The 'Honey your famous, where did the pretty girlies go?'..July Trip Report.


By now most of you know who I (or rather we) are. But I will start with the details and 411 just in case you need a little reminder.

Me: Your host. Aleisha, 32 full time administrative support worker for a government contractor in DC. Part time evening student hoping to graduate eventually. Mommy to the sweetest boy in the world (more about this later) little man. Allergic to pretty much everything, but mainly animal fat found in beef, pork and dairy.Disney lover for ions. I have a slight disability, Cerebral Palsy to the right side. This is not important, but will be important enough for a future story.

Andy: aka Anderson. 34. full time graphic designer for the Washington Caps-hints why half our pics at least one of us wears something. Love his job, but its a long season and requires a lot of time away from little man and myself. Allergic to nothing-lucky man-a phone-a-holic I don't think he would know what to do without it. Hated anything Disney until I so lovingly made him go on our honeymoon back in 06, now he can't get enough.

Logan: aka little man. 3. The absolutely greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Without a doubt. I don't know how I got so lucky with this kid..he is a mommy's boy as you will probably see throughout the report. Loves Cars, Wall E, Nemo and Monsters Inc. Has a thing for Ariel and the little mermaid. Jake and The Neverland Pirates has become his best friend. Has had the fortunate luck to inherit my dairy allergy, though thus far that is it.

The 411:

When: July 19-28th
Where: Boardwalk Villas
The plan: 8 day park hopper, dinning plan.

We tend to switch it up from time to time, some years we do dinning plan and park hoppers, others we do table of wonderland and annual passes...and while I am sure you all wanted to hear this, I know what you really came for was my report...


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Day Seven: Wednesday July 25, 2012

If this day had a title it would appropriately be: Logan and his ladies

I know Disney is all about fun, and cramming and hitting the parks. But sometimes a nice day of relaxation is in order. After all we are on vacation right. Which is why we had decided to make this day a somewhat down day. We slept in, not caring that we woke at 9. We ate breakfast and enjoyed the morning on the balcony.


The view...

And we did not care that we weren't making a mad dash for the buses to go to a park. Instead we made our way to the buses and waited for the Downtown Disney one. Now let me say, my son as by now I am sure you can tell is obviously caring. But he is also quite the charmer. He loves the ladies...especially if they are older. As we reached the bus stop we sat across from three girls, all of whom were in their mid twenties. They sat talking and Logan began to smile. Tugging at my hand he whispered 'mommy, who are they?' I told him I didn't know but I bet if he waved they would wave which he told me he couldn't, he was too shy...then asked if I would do it for him, and blow them a kiss and say it was from him. Because he was too shy. Umm yeah somehow I really didn't believe this. Really this kid blows kisses and just about flirts with girlies on a daily basis. Still he would not. He watched and hid behind me and smiled at them. And when they got on the bus??? He finally was ready to say something.

'Hey where the pretty girlies go? I wanted to talk to them?'' The intern taking surveys just about died and told him, that made his morning...

Our bus came then and we hopped on. We were on our way to do a little shopping. We picked up some souvenirs at the World of Disney, Logan picking out a couple of things for his cousin back home, Anderson and I grabbed a couple of things as well, though this year we actually did pretty good in the whole not going absolutely crazy. When we stepped out, the midday heat was high and mighty. And Logan was saying he was hungry. And since we had yet to hit up my favorite sandwich place, it was dif time for Earl....Andy went in to get the food, giving little man the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the July heat in Florida, and the fun water fountains...


Obviously this kid is not having any fun at all....clearly.


After lunch we hit the Christmas store, picking out this years annual ornament before making our way back home. On the bus, two sisters sat across from Logan who got over his whole shy act and flirted with these girls the entire ride. Seriously, and they ate it up. The teenage girl especially. He just beamed. He even knows how to win a girl over. He said 'Hi my names Logan and I have a big truck at home.' Yep a way to win a girl is to have transportation. Right on little man right on.

As DVC members we had always been invited to do the whole Welcome Home Wednesday. And we always turn it down. Mainly because of time. But since we were staying at BW, we really had no excuse and we figured we would at least do it once.

Well let me say, I can see why we skip it. Apparently they are doing a new format, and neither Andy nor I really enjoyed it. Neither did Logan who for the first time, and actually the only time during our trip acted like his full 3 year old self...we were glad we did it just so we could see what it was about but for us, it really wasn't what we thought and will dif not be rushing back anytime soon..

But the event killed time in the afternoon, and the relaxing day meant all three of us where ready for some evening fun. And so we headed back to the room, got ready and once again made our way to EPCOT. Dinner was at Garden Grille tonight.

Of course we could not get away with going to EPCOT and dinner without riding Nemo...I think Andy began to hate the ride by now. We quickly rushed our way through the ride, before making our way over to the restaurant. This was a place we booked, then debated cancelling, then kept and said well we could always cancel it later and ultimitely kept it. Its not that we didn't want to go. We had been there before and it had always been a good meal. But with Logan's antics at the party, we didn't know if he was actually going to put up with things. Dinner was actually really good. The same sort of concept as Liberty Tree, but with our allergies we all got different plates. Logan loved the fact that it moved..but the sweet potato fries, not so much. Thankfully the fruit he was offered was gone in a matter of moments. Yes a kid that doesn't touch fries but will inhale fruits and veggies....and a bonus, he even got bread he was given the ok to eat...double score for him!


Mommy and Logan waiting for the characters..


Favorite character pic of the bunch!!


That was some good food daddy!!

Logan was so wound up that we decided to stick around for the evening. We made it through the line of Norway, which I was a little iffy about thinking it was way to scary for him. But once again he decided to get his convo on with a young teacher from Richmond VA. They walked through the line together and she never once ventured off of their convo, he told her about his truck and how he is learning to swim. And when we got on the ride, and she asked 'How you doing Logan...'

His response?? 'I am good. I got this girl.' Totally making her brother, their mother and Andy and I crack up....

But he was not done. Oh no, we parked for Illuminations beside a family with a set of twin five year old girls. And the girl loved his ear plugs, so much so that they sat watching the show holding hands. And she had obviously seen this, as she told him when to look her and look there and that it was ok to take off the ear plugs. And in return he shared his glow sticks and bracelets...young love in the making...

Ah yes, he has the girlies, wrapped around his finger...


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That's awesome that he was able to get dairy free ice cream. I also suffer from dairy and as a kid it was really bad so while everyone else could have ice cream I was stuck with non dairy frozen yogurt. Is the allergy from the lactose or something else? My dairy issues have gotten a lot better as I've gotten older so I can eat mac n cheese, ice cream, and pizza without too much of an issue normally. Perhaps the same may happen for Logan.

I am hoping it goes away. I know my allergies have not gone away, but for his sake I really really hope so! I am so glad to hear yours did...


Well-Known Member
AWWWWW....could I just love Logan any more! What a totally precious child! I totally understand the love of the pretty older ladies as my son was the exact same way. It certainly makes for some entertaining stories! My son has done the following:
1. Told our harried, teenage restaurant server that she looked "like a fairy princess" causing her to nearly cry with joy!
2. Told the cashier in Wal-Mart that he "loved her pretty pink blouse" and caused her to nearly have a heart attack--someone being nice in line at Wal-Mart--unheard of!!
3. Asked a concession stand volunteer at the ball park if he "could purchase her for $100,000.00"
4. And best one yet....told our minister's wife that he wanted to marry her which she replied that she was "already married, honey." problem for my son, he responds "that's ok, my mom's a divorce attorney. She can take care of that!".

So, you have lots more funny stories to look forward to! I think it's great...he can always put a smile on a woman's face! I tell him he's going to make some woman very happy someday. ;)

I had posted a question earlier about the room size, as we are staying at BWV's in Sept. I just realized that you were staying in a one bedroom villa and we are staying in a studio...hence the reason your room looked bigger than the photos of the studio. Rats! I was hoping that was the studio. :(

That's so cool that someone recognized you! I keep hoping someone will recognize me on our trip just so I can justify the many hours I spend on these boards! A fellow poster and I joked that we should arrange a "random" meeting just so we could each "recognize" each other and impress our family! :D

Can't wait to read more and see what Logan is up to next!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
AWWWWW....could I just love Logan any more! What a totally precious child! I totally understand the love of the pretty older ladies as my son was the exact same way. It certainly makes for some entertaining stories! My son has done the following:
1. Told our harried, teenage restaurant server that she looked "like a fairy princess" causing her to nearly cry with joy!
2. Told the cashier in Wal-Mart that he "loved her pretty pink blouse" and caused her to nearly have a heart attack--someone being nice in line at Wal-Mart--unheard of!!
3. Asked a concession stand volunteer at the ball park if he "could purchase her for $100,000.00"
4. And best one yet....told our minister's wife that he wanted to marry her which she replied that she was "already married, honey." problem for my son, he responds "that's ok, my mom's a divorce attorney. She can take care of that!".

So, you have lots more funny stories to look forward to! I think it's great...he can always put a smile on a woman's face! I tell him he's going to make some woman very happy someday. ;)

I had posted a question earlier about the room size, as we are staying at BWV's in Sept. I just realized that you were staying in a one bedroom villa and we are staying in a studio...hence the reason your room looked bigger than the photos of the studio. Rats! I was hoping that was the studio. :(

That's so cool that someone recognized you! I keep hoping someone will recognize me on our trip just so I can justify the many hours I spend on these boards! A fellow poster and I joked that we should arrange a "random" meeting just so we could each "recognize" each other and impress our family! :D

Can't wait to read more and see what Logan is up to next!!

Oh I love the stories of your son! Thank you for sharing

I hope my little one will continue with the great stories through the years. Believe me I feel incredibly blessed to have such an amazing little man..and I know one day he will dif make some lady extremely happy.

Ah yeah the studios are smaller, I am sorry to say. We have has plenty of studios in our day, so I know you concerns. It may be tight.

It was extremely cool meeting someone from here I never really was scared. I actually met someone from the same area that posted on here but that is totally different then someone actually recognizing you when you are actually down in the world.


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Day Eight: Thursday July 26, 2012

Well we are approaching the final leg of the trip. With the final two full days ahead of us it seemed we were in full steam ahead mode. Trying to cram as much as possible. I did notice that I took less photos these last two days then I had all week....

Logan decided he absolutely wanted to do Pirates again and so this morning would start off at the Magic was hot today. Probably the hottest it had been all vacation, and yet it was gorgeous at the same time. I don't know why I enjoy this weather so much...but I do. Perhaps I am a bit weird yes...

Pirates hadn't changed obviously but Logan now knows every word to the song. And I find it odd that a kid who was so determined to not ride it in the beginning, is the same kid who is begging to ride it several times over, and is now one of his favorite rides this year. From there we continued our pirates them and headed to Peter Pan, but a 60 minute wait meant we would grab some fastpasses, to which Logan hadn't quite gotten the concept yet. We eventually told him Neverland had a special time for him. He shrugged and said OK, but Small World would have to be next. Of course we said yes, and ran across the way to listen to one of Andersons. FAVORITE SONGS EVER....

By now the heat was really obnoxious and so we stopped to get a snack, and a little drink and managed to see a little preview of the new Fantasyland....


Who's excited for this??


This girl!!!

After the break, it was back to Peter Pan then to Philharmagic once again to listen to Logan giggle through the entire thing...have I mentioned how much I adore this kids laugh??? He especially loved..


The whole Donald Duck thing.

Lunch was once again at Cosmic Rays. Logan and I people watched...he enjoyed watching the other kids come and go, and watched as this huge party stood and gathered in line. They started with number one....and the last person-a baby-was number 29. Logan thought that was a lot of people and laughed as they kept coming. Once lunch was done, we walked our way over to storybook where he decided he didn't want to do Barnstormer but maybe when he was 4 1/2 he would because he would be so much braver-his words-nor did he want to do Dumbo.

I am beginning to think that kid will escape Disney without ever doing the classic ride.

With the heat climbing we decided it was time to head back to the hotel, maybe do a little afternoon swimming.


Andy finding out that Alexander Semin went to the Canes....when you work for the team, you never truly get time off.....I don't even think it had gone to the press yet.

Any way we get back to the hotel just in time for Logan to crash. And when I mean crash, I mean he took an actual nap! The pool would have to wait.As he did we called home to check in with the family. My cousin had had her first child this morning, a son we celebrated with a sit on the balcony and a cold drink in the hands....

Logan was up and rearing to go in no time....

Now when we did our dinning reservations we obviously didn't think things through a whole lot. Because it seemed as though we were eating at EPCOT. A lot. Tonight, in honor of the Olympics we had reservations at Rose and Crown. But going to EPCOT meant.....well if you have been reading you know what this means...Nemo and Mexico. And so we once again found ourselves on these rides before making our way to England.

This was our first time at Rose and Crown. I ordered Chicken and Curry-which threw me off since I never expected curry in England- Logan and Anderson had the traditional fish and chips. My dish wasn't to bad, though did get a little spicy after awhile. Still not bad. Logan was extremely confused why he got fries when he asked for chips-the waiter got a kick out of this.-Andy said they were actually decent. Dessert was fruit for Logan and I...


They were actually really really good. Fresh..The only real complaint that we had was the fact it took two hours for the entire meal....and we had promised Logan some pool time. So instead of spending the evening at EPCOT, we returned to the hotel to do a little evening swimming, which Logan absolutely loved and then called it an evening.

Tomorrow was our last full day and we have every plan to take advantage of it!!

Nero the dog

Well-Known Member
Now when we did our dinning reservations we obviously didn't think things through a whole lot. Because it seemed as though we were eating at EPCOT. A lot. Tonight, in honor of the Olympics we had reservations at Rose and Crown. But going to EPCOT meant.....well if you have been reading you know what this means...Nemo and Mexico. And so we once again found ourselves on these rides before making our way to England.

This was our first time at Rose and Crown. I ordered Chicken and Curry-which threw me off since I never expected curry in England- Logan and Anderson had the traditional fish and chips. My dish wasn't to bad, though did get a little spicy after awhile. Still not bad. Logan was extremely confused why he got fries when he asked for chips-the waiter got a kick out of this.-Andy said they were actually decent. Dessert was fruit for Logan and I...

There are tons of Indian restaurants in every British town. Chicken Tikka Masala is actually the most popular dish in the UK. It is regarded as very mild in spice (but enough for me). Don't ever be tempted to try a Vindaloo or Phal, they will make your head explode.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There are tons of Indian restaurants in every British town. Chicken Tikka Masala is actually the most popular dish in the UK. It is regarded as very mild in spice (but enough for me). Don't ever be tempted to try a Vindaloo or Phal, they will make your head explode.

Thanks for the info. I did not know it was the most popular dish! The spice was good, just got a little overwhelming for me by the end but the dish itself was tasty...thanks for the warning, those just sound dangegrous!!

omg that Little Logan is priceless!!! Hahaha I love it!!!!

That he is!!


Active Member
I must say I love reading about each day just to see what other antics Logan is up to :) I can't wait for my son to provide as much enjoyment for my wife and I in Disney as Logan does for you and Andy.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I must say I love reading about each day just to see what other antics Logan is up to :) I can't wait for my son to provide as much enjoyment for my wife and I in Disney as Logan does for you and Andy.

Thank you. It has been fun providing the stories and the memories with everyone. Just a few more days to share during this trip! And I am sure that your son will be providing enjoyment for years to come! And I hope you will share them with us, and I look forward to it.:)


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Day Nine: Friday July 27, 2012

Well we have reached that time once again. The last full day of the trip. I wish I could say the fact that I woke up knowing there would be no magical express-thanks to us driving-made it some what easier. But sadly this is not the case. Never the less we got up, got dressed and decided to make the most of it. We promised Logan some special Mickey waffles and a monorail trip, and try as we might we did not find any around the Boardwalk, we were told by the concierge that the only way to get them there is to make reservations, which we didn't have. So instead we waved it off, and decided to combine the trip around the monorail and the waffles and hit up the Contemporary, where Logan got his promised waffles. And then it was time to walk over to the Magic Kingdom for some last day fun....


And this is where something special happens in front of our eyes.

We walked to the front of the park and I immediately notice this family surrounded by camera crews. I really don't think anything of it but watch. The park, or rather the area seems kind of quiet and empty which is kind of strange.But its early enough so hey. And thats when I see a man in uniform come out, and then the girlfriend spots him and she just starts bawling. Its a moment I have seen over and over on tv, but never live. It was so touching. He apparently has just come back from tour and has surprised his girlfriend who was already there. And then it happens, he gets down on one knee....and that girlfriend becomes a fiance..With her family right there was just amazing. Truly something special to watch.

Alright touching moment indeed....

Now when I look back on certain days there will always be those special days. Obviously for reasons above. But for more: The first time Logan saw the animals on the walking tour. Last years first Mexico ride. Etc. And this day, well this day will be one of those days.For after a week and a half of looking, watching and debating Logan decided this was going to be the day he was going to ride two very different rides for the first time. First:



The classic ride would not but unridden as I had feared..and the moment he got on, and realized he could see the entire park, was the moment he fell in love with it...the little boy loved every second of it. And then after he got off, and decided he was flying so high and so brave that he was ready to go for the big guns and this would be the day he would ride:


Yes that's right, he was going to ride his very first ROLLER COASTER!!!! We asked who he would want to ride with, and Andy (who is 6'2 and a half) was sort of thankful when he chose to ride with his mommy.....I had always wanted to take my son on his first roller coaster but I must admit I never thought it would be when he was 3! And to listen to him laugh and clap and hold on to that bar at the same time. Well that is something I don't want to forget. Ever.

After it was still early enough that fastpasses for Peter Pan was only a half hour long, so we grabbed a couple, took one final spin on Its A Small World before getting on our Pirate Ship and heading to Neverland one final time during the trip. After, we had lunch where we gave Logan the choice of going back to the hotel and swim or going to EPCOT one final time...gee anyone want to guess what he choose??


We make it to the front of the park in time for the Move It Shake It parade..


We hang out long enough to watch it pass before making our way out of the park and over to EPCOT.

Andy pretty much slept through both Nemo and Mexico and once again said to remind him to not be so anxious to ride them next year, and that he would be happy to never ride it again. I say we will see about that. And I am pretty sure Logan will have other thoughts.

But with all the back and forth we did, Logan was looking just a little exhausted, and we knew we had to get back to the room, as our second Kids Night Out would be there before we knew it. And so we returned home. Ah yes Kids Night Out, we love it apparently. I mean as much as we love taking Logan out, sometimes its nice to get out and be Anderson and Aleisha again, and to ride the big kids rides as a couple.

And to have dinner together. We always seem to sit there and discuss our next trip down. Tonight would be no different. We decided March would be a good time to return. Neither wanting to wait a full year to return. Tonight's dinner was Narcosse's. It was fabulous. Andy had Lobster and filet which he said was simply amazing and I had the Halibut. Which was very delicious in its own right. We saved our dessert for later, as this is the one night that I forget about my allergies-Andy takes care of me don't worry.-and head back to Magic Kingdom.



He said this beer was fabulous....

Our hopes were to ride Big Thunder since we had yet to do it since the refurb. We got in line, and as we rounded the second loop...wouldn't you know the announcement that inclement weather was going to hold us. We were offered to leave the line...though Andy and I saw the mad dash out of their and decided to wait. After all we were under the cover...Turns out this was a fabulous idea as the storm was quick and before we knew it they were back up and running...and we were one of the first to get on!

But the mad dash all went to either HM or Space Mountain, so we rode the People Mover then stopped to get our traditional ice cream and wishes to close out the night before making our way back...

Of course I had to get some shots of the Boardwalk at night before calling it absolutely a night:


Tomorrow we will hit the road to make the long trip back. But not before doing a little shopping!


Well-Known Member
So sad it's almost over :( But it sounds like you had a great last adults only night!

So the whole story about the military man proposing to his girlfriend had me crying. I dated a guy who was in the military so I know how hard it is. Sounds like a pretty awesome suprise! A proposal at the happiest place on earth!!! :)

Logan is gonna be such a ladies man when he's gets older, watch out!! haha.. Actually, forget when he's older, he's a ladies man NOW it seems!!


Active Member
Yay Logan!!!!!! I'm so happy for you that he not only rode Dumbo but also the barnstormer. I think Dumbo is the ride I look forward to the most to riding with my son. I have not ridden it yet as my wife and I didn't feel the need to on our honeymoon so I can't wait to ride with my son and have it be the first time for both of us :)


Well-Known Member
I absolutely loved your last full day! And that proposal story... how cute! It is my dream to one day get engaged in front of the castle, but what a surprise that must have been for that girl! So happy Logan rung up the courage to ride those two rides! Some more fun ones should be added to your list next year! :D


Active Member
Logan is such a cutie, and has such a big heart! Your stories brought tears to my eyes, I look forward to having a family and sharing Disney magic with them. Thanks for sharing with all of us!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So sad it's almost over :( But it sounds like you had a great last adults only night!

So the whole story about the military man proposing to his girlfriend had me crying. I dated a guy who was in the military so I know how hard it is. Sounds like a pretty awesome suprise! A proposal at the happiest place on earth!!! :)

Logan is gonna be such a ladies man when he's gets older, watch out!! haha.. Actually, forget when he's older, he's a ladies man NOW it seems!!

LOL Oh yeah forget the some day, he is already the ladies man just ask im. I know I am deep deep trouble when he starts dating...

It was awesome watching the proposal and surprise really. I mean you just never expect to see it happen. I can not imagine having the one I love gone that long. Having a husband that was gone during hockey season is hard enough. I can not even begin to imagine!

Yay Logan!!!!!! I'm so happy for you that he not only rode Dumbo but also the barnstormer. I think Dumbo is the ride I look forward to the most to riding with my son. I have not ridden it yet as my wife and I didn't feel the need to on our honeymoon so I can't wait to ride with my son and have it be the first time for both of us :)

Believe me it was extremely wonderful to ride it with him for the first time. I had ridden the same three rides all week so it was just so special. And to have him say he wanted to go back and do it again. It was a blast. Cherish those moments.

I absolutely loved your last full day! And that proposal story... how cute! It is my dream to one day get engaged in front of the castle, but what a surprise that must have been for that girl! So happy Logan rung up the courage to ride those two rides! Some more fun ones should be added to your list next year! :D

We will dif be adding some next trip. Believe me the list expanded quite this year, and I look forward to so much more with him as the years go on.

Logan is such a cutie, and has such a big heart! Your stories brought tears to my eyes, I look forward to having a family and sharing Disney magic with them. Thanks for sharing with all of us!

Thank you for reading. It is so different when you have a family..and I know you are looking forward to them, they will be so special..I am glad I could bring some tears and happy thoughts to you!


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Day Ten: Saturday July 28, 2012


Well We have come to the end of what has been another wonderful-and surprisingly long-vacation. And despite the fact we know we will be back its never easy to say goodbye. Nor do I want to. I woke up this morning thinking no I am not going to leave and they can't make me. But I knew they could and by the evening someone else would be calling room 2051 home. Sigh.

Just as hard as it was watching all the families coming in and checking in. Knowing we were doing the same not to long ago. We did however have one final stop, to do some shopping at Downtown Disney. We got there early. Too early for the shops to be open, Logan couldn't understand of course but the moment those doors open, we hit the store up. We bought the store out. OK not really again its nice to know we would be back and the feeling that we don't have to buy everything.

With our final purchases made we stuffed the car, waved our final goodbyes to Mickey and made our way off property.

Vacation was officially over, the only thing to look forward to was the 14 hour car drive home...

Until March that is.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Well that was superb.Glad you all had a magical time. 14 hours on the road!:eek: Read your trip report from start to finnish with my coffee and cupcake.The wee man looked like he had a ball.:)

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