The Miscellaneous Thought Thread


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Happy New Water Year, Gang! 🥳 🍾 🥳

I love any excuse to host or attend a party, and California just started its new water year, so a party is in order. Here is today's official update from the U.S. Drought Monitor, a service of NOAA and the US Department of Agriculture. California is starting its new water year at the end of summer entirely free of drought! That's extremely good news.

A total of 6% of California is still classified as "Abnormally Dry", parts of Siskiyou and Modoc counties way up north, and a pocket out around Lake Havasu along the Arizona border. But what a difference just one year makes on the map below!

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View attachment 746994

How will you be celebrating the New Water Year this week?

Even though it's very warm in SoCal this week, I'll be keeping the old Slip-N-Slide in the garage (wisely, the neighbors don't need to see that spectacle) but I think this evening I'll make myself a themed cocktail of some kind to celebrate. Maybe a from-scratch Bloody Mary using fresh produce and garnishments grown in California's Central Valley that is now entirely drought free? Thank you farmers, we couldn't live without you! Cheers!

Make the Mickey Floral Lawn Great Again!


Well-Known Member
Make the Mickey Floral Lawn Great Again!

Agreed. Especially in that location that's so high-profile, they need to go back to real lawn and actual foliage. It's classier.

Who wants to break the bad news to TDA and Monsanto on that?

But they need to conserve water!

(Don't mind World of Color please)

More good news. At the start of the Water Year when the reservoirs are always at their lowest levels, California's massive system of reservoirs and water storage is already starting the Water Year at 128% of average levels.

Fire up that second World of Color show again every night! Blast so much atomized water into the air that it can even keep the salad bar across the street at Coco's damp!

Stop With All The Good News, It's Killing Me.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Question for those familiar with typical October crowd patterns (if such a thing exists):
Right now I'm booked to visit DLR beginning next weekend. I'm visiting Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and then returning to the parks for one final day on Saturday the 21st. This was done on the idea that I would give myself a rest day on Tuesday before hitting the haunt-heavy parks (Universal, Knott's) from Wed. onward, and over the summer the weekdays at DLR felt much more crowded than the weekend.

But now that it's October and seasonal events people care about are in play, I'm second guessing myself a little bit. While I already have my tickets, I did peruse the 1 day ticket prices, and I see it's only $10-$20 more to get a one day ticket on a weekend vs. a weekday, which is not a significant price difference, and locals who want to see the Halloween festivities would probably be more inclined to visit on a weekend anyway. So perhaps in this situation, the weekdays actually WOULD be less crowded, given that Halloween season is around for only a finite amount of time and most people theoretically aren't going to ditch work in the middle of the week *just* to see Disney's Halloween, which by most accounts apparently hasn't changed that much outside of OBB.

So now I'm wondering if I should ditch my reservation on Saturday the 21st and switch it to Tuesday the 17th instead.

If Tuesday would yield lower crowds than Saturday, it might be a good plan to switch. I also fly out Sunday morning, so there isn't a ton of upside for me to go hard anywhere on that final Saturday. But if I switch to Tuesday, that means I'm doing nonstop theme parks and haunts for seven straight days, which would be a LOT (I did something similar in Orlando back in 2021 and it was too much for me then). Right now, the Ankle is MUCH better than it was even a month ago and I'm no longer wearing a brace or using any sort of specialized support, but I probably shouldn't push it so hard as to do seven straight theme park days in a row?

I did NOT get OBB tickets, so that is not in play.

Anyway, for those familiar with "typical" October crowd patterns, with my circumstances also taken in mind: should I keep my final DL day on a Saturday? Or should I switch it to Tuesday?
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Well-Known Member
On the good questions above... my thought is when is Columbus Day this year?

Oh, crap, Google says it's this Monday. I thought it wasn't until the following week. Columbus Day weekend is always packed at Disneyland. But you're talking about over a week later.

I would go with your thought to switch Saturday for Tuesday @PiratesMansion. That seems much safer. And as you are already a pro and know all this stuff beforehand, you should be able to make Genie+ and all the rest of the App stuff work better for you on an October Tuesday instead of a Saturday.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of Columbus Day...

Leif Erickson got here first 500 years before Columbus. And 5,000 years before that, some Asians walked over the Bering Sea land bridge and wandered down to British Columbia, but sure.... hold the parade for Columbus instead of Erickson and those folks wandering around British Columbia in leaky seal skin boots. :rolleyes:

EDIT: I just realized, this is one of those every-seven-years events when Columbus Day and Leif Erickson Day fall on the same day; October 9th. There's another good reason to celebrate and have a party! Skol to Leif Erickson! 🥳 🍾


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Original Poster
Question for those familiar with typical October crowd patterns (if such a thing exists):
Right now I'm booked to visit DLR beginning next weekend. I'm visiting Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and then returning to the parks for one final day on Saturday the 21st. This was done on the idea that I would give myself a rest day on Tuesday before hitting the haunt-heavy parks (Universal, Knott's) from Wed. onward, and over the summer the weekdays at DLR felt much more crowded than the weekend.

But now that it's October and seasonal events people care about are in play, I'm second guessing myself a little bit. While I already have my tickets, I did peruse the 1 day ticket prices, and I see it's only $10-$20 more to get a one day ticket on a weekend vs. a weekday, which is not a significant price difference, and locals who want to see the Halloween festivities would probably be more inclined to visit on a weekend anyway. So perhaps in this situation, the weekdays actually WOULD be less crowded, given that Halloween season is around for only a finite amount of time and most people theoretically aren't going to ditch work in the middle of the week *just* to see Disney's Halloween, which by most accounts apparently hasn't changed that much outside of OBB.

So now I'm wondering if I should ditch my reservation on Saturday the 21st and switch it to Tuesday the 17th instead.

If Tuesday would yield lower crowds than Saturday, it might be a good plan to switch. I also fly out Sunday morning, so there isn't a ton of upside for me to go hard anywhere on that final Saturday. But if I switch to Tuesday, that means I'm doing nonstop theme parks and haunts for seven straight days, which would be a LOT (I did something similar in Orlando back in 2021 and it was too much for me then). Right now, the Ankle is MUCH better than it was even a month ago and I'm no longer wearing a brace or using any sort of specialized support, but I probably shouldn't push it so hard as to do seven straight theme park days in a row?

I did NOT get OBB tickets, so that is not in play.

Anyway, for those familiar with "typical" October crowd patterns, with my circumstances also taken in mind: should I keep my final DL day on a Saturday? Or should I switch it to Tuesday?

Crowd patterns (if there is such a thing these days) seems to change very often. It really comes down to the season, whatever special tickets deals are going on, Magic Key blackout calendars, if there happens to be a special hard ticket even that night and the weather. Your best bet would be to make your heavy DCA day (if you have one) on the day Oogie Boogie is happening. DCA will be pretty light as most people don’t want to spend the money to go to DCA when they get kicked out at 6pm and do the walk of braceletless shame to the front gate. Maybe switch the Saturday to another Oogie Boogie day if possible? Looks like Thursday 10/19 would be the day. Or maybe keep the Saturday and swap Monday for Thursday? The worst crowds I saw this past year at DLR were the 2-3 times I went on Mondays to meet up with family.

I’ve been out of the game for 6-7 weeks but last I remember it did sometimes seem like weekends were busier than weekdays (at least when the So Cal 3 day ticket special was going on) but I can also remember randomly going mid week once and thinking it was slightly less busy than Saturday. Sundays were less busy than Saturdays. I think this year for whatever reason Monday became the days to avoid. My guess is that Imagine Key blackouts got so aggressive (no weekends and many Fridays not avail too) that Mondays became big for Imagine Keys being blocked out for three days in a row + people making it a 3 day weekend of course.

EDIT: keep in mind that when you go on an Oogie Boogie Day your going to have a blissful time at DCA from 8am to 3pm but the evening at Disneyland will be a madhouse with everyone park hopping over to DL at 6pm. 3-6pm with Oogie Boogie people showing up won’t be great either but by then you ll have a leg up with all your return times. If you don’t plan on getting to the park early it probably wouldn’t be worth the trade-off. With that said it seems like a surer bet than a Saturday during their busiest season.
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Well-Known Member
Crowd patterns (if there is such a thing these days) seems to change very often. It really comes down to the season, whatever special tickets deals are going on, Magic Key blackout calendars, if there happens to be a special hard ticket even that night and the weather. Your best bet would be to make your heavy DCA day (if you have one) on the day Oogie Boogie is happening. DCA will be pretty light as most people don’t want to spend the money to go to DCA when they get kicked out at 6pm and do the walk of braceletless shame to the front gate. Maybe switch the Saturday to another Oogie Boogie day if possible? Looks like Thursday 10/19 would be the day. Or maybe keep the Saturday and swap Monday for Thursday? The worst crowds I saw this past year at DLR were the 2-3 times I went on Mondays to meet up with family.

I’ve been out of the game for 6-7 weeks but last I remember it did sometimes seem like weekends were busier than weekdays (at least when the So Cal 3 day ticket special was going on) but I can also remember randomly going mid week once and thinking it was slightly less busy than Saturday. Sundays were less busy than Saturdays. I think this year for whatever reason Monday became the days to avoid. My guess is that Imagine Key blackouts got so aggressive (no weekends and many Fridays not avail too) that Mondays became big for Imagine Keys being blocked out for three days in a row + people making it a 3 day weekend of course.

EDIT: keep in mind that when you go on an Oogie Boogie Day your going to have a blissful time at DCA from 8am to 3pm but the evening at Disneyland will be a madhouse with everyone park hopping over to DL at 6pm. 3-6pm with Oogie Boogie people showing up won’t be great either but by then you ll have a leg up with all your return times. If you don’t plan on getting to the park early it probably wouldn’t be worth the trade-off. With that said it seems like a surer bet than a Saturday during their busiest season.
Unfortunately I can't swap to Thursday-I'll be at Scary Farm and everything's already booked and paid for. So I either switch to my last DLR day to Tuesday or I'm stuck with Saturday. That would give me two days where OBB is happening vs. one as it stands now, but if the overall crowds are lower it may be worth the tradeoff. It'd be easier to make rope drop on DCA Tues. vs. DL on Saturday, if only because Scary Farm is open longer than DL would be.

But seven theme park/haunt days in a row is also a lot.

Keep thoughts coming, everyone. These posts are very helpful.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Unfortunately I can't swap to Thursday-I'll be at Scary Farm and everything's already booked and paid for. So I either switch to my last DLR day to Tuesday or I'm stuck with Saturday. That would give me two days where OBB is happening vs. one as it stands now, but if the overall crowds are lower it may be worth the tradeoff. It'd be easier to make rope drop on DCA Tues. vs. DL on Saturday, if only because Scary Farm is open longer than DL would be.

But seven theme park/haunt days in a row is also a lot.

Keep thoughts coming, everyone. These posts are very helpful.

Ooops I thought I read you were already at DLR Tuesday. Then yeah Tuesday would be the day for sure if you end up switching. Although a case could be made for leaving Saturday as insurance just in case the Sunday OBB day isn’t great. With that said, you fly out the next day and if you’re anything like me, you're already kind of out of vacation mode the day before a flight. I’d vote Tuesday and let Saturday be a chill day. The other really busy day that I can remember (aside from those Mondays) from my last year or two as an AP was a Saturday during Halloween. But that particular day was probably because it was the only Saturday open to Believe Keys for the month.


Well-Known Member
It'd be easier to make rope drop on DCA Tues. vs. DL on Saturday, if only because Scary Farm is open longer than DL would be.

Okay, now that you said that, I firmly believe you should go for Tuesday and abandon the Saturday reservation.

Keep in mind, on Tuesday morning you will be among tourists and hotel guests exclusively, versus being among a lot of locals on Saturday who won't show up until later in the morning, but that should play into your favor. You might be able to hit a few things quickly first thing on a Saturday morning, but by 11am things bog down quickly on the weekends. An off-season weekday at DCA will be far more productive for you than a Saturday at Disneyland.

You know your stuff, you've got a park strategy ready, and you will be far better equipped to tackle the App on Tuesday morning than the average tourists from Seattle or Sydney who will be just learning about the App on Tuesday morning.

Go for Tuesday. It seems like that would bring a better balance to the trip overall, and goodness knows there's a million other things you can do in SoCal on a sunny October weekend if you give up your Disneyland reservation for Saturday.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Unfortunately I can't swap to Thursday-I'll be at Scary Farm and everything's already booked and paid for. So I either switch to my last DLR day to Tuesday or I'm stuck with Saturday. That would give me two days where OBB is happening vs. one as it stands now, but if the overall crowds are lower it may be worth the tradeoff. It'd be easier to make rope drop on DCA Tues. vs. DL on Saturday, if only because Scary Farm is open longer than DL would be.

But seven theme park/haunt days in a row is also a lot.

Keep thoughts coming, everyone. These posts are very helpful.

Wait, just how many Haunt Nights are you doing? Lol


Well-Known Member
Do we know if there was someone specific at Disney that pushed for Sea Serepents?

Submarine Voyage
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
World of Motion
It’s a Small World
Sea Serpent Topiary at Magic Kingdom
Sea Serpent float at the Electrical Water Parade
What am I missing?

That’s a lot of Sea Serpents and I think it’s great.
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