The end of friendship at WDW


Well-Known Member
Hey there Anna, So sorry to hear it went badly. Your friend sounds like a spoiled child. Obviously she KNEW that your trip was going to include Thanksgiving and beyond. I would have told her to get an airplane ticket and make her way back home on her own. Then again, to get rid of her quicker I might have offered to drive her to the airport!!!! I find that you CAN have a group trip if everyone tends to love Disney and agrees as others have said that if something is not to someone's liking, that it is fine if people want to break off and do their own thing. Best of luck on your next trip!!!! Keep it just you and your special someone and it will be great!!! Belle


Active Member
I have had the worst luck taking my GF's to disney.. Last year I went to WDW for my b-day with my gf of three years.. well we went of a week , everything was fine we get home she breaks up with me 2 days later.

This past feb I took my gf to Disney b/c that is where she wanted to go for her b-day. i paid for everything (on both trips) we get home. No thank you, no hug, just no more calls:brick: I need to find a gf that likes disney :)


Well-Known Member
I really hope that you demand the money for gas from her. Did you ask her for any on the way home, or did you just assume since you told her you would like money before you went that she would offer?
I know it is difficult with friends, my BF just shelled out 80 dollars a ticket to take some of his friends to a Lions game a week or so ago. Two of his friends decided they were too hung over to make it since they lived about 2 hours away and had to leave earlier then the game. Not only was my BF in a rotten mood all day, but then he could not find anyone to give the tickets to on such short notice, so he basically paid for two empty seats. Since he reminded these two idiots about the game about every week for the last 2 months, he said, well that is nice and all, but you can send me my 80 bucks ASAP!

I know we like to do nice things for our friends, but when money is involved, and then they are not even appreciative it is very tough. I would say to try and save the relationship, but you should get your money which ever way it goes. That girl just got a free trip to the world. That is something most all of us would give anything for.


Active Member
Hey Anna! Sorry to hear your trip did not go so great. I had a similar problem with an ex boyfriend. He did not want to ride any of the great classics and complained that he was bored! :fork: Needless to say after a week of that attitude and lack of consideration our relationship did not last much longer. The remedy? Start planning your next trip!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes its just not worth having friends who dont appreciate anything. She must have done things like this is the past. I had a friend like that but no more.


Well-Known Member
wait a minute...

Oh- and in my own defense, I am not a doormat, I did call her the next day and insist that she at least call my boyfriend and apologize for not thanking him or his parents (We stayed at their house before leaving since it's closer to I-95) and got no response, but she has been running around telling mutual friends that we were incredibly rude to not have her back at her family dinner table by the time turkey was served on Thanksgiving. So, this whole problem hinged on the fact that she needed to be AT the table when turkey was served. Incredible.

Whoa.. wait just a minute. She knew that this was a five day event BEFORE YOU WENT ON THE TRIP. Then She knew exactly where she would be on Thanksgiving and it wasn't going to be at the table at home. so for her to throw such a fit, meant that she was trying to sabotage the trip the whole way.. If she wanted to go that bad, STICK HER BUTT ON A GREY HOUND AND LET HER FAMILY PAY FOR HER TO GET BACK.

and if she didn't like it, tell them to Western Union the money so that she could go home.

it was you that enabled this situation to go on. Be the Adult and tell her, just where to get off. what you should have done was pack her bags, shove it in the car, drive to the bus station, and gave her a kiss goodbye.

It was obvious that she was jealous that you had your boyfriend and that you weren't in a sharing mood. Fine. You knew the story before it started, don't like it, Good, its time to go. Bye.. call me when I get back.. If I take the call.

and this is not being callous or anything. This is the real world. Don't put up with this stuff.


Well-Known Member
When I read the title I thought something was happenning to the boats.....

Anyways, if anyone can't appreciate what you do for them, they really shouldn't be your friend.

I had the same thought too about the boats.

I have been to WDW with friends before, we bickered a little because it was the constant being together deal, but for the most part, we had a great time. Everyone has things they want to do and thats the tough part. I'm sorry to hear the bad result of your trip :( I say your boyfriend and you go together, just the two of you, when its not so busy, and do what YOU want :)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Bottom line it does not sound like she was much of a friend at all. Most people I know would have treated a total stranger with more respect. Let her go. You will be surprised how much better you will feel once you cut the cancer out.


Here is my issue...

I go every year for a month... sure you would think a month would give you all the time in the world to see everything... NOT TRUE. Here is why.

Diz trips are a huge thing for my family. Families come and go while we are there. This is what happens... A family comes and I wanna go on a ride and mom says "they are only here for a few days, and we have a month so lets do what they want to do." So we do. They leave and another family come and she says the same thing... Keep in mind there is never a time when there isnt another family down there. So this is how my vacation turns out...

Splash Moutain a good 8 times
Space Mountain 11
E:E 6
RnR 9
ToT 13 get the idea

All the same e ticket rides over and over again for evey family that comes. Why? Because eveyone doesn't appriciate Jungle Cruise or Mickey and Minnies country homes or even something like EL Rio del Tiempo (RIP) like us fanatics... they don't want to search for a gold post in the ground or a "ring" in the cement or even a hidden mickey. And this is why after spending a month in WDW every year I feel like I didn't get to see a thing.

I like to explore and experiance everything, not the same ones a million times in a trip and miss out on almost all the mostly overlooked attractions

So here is how I would deal with people coming with you on trips...Go together...When someone wants to go on a ride that others don't then just split up and go on your rides and meet back up. Always get together for meals (snacks don't count) even if it means you got to split your group up into two to meet everyones needs. Im use to being with 12-40 people so this is how we do it. if we have LOTS of people sometimes we get into groups of people who have the same taste in rides or people who don't like rides at all!

Got any questions about handling big groups and issues? PM me.



Active Member
I really hope that you demand the money for gas from her. Did you ask her for any on the way home, or did you just assume since you told her you would like money before you went that she would offer?
I know it is difficult with friends, my BF just shelled out 80 dollars a ticket to take some of his friends to a Lions game a week or so ago. Two of his friends decided they were too hung over to make it since they lived about 2 hours away and had to leave earlier then the game. Not only was my BF in a rotten mood all day, but then he could not find anyone to give the tickets to on such short notice, so he basically paid for two empty seats. Since he reminded these two idiots about the game about every week for the last 2 months, he said, well that is nice and all, but you can send me my 80 bucks ASAP!

I know we like to do nice things for our friends, but when money is involved, and then they are not even appreciative it is very tough. I would say to try and save the relationship, but you should get your money which ever way it goes. That girl just got a free trip to the world. That is something most all of us would give anything for.

They weren't hung over they didn't want to watch the J/k that stinks

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