The Official "I Miss Disney Dammit" Rant Thread


Well-Known Member
here we go people... this thread is needed! It's been a little over a month since I came back to the real world (bills, work, ughhhhh) and I am in such a withdrawal. I say this becomes the official rant page for those of us who are frustrated! I find myself living vicariously through people's planning and itinerary threads.... I can't get a Disney fix now since returning.


Active Member
Glad to see I’m not the only one with this issue. Spent a few days at BLT in Dec ‘10 and had return reservations for March ‘11 at POR, primarily for Spring Training Baseball. After returning home in Dec, I was on the fence about returning so soon. By February I was starting to get excited and by March I couldn’t wait. During the March trip, I was thinking this might be the last WDW trip for a while. You guessed it, already I find myself thinking about were to stay next time and when to go.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
glad everyone is coming here and spreading a little rant here and there.

no plans in the near future for us, its a damn shame.
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Well-Known Member
Hello, my name is Shana and i'm a Disneyholic. It's been almost 3 years since my last trip and I am having some serious withdrawls. We actually have a trip planned, booked, with money down for a trip in August...staying 6 dining. But alas, I need to cancel it. I just can't bring myself to do it but I know we need to. I just gave birth to our third son 6 weeks ago today and I think it will be really difficult taking him with our other two. (7 and 2) We are thinking of rescheduling for a trip in February. This way our youngest will almost be 1 and he can walk, hold his own bottle, etc., It may be better anyway because in February while everyone is shoveling snow, I will be swimming in 80 degree weather.:) But, I am upset and I know my oldest son is, too. There will be other trips. I just hope a free dining promotion or a room discount comes out for that time of the year. I think that since we need to cancel this suimmer, that I deserve a resort upgrade...WL or AKL Savannah. ;)

Go and celebrate your son's 1st birthday down there! That would be amazing...though I hope you have better weather in February than we did. We went to celebrate lil mans 1st in Feb of 10' and it was barely 40 for a day or two...not what we expected but a great time none the less.
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Well-Known Member
glad everyone is coming here and spreading a little rant here and there.

no plans in the near future for us, its a damn shame.

There are definite advantages to taking time off between trips.

I keep talking myself out of going. Let's face facts, Disney is expensive. I want to get the most bang for my buck. And the longer I wait, the more bang I will get. More new attractions. I'll miss the old ones more. And the kids will be better able to appreciate it.

To put a positive spin on it, I like to tell myself that my refusal to go back will provide incentive for Disney to make some overdue upgrades.
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There are definite advantages to taking time off between trips.

I keep talking myself out of going. Let's face facts, Disney is expensive. I want to get the most bang for my buck. And the longer I wait, the more bang I will get. More new attractions. I'll miss the old ones more. And the kids will be better able to appreciate it.

To put a positive spin on it, I like to tell myself that my refusal to go back will provide incentive for Disney to make some overdue upgrades.

I agree... I'm coming from a difference perspective as well, being childless. If I had children I would have to take time off between trips because children need to experience WDW to the max... and I'd feel awful not letting my kids experience certain things because it costs to much. Not to spoil... but not having a character breakfast because it costs the family 100 bucks takes away from the experience.
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New Member
Hello all, My name is Kym and I am a disney freak.... I went 5 times when i was younger and then in 2007 i finally got to go again after 21 yrs.... I have now been 8 times in 4 yrs.... I wasnt suppose to take the last trip this april but a friend of mine was moving to ft myers and needed a ride for her and he 2 dogs and before i knew it within a week i had the car loaded with her my mom my 2 daughters my sister and my 6 month old granddaughter.... i have an excursion for those doing the math... we had 2.5 days in disney after dropping off my friend and her puppys and we had a ball... my granddaughter was soooo good and she loved looking around and touching the charaters and her first ride was POTC. When we went last nov hubby told me no disney for at least a yr cause we are going on a cruise with friends this nov and we got motorcycles to play with this summer. but i am still going threw withdraw... but i have fun on here and planning all my friends trips so i guess i may stay sane threw this next yr but will i am driving to Miami in Nov and accidentlly turn on I-4 dont blame
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Well-Known Member
I agree... I'm coming from a difference perspective as well, being childless. If I had children I would have to take time off between trips because children need to experience WDW to the max... and I'd feel awful not letting my kids experience certain things because it costs to much. Not to spoil... but not having a character breakfast because it costs the family 100 bucks takes away from the experience.

Don't get me wrong, we've never missed a character breakfast. I tend to go for broke when we go. But I tend to look at things from the opposite perspective. The $100 character breakfast enhances the experiences. I like to think if we skipped the character meal (or whatever other added perk in question may be) we'd still have a great time.

For example, when I was a kid we were day guests. No frills. Forget staying on site, souveniers, etc. There were 6 of us and pennies were pinched. But we had great trips. I've also done something similar with my kids once. Not the penny pinching, but staying off site. Worked out fine. The kids didn't realize they were "missing" anything.

I do envy your ability to enjoy Disney pre-children! My first trip as an adult was our honey moon. Every trip since then has been with kids. And while that adds a whole, new wonderful dimension I do miss being able to go during the off-season and focus on the big kid stuff.
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New Member
Thank God for this thread. I thought I was the only one who felt this way. Our first ever WDW vacation happened last November. I expected that I would be the last one in the family to have a good time, since I never was a big fan of Disney characters. But was I ever wrong. I had the time of my life!!!! Once inside Disney, it was a world of "no stress" and "no worries" for a whole week. The parks were amazing and I have never seen anything run as smoothly as WDW. The parks were spotless, the staff were friendly and the time was enjoyable. Once I returned home, I missed WDW like no tomorrow. The stress returned, people were rude & negative and worries increased about how to keep the bills paid with the cost of everything on the rise. Returning to this site just reminds me of what a fantastic time we had and how great WDW really is. But at the same time, it is depressing, because I know that we have no plans to return anytime soon. And as gas prices continue to rise, the chances of ever returning become slimmer and slimmer.
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Active Member
My parents returned from Disney in March visiting my sister who is doing college Internship. I decided not to go because of work. But eversince they've come back I regreted my decision. Well I hope to go in the next year or two after the FLE and Star Tours II is up and running. Promised to take my GF there on a honeymoon.
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Well-Known Member
My name is Tara and Disney is my life. I have been to disney well over 120 times. My whole wedding was Disney/Cinderella. Disney is all through my house everywhere you look its disney. I just booked a Disney trip for October for 4 nights at POP and Im sooo excited!! I cant stand having Disney withdrawls and my husband and father are the same. We talk about it all the time to "ease the pain". The truth is though I only live about 2 1/2 hours from the world and we are all annual passholders. I know some of you are "ughing" me right now LOL. But even living so close I still dont get to go all the time I want. I use to go every month but now that I got married its harder cause of money situations. But I am right there with you guys and I just cant ever get enough of good Disney fun.
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New Member
Can't go back till Fantasy Land Expansion is complete. My partner and I have been going to WDW every X-mas for the past 6 years. He loves Disney, I LOVE DISNEY. So as much as this is going to suck we have to pick a new destination spot for this year. I tried to convince him to hit DL but they are doing a big expansion aswell. Looks like I won't see Disney for atleast one X-mas.
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Original Poster
ugh.... Ive been away from the forum for like a week! Trying to ween off the disney a bit, impossible! The fiscal reality though is a hard one, can't afford another trip for a while!
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Well-Known Member
:ROFLOL: and i thought it was just me having this feeling. You know someone told me this and it worked for him and his family. He used to go like every 3 years and he would buy a 5 day ticket one year and another one next year. He would save at least 20 to 30 dollars a pay check.
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New Member
Im sitting at work and realized tomorrow is 1 year since my trip to disney with my girlfriend. Between reading on this web site and looking at my pictures from the trip on Facebook, makes me want to go back. I just emailed my girlfriend saying lets go again. Ill buy the package( disney hotel, tickets and food plan) and she has to pay for the air plane tickets. We like to split things down the middle. Im just waiting on her email so I can book lol.
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Well-Known Member
I made the firm purpose not to waste any valuable (yeah right) work time looking at this forum this week. I lasted one day and that was it, I felt like I was going to die not knowing anything of what's going on. Not only I declare myself a WDW addict, I now declare myself a addict as well!:hammer:
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DH and I went in January of this year and it feels like such a long time ago! I want to go again in October but the budget just won't allow it. Luckily, I have found this and several other sites to help get me through until the next visit. I was 22 the first time I ever sat foot on Disney property and have been hooked ever since. A year without Disney is a sad year indeed.
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Well-Known Member
I couldnt last 1 yr with out disney its like a drug I will give up any thing to go to disney and I usually do no eating out or starbux ha ha I went in Dec and Sept of last yr this will be the first yr i am not going 2 times, IM going to try to get time off in December but my Boss is a witch , so lets hope she lets me go I only want 3 days off to go sat,sun, mon ,tues, return wendsday after the park I am at ... Lets see if shell be nice :)
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New Member
Count me in on this thread! Just like you, ddbowdin, I have only lately been so enamored of WDW. Went a couple of times as as kid, it was fun but not particularly memorable.

Then, in 2006, my sister invited my daughter and I on a family trip with mom, dad, brother in law and niece, and what a difference that made in my life! We stayed of property in a rental house for 8 days, and I was totally sucked in! Since that trip, we have been there at least 5 times (my sister and her husband go every 5 months or so, it seems, lol).

I spend time on this forum, other WDW forums, watching youtube videos, listening to park music, etc etc. Just a moment ago, I went online to look at my bank statement from the last trip I made (Oct 2010), and it was cool to see the names of the places I spent $$ (Chester and Hester, Goofy's Candy Co, Once Upon a Toy, lol...)...I could imagine being there with each of those purchases. No way I could admit this to anybody but you guys!

I hope we are going back this fall, I plan to work my butt off this summer to get it done. Last Oct, I took my dd, 15, and two of her best friends, who are sisters. The sisters are 17 and 23 and had NEVER been to WDW, and they are totally fanatics, and it was so special to see it from their eyes, and they are really into the magic. The girls dressed up for MHSSHP; the sisters were Kingdom Hearts characters with an Alice twist, and my dd was Ichabod Crane, (not the Burton version, the older Disney version is who she was modeling her costume after). No one seemed to recognized my dd, until we were in the Haunted Mansion que, and the ghost lady out front who was entertaining everyone took one look at dd and said,"Ha, Ichabod Crane."

REALLY can't wait to go back, love reading trip reports and looking at pics, especially the FOOD pics!
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Haha well... I am glad we have a place to rant. I am having wicked withdrawals... my fiance and I watch movies to try and cope, and then after switching off the DVD a damn WDW commercial comes on!
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Well-Known Member
i think disney affects the brain the way a junkie reacts to drugs. the more you go the more you want. i live in florida and have been crazy enough to agree to a two day one night trip with relatives coming down from up north when it's already 97 degrees here (while i LOVE the late emh's during the summer i HATE being outside in the heat of summer) but I NEED A FIX SOOOO BAD so i'm going with a big group that will drive me crazy lol. I've also traded in all my gifts for the year...valentines, birthday, mother's day, anniversary, and christmas in trade for an all girls adult trip the week after thanksgiving. anything family would have spent for gifts on these holidays i get a cash amount credit to pay for the trip at the end of the year. the things we do lol!
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