The "New" ADR system is the pits!


Any idea of when the online system is coming, I'd like to make some changes but don't want to have to call again...

Also, just be grateful you don't live in the UK takes forever to get our reservation numbers- I had to give up in the end and call twice, although it was only 30 and 20 mins for all 10 of my ADRs so I suppose I did pretty well. and yes it is an hour time frame, if they can't do it just ask for something later or earlier, they'll glady try it again, and explain all the info over and over...
On hold right now for my ADRs. I've been through one system crash with a CM and have been transfered to two other people that can't make reservations past the May date that the new system kicks in. Been on the phone for 30 minutes and still haven't confirmed one reservation. :brick:

Update: Took just under an hour and fifteen minutes to finish, but I was able to get all the locations and dates that I wanted. Times I was looking for were slightly different, but it's nothing to complain about. I really feel sorry for what the CMs must be going through.


Well-Known Member
Ugh! That stinks! I can not believe that there are still issues with the new system... It rolled out months ago, you think things would be running smoothly by now. I am just a little under 2 months for my 90 day mark to making dining ressies, I sure hope things get better soon!


New Member
Ugh! That stinks! I can not believe that there are still issues with the new system... It rolled out months ago, you think things would be running smoothly by now. I am just a little under 2 months for my 90 day mark to making dining ressies, I sure hope things get better soon!

Things are much smoother than they were. More departments are now going to training now that the peak booking period is over.


Well-Known Member
DisneyJoe? They can't. The problem is centered in Disney's really OLD mainframe backend DataBase. They have to do custom code just to communicate with the poor thing.

OpenTable allows for custom coding, so again, I see no reason why this wasn't done.


Active Member
Over the last two days, I have made a total of four calls trying to get adrs made for a very short upcoming trip. So far, every call has been LONGER than the times in the past when I was trying to book for an entire week, and this time I am only trying to book for four days. It is ridiculous.

For the life of me, I can't understand when you tell the CM "I want to book dinner at (insert restaurant) on (insert date) between (insert time range)" it can take up to a full minute for them to tell you a time. I actually started counting how many seconds of silence there would be each time I requested something, and the shortest amount of time was 45 seconds! But most of the time it was a minute, or even longer!

And I finally learned to tell them to check from the time the restaurant opens until they close, and give me all available times. Because if you just say you want to eat around 6:00, then they are only going to check for that hour, and if nothing pops up they will tell you they have nothing, and then they will suggest another can be misleading for people who do not realize the CM did not check for the entire dining period. And then, when you ask them if they have anything else at the restaurant at a different time, the nearly minute long wait starts all over again.

I just don't get it.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
I called just a couple of wks. ago to book dining reservations for a friend who will be visiting in July & I didn't have a problem.
However, I did call around 11:00am CST (I don't know if that made a difference or not).


Premium Member

I called @ exactly 7 a.m. today, and made ADRs for my entire stay. The CM was "Maria" and (insert applause here) she was awesome! Five different ADR's took less than 15 minutes, and I was able to get every seating at the time I requested.

She took the first 4 requests and then gave confirmation #'s before going to the last ADR. She told me that trying to save too many ADRs at once can cause a problem and the system might lose them. I've read on the board of many problems with the new system, but it really was very efficient this morning. :sohappy:

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