OK, so silliness, in a good way, has ensued...
So, as I’m stuck in traffic yesterday on my way home from our Half-day Friday office bowling, food, and booze event I get a call from oldest DD.
Oldest DD: “Hey pop, wanna’ go to Disney World for a day!?”
Me: “Are you serious...?!”
Non-refundable airfare has already been purchased, so a day at the Magic Kingdom on Sept. 3rd it is...!!!!!!!
No FastPass’s, no hoppers, no ADRs, no checked bags.
We arrive at MCO at 10:21a, and our flight back to Austin leaves MCO at 10:10p.
The only unfortunate part is I’m the only one of us 4 here at home that can swing it...nobody else can take the time off.
I said that I didn’t wanna’ go if nobody else could, but, they were all insistent that I go.
Oldest DD and SonIL have been wanting to fly somewhere with Emy for just a day since she was about 6 mos. old. Maybe WDW, NYC, LA, SF, etc., just to see how she does on a plane, but, plans just didn’t work out.
Now, they have. They, of course, also realized that none of the rest of us could probably make it on such short notice, but, are darn happy that I can.
Oldest DD said that she is grateful for her mother and I instilling her love of Disney in her, and also me for her love of flight...!!!!!
So, there it is...didn’t see that comin’, did y’all...???!!!!!!!