REMINDER: Projects are due TONITE
I will begin grading them tomorrow... ALso if your PROJECT IS LATE, You will automatically in the bottom 2 Teams...
NOTE: Once your team leader has posted your project, i would like EACH TEAM MEMBER to PM me with what EACH of you and your team members did..
For example, If Disneyson, KingMickey and WannabeWalt were on a team, each member would PM me with what each of them did.. LIKE:
If KingMickey PMed me he would send me WHAT he did, then also what the other 2 members did...
ALL teams are to send me this so we the judges can decide who should be eliminated from each team...
So i would like all the PMs in a timely manner... The winning team will also get a perk... (or should i say the TEAM LEADER of the winning team will have immunity next project, BUT they must do the next project as well, they will just not be able to be eliminated)
THen with the other two teams ONE PERSON from each team will be elimianted and we the 4 judges will eliminate the person from each team who we think did the least/ worst..
I hope you all understand what i would like from you so when your project is posted, i need each teammember to PM me with what each person did in the group...