Well it did finally rain the other day, think it was little over an inch from the notice of my rain barrel levels which did not get totally filled, and I am thankful. The mulch delivery just called and said they went to fill it yesterday and are out, and not getting any more from that vendor.....darn. She offered dark brown or red, but I like natural non dyed color I already got some of! She even offered 4 extra bags free but not. I wish they would have pulled it a couple weeks ago when ordered and set aside but it is what it is....nearest stores with stock are in other states....

….she said they would not be getting more from vendor. BUT my old mulch will still function and Martha Stewart is not coming for a photo shoot...…

Loads of other things to do, I am doubly bummed because its like 52 out this morning which I was thinking perfect day for a mulch spread.....I am curious if I show up there in person if they have some stock left.....

Hope everyone's gardens are doing well.....

. Enjoy the weekend!