The increase seems like pocket change, compared to the Disney increases over all. Just my opinion. Our DVC dues, just keep rising. Hubby and I want to hang on, for a few more years, for our daughter and grandson's. I suspect when they go to UNI, we will all be out of Disney. It's getting to be too many hours on a plane for me. I have very poor circulation to my legs. This was a plague for my mother, and all her sister's. Time does change what we can do. And with the planes, putting people into ever increasing danger, with poor seating, no leg room. It's the reality that
@Goofyernmost, and I are facing. I will soon be out, for traveling. I'm sad, but at my age, I'm thankful that I lasted this long. My parents last trip was at 70, on a plane. Hubby's parents traveled in their mid 60's, on a plane. We all age at different rates. Disney is too much walking, now. I refuse to go to an ECV. I see, that it's a nightmare to operate, and put's other visitor's at jeopardy, especially small children. I have always faced reality head on, and continue to do so. We will continue to travel, with more short flights. And look for new things around us. Living in the Colorado area, limits how far we can go. I'm looking forward to a trip to Austin, Texas and enjoying the food they are so famous for. Thanks to
@donaldtoo, for keeping me up to date about the food scene. I expect to meet you and DWifey, for a maragarita, in the not to distant future.