The Magic of WDW


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I'll tell you why I think Disney World is magic. You can't get experiences anywhere like you can at Disney World. For example, the last time I was at the World, I met this girl in line at Pirates. We hit it off pretty well. As the night went on the chemistry started bubbling. Then, we were by the Dumbo ride, right when our eyes locked and I went in for the kiss, BOOM, the fireworks started going off for the night time show. It was surreal, but so amazingly cool. The Disney ending would be that we got married and lived happily ever after. Did it happen? I will leave it up to your imagination.

Everyone on this board has a moment that keeps them coming back to Disney World. I don't know of any other place like it.

Ahh, a romantic memory! Thanks for sharing that. My imagination is a romantic one, so I am dreaming of a wish come true. :animwink:


New Member
I have been going to WDW every year since I was 6 years old (1992), and I just don't think I will ever get enough. People tell me all the time to travel somewhere an island or something, but they just don't understand the appreciation I have for wdw. I would rather be having fun in the parks for a week, rather than drinking and eating on a beach. I can let go and be a kid all over again, I can forget about the real world and leave everything at home behind me, with no worries. No other place can do that like wdw does for me. The attention to detail is just amazing, the atmosphere is just magical, the restaurants are simply the best, I wouldn't want to stay anywhere but one of the WDW resorts...each one is just magical in its own way when it comes to theme... Staying on-site just makes the trip that much better. The sights, sounds, and SMELLS of wdw are something that keeps me coming back. I look forward to spending a day away from the parks just relaxing, shopping in DTD, resort hopping, having a meal at the Poly, and just playing it by ear. Like I've said, I've been going since I was 6 and I still can't sleep the night before we leave for WDW thats something! I love everything about WDW and I wouldn't have it any other way! :)

Aaaaaaaaa-men! Could not agree more and could not have said it better!


Well-Known Member
Disney is so magical because of all that is. It's not just a ride or a restaurant that make us go back. It's the feelings that you get or the images and sounds that stick with you. It's watching your family's face light up or th tears that trickle down your chheks during Wishes.


We come back each and every year for that magical feeling you get . . . we all know the one . . . the one that knocks you back, smiling from ear to ear, swells your heart and makes your eyes well up . . . that feeling.

You can't really get that anywhere else but WDW.


Active Member
It really is a place where an adult can be a kid again.

When I go there I forget about all the stressful things going on back home. It trully takes me away.


Well-Known Member
Oh and I forgot to mention... I don't ever leave a place feeling as depressed as I do when I leave to go back home from WDW. Its like leaving the one you love, and thinking that you'll never see them again, but you know you will eventually see them again. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Being from Minnesota, and usually traveling down in the winter....there is nothing like the first feeling of tropical Florida air, usually walking from the rental counter out to the rental car....I can't help but think "yes!, I'm finally here!".

Last January when my brother and I went down, we had a MYW package but decided to get a car anyway...I just rented a standard car, but they gave us a convertable! That first drive around Disney property with the top down heading to the hotel....just couldn't be better!


Well-Known Member
Cant put into words why Disney is Magical. I think believing in Disney Magic is like believing in Religion.
Either you get it or you dont.

I have been a Disney fan forever. My first BDAY cake was Mickey Mouse and went there in 1971 when they first opened WDW. day I will be on my death bed. I will close my eyes and will flatline.I will go to the light and see St.Peter at the Pearly Gates.
When he opens the gates I will see a sign that says.....

Wow this thread makes me want to be in WDW more than ever. I am not sure what it is that makes Disney so great for me. My family and I have many wonderful memories there, and we always have so much fun acting like a bunch of kids. After reading this I am going to check airfare to try and find an affordable time to go. I can't wait to go back!


Well-Known Member
Wow this thread makes me want to be in WDW more than ever. I am not sure what it is that makes Disney so great for me. My family and I have many wonderful memories there, and we always have so much fun acting like a bunch of kids. After reading this I am going to check airfare to try and find an affordable time to go. I can't wait to go back!



New Member
Original Poster
Wow this thread makes me want to be in WDW more than ever. I am not sure what it is that makes Disney so great for me. My family and I have many wonderful memories there, and we always have so much fun acting like a bunch of kids. After reading this I am going to check airfare to try and find an affordable time to go. I can't wait to go back!

And that's what I wanted it to do since we are about 35 days away from our next trip!

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