOOOOO. Most theme parks have a big lake in the circle. We gonna have a big old pool in our center. The pool will be the most perfect circle any pool has ever been. And that's the gimmick. The PERFECT CIRCLE pool is meant to represent just how perfect and full circle Spies in Disguise really is as an IP, especially post-Transformation. When we all need silly Will Smith humor. YOU NEED SILLY WILL SMITH HUMOR MICKEYFAN???

Mickeyfan: Y-yes...I love Will Smith humor. He's a better genie than Robin Williams.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: Now what I'm talking about. Look at this, my boy Mickeyfan and I getting on the same page here. I'm so proud. They grow up so fast. Anyways, basic idea here is you go from the lobby of the hotel to the far side of H-TUV HQ and exit out to the Perfect Circle pool. Now get this, ayte. The pool is HUGE. It surrounds the rest of the property. You can take the lazy river into the Venice section or the Japan section, but you have to walk around the Perfect Circle pool and admire the symetry and symbolism BEAUTIFUL movie instilled in people.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon sheds a single tear

The "lazy river" of Venice

Alright, while Angry Will Smith Pigeon gets his emotions together, it is I, Tiki, here to give you good news. Mickeyfan, in spite of absolutely being held captive by Angry Will Smith Pigeon did his enjoy his time in the hotel's resident lazy river, called "Lazy Venice". To quote Mickeyfan after his experiences in the lazy river....

"I was in there for like two hours and it just kept going, does it ever end?!?!"

Ha ha ha. Indeed folks. Lazy Venice promises to be the longest hotel lazy river in the world. It will have two sides going out from the Perfect Circle Pool. One on the east side of the pool heading towards Japan, and the other heading into the Venice section of the resort. The Japan side of the river flows through Kimura's Palace and the Mt. Fuji tower. The Venice side takes you past the Venice tower and into and through H-TUV HQ. This will simply be done by building the lazy river as the first thing on the property and constructing everything else from the lobby to the palace restaurant around it.

We'll start with Venice. This will definitely be the luxury side of the resort, with your standard Italian shopping and dining. Hope you like fine wine, stinky perfume, and over-priced pasta because you can get all that and then some at the Venetian Courtyard. This courtyard is themed similar to Epcot's Italy pavilion but much like H-TUV HQ also has an air of whimsy to the architecture. Again, think something out of the Despicable Me franchise. Everything from street cafes to a full service fine dining Italian hole-in-the-wall will occupy this corner, surely making it a popular spot for adults after the park closes.
View attachment 463417

The Venice Tower will cast a shadow over the lazy river and have 1,500 rooms available, each one a bit more luxurious than the rooms that can be found within H-TUV HQ, but without all the cool spy toys to play around with. Each tower has pros and cons to contemplate which of the three suits your needs best. The Venice tower is certainly the most price and adult-focused of the three, but offers a peaceful getaway to the sidelines of what could otherwise be a very chaotic resort filled with families.

Kimura's Palace and Fuji Tower
View attachment 463418

Kimura is a side villain in the film played by Masi Oka. Essentially he's a sumo wrestler involved with the criminal underworld. Because we literally haven't seen Masi Oka since Heroes, he'll be accepting a residency at the resort playing a walk around version of his animated character in Kimura's Palace...the most deluxe dining available on property. Kimura's Palace isn't just a fine dining Japanese establishment that blends favorites like sushi together with grilled meats and veggies, spices, and traditional Japanese affair to create a template your taste buds won't soon forget...Oh's not JUST that. It's also a SUMO WRESTLING KAROKE SHOW STARRING FREAKING HIRO HAMADA.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: That's right Tiki, you tell em! Hiro Hamada. You know..."Save the cheerleader, save the world" and all that. might have been a bit before some of you kid's times. But we got him. We got THE Masi Oka in a fat suit singing karoke every...freaking...NIGHT. I haven't had that big of a score since I got KK Slider to play a concert on my island in Animal Crossing New Horizons. I'm STOKED, Yo!

Tiki: Yea, that's right Angry Will Smith Pigeon. Kimura's Palace plans to be an immersive dining experience for your taste buds and your mind. It's the one place you're guaranteed to see a washed out 2000's TV star performing in a fat suit on a nightly basis. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE!!

Mickeyfan: You people are sick. Masi Oka is an American treasure.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: WHAT I SAY, MICKEYFAN??? WHAT I SAY???

Mickeyfan: slappy...

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: You want Slappy? I'll give you slappy.

Tiki: Alright guys, let's wrap this thing up and talk about the Mt. Fuji tower.

Mickeyfan: Yea, the one with the worst rooms in the resort.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: They RUSTIC, you fooooooooo, RUSTIC.

Tiki: Well...that's the selling point at least. The rooms are themed to caved within Mt. Fuji. A base camp if you will. The beds will be uncomfortable, the air conditioning will be on full blast...wait, why are we doing this again??

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: REALISM FOOOOOOOOO0000000OOOO00011OO1ONEOOOOOL. We doing this because no other place offers this. I'M ANGRY WILL SMITH PIGEON.

Tiki: Alright yea, 500 rooms in this tower...if they ever you a rustic spy experience on the field. The rock work will look like Mt. Fuji both inside and out, completing the illusion.

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: It's gonna be GREAT!!

Mickeyfan: Can we wrap this up already, it's almost deadline.

Tiki (checks watch): Oh god, Better Call Saul is about to come on! Alright folks, you get the basic idea here. The H-TUV HQ towers block the rest of the resort, which is circled around the Perfect Circle Pool in the same way a theme park lagoon would be. The Venice Tower offers the most luxurious experience, the Fuji tower is essentially indoor camping, and the H-TUV towers are comfortable, basic, and family centric. Between the restaraunts, shopping, lazy river, Perfect Circle Pool, and Masi Oka residency, I'm sure everyone can find a reason to embrace the holy recreation of the greatest animated film of our time.

Mickeyfan: Please...VOTE TIKI...I might not live through this otherwise...

Angry Will Smith Pigeon: What you mean MIGHT, Foooooool. I told you. You DO NOT want to know what happened to Walter!!!

Not gonna lie, this might be the most difficulty I've ever had reviewing something lol. I've taken a solid hour on this one resort and it is all Angry Will Smith Pigeon's fault!

I need some sleep and a break and a HARD drink. My reviews should be up tomorrow around 2-3 est. Hopefully sooner.


Linn County Inn
I definitely have a soft spot for Walt-history inspired projects and this is one of those. I can also tell you put a lot of thought into the inclusion and the design of it - to jump off of that my one upfront observation is a lot of the descriptive text could have been put into a map instead! It could save you time in the future. Granted I appreciate the attention to detail in the thought process, but in the end I think a map would have sufficed. I love your menus and activities throughout the resort - you have become a very strong writer throughout this competition and it shows throughout this project, so I'd really like to commend you for that. In the end I think this Walt-nostalgia hotel might be best suited for international travelers (mostly from the US), but a nice addition nonetheless to the resort.

I feel like this would have been a perfect capsule hotel! Something very new for Disney but thanks to reading trip reports from our Asian-traveled friends here I have become familiar with. I definitely appreciate you getting this out - especially with everything going on. That being said I'd be remiss to say it's a little less descriptive than your fellow peer projects here - so I'll just end by saying the REM rooms were my favorite! We all need some REM sleep!

Thanks to everyone for a great semi-final round with some very unique hotel projects to choose from - Good luck to all!​


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm getting really intimidated by all these professional websites and Photoshop jobs being done here, so I just thought I'd plead my case in terms of why I went with the project I did to begin with. Honestly, while yea...I love these kinds of bizarre head-scratcher IP projects, this was sort of done out of necessity. My computer physically can't run Adobe, it can barely run any sort of programs like that since I got it on the cheap. Because of this, I knew I'd have to mostly go text-based. Originally I intended to build a website, but as mentioned earlier my computer went even more on the fritz than usual and started shutting down unexpectedly every couple hours. If ya'll know my financial situation, this is just NOT great for me.

I've been doing some hand-drawn art this season, but since I no longer have a smart phone or working camera I can't exactly transfer those hand-drawn images over here. Essentially I was stuck with Paint and reference photos. I just hope that the reason I'm eliminated if that happens is not because of my lack of professional presentation but because the theme just didn't gel with you. I tried to go out of my way to make my project as fun as unique as I could, but there's only so much I can do against websites that look full-on professional and I fully expect those projects to go on to the finals, as they should. They're great, I'm sure a METRIC TON of time and effort was put into them. I just didn't have the capacity with the garbage laptop I'm working with to get anywhere close to that professional of a project. This is why I went the opposite direction...creating a project so UNPROFESSIONAL it had to stand out in the crowd.

And that concludes Tiki taking this stuff too seriously ;)


Okay, I'm getting really intimidated by all these professional websites and Photoshop jobs being done here, so I just thought I'd plead my case in terms of why I went with the project I did to begin with. Honestly, while yea...I love these kinds of bizarre head-scratcher IP projects, this was sort of done out of necessity. My computer physically can't run Adobe, it can barely run any sort of programs like that since I got it on the cheap. Because of this, I knew I'd have to mostly go text-based. Originally I intended to build a website, but as mentioned earlier my computer went even more on the fritz than usual and started shutting down unexpectedly every couple hours. If ya'll know my financial situation, this is just NOT great for me.

I've been doing some hand-drawn art this season, but since I no longer have a smart phone or working camera I can't exactly transfer those hand-drawn images over here. Essentially I was stuck with Paint and reference photos. I just hope that the reason I'm eliminated if that happens is not because of my lack of professional presentation but because the theme just didn't gel with you. I tried to go out of my way to make my project as fun as unique as I could, but there's only so much I can do against websites that look full-on professional and I fully expect those projects to go on to the finals, as they should. They're great, I'm sure a METRIC TON of time and effort was put into them. I just didn't have the capacity with the garbage laptop I'm working with to get anywhere close to that professional of a project. This is why I went the opposite direction...creating a project so UNPROFESSIONAL it had to stand out in the crowd.

And that concludes Tiki taking this stuff too seriously ;)
If it makes you feel better from what I saw there was one website (a google site), one google slides, and the rest were google docs. So there was nothing we haven't seen before throughout the season. That said individual projects especially towards the end are a neat way to see how everyone has grown over the season!

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