The "Hurry up and reopen the Adventurers Club Thread" per Lee's request.


Yeah, I just got an email about this very thing!
It's been confirmed by cast I am one happy adventurer. get in there.....and I will, oh yes....I will...


Well-Known Member
The word is that both AC and BET will be used for special events indeed through the end of the fiscal year.

Both clubs will be receiving new/temporary names from what I was told as well.

What I gather from this information is two things:

1.) Disney indeed (as I have said here for months) hasn't been able to sign up a single third party to operate in those locations yet and;
2.) Since Disney has/had no choice in renaming (and renaming could be as simple as just removing signage or putting banners over the entrance announcing whatever group is going to be there) BET due to rights issues that it also wants to BE SURE that fans do NOT misinterpret the fact the real estate is being used as some signal that Disney has heard your wailing and is in fact reopening the club to the public.

BTW, as someone who enjoyed AC but could easily (and did) go years without setting foot inside, I gotta say I am a bit surprised at how many fervent fans the place had. Was it a fun, unique place? Sure.

But the larger 'tragedy' (and please understand I am using that word in a less than serious manner) is what Disney did to PI as a whole. Bemoaning its fate while not seeing the larger picture is akin to crying about Space Mountain if Disney shuttered the MK. (Putting my flame resistent Disney ears on)


BTW, as someone who enjoyed AC but could easily (and did) go years without setting foot inside, I gotta say I am a bit surprised at how many fervent fans the place had.
So is Disney.:lol:
They never understood the gold mine they (potentially) had.

I totally agree about what they did to PI. It's a shame.

Properly advertised (on in-room tv, on the busses, in check-in materials) the clubs, especially AC I think, would have been much more successful. (Not that they didn't make money.) All the ingredients were there to make it a huge success, but instead they not only allowed, they almost encouraged it to die a slow death based on what some moron MBA with a powerpoint told them.

If they were to reopen the Club between now and Oct. 1, with a cover charge and properly promoted, they would make a profit. Even if they only opened on weekends.
How on earth is that not preferable to just letting it sit there unused for 90% of the time? I just don't get it, other than plain stupidity and stubbornness.:brick:


Well-Known Member
1.) Disney indeed (as I have said here for months) hasn't been able to sign up a single third party to operate in those locations yet and;
2.) Since Disney has/had no choice in renaming (and renaming could be as simple as just removing signage or putting banners over the entrance announcing whatever group is going to be there) BET due to rights issues that it also wants to BE SURE that fans do NOT misinterpret the fact the real estate is being used as some signal that Disney has heard your wailing and is in fact reopening the club to the public.

BTW, as someone who enjoyed AC but could easily (and did) go years without setting foot inside, I gotta say I am a bit surprised at how many fervent fans the place had. Was it a fun, unique place? Sure.

But the larger 'tragedy' (and please understand I am using that word in a less than serious manner) is what Disney did to PI as a whole. Bemoaning its fate while not seeing the larger picture is akin to crying about Space Mountain if Disney shuttered the MK. (Putting my flame resistent Disney ears on)

You can say what you want, but the longer the AC remains standing and intact, the better the chances of potentially reopening are. The same goes for the whole 3rd party debacle. The longer the 3rd parties take to sign, the more Disney may feel the need to reopen the AC...especially if they begin to feel pressure from Ragland Rd, etc. I agree with many of your posts, but when it comes to AC, we're gonna have to agree to disagree. I do admit that chances are slim to none, but slim seems to keep gaining pounds (so to speak). By October 1, 2009, many of the displaced CM's new contracts could be up, and Disney would have time to replace them at their respective new attractions.

I also understand what you're saying about the larger 'tragedy', but here are my thoughts. The AC was a perfect testament and example of what PI should be and used to be. Many of us thought that for this reason it would remain (along with its large following of fans). The AC would have been a great building block to build upon for a revamped PI. I think we all can agree that for PI to exist, it needed to be refreshed and nightly entertainment brought back.

I wonder how much a private event would cost, what the maximum number of guests are, how much entertainment costs, etc. It may be worth checking into to have a few AC fan nights or at least one.

There's alot of time between January 18 and October 1. Perhaps even enough time for a change in management/philosophy. Imagine if Jay Rasulo were to step down or be fired...

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
You can say what you want, but the longer the AC remains standing and intact, the better the chances of potentially reopening are. The same goes for the whole 3rd party debacle. The longer the 3rd parties take to sign, the more Disney may feel the need to reopen the AC...especially if they begin to feel pressure from Ragland Rd, etc. I agree with many of your posts, but when it comes to AC, we're gonna have to agree to disagree. I do admit that chances are slim to none, but slim seems to keep gaining pounds (so to speak). By October 1, 2009, many of the displaced CM's new contracts could be up, and Disney would have time to replace them at their respective new attractions.

I also understand what you're saying about the larger 'tragedy', but here are my thoughts. The AC was a perfect testament and example of what PI should be and used to be. Many of us thought that for this reason it would remain (along with its large following of fans). The AC would have been a great building block to build upon for a revamped PI. I think we all can agree that for PI to exist, it needed to be refreshed and nightly entertainment brought back.

I wonder how much a private event would cost, what the maximum number of guests are, how much entertainment costs, etc. It may be worth checking into to have a few AC fan nights or at least one.

There's alot of time between January 18 and October 1. Perhaps even enough time for a change in management/philosophy. Imagine if Jay Rasulo were to step down or be fired...

New meaning to What Would You Celebrate...:lookaroun:ROFLOL:


New Member
I am with you there is always still hope since you can still book events. I am with Lee I will find a way back in I must! I am wondering how many organs I could get away with selling to try & get some cash to help book the place for Con-Galoosh.


Well-Known Member
BTW, as someone who enjoyed AC but could easily (and did) go years without setting foot inside, I gotta say I am a bit surprised at how many fervent fans the place had. Was it a fun, unique place? Sure.

But the larger 'tragedy' (and please understand I am using that word in a less than serious manner) is what Disney did to PI as a whole. Bemoaning its fate while not seeing the larger picture is akin to crying about Space Mountain if Disney shuttered the MK. (Putting my flame resistent Disney ears on)

No argument from this fervent fan. I still miss the PI Jazz Co., and have had people look at me blankly when I tell them that, back in the day, Mannequins was every bit as "themed" as the AdvClub is.

I think that's largely the point, tho--the Club was "the last stand" for the old PI (and, I might argue, the old Walt Disney World in general). Thanks to its fiercely loyal staff--and I suppose thanks a bit to its fiercly loyal guests, as well--it stayed largely the same while the other clubs were declining, a process that took a good 7 years. So while fans of, say, the Beach Club knew the end was coming for a while before it was announced, the AdvClub felt like more of a shock.

And for the record, I consider the Club more analogous to the whole of MK than just Space Mountain. I've known plenty of people over the years who came to Orlando to spend time at the Club, and went to the parks during the day as an afterthought.


When they announced the closing of PI and AC they reported that the building would remain untouched until the previously booked corporate events had passed.

I'm not sure that this means that you can book the AC now or that there is a glimmer of hope for it to remain.

I enjoyed the AC but i'm not optimistic about it coming back.


Well-Known Member
So is Disney.:lol:
They never understood the gold mine they (potentially) had.

Oh, I think they understood. Or some of them did. It was more a question of how much more they thought they could have made by bringing in all those third parties.

Imagine not having to pay CMs, especially entertainers. Imagine not paying for upkeep on locations.

Imagine all that cash from Cheesecake Factory/Grand Luxe Cafe, Smith and Wollensky, P.F. Chang's and places of that ilk when they beat down TDO's doors to sign contracts:rolleyes: ... in a perfect world (or one at least that isn't the worst economy in modern times it made sense, unfortunately they let the place die a slow death instead of just killing it back in the 2003-04 period when the decision really was made) they would have signed up their vict... I mean partners and those places would be getting ready to open shortly.

Reality got in the way ... doncha hate when that happens?

I totally agree about what they did to PI. It's a shame.

I do think this is the point that keeps getting lost in all the loving being given to AC. PI shouldn't have been killed. Period.

Properly advertised (on in-room tv, on the busses, in check-in materials) the clubs, especially AC I think, would have been much more successful. (Not that they didn't make money.) All the ingredients were there to make it a huge success, but instead they not only allowed, they almost encouraged it to die a slow death based on what some moron MBA with a powerpoint told them.

Well, I've said it before but clubs really can't be allowed to just sit for years and not get changed. In hip places like SoBe, NYC, LA, Vegas etc ... clubs constantly reinvent themselves.

Disney didn't want to invest. That's why they allowed the place to die. The clubs needed updates (yeah, even AC) ... some needed regular replacing/rethinking.

If they were to reopen the Club between now and Oct. 1, with a cover charge and properly promoted, they would make a profit. Even if they only opened on weekends.
How on earth is that not preferable to just letting it sit there unused for 90% of the time? I just don't get it, other than plain stupidity and stubbornness.:brick:

Sure, they'd make a profit. But how much? And it wouldn't be the same without the same cast there. Hell, what if they had it open with no shows/entertainment to speak of ... how many AC 'regulars' went and hung out for hours while nursing one drink (maybe even non-alcoholic)?
The amount they'd make would be negligible.

And since I've seen Disney turn down opportunities to make far more money (like by keeping Epcot open late on weekends for dining and drinking), I doubt anyone there cares about what money might be made at AC.

But, Lee, if what I hear is correct you could get a group together and rent the club ... Disney will be glad to take your $$$ for a three-hour party!


Well-Known Member
I also understand what you're saying about the larger 'tragedy', but here are my thoughts. The AC was a perfect testament and example of what PI should be and used to be. Many of us thought that for this reason it would remain (along with its large following of fans). The AC would have been a great building block to build upon for a revamped PI. I think we all can agree that for PI to exist, it needed to be refreshed and nightly entertainment brought back.

Absolutely. AC was such a fun concept. And it could have survived and thrived in a new reworked PI. But that was never considered seriously.
And realize there were/are people on the inside in positions of power ... cough ... Joe Rohde cough ... cough ... who did all they could to keep the place going. And well ... sadly, it wasn't enough.

AC didn't exist in a vacuum and when they decided to kill PI, they weren't going to let one of the limbs live on.

I wonder how much a private event would cost, what the maximum number of guests are, how much entertainment costs, etc. It may be worth checking into to have a few AC fan nights or at least one.

I'd certainly look into it ... clearly there's a passionate group of fans here and if you all can get one last send off ... I say go for it ...

There's alot of time between January 18 and October 1. Perhaps even enough time for a change in management/philosophy. Imagine if Jay Rasulo were to step down or be fired...

Since Disney is in the process of Shanghaing the Chinese, I don't see Jay going anywhere for a while ... unless WDW's attendance just falls through the floor and Bob needs a scapegoat for Wall Street.

Jay, all my personal feelings aside, makes the bottom line look very good and Bob doesn't really seem concerned beyond that.


Well-Known Member
No argument from this fervent fan. I still miss the PI Jazz Co., and have had people look at me blankly when I tell them that, back in the day, Mannequins was every bit as "themed" as the AdvClub is.

Absolutely. Loved the Jazz Club, especially when they had real 'talent' performing and were still serving food.

And Mannequins was a very kewl club back in the early-mid 90s.

Hell, I hate country, and I loved the original Neon Armadillo ... and the Fireworks Factory had great BBQ.

And CW used to really be fun too ... before it became overrun by unhappy CMs looking to poke fun at the Mouse with skits and jokes that went over the heads of anyone who either didn't work for Disney or know the company's inner workings much.

PI was much more than AC.

I think that's largely the point, tho--the Club was "the last stand" for the old PI (and, I might argue, the old Walt Disney World in general). Thanks to its fiercely loyal staff--and I suppose thanks a bit to its fiercly loyal guests, as well--it stayed largely the same while the other clubs were declining, a process that took a good 7 years. So while fans of, say, the Beach Club knew the end was coming for a while before it was announced, the AdvClub felt like more of a shock.

And for the record, I consider the Club more analogous to the whole of MK than just Space Mountain. I've known plenty of people over the years who came to Orlando to spend time at the Club, and went to the parks during the day as an afterthought.

Well, I am sure that is true, but I can only say my feelings on that is they were likely over the top. I know (of) a woman (very famous in the online Disney world) who used to plan WDW trips around seeing 3-5 Comedy Warehouse shows every night of her 6-7 trips every year and writing reviews of every show down to which actor played which character ... I found it all ... a bit beyond odd and definitely OCD. I wonder what happened to 'Sue' since CW closed.


Disney didn't want to invest. That's why they allowed the place to die. The clubs needed updates (yeah, even AC) ... some needed regular replacing/rethinking.
I agree. The shows should have changed yearly or so at the AC.

Sure, they'd make a profit. But how much? And it wouldn't be the same without the same cast there.
More profit than just leaving it there, used for special events once in a while. In this economy, that sounds like a better idea to me.
No reason they couldn't use the same cast. Just rotate them in from AI or World Showcase or wherever.

But, Lee, if what I hear is correct you could get a group together and rent the club ... Disney will be glad to take your $$$ for a three-hour party!
Yeah, now taking donations for that....:lol:

It's all just likely wishful thinking on my part. I'm clinging....


Well-Known Member
Yeah, now taking donations for that....:lol:
Put me down for $200-$300.:dazzle::dazzle::dazzle

I agree. The shows should have changed yearly or so at the AC.
Yeah, it shouldn't have taken 18 years for Sutter Bestwick to make an appearance. Also, didn't the shows change during the early days? I know characters like Marcel, Plaid Monkey, and Madame Zarkov made random appearances. That should have never stopped. Of course, I'm sure that was some decision management made.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Put me down for $200-$300.:dazzle::dazzle::dazzle

Yeah, it shouldn't have taken 18 years for Sutter Bestwick to make an appearance. Also, didn't the shows change during the early days? I know characters like Marcel, Plaid Monkey, and Madame Zarkov made random appearances. That should have never stopped. Of course, I'm sure that was some decision management made.
Evolved would probably be a more correct word. Some ideas worked some tanked. The ones that tanked got axed.


New Member
Was at City Walk on Sat and every club I went into was packed (4 of them), especially since this is still considered a low season. City Walk also restricts to 21 and over only at night so its not like they were all kids running around causing problems.

If Universal can pack them in, why couldn't Disney....oh wait....they just didn't want to. I think it's about time Disney realizes that families don't just consist of parents and children - adults can be their own familes so where is their "family friendly entertainment"? I hope the Disney powers that be are seriously scratching their heads right now and finally admit their decision wasn't the best one, otherwise, they'll continue to lose at least some business to the competition which defeats the whole concept of keeping them on property to spend. Besides, who's more likely to venture off property - families having to get their children together or grown adults who can easily jump in a cab if needed. Disney needs to worry a little more about the people who can jump off property at a moments notice, not to mention the devoted locals who also bring in their share of money!


Well-Known Member
Was at City Walk on Sat and every club I went into was packed (4 of them), especially since this is still considered a low season. City Walk also restricts to 21 and over only at night so its not like they were all kids running around causing problems.

If Universal can pack them in, why couldn't Disney....oh wait....they just didn't want to. I think it's about time Disney realizes that families don't just consist of parents and children - adults can be their own familes so where is their "family friendly entertainment"? I hope the Disney powers that be are seriously scratching their heads right now and finally admit their decision wasn't the best one, otherwise, they'll continue to lose at least some business to the competition which defeats the whole concept of keeping them on property to spend. Besides, who's more likely to venture off property - families having to get their children together or grown adults who can easily jump in a cab if needed. Disney needs to worry a little more about the people who can jump off property at a moments notice, not to mention the devoted locals who also bring in their share of money!

The one thing I can't figure out is why CW hasn't opened a comedy venue for stand up/improv. Seems like a no brainer.

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