The Official "I Miss Disney Dammit" Rant Thread


Well-Known Member
here we go people... this thread is needed! It's been a little over a month since I came back to the real world (bills, work, ughhhhh) and I am in such a withdrawal. I say this becomes the official rant page for those of us who are frustrated! I find myself living vicariously through people's planning and itinerary threads.... I can't get a Disney fix now since returning.


Well-Known Member
3 trips in the last year and half. Going again this September. The more you go, the more you jones for it. It's like crack. The only thing to get you by is planning. Make ADR's. Then cancel them, you will be amazed at how good it feels.LOL

Some of the best times I have had were on last minute trips. July of 2009 I was laying on the bed in our room. My wife comes in the room and says "check it out, we got a check for $3,000 in the mail. From the IRS." Totally suprised out of the blue with that one. Needless to say, within 24 hours I was on MSUSA!
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Well-Known Member
3 trips in the last year and half. Going again this September. The more you go, the more you jones for it. It's like crack. The only thing to get you by is planning. Make ADR's. Then cancel them, you will be amazed at how good it feels.LOL

:ROFLOL::lol::ROFLOL: So true!! I love messing with my ADRs pretty much all the way up to go-time!
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Well-Known Member
I totally feel your pain! In my early to mid 20s I was horrible with money, and bought an AP for four years straight. I went to WDW 12 times in a 4-year period, to DL three times (although I won one of the trips from McDonalds), and went to DLP once.

Then I woke up and realized how irresponsible I was, since I was still in school and racking up a ton of debt :cry:

Since 2007, I've been to WDW twice. Once for 3 days in 2008, and a one-day surprise weekend trip to MK last year. I haven't had a "real" WDW vacation in 4 years.


Thankfully, last August, I talked my family into our first family trip since 2003. We booked 367 days out, and we're now down to 126. I cannot wait!

To get me through the days, I peruse this site, and listen to WDW tracks on my iPod at work most days (the days I listen to the iPod, I am way less stressed, go figure :D). I also downloaded the WDW Lines app, and randomly post Facebook statuses with attraction times (sad, I know...I love knowing at any given time how long the line for Splash Mountain is!).

This next trip will be the first time in my adult life I can go and not worry about money (I mean, within reason :lol:) and just enjoy myself - and that I plan to do.
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Well-Known Member
OMg I'm telling you I'm going through some serious withdrawals now too,I've spent this entire week reading as many of the most recent trip reports as I can get my hands on ,n now those same tr's that I found helpful are becoming another "disney drug" to me,So hey anyone out there who can send me links to some good trip reports HELP ME!!!!! lol:ROFLOL:
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I am glad you started this thread as I could use some ranting therapy right now.

We are a pretty fortunate Disney family. Thanks to living less than a 3 hour drive away and low priced Florida resident seasonal AP's we are able to make around 10 trips to WDW per year. Most are of the one to two day variety with a four day trip mixed in usually in October and December.

Sadly it looks like 2011 is shaping up to be a pretty lean year.

It started out great. In late January we spent a couple of nights in an MK view tower room at the Contemporary followed by a three night inaugural cruise on the Disney Dream. It was a really fun trip but due to me being there in a professional capacity I really did not get to unwind like I normally do. No worries though because my wife and I would be at Coronado, sans kids, in just 2 short weeks.

Or so I thought.

I was really looking forward to this trip in February. My wife and I were going to do three days without setting foot in one of the 4 parks. We were planning on eating at several of the places we never go with the kids like, Jiko, Artist Point, etc and hitting DQ and Jellyrolls. This was gong to be three days of eating and relaxing in my favorite place in the world, with my favorite person in the world. This was something I sorely needed after loosing my mom suddenly in December. After dealing with her being in ICU for 9 days, trying to communicate with siblings that were scattered all over the country, two of which I had never even really met, and taking on the responsibility of doing her service myself I was would as tight as I have ever been in my life. I needed some Disney decompression.

My wifes employer on the other hand had other plans. She got scheduled for mandatory training on that Saturday. If she did not attend she was out of a job. Again I thought "No worries. We will be here for a day in April for a day and for SWW in May."

Or so I thought. (are you noticing the trend here?:lol:)

We did our taxes a couple of weeks ago and we were expecting about a $1400 return like the year before. At worst we figured we would break even. It came back with us owing over $4,000. To add insult to injury my mother's house was still locked up in probate. I of course still have to make the payments on it, keep the yard cut and pay the utility bills.

When that happened Disney along with everything else that was not free was off the table until the house is out of probate and sold. Right now we literally have no idea when that will be. I can only hope that it happens before they find me in the park with the pigeons throwing bird seed at myself.
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Well-Known Member
My last Visit was Dec 2010 so 5 months.. WOW THATS IT and i have been depressed since my plane landed home :-( but 178 days the count down and this site and disney music keeps me going.. does any one have any suggestions on good disney music i usually just YOUTUBE diff songs any other suggestions?
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Well-Known Member
OMg I'm telling you I'm going through some serious withdrawals now too,I've spent this entire week reading as many of the most recent trip reports as I can get my hands on ,n now those same tr's that I found helpful are becoming another "disney drug" to me,So hey anyone out there who can send me links to some good trip reports HELP ME!!!!! lol:ROFLOL:

LOL I do the same thing! not just new reports, old ones too! My case is even worst!:hammer:
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Well I went twice last year and once already this year and next trip is in Oct.,...but that is so far away. :cry: Tried to plan a long weekend right after school gets out, but no go. And the worse part is I am self-employed, so every time I do take off a week means I kill myself before and after trying to catch back up. Plus the $700 - $1000 I miss out on for having my doors closed that week. But I do think that it is worth it and am so glad to know that there are other people like me who has withdrawals.:wave:
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Just came back from disney April 7th, and I want to go back. Great trip. I just love the place and can forget the real world when I'm there. It is the best place.
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Active Member
This site is what gets me by some days... right now I'm helping a co-worker plan her trip in May - the first for her 2 little ones.. so thats fun..I volunteered to go as a nanny... no luck

We usually go in May but my daughter is getting married and needed invisilines all at the same time... $$$$

Our doctor told us we should come up with a reward for our son to motivate him to lose some weight (he has type2 diab).. so we dangled a trip to WDW.. so far he's gained 8 pounds and I want to wire his mouth shut!

My husband is a farmer and says we can't go because as soon as it dries up he will be in the field planting... it rains every other day..

I think its just all against me this year!!!! so I am pouting and glad there are others who feel my pain!
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Well-Known Member
Due to my laxck of knowledge on anything technical I can't find anything that isn't on the very first page as i come on to the site or I could spend countless hours reading the reports,I think if I could figure out hpow to post my own trip reports that would help me get through even more.168 days but for now I'll just continue to appear crazy to all the ppl who don't understand my "disneymania"
LOL I do the same thing! not just new reports, old ones too! My case is even worst!:hammer:
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Well-Known Member
We were going every 9-12 months for 6 years straight. Our last trip was December 2009. We had the "brilliant" idea to bypass a vacation in 2010....finish the basement, put in a patio, blah blah :p So we booked/planned our next DCL/WDW trip in February 2010.....600 and something days away from the actual trip. Winters are LONG where we're from, so all I've heard from the family for the last 10 months is "Who's idea was it to wait this long?"
We're at each others throats, dying to get our Disney on! We countdown everyday, (232 left) listen to Disney music, watch past videos, repeatedly check the forums, :animwink: randomly text wait times for rides, and plan and replan our itinerary.
Only good thing is hubby always thought I was the obsessed person, but it turns out.....I'm not alone :D
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Active Member
Love this thread! I only live 3 hours from the World...and trust me, it's a struggle not to load up my 3 year old in the car every morning, tell my hubby to call in sick to work and head on over there....if I lived within an hour, I'd be there at least once a week.

We moved from MI to FL about 15 months ago. When we lived in MI, we went to WDW at least once a year, sometimes twice. Since moving here, and only being 3 hours away, we've been there 7 times and are going in 2 weeks for a weekend getaway! I thought that being able to go more often would sustain my need to be there. It DOES NOT!!! It only makes it worse...if thats even possible...

To lay it out on how bad it is for me, maybe some of you do the same, but everyday I think to myself about all the people who are there right now. People checking in and getting their key to the world card and packet, newbies taking in Cinderella Castle for the first time, families enjoying the food and atmosphere at 'Ohana, people swimming in the Wilderness Lodge pool before getting ready to head downtown for dinner and shopping...I sit and think SPECIFICALLY about all these situations and it actually pains me to not be there too, knowing others are there experiencing those things right at that moment.

Sad, huh?
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Well-Known Member
Wow, we all seem totally depressed and un-satisfied with real life!! Loving WDW so much can be a bit of a curse! There doesn't seem to be a Disney support group in my area, alcoholics and drug users get all the attention!:fork:
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Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
I think if I were you, I'd be looking at the calendar and pre-planning your next trip! We usually start that before we take the already planned for trip. And then on the way home, we discuss things we would like to do differently on the next one. So for us, there is always a 'next' one. Our last trip was January of this year and so we've been counting down nearly 3 months already! Our next trip is pre-planned for February of 2012 with a possible fall of 2012 trip and a definite January 2013 trip. We also get two 10 day trips out of one AP, and if we are lucky enough to go back in the fall of 2012, that would make 3 on one pass, also 10 days in duration. So, start planning!
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Well-Known Member
I have 160 days
5 months 7 days
13,824,000 seconds
230,400 minutes
3840 hours
22 weeks (rounded down)

I am going CRAZY!!!! We went twice last year and let me tell you, it doesn't make it better, it only makes it worse!!! We only have 1 trip planned this year and I have hit the 6 month mark and am flipping out. Thank God for this site. I can at least live vicariously through all of you. September seems like years away. :(

On a side note... all my ADRs are done and the character breakfast is booked too. Yeah!!!
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Well-Known Member
I miss it so much that I'm actually moving to Florida, about 35 minutes north of Disney, in June! I cannot wait!!!!!!!!

Lucky you! My BF and I would do this in a heart beat but live in the UK, it is just not possible. We do numerous lotteries just to win enough money to live in Florida for several months a year! We have actually discussed what our plans would be! So far we have spent more money than we have won!
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