THE (new) LAND - Wanna tour it? Well step right in...


Well-Known Member
I complain alot about the decline in quality at WDW. But this and Everest are examples of WDI and WDW at their BEST! Thank you WDW for allowing this to happen. From what I can see, this has to be the best EPCOT pavilion rehab in the park's history. This rehab has actually ADDED value to the pavilion, not removed the pavilion's soul (like what happened with World of Motion and Journey into Imagination).

I'm excited.


Active Member
These pictures look great!! Thanks Grizz for sharing. The Land looks better than before, much brighter and more "airy" feeling.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
great pictures.... remind me of Mall at Millenia! What is going on at the Garden Grill? All they have seem to done som far is paint the wall, the seating has not been changed yet.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the sunflowers have been painted over and replaced with more muted colors. It looks like it matches the overall pavilion a little bit better.


New Member
General Grizz said:
I'll be back with more tonight.
hooray!! three cheers for the general! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

cheers for a new lease on life for the land,too. it looks happy again! now, if only wonders of life can be next...


Well-Known Member
Wow that looks pretty good, but it looks like they did take down The Land symbol on the wall :( . Tis a shame they couldnt work it into the new design of The Land. But The Land still does look good, alittle more open too.


Well-Known Member
I believe all those old symbols are being done away with....and the old EPCOT symbol. Sad, but that's progress I guess. With so much good from this rehab so far, I can't complain. Very modern, yet still with that retro 80's feel that makes EPCOT so welcoming.


Well-Known Member
It looks like they did a very nice job on the redo. I took a look at the Laughingplace update too and I think the new colors look great and separating the seating areas into distinct "islands" with separate pathways will help a lot in traffic flow from one end of the pavilion (where Soarin' is) to the other (where the Land boat ride is). Certainly a lot easier than what was there before. I miss the fountain not being there and the village facade fronts to the food court vs the much more modern-style food court front, but overall its looks like a job well done. Certainly not worth the worry it generated when the pavilion closed back in Jan.. I like the new, airy feel to it as well. Good job WDI.


Well-Known Member
I'm about as torn as you could be on this thing. The pictures I've seen so far on here and on Laughing Place made my jaw hit the floor. It looks absolutely beautiful. Everything looks so new and nice. Just look at the Soarin' check in desk :)

But at the same time, it is ALOT more different than I was expecting. And while I look at how nice everything is, I still don't feel like I'm looking at The Land pavilion. And the place looks totally naked without the fountain there.

Make no mistake, Disney did a wonderful job here and they deserve praise for not cutting corners. But I'm really going to miss the old Land. That's just a personal thing. The whole feel and theme of nutrition and food based pavilion with that Living With The Land flute music. It all just went together and now that's sorta gone.

Bottom line: I'll get used it the new Land and I'll learn to love it. There's no doubt in my mind. After seeing so many half-effort changes coming down the pipeline in the past few years, it's good to see that Disney can still make magic happen, when the right amount of money is put into it.

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