The main hurricane Charley thread (for WDW & Central Fla. discussion)

General Grizz

New Member
The Mom said:
Thanks for the update, tigsmom. I'm still waiting for bwanabob, disnyfan89, Mr Promey, Kevin Paige, and Lee to check in. Also, has anyone heard from Griz and Corrus yet?

I believe Corrus is in California, isn't he?


Well-Known Member
Just saw the damage on the news down here. I heard there was a hurricane coming, but I've been incredibly busy this week, so I didn't give it much thought. Besides, there's always a hurricane coming. And now I see all the destruction. I'm glad to hear all our friends are ok, and we'll be keeping all the State on our prayers.



Premium Member
I'm continuing to pray for those in Charlie's way or who just suffered the hurricane's wrath.

I believe Charlie is almost done with it's damage here in Virginia (the rain and winds have ceased), but who knows...


New Member
Glad to hear so many of you are safe and ur families are ok too.

I have a strange story related to this topic. Got a call earlier from a friend who is a CM at AK, her family lives either in Kississimee or Orlando (closer to Kiss. i believe), anway, she was telling me her house sustained major damage, as did many of the houses in her neighborhood. IN particular, she said part of their roof got sheared off. I'm not really sure if she is telling the truth or exagerrating, as she had home telephone service. Plus from what I can see on news Orlando area didn't really sustain any significant damage. But then i saw a post earlier that mentioned a tornado in Kiss. and other serious damage in orlando area. Then again she also mentioned that the Tree of Life and Expedition Everest sustained major damage. (acutally she said the tree of life was on it's side???) Frankly, i'm not sure if she is telling me the truth at this point. Maybe she is just exagerrating to wring some sympathy and attention from me. I hate to be so suspicious, but she has lied to me in the past about really silly stuff. Any information or news anyone has heard about would be helpful.


Well-Known Member
dox said:
Then again she also mentioned that the Tree of Life and Expedition Everest sustained major damage. (acutally she said the tree of life was on it's side???)

Bzzzt. Wrong answer. I drove the back road from 192 to the AK earlier today, and the Tree of Life was still very much standing. The superstructure for Expedition Everest also appeared to be completely unharmed. She was pulling your leg.


Well-Known Member
dox said:
Glad to hear so many of you are safe and ur families are ok too.

I have a strange story related to this topic. Got a call earlier from a friend who is a CM at AK, her family lives either in Kississimee or Orlando (closer to Kiss. i believe), anway, she was telling me her house sustained major damage, as did many of the houses in her neighborhood. IN particular, she said part of their roof got sheared off. I'm not really sure if she is telling the truth or exagerrating, as she had home telephone service. Plus from what I can see on news Orlando area didn't really sustain any significant damage. But then i saw a post earlier that mentioned a tornado in Kiss. and other serious damage in orlando area. Then again she also mentioned that the Tree of Life and Expedition Everest sustained major damage. (acutally she said the tree of life was on it's side???) Frankly, i'm not sure if she is telling me the truth at this point. Maybe she is just exagerrating to wring some sympathy and attention from me. I hate to be so suspicious, but she has lied to me in the past about really silly stuff. Any information or news anyone has heard about would be helpful.

I would have thought it nigh on impossible for the Tree of Life to move. It is engineered like an offshore oil-rig and is 170ft wide at the base. It does allow for natural movement (to act like a tree, which I guess is where the weak points would be, so maybe branch damage?) As for Everest, even at this stage, I'd imagine it is very strong. I'd guess at minor damage if that.


New Member
Charlie Hits Virginia Beach, VA

Charlie has just pass through our area (8Pm), with wind from 30-40 MPH. Nothing like our friends in Orlando. Three tornados reported thus far, one in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, one in southern Chesapeake VA near the Deep Creek Area and one approximately 3 miles from my home near NAS Oceana. No Damage at our home just major flooding in our neighborhood thanks to the 2+ inches of rain per hour. Moving North now and expected to weeken very quickly before heading North to the DC/MD area.

Thanks to all who sent Pixie Dust our way, it is working. Will be sending much to our friends in Orlando!
Take Care and Remember the Magic!



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Wckd Queen said:
I got a text message around 1am or so from Aimee (WDWBabe) asking me if I had gotten any of her texts. I hadn't, and I didn't get any texts after that. I know she was at AK with her mom (scheduled to drive home today) but I don't know if they are going to venture north, considering Charley's heading that way as well!

I guess this means we can add Aimee to the list, since this text message was received after the hurricane mostly went through the WDW area....

Also, good to hear from so many of you. Still praying for the rest, and especially for your friend, Brian.


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mickeygolfer said:
Charlie has just pass through our area (8Pm), with wind from 30-40 MPH. Nothing like our friends in Orlando. Three tornados reported thus far, one in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, one in southern Chesapeake VA near the Deep Creek Area and one approximately 3 miles from my home near NAS Oceana. No Damage at our home just major flooding in our neighborhood thanks to the 2+ inches of rain per hour. Moving North now and expected to weeken very quickly before heading North to the DC/MD area.

Thanks to all who sent Pixie Dust our way, it is working. Will be sending much to our friends in Orlando!
Take Care and Remember the Magic!


Hey Brad! Good to hear from you and that you are O.K.

Where in Va. Beach do you live? Near King's Grant? Lynnhaven? Since you said flooding, just wondered.


Premium Member
tigsmom said:
Where in Virginia are you? I have a niece in Woodbridge.

We are expecting Charly to hit sometime late tonight.

Actually I do live in Woodbridge. What a coincidence :) Again, there's nothing going on this instance. Pretty calm, thank goodness.

We were also up in Lewisseta, VA today to secure some boats. The rain was bad up there. They said on the radio strong winds were coming later tonight.

And hello to all the other Virginians that I never knew were around the boards. :wave:


New Member
Thanks guys for your quick reply and information. I don't think she was pulling my leg, so much as just lying. This is someone who lied to me once claiming she worked as Pluto. I guess in her mind she thought i would be impressed. What's horrible is that i'm sure there are alot of ppl in central florida (obviously i'm not referring to punta gorda and the west coast) who actually did sustain some kind of damage.

I just found that same article Tigsmom. Storm should be our way shortly. Luckily not as fierce.


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Anyone know how the WDW "navy" fleet (i.e., all their boats) fared? How did they secure them?


New Member
prberk said:
Hey Brad! Good to hear from you and that you are O.K.

Where in Va. Beach do you live? Near King's Grant? Lynnhaven? Since you said flooding, just wondered.
I live in Windsor Woods near Mt. Trashmore. My In-Laws live on the Lynnhaven River in Chespoean Colony and just got power back.The water was over their bulkhead into their yard but not to their house. I went over early in the day to secure our boat and move the outdoor furnature inside for them (they are both in their late 70's and are great in-laws, I'm so blessed!)

Our neighborhood is in the Flood Plane so whenever we get heavy rains our streets floods. Good for us though, we are one of the highest homes in the neighborhood. and never (knock on wood) get water in our home (Isabel was a real test). We live a block from our Fire Station so we get power back usually sooner than the rest of our neighborhood.

We count our blessings every day and our thoughts are with all of you in central FLA.

Thanks for asking and all the best to those still in the path!

we'll be in Orlando next month to celebrate 30 years together! Can't wait!


New Member
This is my 1st post since the storm. I am at my in-laws house in Nokomis since we still don't have power. We boarded up the house Friday morning just in case and thank god we did!! The storm was supposed to hit more northernly and we were just supposed to get the outer bands,we got nailed. I normally procrastinate but for the sake of not hearing my wife complain I put up all 20 sheets of plywood I had and I tapconned them to the stucco walls. My doorwall windows are 96" tall and I have a total of 11 of them so I couldn't board up the ones on the lanai but all of the outside doorwalls and larger picture style windows front and back got boarded. We would of lost at least half of those windows from debris. I had a 7" wide 30 foot long pine tree slam against the back wall of my house(it sounded like a bomb) There was debris EVERYWHERE and everyone was freaked out. My neighbor across the street didn't board up and lost every window on the backside of their house,then because of the driving winds and debris ended up losing his 6 month old carpet throughout the house. My wifes Grandma lost most of her windows as well as their a/c outside and part of her roof. My friend Yacco lost his 04 Audi TT as well as part of his garage,roof and a few windows. The Publix 2 miles away lost its roof as well as a bunch of homes in the area. When I can get settled at my house again with power I'll post some pics I took. I video taped most of the storm but its on Hi8 since I don't have a digital camcorder. On 75 TODAY I passed at least 50 ambulances heading South as well as 2 convoys of Military vehicles. My friend is a pilot and he flew over Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda this morning he said its unreal,if he'll let me borrow a few pics I'll post those too. Just strengthens my belief DON'T BELIEVE THE WEATHERMAN! THEY CANNOT PREDICT WHAT A STORM WILL DO.


New Member
pinkrose said:
I hope that all of Sea Worlds animals are ok as well. I know they put in some of them, but the ones that stay outside in tanks are the one's I worry about. If they were near the surface and debris hit them they could have been seriously hurt or killed.

I heard today from a SeaWorld friend in Orlando that the park had very minimal damage, and that the animals were okay. :) It was mainly just cleaning up branches and trees.



I don't post often, but you can add me to the list of people who made it through the storm unscathed. I had a few pine branches to clean up and one of of my trees now sits at about a 45 degree angle, but otherwise everything is fine.


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Original Poster
Wow, Lamarvenoy! Glad to see you are O.K., and can be added to the list! Last year a friend of mine was killed in Hurricane Isabelle, when a tree fell on her INSIDE the house, as she sat on her couch. It fell through the back wall of the house and directly onto her.

So, you are fortunate, and I am glad.


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