The One Sentence Competition Retrospectives: Seasons 1-8

Pi on my Cake

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In the Parks
A little late, but let’s upset some IP purists right off the bat:

Blizzard Beach was formed after a freak snowstorm - but what could cause such a snowstorm?

The (Grand) Mother of all that is Frozen.

That’s right, Anna & Elsa’s grandmother, with powers just like Elsa, caused that famous blizzard in the 1970s when she was learning to control her gift.

In present day, on Frozen Blizzard, when you slide through tunnels, Elsa provides such a cold blast that a fine mist inside becomes frozen as you pass through.
Blizzard Beach already has heavy IP influences so while some people might be upset, updating from Cool Runnings to something mildly more relevant makes sense. Plus this sounds pretty fun!

Nothing fancy, just simple and practical. (This was before Genie+ so…)

Second Chance Magic

You may choose to opt in to Second Chance Magic. When something previously booked up becomes available, you’ll be notified and able to grab that FP or dining reservation.

You may choose attractions only, dining only, choose by specific attraction or restaurant, or - everything!

Example: you can’t book a FP for Mine Train. You enter SCM for Mine Train on your phone. Later, if you’re in Magic Kingdom and a FP becomes available, your MB lights up a special way to alert you to check your phone and confirm or decline your pass.

During the Jingle Cruise overlay, approaching the zebra…

All this zebra wanted for Christmas was a massage…a deep tissue massage…and when you go to the lions’ den for a deep tissue massage…it’s to die for!
A wait list for FastPasses makes a lot of sense! We got all this technology already and this seems like a smart way to do it
Having been reading up on that particular episode as I type...not gonna lie, there were so many other prompts I would've loved to pitch something for. But here goes...
Just because I didn't shout out a prompt doesn't mean you can't share your ideas for it! Any other prompts you're interested in I'd love to see what ideas you have!

Plus, I'd love to see what kinda prompt players are most interested in as I'm prepping the season so letting me know which ones you like the most helps a lot!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks
1SC Retrospective
Season 6, Episode 1 - The Soft Reboot


Hosted by: Your's Truly, @Pi on my Cake
Started on: October 20th, 2020
Won by: @InspectorSpacetime once again!

Season 6 started off with a very intentional return to form of the "classic" era.

This episode was hosted by me! Returning again 3 seasons later with essentially the same goal. Analyze all the previous games, reverse engineer what made them work or what made them not work, put it all together, and build a formula that can be used by future hosts.

The theme was pretty light. "Soft-Reboot" which basically just meant that there wasn't really a fancy theme with the entire season taking place in WDW and Disneyland (with some left open ended for other parks to be options for players to use). Although there was a very simple "Problem-Solution" format at play. Problem: the Voyage of the Little Mermaid theater is sitting abandoned. Solution: Pitch something to fill that space!

After the 1SC Bubble "popping" in a lot of ways, @D Hulk did an amazing job rebuilding the game by stripping it down to its bare essentials. Nothing but it's bones, which was absolutely needed with where the game was. As the forum was becoming way more active once again in 2020 and heading into 2021, my goal was to build on what D did and create a foundation using those bones. A bone foundation!
Just like how I was involved with Season 5, Episode 3 even though I wasn't a cohost, @D Hulk was involved in this episode. Adding in the bonuses halfway through the season. The bonuses here were just one single sentence without any pictures. These bonuses were related to the main prompt, but stood on their own as a very short, simple side challenge.

The prompts were all 1-3 Sentence and 1 Picture. With @D Hulk adding in 1 sentence bonuses half way into the season to slowly expand the game as it goes. A big personal focus was "presentation" with every single scene having a uniquely designed version of the logo and review banner inspired by the theme of the prompt. I had a lot of fun doing that! I'm far from the only host to put a focus on visual style, it is an easy way to reassure players that the host is dedicated to the game. Players are not going to be dedicated to the game if the host isn't!

Overall, this was a pretty standard season of the game with a great group of players. Which was exactly the goal!

This Episode shows how a little extra effort goes a long way, and that is definitely being kept in mind as we head into the future.

Check out the 1st Episode of the 6th Season here!

As a Discussion Question for today, let's look at my favorite prompt from Season 6, Episode 1!


Bob Chapek just finished reading the copy of "Business Buzz Words for Humanoid Potato Men" that Bob Iger gave him as a gift when he became CEO. He learned two things! Money and Synergy! One of Disney's biggest successes both in terms of "money" and in terms of "synergy" is the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchises. But after the disappointing 4th and 5th films, that synergistic cash cow has been about milked dry. And other attempts like Country Bears, Haunted Mansion, and Tomorrowland didn't really connect with people.
Propose a new Adaptation of a theme park ride!
This can be a Movie, a Disney+ Series, or a Video Game

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
1SC Retrospective
Season 6, Episode 1 - The Soft Reboot


Hosted by: Your's Truly, @Pi on my Cake
Started on: October 20th, 2020
Won by: @InspectorSpacetime once again!

Season 6 started off with a very intentional return to form of the "classic" era.

This episode was hosted by me! Returning again 3 seasons later with essentially the same goal. Analyze all the previous games, reverse engineer what made them work or what made them not work, put it all together, and build a formula that can be used by future hosts.

The theme was pretty light. "Soft-Reboot" which basically just meant that there wasn't really a fancy theme with the entire season taking place in WDW and Disneyland (with some left open ended for other parks to be options for players to use). Although there was a very simple "Problem-Solution" format at play. Problem: the Voyage of the Little Mermaid theater is sitting abandoned. Solution: Pitch something to fill that space!

After the 1SC Bubble "popping" in a lot of ways, @D Hulk did an amazing job rebuilding the game by stripping it down to its bare essentials. Nothing but it's bones, which was absolutely needed with where the game was. As the forum was becoming way more active once again in 2020 and heading into 2021, my goal was to build on what D did and create a foundation using those bones. A bone foundation!
Just like how I was involved with Season 5, Episode 3 even though I wasn't a cohost, @D Hulk was involved in this episode. Adding in the bonuses halfway through the season. The bonuses here were just one single sentence without any pictures. These bonuses were related to the main prompt, but stood on their own as a very short, simple side challenge.

The prompts were all 1-3 Sentence and 1 Picture. With @D Hulk adding in 1 sentence bonuses half way into the season to slowly expand the game as it goes. A big personal focus was "presentation" with every single scene having a uniquely designed version of the logo and review banner inspired by the theme of the prompt. I had a lot of fun doing that! I'm far from the only host to put a focus on visual style, it is an easy way to reassure players that the host is dedicated to the game. Players are not going to be dedicated to the game if the host isn't!

Overall, this was a pretty standard season of the game with a great group of players. Which was exactly the goal!

This Episode shows how a little extra effort goes a long way, and that is definitely being kept in mind as we head into the future.

Check out the 1st Episode of the 6th Season here!

As a Discussion Question for today, let's look at my favorite prompt from Season 6, Episode 1!


Bob Chapek just finished reading the copy of "Business Buzz Words for Humanoid Potato Men" that Bob Iger gave him as a gift when he became CEO. He learned two things! Money and Synergy! One of Disney's biggest successes both in terms of "money" and in terms of "synergy" is the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchises. But after the disappointing 4th and 5th films, that synergistic cash cow has been about milked dry. And other attempts like Country Bears, Haunted Mansion, and Tomorrowland didn't really connect with people.
Propose a new Adaptation of a theme park ride!
This can be a Movie, a Disney+ Series, or a Video Game
Time Warp: Carousel of Progress

Father is near the end of his life with Alzheimer’s. Certain things will give him moments of clarity: coming across the old belted exercise machine in the basement sparks a vignette from decades ago. Opening the refrigerator in the kitchen flashes back to a family story from the day they got their first ice box. Seeing a dog outside reminds him of Rover (or was it ‘Sport?’) and another memory is fleshed out for us to experience with him. The smell of burned turkey sends him into a tailspin. Two songs compete in his head throughout.


Well-Known Member
Bob Chapek just finished reading the copy of "Business Buzz Words for Humanoid Potato Men" that Bob Iger gave him as a gift when he became CEO. He learned two things! Money and Synergy! One of Disney's biggest successes both in terms of "money" and in terms of "synergy" is the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchises. But after the disappointing 4th and 5th films, that synergistic cash cow has been about milked dry. And other attempts like Country Bears, Haunted Mansion, and Tomorrowland didn't really connect with people.
Propose a new Adaptation of a theme park ride!
This can be a Movie, a Disney+ Series, or a Video Game
Thunder Mesa (working title), a video game based off of the mythos of both the scrapped Magic Kingdom complex and Disneyland Paris’s incarnation of Frontierland

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Everyone took all the good ones so I propose a new cartoon, song of the so—— I’m kidding, I’m kidding. What I actually meant to say before my splashmountainfan side came out was a tower of terror movie (Scarlett Johansson needs to stay on her side, and I’ll stay on mine) yea tower of terror, I know unoriginal but the movie would be about, drumroll please (says to unpaid drummers that I had just found somewhere) tower of terror. That’s it. You might be asking what about the terror of tower, well it would be about a film crew entering the premises to explore for the missing people and are eventually trapped in the tower themselves (think of the haunted mansion but with a tower and in boring Hollywood rather than in humid but still 😎 Louisiana. No offense to anyone that lives in Hollywood, Florida but here take this letter from me. Only you can open it and if you tell anyone, well you’ll find out. Also the movie will contain one of the best songs ever made, shake it off by——- (Muppetsfan walks up to writer and slaps him because I am totally hiring someone to do the typing for me) No, just No. hello everyone, real Muppetsfan the song will be Sing, Sing, Sing by Benny Goodman.
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Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
I am out of town so I'll comment more late but I really like what yall have done. I pre-wrote the next few days so the retrospective series won't stop!

1SC Retrospective
Season 6, Episode 2 - Opening the Vault


Hosted by: @DashHaber
Started on: December 10th, 2020
Won by: @Solaris Knight

Season 6 continued with a totally unique twist on the formula

This episode was hosted by @DashHaber who decided to sorta flip the whole game on its head! Going back to the very simple style seen in mid-Season 5 with only a single sentence, and no bonuses. BUT this simplicity was used to compliment the very unconventional style of prompt. Instead of giving type of project to pitch (like a new ride in Frontierland), players were simply given an under-utilized IP and a park to put it in! A very unconventional approach you don't see very often in imagineering games. BUT the 1SC is the perfect place for unconventional ideas thanks to the lower commitment level and lower barrier for entry.

The theme gave players a LOT of freedom leading to "light up side walks" going up against "E-Ticket Dark Rides". Since the only guideline was the IP and location, players had full reign to develop whatever they wanted. Which had the upside of allowing people to follow their passions. Fans of restaurant projects could pitch those. rollercoaster fans could pitch those. Whatever you wanted to do you could do! And Dash managed the chaos very well despite the somewhat apples to oranges nature of the Episode.

There was, of course, a downside as there is with any Episode that has a more specific theme. Starting with the IP first lead to rounds having spottier participation than usual since players wouldn't always be familiar or interested in the movies chosen. But Dash smartly kept the season shorter (only 8 Scenes) and kept the 1 sentence 1 picture limit throughout the season which kept it accessible.

There wound up actually being a tie at the end of the season between @Solaris Knight and @Ludpat Mike leading to a tiebreaker round! @Solaris Knight edged out the win and took home the gold, but it was a very close race neck and neck right up until the end. Leading to a very interesting season from a competitive perspective despite the focus obviously being more on having fun than competing.

This Episode shows how a hosts should not be afraid to try new things and get creative not just with the types of prompts but the very format of them, and that is definitely being kept in mind as we head into the future.

Check out the 2nd Episode of the 6th Season here!

As a Discussion Question for today, let's look at my favorite prompt from Season 6, Episode 2!

"SCENE 4: Pitch a method of implementing DuckTales (either the 1987 series or 2017 series) in Tokyo Disneyland. It can be an attraction, a restaurant, whatever you wish."

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Duck tales takes over Peter Pan (Muppetsfan here, this writer just doesn’t know when to quit with these dumb ideas) in actuality, the ride will be in a toontown area in Hollywood Studios that will be taking place in the money bin as the villains attack the bin.​


Well-Known Member
"SCENE 4: Pitch a method of implementing DuckTales (either the 1987 series or 2017 series) in Tokyo Disneyland. It can be an attraction, a restaurant, whatever you wish."
Tokyo’s Toontown is transformed into Duckburg, based on the Duck Comics by Carl Barks and the DuckTales series’ they spawned. Notable attractions include a D/E-ticket mine cart coaster, a shooter dark ride where guests must guard Scrooge’s Money Bin from a heist by the Beagle Boys, and a redesigned version of Donald’s Boat, the Miss Daisy.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how many of you guys have seen this yet, but Park Lore has once again knocked it out of the park (pun intended)!

Honestly, this is giving me inspiration to go back and take a look at my Mirror Magic Kingdom. I'd like to add some of his amazing concepts to my own ideal MK!

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