Hey everyone, I know it's been a long time, although I swear I thought I had posted earlier this year, but apparently it's been since November?!?! And I can't remember if I actually posted an update like I said I would, so hopefully I'm not repeating myself. The bad news is I AM STILL NOT DIVORCED!!! The good news is since August 2017 I have had 50/50 custody of our daughter and an alternating week schedule, so I now get free time every other weekend (only took 2 years and 2 months

). We were just in court the last week of May to clarify our custody stipulation and the judge basically told my ex that when it's my custody time, he can't dictate who takes care of our daughter, and the judge would not penalize a working parent for utilizing child care. Not that I use child care, but my mom helps out a couple afternoons during my custodial weeks, which my ex tried to tell the judge should not be happening. He even told the judge that he believes that only him and myself should be the ones to care for her! The judge was like, um no, that is not how she's going to rule. Him and his inept lawyer kept trying to argue over and over, but the judge stood firm in her decision. And while it was a huge relief to hear the judge say everything I hoped she would say, I knew that it would not change my ex's negative behavior toward me. We are supposed to see a co-parenting counselor, but my ex thinks the judge ordered classes, which are useless. We need someone who will hold him accountable for acting like a jerk. So we may need to go back to court if my ex doesn't agree to counseling. Although we aren't even sure if he plans to represent himself now, which just further demonstrates his craziness. The only thing left to settle is spousal/child support, which should be easy, but as I've already witnessed, nothing about this divorce has been easy. My lawyer and I think the reason why my ex is dragging out the divorce now is because he needs surgery to replace both his knees and a hip (since he is still on my insurance).

But my ex has other beliefs, which he posted online, although I was able to have his Yelp and Avvo reviews removed, woohoo! However, Google is still up, and y'all can see some of the craziness I have been dealing with for over 3 years now (and longer, if you include our marriage):
https://goo.gl/maps/uZabKECbQEn. Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know I'm doing OK and I hope you all are doing well, too. Oh, and I'm also still seeing the same guy, it's been over 2 years and going really well.