I just want to say thank you to everyone for the well wishes and for keeping my brother / family in your thoughts and prayers, I truly appreciate the support. I had a busy day today but so far it was mixed, more good than bad but I will explain why. Good news first: my brother came home this evening and is feeling much better, he is just tired from all the testing and waking up in the middle of the night to get labs done. So it is confirmed to be a cyst, but it is about twice the size they usually see in a person with an arachnoid cyst, I believe they said it was somewhere near the size of a golfball but that sounds huge to me so I might be mis-remembering but I do not know. While that is scary, the doctors have determined that the cyst is something he has had his whole life as it is something you're born with, and that the cyst is not what caused his seizure, which is good news. Since the cyst wasn't the immediate cause he was released and is back home with us, and he is seeing a neurologist on Thursday to get more scans done and to determine the course of action he will take. There is a possibility they will leave the cyst alone and monitor it every 6 months or so to ensure it isn't growing too large to cause complications if it were to press against the skull or anything. The bad news is that the seizure was from his drug addiction. He has struggled with it for years as I have mentioned briefly on here before, and he has been on and off of drugs since last Thanksgiving when my parents finally learned about his problem while he was away at school and came back for the holiday. The part that shocked me was that it wasn't something that happened unprompted as a result of his previous usage, it is that I believe he had an overdose or a bad interaction as far as I understand as in the labs they found a lot of different things there from extremely recent usage that they believe was actually the night of his seizure which caused it, they found large amounts of multiple types of pills, powder, and alcohol (if a mod wants me to remove that part I will, I don't want to name specifics but still convey what the problem was). I would guess there was an interaction between any one of those which caused it, not the cyst.
We have tried helping him get sober and I thought he was sober, I used to know when he took stuff and I thought he had been clean for a bit but apparently not. Our doctor we've had since we were little just lost his son to an overdose but has a rehab center to treat people with addiction to help people like his son, so I believe we will be doing everything we can to get him to go there. Obviously he has to choose to go and choose to work towards sobriety, so we can't do anything but be there for him. The neurologist said we shouldn't let him drive just in case, even though it isn't the tumor or epilepsy but drugs causing it, just to be safe which my family planned on doing anyways. It's bittersweet in a way, I am happy to have him home and am happy the cyst is not an immediate danger, but there is a good chance he will still have it drained eventually and would have to have his skull cut to do it, but it is disappointing he is back to his old ways and lied to everyone including me about it even when I personally asked him just so I could know what was going on. I love him of course, these past 2 days have shown me how important family is and made me appreciate mine more than ever, but I am just disappointed he has started hiding it even from me and lying to me.
This will always be an ongoing battle to help him towards achieving and maintaining sobriety, and I know these next few weeks / months in specific will probably be especially challenging, but we need to get him help sooner than later. My parents and other brother found all his drugs and have taken them from his room, I think they have them kept but locked away somewhere in case there is anything he has to taper off of if he can't quit cold turkey (we had to do that last year) but there is nothing for him to take on his own. I guess the only silver lining I see from all this is if he never had the seizure we wouldn't have found the cyst and wouldn't be aware and begin monitoring it, so if it were to grow down the line and cause problems we have stopped that from happening. These last 2 days have been such a toll emotionally, going from a doctor's checkup to the ER with my mom to the hospital alone for what was believed to be an emergency brain tumor removal, becoming a less dangerous cyst, back to drug problems. I'm glad my family was there for each other through it all, the news that the cyst wasn't immediately dangerous definitely made the pain we went through and the sleepless nights a little worth it, but addiction isn't something you can just operate on or cure with medicine, and it will be up to him to do this. We will do everything we can to help him but I am worried he will go back to his old ways, hopefully this entire scare has woken him up but other less serious events in the past didn't do anything so I'm not sure.
Thank you all for reading my long essays, a lot happened in so little time and I just have a lot of mixed, confused feelings about it all and I am thankful to be able to share them with you. I really do appreciate all the support and well wishes, and I am glad I was able to come back with some positive news even if it was accompanied by negative news as well.
I am so sorry. If you find it appropriate or welcomed, I would like to pray for him and you as long as its ok with you.
Yes that would be more than fine with me, I would greatly appreciate it and thank you for doing so and for asking beforehand.