Well-Known Member
Honestly it's weird, it seemed like for the last 5-6 years everything fan based online related to Disney was way too overly positive and cheesy. Everyone it seemed was drinking the kool aid so to speak. This site and Micechat being the exceptions.
Then I think sometime around Genie being released it seemed everyone 180'd. Honestly as annoying as the koolaid drinkers on social media were, the negativity is way worse.
Being in the middle / normal is the best though.
But all the people calling each Disney announcement or project a HUGE DISASTER need to get a life.
If your only stake in something is to hope for it's failure, it's time to move on.
I checked in some people at my hotel tonight who mentioned they were on their way to Disneyland, and the wife mentioned Genie and went on a mini tirade about it.
It's definitely really ed people off.