You seem like a very sweet person, so I’m sure she would love that too...!!!
The word cuddle always reminds me of this scene from the movie “Raising Arizona”...!!!!!
Raising kiddos is definitely work, but, it is the most rewarding “job”
I’ve ever had...!!!!!!!
Things are different for every family, and sooo many unexpected things can come up.
Just 2 examples of our parenting “fun”
from back in the day...and this doesn’t NEARLY encompass all of it...!!!!!
DS (our middle child) was born at 1lb. 4oz. (approx. 567gm) and got as low as 1lb. 2oz. (approx. 510gm) before he started to gain back weight. He spent 4.5 mo. in the NICU before we could bring him home. He came home with an in-case-of-emergency oxygen tank, and a heart/apnea monitor that we hooked him up to every night for the first year of his life at home.
As he would grow his heart rate and breathing would slow, so the alarm would go off more and more often during the night before each monthly recalibration time. During my lunch break, I would run the monitor to a place down the road for downloading and the recal. Rinse and repeat every month for that first year after he came home.
It would sometimes go off every 15 minutes or so (no joke) towards the end of that month of time. But, even though he never had an “event” through all of it, there was no way we were ever gonna’ disconnect him from the monitor, no matter how crazy it got for us.
We could have never forgiven ourselves if we had and then an actual event happened.
Also, at one point, DWifey quit her job (we both agreed it was best) at the insurance company she had been working at for several years.
This was at the time oldest DD was entering K and DS was entering Pre-K at our local elementary school.
DWifey had gotten a job at a daycare center at the same time, and had to be there at 6a.
So, she took youngest DD with her to her daycare job, and I got oldest DD and DS up and ready for school every morning and drove them to school just down the road a few blocks away.
Once youngest DD entered K I was getting them all up and ready and driving all 3 of them every morning.
No matter how well we prepped the clothing and such the night before, it was almost inevitable that a shoe was missing by morning...shoe gnomes or something...!!!!!
I waited with them for the school doors to be unlocked every single morning, and walked all of them to their classrooms. I was a well-known parent, as was DWifey, all over that school (and middle and HS) and damn proud of it...!!!!!
We both used much of our vacation time over the years to break away from our jobs to attend mid-day award ceremonies, plays, choir concerts, etc., during all that time, and right up until they all graduated from HS.
I used to show up a bit late at the firm every morning in those early years, but, the partners understood ‘cause they were raising their own families at the time, too.
Also, I would go to the school on every Half-Day Friday to help out where I could, and then bring the kiddos home with me. I also used to bring my guitar and play and sing
for them sometimes...!!!!!
Yes, I/we could have sent them off walking, or on a bike to school, but, it was all just more bonding time that we cherish to this day...!!!!!!!
All the kiddos would be dropped at the daycare that DWifey worked at after school while they were still in the elementary school, but, once they hit middle school they would just walk across the street to their grandparents house after school...!!!
Again, none of it was “easy”, but, in deciding to have a family, we already knew it wouldn’t be...BUT, to see the way they have turned out as adults makes it way more than worth has been an honor, a privilege, and a pleasure to have been blessed with such beautiful children, with such beautiful hearts and souls...!!!!!!!!!!
But, in saying all of that, I am in no way disrespecting your decision not to have children. That is your personal decision, and nobody else’s business. It is just as valid as any person(s) that decides to have children.
Just some more (I know, long-winded
) wonderful, beautiful, cherished memories that we have...!!!!!!!!!!!