The Grizz Will Roar!!


Well-Known Member
Bravo! Everyone, get your axes,swords,gun-blades,ninja stars,nunchucks,quarterstaffs,shields,bows,and other weapons. We're heading to the Team Disney building in the land of Mordor, and aid our friends in Disneyland,the main city of Gondor.


Well-Known Member
Excellent post Grizz!!!! You have echoed what many of us feel in our hearts.

Change is one of the innumerable things in life that we have to face, it is constant, a reminder of our transience in life. Management at the Walt Disney Company has lost sight of what made the company thrive, of what made the company live on in the hearts, minds, in the lives of so many. Management has caused the company to go from cutting edge, to a mere player of catch-up. In most sectors, movies, themeparks, television, it no longer marches to the beat of its own drum, nowadays they follow everyone else's tune.

Now sure, we've all heard, "change is good," but is the change taking place in the company truly beneficial to its survival, is it really smart long term business planning? After all, when everything is said an done, The Walt Disney Company is a major corporation. If the pixie dust isn't important just the money, then lets pass judgement on Disney, based on that alone. From the business stand point, failed investments, projects and relationships have all left Disney in a sort of limbo. Pixar no longer wants to do business with Disney, the Weinsteins want out, ABC Family was a costly mistake, ABC hasn't improved much. Ideas behind the movies Atlantis and Treasure Planet, were flawed and the films terribly marketed. Then the company closes down its animation arm in Florida, where its most recent hit Lilo and Stitch was made...And we're suppose to think thats smart business?

In the end, whats keeping the company afloat IS the pixie dust. The theme parks are a major part of the company. And sure there have been many positive changes and increase spending lately. But its interesting to note, that whats happening in the parks is a microcosm of whats happening through out the company. The pixie dust is being faded out. The classics are being replaced by attraction's whose life span comes to question. The classic attractions, representing the epitomy of what Disney is or was, are being replaced with the product of highly cut-back budgeted ideas (but a mere whisper of what the true plan had been). Management marches ahead more worried about making the money today than making sure there is still money to be made tomorrow. They avoid the ideas of the past; and to save money, they have CHANGED what has worked for decades. There is no vision, just greed.

The present is all about change, it is the door to the future. But success comes from not forgeting about the past, because if the past is forgotten or overlooked then perhaps the change that will precipitate isn't very positive.

Management continues to make the same mistakes. They overlook traditions and have branded the Disney name, erasing Walt Disney's vision. How sad that they resorted to celebrations of Walt's 100th birthday as a mere marketing ploy to make money. The most important CHANGE that needs to come about now, is a CHANGE in LEADERSHIP. Perhaps then things will be better.

Once again Grizz great post!!!

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Wow! Thanks for all of those *impressive* replies. From objr's great point about the dark side of "change" and Disney's new roll as a company that can only catch up to the "Grizz for CEO!" Ha. . . I'll take that paycheck! ;)

Seriously, though, I'm glad to have this reception. I have a few things up my sleeve, and I think in the end, "quality will out," as Walt Disney himself said.

I will second Dxwwf on NemoRocks's quote: "And with happiness comes sadness....don't forget the tragic closing of an incredible attraction during the weekend of the press event.... "

And that's an extremely important point: with a new attraction coming, there always seems to be a dark side. a.k.a. the new Stitch attraction opening may kill the Carousel of Progress (because Tomorrowland now has 'enough capacity' - ugh! - and not like it hasn't killed another original). . . or Soarin' (the Land's changes that may result in an out-of-spirited approach), etc.

If compromise could met like it has for YEARS - where change could compliment tradition, where the spirit may remain, where technological advancement may enhance our very favorite attractions, and where a queue area could be themed to the best degree, the Disney name can be truly honorable again. Because let me tell you, the word "Disney" is sadly being chinked away with each blunder that gets repeated.

I'll assure you that "Walt" won't ever get old.


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
If compromise could met like it has for YEARS - where change could compliment tradition, where the spirit may remain, where technological advancement may enhance our very favorite attractions, and where a queue area could be themed to the best degree, the Disney name can be truly honorable again.

The queue area to me is what makes or breaks a ride for the most part. Sure the ride is what actually is most meaningful, but it's the anticipation that get's you excited. While waiting for Mission:Space, there is nothing to get you hyped other than the signs warning you all over the place. I know it's going to be a thrill when I see those. But for a pre-show or queue....come on, let's work on that a little more. Plenty of shows and rides at WDW could use a little more spicing up in their queue/pre-shows. I know that would add to the ride and make them even more memorable. After all, that's one thing people never forget about.


Well-Known Member
Very great ideas. :sohappy:

It's all about focus.

The focus should be in the long-run.

Management's focus, it seems, in in the short-run.

We need a new species of classic attraction, a new generation of them. Can we honestly say that we are getting them?

And what about the classic attractions already built that are slowly being suffocated by the company, like COP, WOL, and even SE? It is very true that attractions and pavilions such as these are being closed with no promise of future rehabilitation, refurbishment, or progress. Case in point: WOL.

I think manangement could solve all these problems by merely focusing on the long-run.... financing rehabilitation and new, worthwhile, and inspired reworkings of classic attractions (like WOL), the operating costs of classic attractions (like COP and TK), and by keeping an eye to the future with the aim and desire to create the next generation of truly magnificent, Walt Disney-caliber creations.


Grizz, I love you and I am soooooo excited about your report! It was so succint and honestly fantabulous! The classics are the classics and we must protect them to continue on with Walt's Dream. We also must advocate for new and creative developments, and the return of the Creative Imagineers, rather than the Attack of the Clones. I fear how Eisner has murdered the Disney dream for the sake of $ in his pocket.



Active Member
If Spaceship Earth is replaced, it will be a sad, sad, day. They just don't get it, and if it doesn't stop, they'll eventually kill this company.

Great statements Grizz.


Well-Known Member
SirNim said:
Very great ideas. :sohappy:

It's all about focus.

The focus should be in the long-run.

Management's focus, it seems, in in the short-run.

We need a new species of classic attraction, a new generation of them. Can we honestly say that we are getting them?

And what about the classic attractions already built that are slowly being suffocated by the company, like COP, WOL, and even SE? It is very true that attractions and pavilions such as these are being closed with no promise of future rehabilitation, refurbishment, or progress. Case in point: WOL.

I think manangement could solve all these problems by merely focusing on the long-run.... financing rehabilitation and new, worthwhile, and inspired reworkings of classic attractions (like WOL), the operating costs of classic attractions (like COP and TK), and by keeping an eye to the future with the aim and desire to create the next generation of truly magnificent, Walt Disney-caliber creations.

SirNim, you're right any successful company should look at the long term. Unfortunately, in today's business society, almost all companies are looking at short term growth. With the main focus of driving profits to the shareholders.

I think Disney is at a cross road--Past vs. Present--do they put the money into refurbing the classic rides or do they build new ones. It seems that management doesn't think refurbing is an option. If you think about--Horizon, 20K and Mr Toad are gone. WoL, CoP and TK might be gone.

If this is the case, the next generation won't know the true meaning of the "magic of Disney". IMHO--management has lost sight of Walt's dream. They have to remember it's the past that gets them to the future.


Well-Known Member
As always Grizz, an excellent speech. If you haven't yet, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASSSSE send this to Roy Disney and hopefully he can add a ton of stuff about the carousel of progress' current danger to his site. I think with the thousands of regulars and newbies to his site, he can create some increased protestors.

So is this what we disney folk have as an ageneda?

Is CoP out first priority to save because it's Walt's Favorite and one of the oldest attractions on WDW property?

Or is SSE and Wonders Of Life in a close second?

Or is the land pavilion also an immediate concern. I'm not really sure. I think the carousel of progress in an immediate concern because of stich's fall opening date.

Now I don't mean to be sarcastic or serious, but because I don't live near WDW, doesn anyone actually think there could/would be a carousel sit in. No I hope no one duck tapes themselves to the carousel wall and go "weeee" as it rotates every 4 minutes, but a "simple" seating of people singing "beautiful tomorrow" after halloween 1940 would be nice I guess.

"Come On...Everybody!"-Carousel Father of 1940 ;)

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster

More sources indicate CoP may close when Stitch opens, with a farewell turn for Disneyland's 50th, and then gone.


Troops, I am on fire. We're gonna do this one big.


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:

More sources indicate CoP may close when Stitch opens, with a farewell turn for Disneyland's 50th, and then gone.


Troops, I am on fire. We're gonna do this one big.

Bring on the bumper cars!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Thinking [So help me God...]

I think I'm going to pack my torches and pitch-fork.

If anyone is really serious, you're gonna have to supply your own sticky tape to tape yoursef to the carousel wall. :hammer: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I totally agree with your Grizz, I wish you the best luck, and to all of us as well who care for this attraction.

I just hope, if it comes down to physical protest, I don't want anyone to get hurt or in trouble.

The internet is very powerful I would think these days. Problem: They didn't save Toad, but that was in 1998. They DID SAVE or atleast bring back Figment, if I recall via internet, of course with verbal complaints as well.


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
Trust me.

We will make this serious.

Look for big things - - very soon. I'll keep you updated.

Grizz, I will be at WDW from july 30 until August 3...what can I do to help in your quest to save it. I don't want to see Walt's ride that he requested be there and not taken away, now be taken from us all. Please tell me you've sent something to Roy and that he is taking some action himself to keep this there. I would love it if Roy was there when I go and we can help save this together. Keep us updated with everything and good luck, I'm with you every step of the way!


Well-Known Member
Ya know Grizz, as much as I hate to say it, saying something here won't get ANYTHING done. Personally, I think it's dropped down to the level of disagreeing with any new addition. I know you love, as do I, the parks, but what good does just complaining do? We need action.


Well-Known Member
Testtrack321 said:
Ya know Grizz, as much as I hate to say it, saying something here won't get ANYTHING done. Personally, I think it's dropped down to the level of disagreeing with any new addition. I know you love, as do I, the parks, but what good does just complaining do? We need action.

You wait and see, Grizz will do something about this and the whole world will know about it. As mentioned earlier, Figment stayed because of the internet. I know he has something planned and it will be more than an internet thing. Just sit back, relax, wait and will all come together soon. This is one thing I know Grizz will not let go. So yes, something WILL get done about this.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Grizz, I'm at your service! I wont let them knock down the only atrraction Walt wanted to be kept! That's plain stupid! We're at war and I'm glad to be a soldier of the D-Army! :fork:

(LOL, only kiddin'... I'm not THAT serious, but feel free to PM me anytime!)

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