:zipit: You put in bold the one line I thought was the most arguable. :lol:
By Disney parks and 40 years, I'm guessing you're starting with DL. :shrug:
True, playgrounds really don't make the park any more or less successful, and true, chaotic may not be the
best word.

. But they
do help, and help reduce the possibility of....chaos within individual families. I think of them as a fastpass to a kid's amusement. You don't wait in line, kids are amused, they're not being annoying towards their respective parents. Like I said before, win-win.
What I'm trying to say is, you're right, the park has been and is fine without it, but it doesn't really cause any harm to the area either, IMO. Sure, you could say the land could be better used, but it is a very small fraction of the lots of land they have available to expand FL into. They can bulldoze it, they can keep it. Doesn't matter to me.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I don't think HIStK is any more targeted at adults than Pooh's Playful Spot is.