The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Is your dog o.k.? Hope it's just a checkup and nothing more. šŸ¶
Well she hadnā€™t eaten since we came back from the kennel and that was not like her. She is a little overweight and loves to eat so.... She also had a yucky odor. She does have arthritis and is 9, so I was worried. She cannot go up and down stairs anymore either. The vet said it can be normal for dogs to not be themselves after coming home from a kennel. She had lost 2 pounds which for her is a good thing. She has a skin problem which is why she stinks. So she is now on an anti-inflammatory and an antibiotic. She goes back in a week for a follow-up.


Well-Known Member
So apparently this happened earlier tonight

Not sure where @StarWarsGirl is in proxmity to these areas but it rained it's rear end off a while ago

We had some bad storms while youngest had cheer practice. The head coach even told us parents the safest place to go if a tornado warning was issued. None occured but there were some felled trees and tons of devris from foliage everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Yep, Iā€™ll turn 57 this October, so theyā€™re all from my generation...!!!!!!! :eek:o_O:D;):)

I really enjoyed Stoltz in the movie ā€œMaskā€...!!! :)
I also remember ā€œSome Kind of Wonderfulā€, as well, as along with Eric Stoltz, it also starred Lea Thompson, and Mary Stuart 57, 57, and 52 respectively...which would have made them about 25, 25, and 20 respectively when they filmed that teen-angst HS flick...!!!!! :hilarious::D;):)
It pays to look young in Hollywood.


Well-Known Member
So I decided to try again this morning on my 2nd reservation, and it lets me pick magic bands but won't let me get to the cart to buy them... man...I can't believe what a mess Disney has made with this!
I still haven't been able to access the magic bands page, even the plain colored ones. Once in a while I make it to the page that shows our names and I can click on the "edit order" button, but then it spits me out again.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the late reply, it's been a long (but productive) day.

The eye doctor seemed to go well. He said overall it looked good, emphasized that he was still in the early stages of healing and he should still be laying flat about 70% of the day for the next few days. (Of course, he's working a full day tomorrow. I told him to make sure he takes breaks and puts his head down for a few minutes. He won't listen. LOL. But he only has this week to work, and then the mortgage is due. They asked him to come back two days in June to work job fairs for the upcoming season. They have the Super Bowl this year, if he is still working there.)

One issue was the pressure in his eye was too high - even higher than before the surgery. He was already taking 3 different eye drops a few times a day - an antibiotic, a steroid, and the third one...I forget, oops. (Rick Perry - ha!)

He prescribed another eye drop to reduce the pressure (so I believe two of them do that now) and discontinued the antibiotic. Because of the high pressure, he wants to see Brian again on Monday to check on that, then again two weeks from today.

The gas bubble (which they inserted during the surgery to keep parts of the eye in the right place in order to heal) is dissipating as it's supposed to. It went from 90% coverage on day two to 45% coverage today. So theoretically it could be gone in another week(?) Or reduced down to half of what it is now, so about 20%? He can see a bit over the top of the bubble, but he's telling me it's not very clear yet. That has me concerned.

In the meantime, while we were sitting there as he was being examined, I missed a call from my trade rep (I'm in a business barter group.) She was able to find a hotel in the Keys (we've been there before) that takes pets and had availability next week on trade. (I only have to pay cash for the taxes.) This covers a few bases: we have a recurring termite issue in the attic, and it's time to get the house tented. It happens to almost everyone down here eventually, and our neighbors on either side had it done in the last year, so not entirely unexpected. We have to get out of the house for 3 days. We have also been saying how we could use a nice break - not a Disney "break" where you come home more tired than when you left, but a few days of quiet with the pup. So that should all work out perfectly - follow-up visit Monday, friends from Atlanta visiting Thursday and leaving Sunday (that should lift his spirits, and his sight should be significantly better by then) and we will drive down to the Keys Sunday night. We can chillax until coming home Thursday, and he works the job fair on Friday.

Booking that made it just a smidge easier to call WDW afterwards and cancel our Illuminations dining package for Friday. :(

In the car on the way to the endocrinologist, I was asking what do you see - what color is that car - what are the letters on that truck, etc. He did much better than a week ago.

Doc #2 went fine. She mentioned something that kind of got my hopes up until I just came home and started researching it. Apparently they can do transplants of cells from a part of the pancreas (the Islets of Langerhans) that then cause a type I diabetic to start producing insulin again. She said another of her patients had it done and doesn't take insulin anymore, but needs to take drugs for the rest of her life to prevent rejection of the transplant. I thought - why doesn't everybody do this?

After reading up on it, it's not as simple as it sounds. Results have improved dramatically since they first started doing it about 30 years ago, but the anti-rejection drugs can cause cancer, infections, and actually can reduce insulin production and cause kidney failure (which is always a concern for diabetics anyway.) His liver and kidneys are great, and we don't want to jeopardize that. I'm sure we'll look into it further, and hopefully the procedures progress and improve quickly. It's pretty fascinating, really.
Well it sounds like good news to me. Take pictures from The Keys please and post some here! Miami may get the Super Bowl? Will you be able to go if they do? (As in getting a comped ticket. )
I continue to hope that B will heal perfectly and will be able to see the beach clearly again. Good luck with the tenting. Termites suck.


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of catching up to do!! It has been a long week already. Last week we had a rough week, and this week has been...I guess good, but stressful. I got the Disney travel stuff worked out, including the updated invoice for my brother's booking, and the cancelation of his BIL's booking, so that is all taken care of. Tuesday, I didn't have to work until the evening, and I had ordered some shirts from a store in town and had gotten an email that they were in. So I decided to go pick them up and get a new bike seat since it's been painful to ride the last few weeks....turns out one of the braces under the seat was broken. So I got a new seat, wider and more sturdy and it is HEAVEN. So much more comfortable. And I picked up some shorts for DS and some swim trunks for him, which he will need at School Camp in a few weeks, and of course at Disney. So I had had a very productive afternoon, and I went and picked up DS from school, got home and decided I'd better get my stuff together for my appointment to pick up my new residency card. It's a pain in the tushy because you have to apply for the card in Utrecht, and wait until they approve it, and then pick up the card in Zwolle, neither of which are close to me. I applied back in November and FINALLY got the letter that I was approved for permanent residence 2 weeks ago. So, I had to set up an appointment to go to Zwolle.
I now have to give my availability at work 3 full weeks in advance at work, but fortunately, I've been setting each Wednesday as "not available" so I can get things done around the house and get DS to physical therapy, schedule our parenting training for autism, etc. Wednesday is a half day for DS. Today is Ascension Day, so the kids don't have school today or tomorrow....long weekend. I thought, Oh, I can pick up the card on Friday since the kids don't have school, so I don't have to worry about picking A up from school. But the immigration office is closed tomorrow. Trying to plan around school schedules....yuck. Fortunately, DD had a free day yesterday from school. So we set up an appointment for 3:55....the latest they have, so we would have time to pick up A from school at 12:30, I didn't have to work, and we could all go to Zwolle and just eat somewhere in Zwolle so we didn't have to make E eat by herself at home or eat late once we got home. We set this up 2 weeks ago.
So Tuesday, I look at the letter to see what I need to bring, and start gathering my documents together. One of the things I need is my valid passport. I knew it was still expires next year, but I got to thinking I should make sure I know exactly when I need to renew it. So I look at the expiration date....January of 2020. Oh no. January. We are traveling to Disney this July and aren't coming back until halfway through August....that means it will expire within 6 months of our travel. I remember @RedNoseMickey 's experience in which she wasn't allowed to travel because her passport expired a few weeks or months after she would get back and they told her she needed it to be valid for at least 6 months after her travel. I need a new passport. I look on line...passports take 4-6 weeks. We leave in 7 weeks. I need to apply NOW.
So I get on the Consulate website and I'm desperately trying to get everything organized...I can't print off the form here at home, so I sent the link to my husband at work, and he starts asking me all these questions, distracting me while I'm trying to figure out what I need. So I was getting frustrated with him, because he's saying I need this other form so I can do it by mail, and I'm telling him, no, the website says I CAN'T use that form, I HAVE to use this form and do it in person at the consulate in Amsterdam. And he's reading the wrong information and second guessing all the stuff I'm finding on the consulate site. I finally had to tell him to STOP DISTRACTING ME!!
You have to make an appointment at the consulate to apply for a passport renewal. The problem is, there was only ONE appointment slot until June 18th....and that appointment slot was yesterday (Wednesday) morning at 8:15. But I had to be in Zwolle in the afternoon. And A still had school...a half day. How do we get him to school at 8:30 am while we need to be in Amsterdam, an hour and a half drive, at 8:15am? And I need a US passport photo, which has different requirements than the Dutch passport photo. Last time, I had to go to Arnhem to find someone who could do US passport photos. And it was now 4:30 pm, I had to work at 7....I had 2 and a half hours to find someone who can do a US passport photo and we still had to get dinner before I had to work. Fortunately, there's an office supply store just a couple of blocks away that does passport pictures, and she can change the format in the software she uses to do US ones. THANK HEAVEN! So I quickly snatched up the 8:15 appointment for the consulate, ran to get my photo done, I'm looking at the requirements as I'm walking, brought my current passport, marriage cert, birth cert. along to make photo copies because you need that for the passport, run back home, DH ordered pizza. It was so so stressful and not at all what I needed right after dealing with the Disney booking debaucle. We ended up having to call DS in sick to school because we had no way to get him to school as we would be in Amsterdam at the time he needed to go. So we got up at 4:00am, got showered and dressed, left at 5:00, dropped A off at Oma and Opa's, drove to Amsterdam to turn in all my stuff for a new passport (which they said 7-10 work days, NOT 4-6 weeks), drove home, picked up A, Picked up E from home, and drove to Zwolle to get my resident card, ate dinner as planned, and got home at 9:30 last night. Longest. Day. Ever. I completely crashed when we got home. But it's done. I have to go pick up the passport in a couple of weeks, but you don't need an appointment to pick it up, so we can go when DS has a whole day of school and we can just drop him off, drive straight to Amsterdam, pick up the new passport and be home in time to pick A up from school again.

I tell ya, I think I have had a year or two sucked from my life in the last week. And DH had to go into the office today when he was supposed to be free to make up the time he missed yesterday driving me to Amsterdam and back. At least he has tomorrow off, too, so we still have a long weekend.

Oh, and I am happy to also report that I got a message from my friend who was trying to get her son into my DS's school because they were trying to make her son go to the lowest level of school that is meant for kids with massive cognitive handicaps, etc. I don't know what happened, but she must have listened to me and enrolled him herself, because her son's school refused to enroll him in A's school. I told her that they won't tell you this, but you can enroll him yourself and then you just need to get the committee to approve your doesn't have to come through his current school. Anyway, she sent me a message to say they have a meeting next Wednesday with the principal at A's school, and if all goes well, D can start there on Thursday, and he'll start in 5th grade until the end of this school year to get used to the school, and then next year, he can redo 6th grade. That way they can assess him next year to see where he actually belongs in high school.

Good week. STRESSFUL week....but good.
Wow! What a crazy bunch of days you had. I would have been totally stressed. Glad all of that is behind you. Good luck to your friend.


Well-Known Member
On the subject of good news:

After over a year-long campaign, my two record stores have been accepted into the Department of Record Stores, which is a coalition of record stores across the country. This gives us more of a voice with the record labels vs. it just being us alone. It puts us more on equal footing with large chains like Target. (So, for example, Target may work a deal with a label to get an exclusive version of the new Beyonce CD, we as a coalition can also get an exclusive version of xyz that would only be sold at member stores.)

We'll also get on the radar of more labels, adjacent businesses, etc.

Side benefit: the cost of my annual business shindig trip to New Orleans in August is completely covered - registration, hotel, airfare. (Sweet!)

I'll know more details as we go forward, but it's an honor, and I'm very relieved!
That is awesome news!! Congrats!!


Well-Known Member
I don't feel half as brave as you guys seem to think I am. Thank you for this :)

Are you seeing an optometrist or an ophthalmologist? You definitely want to be seeing an ophthalmologist.

I have had floaters from the stroke, but there's nothing in my eyes. They aren't real floaters. Just my brain sending signals that there are.
You really are a Gryffindor without a doubt.


Premium Member
377572 Today plan A yoga walking and a bit of sewing, in other words a nice easy slow day, doing what I want when I want. I even have enough left overs for the boys to eat today:eek: Change of plans my dh and the guys he works with are going to have a BBQ and grilling cookoff Saturday and made no provisions for any food other than meat, guess who was asked to make some healthy sides:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: I was going to say no but he's taking my boys with him:joyfull:


Well-Known Member
View attachment 377572 Today plan A yoga walking and a bit of sewing, in other words a nice easy slow day, doing what I want when I want. I even have enough left overs for the boys to eat today:eek: Change of plans my dh and the guys he works with are going to have a BBQ and grilling cookoff Saturday and made no provisions for any food other than meat, guess who was asked to make some healthy sides:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: I was going to say no but he's taking my boys with him:joyfull:
So some good and bad there.


Well-Known Member
Wow... we have some progress in the magic band saga... Look what I got today! Luckily I check my spam!

Dear Susan,

We are so excited for your upcoming visit to Walt Disney WorldĀ® Resort! We hope you are enjoying the planning experience and looking forward to vacationing with us.

We are reaching out about the recent MagicBand order you made through My Disney Experience. Due to strong popularity, fulfillment of your order has been delayed. Thank you for your patience; we are working hard to fulfill your order as soon as possible.

Please accept our sincerest apologies and know that we want to make sure your vacation planning stays on track. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you real soon!


Guest Experience Team

Magic Kingdom, Inc.
Well, at least they know about the issue, and there should be sufficient time to fix it. I guess I need to call about mine since I can't even access the page.

Also, I didn't know we share a name.

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