I, for one, refuse to hand out kudos for Disney doing what they should be doing anyway. Maintenance and upkeep should be taken for granted, not praised as amazing progress. That just emphasizes how low the bar has been set the last few years.
Yes. A point I keep trying to make.
WWoHP as a whole cost less than the one major ride going into Carsland.
I fear that building the single most expensive ride in theme park history is really digging a financial hole out there. Gonna take a while to earn back a $350mil investmen in
one ride.
I say it about Space Mountain all the time.:lol:
Anyhow...all the bickering about attendance numbers is becoming tiresome. The difference in size between the two sides makes it all rather pointless to argue about who's taking guests away from who.
Let's measure this whole issue by a different yardstick. Who's building the best rides? No doubt Uni is wearing that belt for 2010, and likely for a while longer.
It really bothers me that Disney hasn't tried to deliver an attraction to top FJ. The Disney I love wouldn't let Uni build a better ride and then just be content to pick up the scraps of guests who come down for Potter.