Trip Report The GRAND Birthday! *COMPLETED*

“Hey, Ma ~ you’re about to celebrate a BIG birthday. What are you going to do next?”
“I’m going to Disney World!”

If it were only as simple as it sounds in the commercial. But we all know that real life rarely aligns with what is portrayed on TV....or for that matter (dare I say?) social media. My mother was hitting a milestone on 2/1/2019 and I wanted to take her to her favorite vacation destination to celebrate. (The fact that it also happens to be mine was a bonus!) However when I presented the idea to her back in the fall, she was reluctant to accept my offer.

Ten years ago our extended family went to WDW to celebrate her last big birthday. During that trip, paramedics were called because my infant nephew was experiencing breathing difficulties; my sister-in-law got either food poisoning or a bad case of stomach flu which necessitated a doctor coming to her resort room (and an extended stay); and my dear Woody came down with similar symptoms which resulted in an ambulance ride to the ER on the night we arrived home.

Needless to say that was the end of our extended family vacations.

I had to clarify with Mom that I wasn’t planning a big gathering. Still, she wasn’t sure she wanted to go. My father was recovering from some recent health challenges and she was uncertain she’d feel comfortable leaving him. She asked for some time to think it over.

Meanwhile I jumped on some cheap airfare and booked the hotel, figuring it was worth the risk. Just before Thanksgiving, with my dad’s blessing, Mom decided she would like to go.

“Where will we stay?” she asked.
“It’s a big event. Where do you think we should stay?” I answered.
Mom paused and without waiting for her reply I continued: “It’s going to be a grand celebration, so we must stay at the Grand Floridian!”
Mom choked up and said, “I never thought I’d ever be able to stay there.”

Well now she has! And we had a wonderful time at the resort and in the parks. There was even a surprise or two.

As for this:
That's the interesting thing -- something new, fun, or outright bizarre happens on all your trips, and that's what keeps us coming back for more. It's kinda like a written version (with photos), of a Tuvalu WDW reality show. :p Looking forward to the next installment in the series.
Stay tuned for the bizarre!

I wish this trip could have been mother/daughter/granddaughter. Sadly, Em was unable to join us.

Who: Tuvalu and Mom
When: January 29 - February 2, 2019
Where: Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort and Spa (the “and Spa” gets me every time!)



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We discussed dinner options. Neither of us wanted a big meal, and going to a park for quick service was silly. I pulled up the menus for Gasparilla’s, Contempo Cafe and Captain Cooks. Might as well take advantage of being on the monorail line!

Mom decided on Captain Cooks. Now if it had been a pleasant evening, we would have walked from the GF to the Poly. But not tonight! 🥶

When we arrived at the boarding entrance we were met by security officers who said the monorail was closed and that we’d need to take the boat or bus to MK.


We found out later that the closure was only for a brief time, thanks to the “Highway in the Sky” progressive dinner. It would have been nice if the security guards had told us that, as we would have waited in the area until the party guests were loaded and gone. (Yes, @Tony the Tigger, I’m sure many of them were already “loaded.” 🍷🥂🥃)

Instead we ended up in Gasparilla’s, which was quite busy.


Mom was pleased with her grilled cheese and tomato bisque.


On the other hand my chicken sandwich was a letdown. It was a long time in coming and when it finally did, was missing a few key ingredients.


After dinner we grabbed our coats and ventured out the back entrance of Boca Chica to watch Happily Ever After.



The “nod” to Wishes is one of my favorite parts of the show.

Mom was impressed by the size of the fireworks from this vantage point and how gorgeous the reflection in the water was. We could even see Tink fly! (Hope she was wearing her long johns!)

But I believe Mom’s best part of the night was watching the Electrical Water Pageant while swaddled in the comfort of her GF bathrobe. :inlove:


Well-Known Member
The line for Buzz was prohibitively long so Mom suggested Carousel Of Progress.

Just like at Country Bear Jamboree, we sat through a full house showing. Funny ~ in summer folks visit this attraction merely for the a/c. In winter it’s for the heat! only takes five hours to do the wash!
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She keeps that thing playing all day long!
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(When she’s not attending a ghost banquet. 😉)

No privacy at all around this place!
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John, this papering is getting out of hand!
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Now I don’t mind people who choose CoP for a/c, heat, shelter from rain, or a long as they don’t disturb other guests who are watching the show.

But this couple beside us took RUDE to a whole new level.

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They were on their devices the ENTIRE twenty minute show. 🤬
Ugh....rude people on CoP! DD is really looking forward to CoP this summer because last time we went, there was a girl her age who talked through the whole thing and was flabbergasted that DD actually LIKED the attraction. DD wanted to go again, but we didn't have time, so now she's looking forward to it with no distractions.


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Mom was interested in Monster’s Inc. Laugh Floor but changed her mind when she saw the line. We cut through the Tomorrowland Terrace without stopping to pose at the infamous purple wall. We’d “been there, done that” in 2017.

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After a restroom stop we enjoyed watching the ducks frolic through the flowerbed.
For you, @DisneyGigi.

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Kinda wish that drake had nipped the hindquarters of person in black. And what’s with the kid lounging on the other side?

Next we meandered down Main Street and perused all the stores. Apparently we hadn’t had our fill of shopping yet!

We reached Town Square a few minutes before 5 pm. Knowing the flag retreat ceremony was about to occur, I asked Mom if she had ever seen it. She said yes but sensing that she was ready to leave the park (after 8 hours!) we headed for the monorail.

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We’ll be home soon!

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After disembarking at the GF, we took the lobby elevator (rather than the Grand staircase) down to the first floor. The big band was playing and all kinds of vacationers were relaxing to the soothing jazz.

Including Santa and the Mrs.

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Do you suppose he’s checking inventory for next Christmas?
No, I think it's his naughty list! Santa's gone digital!


Premium Member
Gorgeous shot of “my Disney Ducks” in the purple flowers @Tuvalu :)

@DisneyGigi - I just remembered that I took pictures of Disneyland Paris ducks for you on one of our trips last year! I’ll have to try to find them but if I don’t, we’re going for an overnight in a few weeks and I’ll take new photos for you. They are almost always in the water outside of IASW as well as waddling through the grassy areas nearby. I’ve got my DD conditioned about them as well - she’ll point them out and say « Mom, Disney ducks. »


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“I can’t spin,” I protested.
“Sure you can! It’s a wide circumference.”
I hesitated. Then she pulled the trump card.
“But it’s my birthday!”
As per the image below the circumference is the linear distance around a circle- the diameter is any straight line segment that passes through the centre of the circle
So the spinner had a wide diameter- not circumference
I would also accept a wide radius
Sooo much time to troll poor @Tuvalu but no time to work on your own report? 🤔
He's not even stopping at trolling @Tuvalu anymore, now he's trolling her mom!😂 That's a bold move, harassing Peggy🤭 If we're not careful @amjt660's going to sully the good Canadian name.🇨🇦


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What is the matter with people? The light from their phones is very distracting to others around them. This is also another reason why I haven't been to a (local) movie theater in about 6 years now--some people turn on their phones during a movie, too. :mad:
Ugh....rude people on CoP! DD is really looking forward to CoP this summer because last time we went, there was a girl her age who talked through the whole thing and was flabbergasted that DD actually LIKED the attraction. DD wanted to go again, but we didn't have time, so now she's looking forward to it with no distractions.
People are THE WORST. :joyfull:

Is it sad that it still takes me 5 hours to do the wash? Sometimes it takes me even 8 plus hours, and it is just DH and me!o_OI do laundry every weekend...I think we have a mystery guest living with us.
I do 3-4 loads ever sunday for the two of us. It usually takes at least 6 hours.
“ used to take three days!” 🤣

Gorgeous shot of “my Disney Ducks” in the purple flowers @Tuvalu :)
I hoped you’d like it. :happy:


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HOW do you have unused BTM FP's from way back in the day?? :eek:
I’m so glad you asked! It spurred me on to check my journal from December 2013.
“Big Thunder Mountain had periods of closure today and although we had paper fastpasses, we never got to ride it.”
Mystery solved!

M and I still have some paper FPs from Maelstrom. RIP 😢
“Back, back....over the falls!”


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Thursday, January 31

We awakened to a cloudy and chilly morning. I offered to run over to Gasparilla’s to get coffee and bananas, which we ate for breakfast in addition to Entenmann's coffee cakes. The plan was to arrive at Epcot for rope drop so we could hit Soarin’ first. Soarin’ is Mom’s favorite Epcot attraction and although we had a FP for later in the day, I wanted her to get two rides in (especially after our unsuccessful attempt with 7DMT yesterday.)

As we left our room in joyful expectation of the fun to come, we couldn’t have imagined that we wouldn’t be through the front gate until 90 minutes later.

There were no issues with security at the GF or the resort monorail....everything ran smoothly. We disembarked at the TTC and walked up to the Epcot line.


We waited....and waited....and waited.
No monorail.
We waited longer.
Finally in the distance we could see the train approaching. Something wasn’t right. It was barely moving.


Perhaps the driver was being extra cautious in his approach, I reasoned. We boarded but when the monorail pulled out, It. Barely. Moved.

This is what our ride to Epcot was like:

Rope drop had come and gone before we even reached the Epcot station.

And then we had the pleasure of going through ANOTHER security check....the one that is the least efficient of all the parks, the one I always complain about. CAN WE PLEASE HIRE MORE SCREENERS FOR EPCOT??!!!

Let’s recap:
  1. Nightmare wait for monorail
  2. Nightmare ride on monorail
  3. Nightmare security line

And then this:

We were both frazzled by this point and weren’t even inside yet.
Time for an attitude adjustment to get this day back on track!


Well-Known Member
I've never had a good time traveling to Epcot. The buses are always late for us no matter what resort we're at (will this year break the trend? We shall see lol). The monorail once got stuck for 15 minutes from the TTC and I was beginning to panic. And on top of all of that, my fingerprint never works at their turnstiles. The only park that has issues. Plus, I've often gotten pulled out for extra security there and get security with bad attitudes. I don't know what it is about Epcot :)


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Good news: We were delayed so long that our FP window for SSE was now open.
Bad news: The FP line was lengthy and required us to wait in that awful wind tunnel beneath SSE.


How cold was it?

Mom and I were never so glad to step into our Time Rover! But SSE seemed to be having the same speed issue as the monorail....It. Barely. Moved. And then outright stopped a few times.

Good news: The moon landing broadcast was working on the TV.

Bad news: Our computer screen was broken.

It alternated between the above ^ and this:


No “Welcome to Your Future” cartoon to pass the time during the long, dark, backward descent.
How long was it?
Four minutes. Yes, I timed it.

If only this guy had been able to fix our screen for us.

Mom thought he was real. No lie.


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Disney guests wear matching shirts all the time. Why not jackets?

“Tu, I’d really like to do Soarin’.”
(Ok, Mom doesn’t call me Tu, but you get the gist.)
Her trip. Her choice.



We made it through the standby line in less than 30 minutes. There have been times I’ve waited in the FP line almost that long. We were assigned 1st row in glider C.

Do you see the problem here?

Fortunately a CM spotted this backpack at the last minute.

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