The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 6: ODYSSEY

Pi on my Cake

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In the Parks

The teams succeeded in their mission and collected the artifact in Hawaii before L.A.N.D. Agents could! Scrump the Doll is safely in the hands of S.E.A.!


Team Tomorrow in the Disney Adventure and Team Yesterday in the Disney Adventure have set sail for the location of the next artifact: Singapore! Our ships are currently traveling at a positively insane speed of 248 1/7 knots, which puts our arrival time by 23:59 EST Saturday.


Until then, sit back and relax on the cruise ship water slides while you wait for the reviews!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks
pi reviews.png


This team was already in a great place, they were just struggling with coming together and having a strong push as a team. It didn't help that there were a lot of things keeping members from either being active or being online at the same times making communication difficult. The addition of Space to the team was the missing link that was needed to help pull everyone together and create something amazing!
  • I love the custom team logo for the project! I remember making these a few times in Season 5. They're a fun twist on the project. One of those little "Plusses" I've mentioned a lot in reviews. Small things that aren't needed, but help make the project feel more alive!​
  • Love the Neverland Park Logo! It is simple, but really cool looking! Good call on moving the text down for better contrast and readability​
  • The Intro/Location section is great! It is very well written and weaves the SAU history and real history together. It is perhaps slightly longer than it needs to be and bit too much (20% of the total project is introduction), but the way the Slides are laid out and the text is broken up with plenty of visuals. So, the length works out ok.​
  • The Lua Lua expansion is a very smart idea! Injecting some more traditionally "Disney" Elements into the resort while keeping the "toon" stuff seperated still. It seems like a best of both worlds concept. And something that will help expand the target audience for the Aulani Resort as a whole.​
  • The map is good! I'd love to see @AceAstro try again without technical difficulties getting in the way, but this quick map by Space gets the job done. Special note to all the players who want to try maps and haven't yet: The main point should be to communicate the layout. Looking pretty is a bonus. A nice bonus, but still a bonus. Even if your map is something simple like this one, it is ok! Try something new!​
  • The Entrance and the Kensington Square area! It is a great idea for a Peter Pan water park! I feel like it wasn't needed with the already tropical Hawaii though. Why transistion from Tropical Island to London and then to Tropical Island? Context of where you are building is important. Again though, this is a minor issue. Just a nitpick. I love the entry land! Is that some old Club 32 art?​
  • Water Parks tend to have amazing "reveals" of their icons. I don't know what it is about them, but Typhoon Lagoon and Volcano Bay both do an incredible job of creating a "wow" moment when you first see the icon across the wave pool. The view of Mermaid Lagoon with Skull Rock and the Mountains as the backdrop would definitely be a new high bar for these kinda of "wow" moments!​
  • Little details like the morning swim lessons and the number of guest chairs are some more great "plusses"​
  • I love a good Lazy River! Barrie River doesn't dissappoint! Listing the entry points is a good touch​
  • Building a few attractions into Skull Rock is a great idea! It helps create a mini-land to help divide up the park plus the rockwork can hide the supports.​
  • The Neverwoods Land also works really well. A good place for some kid friendly rides and some whimsical visuals. Naming the different slides in the treehouse instead of just grouping them both together was a cool touch.​
  • Well, gotta talk about the elephant in the room. There are four waterslides. There was not much focus on the actual water park side of this water park. You didn't need much more, but maybe a couple of more attractions. That is really the only main issue with this project. It is suposed to be about a water park. The Introduction to the expansion is longer than the entirety of the attraction descriptions. There just wasn't enough to the actual water park to the water park project. I adore what is here! I just want more!​
  • Leaf Lounge is so cute! It fits into Neverland like a glove while still being original! I love how you expand the brand, Basing things around a single IP always scares me a little bit because that can easily become very limiting. Things like this help escape those limits. Plus, an animatronic entertainer for a restaurant is always a nice touch. Great art btw.​
  • Hook's Tavern is also a great idea. The art for the sign is so good I wouldn't have realized you drew it if I hadn't have seen you post about it @Brer Panther. The theme itself is the obvious choice, but obvious doesn't mean bad. You do some cool things with the idea! I always like seeing original signature beverages. That's a great "Plus"​
  • The shops are both very solid. I'm a bit confused as to why Tinkerbell's quest is with the shops instead of with attractions? I do love the idea of a scavenger hunt though!​
  • Spelling "Honor" like "Honour" are we? @Evilgidgit must've written this part ;)
  • The Lost Boys March and the Pixie Promenade and One and Only Captain Hook are all perfect entertainment options for a waterpark! They each fill a different niche and compliment each other very well! It is clear a lot of thought went into choosing activities that would work together while still being super fun!​
  • Fireworks in a waterpark is an interesting idea. I personally wouldn't want it because I don't want to be cold and wet hanging out in my bathing suit after dark huddled around others for a show. BUT I know this is a concept a lot of people are interested in and Volcano Bay has a nighttime lights show (I think), so I'm willing to admit that my issues with a fireworks show in a water park are more my own issues rather than an actual problem with them. Plus, it sounds like a really cool show. The name alone is enough to fill me with a sense of wonder and whimsy!​
  • While not a part of the actual water park, the Coffee Farm and other expansions are both brilliant ideas!! IT would do a lot to help set Aulani apart from the competitive market and make a stay there feel even more full!​
Overall, I love the concept of a Neverland park and I think this was incredibly well done! It just doesn't feel full enough. There's such wonderful detail on multiple dining locations, entertainment options, and expansion plans and a lot of great "plusses" for the project, but just so few water slides. Will the strength of what is there be enough to win? Or will what's missing hold this team back?​

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks
pi reviews.png


The two teams took a very different approach to this. Team Tomorrow sought to distance themselves from the "Big H, Little D" motto and expand the audience for Aulani. You guys doubled down on it and focused in on what make Aulani already work so well. Two very different strategies that both have their ups and downs.​
  • There is a very clear vision laid out for the park .From lists of concept art that influence it, to themes, to scale... This project has a very clear vision and that is established right off the bat with the introduction.​
  • The PResentation here is incredibly well organized and clear also. Good balance of text and pictures with a lot of professional details (But not too many professional details that it feels like a boring essay lol)​
  • Kane's Fishponds are incredible and exactly the type of thing I was hoping someone would do! I adore Discovery Cove and this small version of it takes all the highlights and places them in your park! Perfect addition for a water park connected to Aulani! Sets the tone right off the bat for a more intimate and experience focused park.​
  • Huho O Pele sounds stunning! But the launched water coaster weaving through the volacno that serves as the park icon is a bit of a familiar concept...​
  • maxresdefault.jpg
  • This just sounds like Krakatau from Volcano Bay but cranked up to 11.​
  • In fact, a lot of this park sounds like Volcano Bay. I can give you guys the benefit of the doubt that you might not know much about Volcano Bay, but I know I've personally worked on a Volcano Bay project with a few of you #VBB​
  • That being said, the storytelling in the water coaster is perfect Just the right blend of detail and visuals for a fast paced ride! It would be sure to be a hug hit!​
  • Ka Wai O Ka Maluhia River truly sounds like the next evolution of LAzy River! Excellent work on it! The weaving of Hawaiian Deities into the landscape itself just sounds stunningly gorgeous.​
  • Bit of a weird organizational thing, but why is like half the project listed under "Additional Features" in the Doc? I think something might be out of order?​
  • The Entrance sounds perfect for the park.​
  • A giant Lono Tree as an icon is a great idea! It is unique, visually striking, and ties into the themes perfectly! I love it!​
  • The Wave Pool being a gigantic Infinity Pool... I'm not sure that could work practically. In theory it is such a striking and lovely visual. I'm willing to trust imagineers to find a way to make it work lol. This is exactly the type of the outside the box thinking I like seeing in this competition!​
  • Having a non-wave pool with an infinity effect is a nice touch. Especially since the infinity effect would probably work a lot better here.​
  • Menehune Village is a great kids play area! There was clearly so much care and research put into so many aspect of this project! This really isn't anything special beyond a regular kids play area, but the Menehune myths are blended in so beautifully that it just elevates it above what it appears to be at first glance.​
  • Night Marchers is a very cool concept. Not sure exactly how well this would work though. This might be pushing the bounds of realism slightly. Or maybe it just needed a bit more writing explaining how it would work? If its a slide, how can people drum if the have to hold on to the raft? Or is it more like a roller coaster where people are strapped in? Or is it more of a slow raft ride? This felt like it needed just a bit more development. But the base concept of drumming in time with the lights to get a high score is really fun! I always love seeing interactive rides that aren't just "shoot the things"​
  • The Body Slides are solid. A run down of slides (even just bullet points) would've been a nice "plus" for the project. But just a simple "The standard slides are here" does work. Since you've written up any really noteworthy slides.​
  • Hina Racers would be a personal favorite! I love mat slides! Once again, a great job blending story telling into water slides which traditionally don't tell much of a story.​
  • Drop Slides are terrifying. Just the scariest theme/water park thing I've ever done. Great addition!​
  • Surf Lessons are a great "plus" to the project and make perfect sense considering they already have them at Typhoon Lagoon. Also, it makes perfect sense for a Hawaiian resort. I'm sure a lot of tourists want to try to surf while they're there.​
  • Spirit Talkers is amazing! I really don't want to understate how much I love this simple idea! (I also love what they have at Volcano Bay which is basically this but on a smaller scale)​
  • Live Storytelling is a great way to add some more entertainment options and help tie the culture in to the park better. Same with the Hakas & Hulas​
  • DVC Bungalows are a good thing to mention. But if the primary audience is people staying at a DVC resort, will bungalows be practical? Will there be enough to satisfy demand without it just turning into a series of benches? Probably, but I just wonder how special bungalows would be if 80 percent of guests have them.​
  • Lono Lounge Café is incredible! Blending in Tropical Serenade was a great idea! Housing it in the tree is such a cool concept! Having the Lanai as a quick service option was a good way to balance out the dining.​
  • Hala’ea Marketplace doesn't feel like an afterthought. A project of this size on a tight time frame usually winds up with a few things feeling like after thoughts, but even the shop at the end of the Google Doc feels fully formed and unique. Well done!​
Overall, this was a great park with a very clear vision for both the park and the project. There are some nitpick issues with the presentation that are relatively minor, but overall a truly great water park that is unique in every way! But there are definitely a few ideas that push the limits of practicality and a lot of similarities to Volcano Bay. Will these issues be enough to hold you back? Or will the strength of the storytelling help you pull ahead?​


Well-Known Member
Outbound's Reviews.png

Team Tomorrow.png

This Stanza got off to a shaky start. First, you needed to appoint a new leader. Second, you were one man down (our sources indicate Kevin is away in Chicago). Third, this led to Space jumping in to balance things out.

The end result? Cohesive and inspired! You wouldn’t know any of the early behind the scenes concerns looking at this. Starting off I liked your focus on resort placement. It also led to your theme, which goes a bit off from the usual Aulani theming and may have not made sense next to the hotel proper.

Your presentation is effective and pleasant to read. I adore the use of reference images AND the original artwork. And yay for reading music!

Bringing the “Disney” back to Aulani is a great purpose for a Neverland Waterpark. I was also impressed by the nature hikes and coffee farm tour getting so much attention when it could have been just a throwaway, it was neat to see you go the extra mile.

I am conflicted about the layout. I think London is necessary for the park entrance on a thematic standpoint, but it also creates two distinct areas: one with all the shops and the other with all the attractions. Maybe decrease the scale of London to just a corner )not a four-way intersection,) and have more shops around Neverland itself?

The waterpark itself is all solid. There is great care for each part. My only concerns come down to the number of things to do. It feels like there’s a lot of empty land on the park map, and you still have plenty to add to expand the park out. Like water coaster, an adult-only pool, or mini-land themed to Tinker Bell. It seems there’s overall too much a focus on the exterior entertainment and activities than on the water park.

One of my favorite parts is the Leaf Lounge. It’s original but fits the Neverland IP like a glove. And the caterpillar is so cute!

I really enjoy Lost Boys March, Pixie Hollow Promenade, and The One and Only Captain Hook. They give the park more life. Now, fireworks are a big risk, but I think it pays off here. This is basically the center of Disney’s Hawaiin properties. It would make sense to build this place up with other entertainment venues.


Overall, a very good job Team Tomorrow! The creativity for the Neverland theme is fantastic. I wish you had gone a bit further into the detail -- but you should all still be very proud.​


Well-Known Member

Right off the bat, I love taking things small. It’s a big contrast to Team Tomorrow. The location is also a big plus. I know Tomorrow was concerned about another company already owning that land, but Disney acquiring this isn’t much an issue for the SAU.

I prefer Google Docs to a forum post for a number of reasons. First, you have more ability to customize the formatting. Something as minimal as using a custom font gives it an extra edge. Second, you have the outline feature for easy scrolling. Unfortunately, this isn’t used to its full potential here. I highly recommend using the outline next time. Tip: if you want to get an outline on an image header, type up your header and color it white so it becomes invisible, but is still detected by the docs outline.

But out of my presentation rant, let’s talk about the Garden of the Gods. I really like the choice to go non-IP, especially when focused on Hawaiian mythology in Hawaii. It ties well with the Aulani “Big H, Little D” while also building a Disney charm. The map is clear - I like the structure of everything, though I also fear you may be creating a huge bottleneck at the park center.

One thing I took away from this park is for every acre you subtract, the parks become more filled with more fine details. Your extra day paid off. This park feels so alive. For instance, the Lono Tree, Spirit Talkers, and Leaky Tikis!

Kane Fishponds right out of the gate sets this away from your typical waterpark and more towards SeaWorld. I really like it!

Yay for a watercoaster. Especially one based on a volcano. I have never been to Volcano Bay, so I have no idea how similar this is to the universal park. Regardless I don’t think it matters because Universal is a separate company than Disney. Ideas are constantly overlapping.

I don’t understand physically how a wave pool can work by doubling as an infinity pool.


So here we can see how wave pools work. You need water to come in through the machine, preferably hidden under rockwork. But how do you get to the infinity pool part? Wouldn’t that be right where the machine is?

Behind this small issue, the rest of your water park attractions work very well. Night Marchers is a great use of new technology. I was a bit worried reading Kane’s Fishponds first that this wouldn’t lean much into your typical water park attraction, but you’ve managed to include a good number of play areas, slides, and pools to keep everyone happy.

The restaurants and shopping all perfectly blend into your ideas. Bringing the Enchanted Tiki Room Dining to life was something we saw in Stanza II, and it still works! My favorite part, however, is the focus on traditional Hawaiian entertainment. It almost feels like an EPCOT Pavillion at this point.

Overall, this is an amazing take on a smaller, more intimate water park. I love the focus on Hawaiian gods. It all flows so well!​

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks
Chapter 8: Adventure is Universal

Before we check in on the teams, let's take a look at what has been going on at Muppet Labs...


For those curious, Beaker was tied up for quite a quite a long time. Of course, being tied up for almost a month means he was still in less danger on his own than he usually is when he is working with Dr. Honeydew.

Back where the Disney Adventure and the Disney Adventure has docked, the teams have safely arrived at Universal Singapore. They seem to have a head start on the L.A.N.D. agents, so they decide to enjoy themselves a bit!


They start the way any group of adults would, by heading straight to the New York area to enjoy the Sesame Street Character Breakfast at Loui’s NY Pizza Parlor.

"We gotta fuel up with a big breakfast before our mission. This is purely strategic, nothing more." @AceAstro says while grinning ear to ear at the sight of Cookie Monster.

The teams go for a quick ride on Sesame Street Spaghetti Space Chase before leaving the New York section of the park for Sci-Fi City.

"The Battlestar Galactica Coaster has two different tracks! So, that's two more coasters to cross off my bucket list!" @TheOriginalTiki says getting in the queue for the Human side which is a more tame sit-down roller coaster with no inversions. After that ride, the team got on The more intense, inverted Cylon side!


"I think I'm good to sit out the crazy intense roller coaster. I'll just run and grab 27 shots of Espresso from the Starbucks in the Hollywood area and meet back up with you after." @gam3rprincess says.

After meeting back up, the teams make their way into Ancient Egypt. @kmbmw777 talks about how much he loved this version of the Mummy! They keep going straight into The Lost World to ride Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure and run into @S.P.E.W.

"What are you doing in Singapore?" @mickeyfan5534 asks

"You can find me anywhere Jurassic Park dinos are found." @S.P.E.W says.


"Is that a whole castle for the Shrek land?" @NateD1226 asks in amazement as they enter Far Far Away and see the surprisingly grand castle!


"I wonder what kind of amazing stuff they have inside such a cool facade?" @Disneypugs. ponders.

"It is literally just Shrek 4D. Nothing else. Like, what the crap? Why? That doesn't even take place in the castle? That movie was made before Shrek 2 came out and created Far Far Away. It makes no sense!" @D Hindley rants.

"Hang on! I have a meme for this!" @Pi on my Cake exclaims!


Finally, the teams make it to the final land, Madagascar! They ride the surprisingly amazing Dark Ride and notice something interesting...


"What's that in Alex's hand? Is that an artifact?" @orlando678- asks?

"Let's check the briefing we got from John Progress!" @Tux says.


The teams start trying to remember The Wild as they prepare for their next mission. It is on Disney+ so the 15 players, 3 hosts, Abraham Lincoln, John Progress, and @S.P.E.W all gather around @Disney Dad 3000's smart phone to watch the movie. Nothing like 21 people sharing one pair of earbuds! This is truly the way cinema is meant to be experienced!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks

Welcome to Universal Studios Singapore! This park has been untouched by the SAU. Today that all changes.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a new flat ride for Universal Studios Singapore.


- Make sure you have a strong understanding of the park’s lands. You don’t have the scale to make your own entirely new land, so try sticking to the current (or upcoming) themes.
- Remember, the focus is on a flat ride. Keep it small.
- You have three days to complete this challenge.
- For the Pacific Voyage it is ok to slack on a stanza or two. Just let your team know beforehand.

Project Managers

Yesterday - @gam3rprincess
Tomorrow - @Brer Oswald

Guest Reviewers

Yesterday - @DisneyManOne, @JokersWild
Tomorrow - @MagicFeather, @Voxel, @JokersWild

This Project is due Tuesday, March 10th at 11:59 PM EST

Time Zones
Walt Disney World- 11:59 PM
Disneyland Park - 8:59 PM
Disneyland Paris - 5:59 AM
Disneyland Tokyo - 1:59 PM

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Stanza 7 Results.png

Thanks to everyone who participated in this challenge. After much discussion, The Agents of S.E.A. have come to a decision. This round was a close one...

Team Tomorrow
This was an absolutely fantastic project full of great ideas! It just focused too much on the "extra" stuff and not enough on what was most important.

Team Yesterday!
There are some definite issues here and there, but for the most part this was a beautiful project that is united with a cohesive vision and voice!

Now, say aloha to Hawaii! It's time for Singapore!


Well-Known Member
"Is that a whole castle for the Shrek land?" @NateD1226 asks in amazement as they enter Far Far Away and see the surprisingly grand castle!


"I wonder what kind of amazing stuff they have inside such a cool facade?" @Disneypugs. ponders.

"It is literally just Shrek 4D. Nothing else. Like, what the crap? Why? That doesn't even take place in the castle? That movie was made before Shrek 2 came out and created Far Far Away. It makes no sense!" @D Hindley rants.

"Hang on! I have a meme for this!" @Pi on my Cake exclaims!

And you know what else?" I asked after I had handled a juvenile Stegosaurus in The Lost World. "That short has been everywhere! Even given away free with every purchase of select General Mills brand cereal. No wonder why the Moviepark Germany and Warners Bros. Movie World in Australia didn't last very long."

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
And you know what else?" I asked after I had handled a juvenile Stegosaurus in The Lost World. "That short has been everywhere! Even given away free with every purchase of select General Mills brand cereal. No wonder why the Moviepark Germany and Warners Bros. Movie World in Australia didn't last very long."
For real though, I love Shrek 4D. But it is time for it to go. It is dated in terms of Shrek movie canon, in terms of animation quality, and in terms of theme park tech. And yet it has prime real estate in like every Universal!


Well-Known Member
For real though, I love Shrek 4D. But it is time for it to go. It is dated in terms of Shrek movie canon, in terms of animation quality, and in terms of theme park tech.
Not to mention having Farquaad come back as the main antagonist was bad as it is cliche.
And yet it has prime real estate in like every Universal!
Nearly. Shrek was planned for Beijing before it was axed from the final concept. If Universal ever decides to use the Shrek franchise in future, then it should not involve Shrek 4D; or 3D as it is called on DVD; or Shrek’s Never Before Seen Adventure when it aired on Nickelodeon that one time; or The Ghost of Lord Farqaad as Netflix calls it.


Well-Known Member
The teams start trying to remember The Wild as they prepare for their next mission. It is on Disney+ so the 15 players, 3 hosts, Abraham Lincoln, John Progress, and @S.P.E.W all gather around @Disney Dad 3000's smart phone to watch the movie. Nothing like 21 people sharing one pair of earbuds!
Actually, that's not entirely true. @S.P.E.W ; now renamed @Suchomimus ; had escaped to the sancturay of The Lost World to use the restroom, but was gone for so long that he missed the entire movie, leaving only 20 people to suffer watch the movie.

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