The One and Only MJ (Marjorie June, not the other MJ) Thread


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thoughts and prayers

does that make it seven sessions of thearapy a week?
thats a lot, it must seem impossible somtimes...


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Like the others, I'm not sure how much you've investigated financial help, but what about SSI? Many of my preschoolers with special needs qualify for that. And if you were in the public schools, wouldn't she receive all those services (PT, OT, speech) free of charge? Again, forgive me if you've had a bad experience with public school, but it would be a nice break for you and there are some excellent teachers and programs - I speak from experience. Aimee


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Hey y'all...we are in the process of applying for SSI for MJ (and then for me after we get hers done) It is a long complicated process. We have been trying to get help from CARD (Center for Autism Related Diseases) here, the problem with it is that we took her to be evaluated by them a few months before her diagnosis and they said she wasn't autistic, so even tho we have a neuro's diagnosis, they are ignoring my calls...sigh. I get very tired of fighting for every little thing.

As far as MJ and schools...We are homeschooling her for a variety of reasons. We have had a few issues in our school district with non verbal kids being abused by teachers. Although MJ has several words and signs, she is effectively non verbal (meaning she couldn't tell me if something was happening at school, either with another student or a teacher. Aimee, I realize there are a lot of great schools, but ours aren't rated very high and I would worry constantly so it wouldn't be much of a break. The other issue with schools is that they (at least here) only provide therapy to the level she needs it to be 'functional' in school, I want her to recieve therapy to the level she needs it to excel as far as she can.

In home therapy for some reason on our insurance doesn't have a co pay, so we are trying to get her OT moved in home, her PT is already in home and ST will be out of the home. It is a lot to coordinate.

Freddy, thanks for checking in! I'll IM you (or youcan IM me when you are home from school)

I posted a funny character story in MJ's blog for anyone interested (link in my sig) I should be able to get some more writing done tomorrow as everyone but me will be out of the house!
Hey MommytoMJM,
Good luck with the application for SSI. I'm praying for y'all.

That was such a sweet story on your blog. Can't wait to hear more.



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There are a couple of new stories and about 10 pics up on MJ's blog....two are Magical Moments, one is a prayer request...


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Decided to post the story here too, if ya want the pics ya gotta go to her Blog tho....

Side Note: I have given up on trying to do these in order, so I am going to just try to get everything up even if it is in the wrong order.


Last show of Beauty and the Beast before EMH starts

We often see BatB at MGM, we ususally sit in the front row and have seen it probably a dozen times. A few weeks ago we were there but arrived late, so rather than front center we were front slightly to House Right. We were loving the show as ususal.

Out of the corner of my eye during one of the scenes I see one of the dancers come out and talk to the CM stationed at the exit. As he is talking to her, he points over to us a couple of times, I am curious about what is going on but figure if I need to know I will be told.

After the show ends, the CM comes over to us and says that the Cast would like us to stay in the theatre until it clears. We of course, say sure. After the theatre clears several of the dancers come out and introduce themselves, MJ goes NUTS! She is so excited. They asked about her pins and her story and our family They spent a lot of time with her, it was soooo awesome!

During our conversation I hear MJ squeal and see Belle poking her nose around the corner. One of the CM's comes and tells MJ that Belle would like to see her backstage. It is all we can do to restrain MJ, I think she must have flytackled Belle. They were all so amazing and gracious. I didn't get everyone's names, but Thank You Michael, Keith, Blaine, Darlene, Juliet, CJ, Joanna, Chaka and all of the other wonderful Cast and Crew. You Truly made a magical moment for this family!

Postdate Note:

The next weekend we were thrilled to be celebrating with one of our FAVORITE managers on Sunset Blvd. (Pat) We just love him and his wife Connie who works in MK! Anyway, Pat did two special things for us.... he let MJ see Belle again! (Again with the flytackling!) and he gave MJ a very special pin for her collection (I'll put a pic here) He gave her the HCOE Belle Pin and also gave one to Belle and his granddaughter so all three of them have a matching pin, how cool is that?

To everyone at have made one little girl and her family sooo happy, we'll see ya on Sunday!

Safari Giraffe

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MommytoMJM said:
As far as MJ and schools...We are homeschooling her for a variety of reasons. We have had a few issues in our school district with non verbal kids being abused by teachers. Although MJ has several words and signs, she is effectively non verbal (meaning she couldn't tell me if something was happening at school, either with another student or a teacher.
MommytoMJM said:

When you are talking about schools, are you talking about mainstreaming? Too bad you don't live in Illinois. Just across the border from Indiana there is a wonderful school in South Holland, IL named "ECHO School" that deals only with "special needs" children all the way up to age 18. I spent some time there during my nursing clinicals and personally know one of the nurses there that takes care of the children's medical needs. They teach the children according to their functionality and age appropriation. They give them any meds that are needed during the day, as well as any feeding they require during the day (G-tube or NG-tube). It is a wonderful environment for the children. It is state funded and may also have government funding (I don't remember). Our nursing class donated money to the school to help fund a Treehouse that is handicap accessible. YES, I said handicap accessible. There is a guy that goes across the country (I think he is from Vermont) and builds these treehouses for those that are fortunate enough to afford them. As you can imagine, this was extremely exciting for the children. I am not sure if it has been completed as of yet. I think it is awful that any teacher would abuse any child, let alone a handicap child!


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MommytoMJM- I enjoy reading your stories, and it makes me happy to know that WDW can bring such joy to guests :) It was great to get to meet you guys, and hope to see you guys soon!! You are in my prayers everyday!


Well-Known Member
They were very nice to talk to today, and have a big heart. I couldn't get over the joy they had while in the park today. And MJ was really happy to be there as well.


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There are several new entries and pics at MJ's Blog and there will be more as the day goes on!!! If anyone can't read it, let me know and I will post them here too.


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I loved reading about MJ's special day. Listen, I have something for you ....just something small to thank you for everything you said and did for me the other night. Do you have a p.o. box?



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Hi all!

I have something happy to report for a change!

Through the incredible generosity of a Fairy Godmother, Andrew, MJ and I have been blessed with a 4 night stay at Port Orleans French Quarter! We have never been able to stay on property and wouldn't be able to now if not for this gift! We'll be checking in Sept. 23 and checking out Sept 27! We are so excited we can barely stand it!!! MJ has never been on a vacation before and Andrew and I haven't been on one since October of 1999.

I am just in awe at the love we are being shown! Thank you soooo much Fairy Godmother, I will bring a journal for a full trip report! You Rock!


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WDWScottieBoy said:
They were very nice to talk to today, and have a big heart. I couldn't get over the joy they had while in the park today. And MJ was really happy to be there as well.

Awww, thanks Scott! I hope we get to spend some real time with you at the parks soon!

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