The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
Is anyone else going to watch the live stream of the Galaxy's Edge dedication at Disneyland tonight? It's on at 10:20pm central time. It's a little past my bedtime but I'm looking forward to seeing it.

In my area, it was on a few hours even later than that. No way I could stay up and watch it either.

Just wanted to mention here that on the early AM news today, there was a clip of the coverage out in Disneyland. Have to say, Galaxy's Edge looks awesome. :cool:


Premium Member
The eye doctor seemed to go well. He said overall it looked good, emphasized that he was still in the early stages of healing and he should still be laying flat about 70% of the day for the next few days. (Of course, he's working a full day tomorrow. I told him to make sure he takes breaks and puts his head down for a few minutes. He won't listen.

I really hope he listens to you, as this is very important. Wish he wasn't working during this phase of recovery. There's a reason why they tell patients not to look up for 70% of the time, until the doctor gives a go-ahead.

The gas bubble (which they inserted during the surgery to keep parts of the eye in the right place in order to heal) is dissipating as it's supposed to. It went from 90% coverage on day two to 45% coverage today. So theoretically it could be gone in another week(?) Or reduced down to half of what it is now, so about 20%? He can see a bit over the top of the bubble, but he's telling me it's not very clear yet. That has me concerned.

The bubble is key. Good that it's going down fairly quickly, but he's still not out of the woods with it. And it also takes time for the vision to become clear again, so (from what my friend told me), that is not a concern this early, post-surgery.


Well-Known Member
On our long trips which often have far more details we use a travel agent. It is without cost and they handle all the changes. It has always removed the hassle from getting the dates, hotels and free dining on the day it is launched. We've added days only by sending the agent a one line email.
And I would totally do that, but small world vacations can not handle the European vacations using a European Residence Only deal. For our 2016 vacation, I even approached a travel agent here in the Netherlands to do the planning, and they didn't know about the special deals and couldn't access anything outside of their own arrangements, which were not discounted. It would cost twice what I pay for doing it myself. When there's a European-based agency that can get those discounts and such, I will gladly give them my business. Until then, I'm not paying double. I'll do it myself and deal with whatever comes.


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of catching up to do!! It has been a long week already. Last week we had a rough week, and this week has been...I guess good, but stressful. I got the Disney travel stuff worked out, including the updated invoice for my brother's booking, and the cancelation of his BIL's booking, so that is all taken care of. Tuesday, I didn't have to work until the evening, and I had ordered some shirts from a store in town and had gotten an email that they were in. So I decided to go pick them up and get a new bike seat since it's been painful to ride the last few weeks....turns out one of the braces under the seat was broken. So I got a new seat, wider and more sturdy and it is HEAVEN. So much more comfortable. And I picked up some shorts for DS and some swim trunks for him, which he will need at School Camp in a few weeks, and of course at Disney. So I had had a very productive afternoon, and I went and picked up DS from school, got home and decided I'd better get my stuff together for my appointment to pick up my new residency card. It's a pain in the tushy because you have to apply for the card in Utrecht, and wait until they approve it, and then pick up the card in Zwolle, neither of which are close to me. I applied back in November and FINALLY got the letter that I was approved for permanent residence 2 weeks ago. So, I had to set up an appointment to go to Zwolle.
I now have to give my availability at work 3 full weeks in advance at work, but fortunately, I've been setting each Wednesday as "not available" so I can get things done around the house and get DS to physical therapy, schedule our parenting training for autism, etc. Wednesday is a half day for DS. Today is Ascension Day, so the kids don't have school today or tomorrow....long weekend. I thought, Oh, I can pick up the card on Friday since the kids don't have school, so I don't have to worry about picking A up from school. But the immigration office is closed tomorrow. Trying to plan around school schedules....yuck. Fortunately, DD had a free day yesterday from school. So we set up an appointment for 3:55....the latest they have, so we would have time to pick up A from school at 12:30, I didn't have to work, and we could all go to Zwolle and just eat somewhere in Zwolle so we didn't have to make E eat by herself at home or eat late once we got home. We set this up 2 weeks ago.
So Tuesday, I look at the letter to see what I need to bring, and start gathering my documents together. One of the things I need is my valid passport. I knew it was still expires next year, but I got to thinking I should make sure I know exactly when I need to renew it. So I look at the expiration date....January of 2020. Oh no. January. We are traveling to Disney this July and aren't coming back until halfway through August....that means it will expire within 6 months of our travel. I remember @RedNoseMickey 's experience in which she wasn't allowed to travel because her passport expired a few weeks or months after she would get back and they told her she needed it to be valid for at least 6 months after her travel. I need a new passport. I look on line...passports take 4-6 weeks. We leave in 7 weeks. I need to apply NOW.
So I get on the Consulate website and I'm desperately trying to get everything organized...I can't print off the form here at home, so I sent the link to my husband at work, and he starts asking me all these questions, distracting me while I'm trying to figure out what I need. So I was getting frustrated with him, because he's saying I need this other form so I can do it by mail, and I'm telling him, no, the website says I CAN'T use that form, I HAVE to use this form and do it in person at the consulate in Amsterdam. And he's reading the wrong information and second guessing all the stuff I'm finding on the consulate site. I finally had to tell him to STOP DISTRACTING ME!!
You have to make an appointment at the consulate to apply for a passport renewal. The problem is, there was only ONE appointment slot until June 18th....and that appointment slot was yesterday (Wednesday) morning at 8:15. But I had to be in Zwolle in the afternoon. And A still had school...a half day. How do we get him to school at 8:30 am while we need to be in Amsterdam, an hour and a half drive, at 8:15am? And I need a US passport photo, which has different requirements than the Dutch passport photo. Last time, I had to go to Arnhem to find someone who could do US passport photos. And it was now 4:30 pm, I had to work at 7....I had 2 and a half hours to find someone who can do a US passport photo and we still had to get dinner before I had to work. Fortunately, there's an office supply store just a couple of blocks away that does passport pictures, and she can change the format in the software she uses to do US ones. THANK HEAVEN! So I quickly snatched up the 8:15 appointment for the consulate, ran to get my photo done, I'm looking at the requirements as I'm walking, brought my current passport, marriage cert, birth cert. along to make photo copies because you need that for the passport, run back home, DH ordered pizza. It was so so stressful and not at all what I needed right after dealing with the Disney booking debaucle. We ended up having to call DS in sick to school because we had no way to get him to school as we would be in Amsterdam at the time he needed to go. So we got up at 4:00am, got showered and dressed, left at 5:00, dropped A off at Oma and Opa's, drove to Amsterdam to turn in all my stuff for a new passport (which they said 7-10 work days, NOT 4-6 weeks), drove home, picked up A, Picked up E from home, and drove to Zwolle to get my resident card, ate dinner as planned, and got home at 9:30 last night. Longest. Day. Ever. I completely crashed when we got home. But it's done. I have to go pick up the passport in a couple of weeks, but you don't need an appointment to pick it up, so we can go when DS has a whole day of school and we can just drop him off, drive straight to Amsterdam, pick up the new passport and be home in time to pick A up from school again.

I tell ya, I think I have had a year or two sucked from my life in the last week. And DH had to go into the office today when he was supposed to be free to make up the time he missed yesterday driving me to Amsterdam and back. At least he has tomorrow off, too, so we still have a long weekend.

Oh, and I am happy to also report that I got a message from my friend who was trying to get her son into my DS's school because they were trying to make her son go to the lowest level of school that is meant for kids with massive cognitive handicaps, etc. I don't know what happened, but she must have listened to me and enrolled him herself, because her son's school refused to enroll him in A's school. I told her that they won't tell you this, but you can enroll him yourself and then you just need to get the committee to approve your doesn't have to come through his current school. Anyway, she sent me a message to say they have a meeting next Wednesday with the principal at A's school, and if all goes well, D can start there on Thursday, and he'll start in 5th grade until the end of this school year to get used to the school, and then next year, he can redo 6th grade. That way they can assess him next year to see where he actually belongs in high school.

Good week. STRESSFUL week....but good.


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of catching up to do!! It has been a long week already. Last week we had a rough week, and this week has been...I guess good, but stressful. I got the Disney travel stuff worked out, including the updated invoice for my brother's booking, and the cancelation of his BIL's booking, so that is all taken care of. Tuesday, I didn't have to work until the evening, and I had ordered some shirts from a store in town and had gotten an email that they were in. So I decided to go pick them up and get a new bike seat since it's been painful to ride the last few weeks....turns out one of the braces under the seat was broken. So I got a new seat, wider and more sturdy and it is HEAVEN. So much more comfortable. And I picked up some shorts for DS and some swim trunks for him, which he will need at School Camp in a few weeks, and of course at Disney. So I had had a very productive afternoon, and I went and picked up DS from school, got home and decided I'd better get my stuff together for my appointment to pick up my new residency card. It's a pain in the tushy because you have to apply for the card in Utrecht, and wait until they approve it, and then pick up the card in Zwolle, neither of which are close to me. I applied back in November and FINALLY got the letter that I was approved for permanent residence 2 weeks ago. So, I had to set up an appointment to go to Zwolle.
I now have to give my availability at work 3 full weeks in advance at work, but fortunately, I've been setting each Wednesday as "not available" so I can get things done around the house and get DS to physical therapy, schedule our parenting training for autism, etc. Wednesday is a half day for DS. Today is Ascension Day, so the kids don't have school today or tomorrow....long weekend. I thought, Oh, I can pick up the card on Friday since the kids don't have school, so I don't have to worry about picking A up from school. But the immigration office is closed tomorrow. Trying to plan around school schedules....yuck. Fortunately, DD had a free day yesterday from school. So we set up an appointment for 3:55....the latest they have, so we would have time to pick up A from school at 12:30, I didn't have to work, and we could all go to Zwolle and just eat somewhere in Zwolle so we didn't have to make E eat by herself at home or eat late once we got home. We set this up 2 weeks ago.
So Tuesday, I look at the letter to see what I need to bring, and start gathering my documents together. One of the things I need is my valid passport. I knew it was still expires next year, but I got to thinking I should make sure I know exactly when I need to renew it. So I look at the expiration date....January of 2020. Oh no. January. We are traveling to Disney this July and aren't coming back until halfway through August....that means it will expire within 6 months of our travel. I remember @RedNoseMickey 's experience in which she wasn't allowed to travel because her passport expired a few weeks or months after she would get back and they told her she needed it to be valid for at least 6 months after her travel. I need a new passport. I look on line...passports take 4-6 weeks. We leave in 7 weeks. I need to apply NOW.
So I get on the Consulate website and I'm desperately trying to get everything organized...I can't print off the form here at home, so I sent the link to my husband at work, and he starts asking me all these questions, distracting me while I'm trying to figure out what I need. So I was getting frustrated with him, because he's saying I need this other form so I can do it by mail, and I'm telling him, no, the website says I CAN'T use that form, I HAVE to use this form and do it in person at the consulate in Amsterdam. And he's reading the wrong information and second guessing all the stuff I'm finding on the consulate site. I finally had to tell him to STOP DISTRACTING ME!!
You have to make an appointment at the consulate to apply for a passport renewal. The problem is, there was only ONE appointment slot until June 18th....and that appointment slot was yesterday (Wednesday) morning at 8:15. But I had to be in Zwolle in the afternoon. And A still had school...a half day. How do we get him to school at 8:30 am while we need to be in Amsterdam, an hour and a half drive, at 8:15am? And I need a US passport photo, which has different requirements than the Dutch passport photo. Last time, I had to go to Arnhem to find someone who could do US passport photos. And it was now 4:30 pm, I had to work at 7....I had 2 and a half hours to find someone who can do a US passport photo and we still had to get dinner before I had to work. Fortunately, there's an office supply store just a couple of blocks away that does passport pictures, and she can change the format in the software she uses to do US ones. THANK HEAVEN! So I quickly snatched up the 8:15 appointment for the consulate, ran to get my photo done, I'm looking at the requirements as I'm walking, brought my current passport, marriage cert, birth cert. along to make photo copies because you need that for the passport, run back home, DH ordered pizza. It was so so stressful and not at all what I needed right after dealing with the Disney booking debaucle. We ended up having to call DS in sick to school because we had no way to get him to school as we would be in Amsterdam at the time he needed to go. So we got up at 4:00am, got showered and dressed, left at 5:00, dropped A off at Oma and Opa's, drove to Amsterdam to turn in all my stuff for a new passport (which they said 7-10 work days, NOT 4-6 weeks), drove home, picked up A, Picked up E from home, and drove to Zwolle to get my resident card, ate dinner as planned, and got home at 9:30 last night. Longest. Day. Ever. I completely crashed when we got home. But it's done. I have to go pick up the passport in a couple of weeks, but you don't need an appointment to pick it up, so we can go when DS has a whole day of school and we can just drop him off, drive straight to Amsterdam, pick up the new passport and be home in time to pick A up from school again.

I tell ya, I think I have had a year or two sucked from my life in the last week. And DH had to go into the office today when he was supposed to be free to make up the time he missed yesterday driving me to Amsterdam and back. At least he has tomorrow off, too, so we still have a long weekend.

Oh, and I am happy to also report that I got a message from my friend who was trying to get her son into my DS's school because they were trying to make her son go to the lowest level of school that is meant for kids with massive cognitive handicaps, etc. I don't know what happened, but she must have listened to me and enrolled him herself, because her son's school refused to enroll him in A's school. I told her that they won't tell you this, but you can enroll him yourself and then you just need to get the committee to approve your doesn't have to come through his current school. Anyway, she sent me a message to say they have a meeting next Wednesday with the principal at A's school, and if all goes well, D can start there on Thursday, and he'll start in 5th grade until the end of this school year to get used to the school, and then next year, he can redo 6th grade. That way they can assess him next year to see where he actually belongs in high school.

Good week. STRESSFUL week....but good.

My goodness! I had heart palpitations just reading all that. I think you need a drink... or 12... but it doesn't appear you have time...


Well-Known Member
Oh, and oldest DD just texted this pic...Emy hit the car seat and, temporarily, went out like a light ...!!!!!!! :hilarious::inlove::)

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What is that contraption she is holding? It looks kind of like a toothbrush with a pacifier guard thingy on it, but I can't imagine why you would put a guard on a toothbrush as it then wouldn't be very functional because it would restrict the positioning of the toothbrush.


Premium Member
I'm not trying. I'm going to wait until word comes out if they rebooted the offer it dies a quiet death. I've looked at everything from the AP website, twitter and FB and it isn't happening so I shall wait and see. Normally Disney doesn't walk away from anything popular they sell and the response to paying $10 for an upgraded MB vs taking a free one caught them off guard. Since the program worked while they had stock my guess is and only a guess that they will replenish and take orders again. I have plenty of time so I am opting out trying right now. I have 2 coming and a 3rd one in October so I can wait it out.
I have lots of themed MB's that interact and they are fun so I'll use them.
I am also going to just wait. I am the only one if ya that wants one of the $10 ones. We have until end of Oct. I also have a box full that we both can use.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
On the subject of good news:

After over a year-long campaign, my two record stores have been accepted into the Department of Record Stores, which is a coalition of record stores across the country. This gives us more of a voice with the record labels vs. it just being us alone. It puts us more on equal footing with large chains like Target. (So, for example, Target may work a deal with a label to get an exclusive version of the new Beyonce CD, we as a coalition can also get an exclusive version of xyz that would only be sold at member stores.)

We'll also get on the radar of more labels, adjacent businesses, etc.

Side benefit: the cost of my annual business shindig trip to New Orleans in August is completely covered - registration, hotel, airfare. (Sweet!)

I'll know more details as we go forward, but it's an honor, and I'm very relieved!


Premium Member
I have a lot of catching up to do!! It has been a long week already. Last week we had a rough week, and this week has been...I guess good, but stressful. I got the Disney travel stuff worked out, including the updated invoice for my brother's booking, and the cancelation of his BIL's booking, so that is all taken care of. Tuesday, I didn't have to work until the evening, and I had ordered some shirts from a store in town and had gotten an email that they were in. So I decided to go pick them up and get a new bike seat since it's been painful to ride the last few weeks....turns out one of the braces under the seat was broken. So I got a new seat, wider and more sturdy and it is HEAVEN. So much more comfortable. And I picked up some shorts for DS and some swim trunks for him, which he will need at School Camp in a few weeks, and of course at Disney. So I had had a very productive afternoon, and I went and picked up DS from school, got home and decided I'd better get my stuff together for my appointment to pick up my new residency card. It's a pain in the tushy because you have to apply for the card in Utrecht, and wait until they approve it, and then pick up the card in Zwolle, neither of which are close to me. I applied back in November and FINALLY got the letter that I was approved for permanent residence 2 weeks ago. So, I had to set up an appointment to go to Zwolle.
I now have to give my availability at work 3 full weeks in advance at work, but fortunately, I've been setting each Wednesday as "not available" so I can get things done around the house and get DS to physical therapy, schedule our parenting training for autism, etc. Wednesday is a half day for DS. Today is Ascension Day, so the kids don't have school today or tomorrow....long weekend. I thought, Oh, I can pick up the card on Friday since the kids don't have school, so I don't have to worry about picking A up from school. But the immigration office is closed tomorrow. Trying to plan around school schedules....yuck. Fortunately, DD had a free day yesterday from school. So we set up an appointment for 3:55....the latest they have, so we would have time to pick up A from school at 12:30, I didn't have to work, and we could all go to Zwolle and just eat somewhere in Zwolle so we didn't have to make E eat by herself at home or eat late once we got home. We set this up 2 weeks ago.
So Tuesday, I look at the letter to see what I need to bring, and start gathering my documents together. One of the things I need is my valid passport. I knew it was still expires next year, but I got to thinking I should make sure I know exactly when I need to renew it. So I look at the expiration date....January of 2020. Oh no. January. We are traveling to Disney this July and aren't coming back until halfway through August....that means it will expire within 6 months of our travel. I remember @RedNoseMickey 's experience in which she wasn't allowed to travel because her passport expired a few weeks or months after she would get back and they told her she needed it to be valid for at least 6 months after her travel. I need a new passport. I look on line...passports take 4-6 weeks. We leave in 7 weeks. I need to apply NOW.
So I get on the Consulate website and I'm desperately trying to get everything organized...I can't print off the form here at home, so I sent the link to my husband at work, and he starts asking me all these questions, distracting me while I'm trying to figure out what I need. So I was getting frustrated with him, because he's saying I need this other form so I can do it by mail, and I'm telling him, no, the website says I CAN'T use that form, I HAVE to use this form and do it in person at the consulate in Amsterdam. And he's reading the wrong information and second guessing all the stuff I'm finding on the consulate site. I finally had to tell him to STOP DISTRACTING ME!!
You have to make an appointment at the consulate to apply for a passport renewal. The problem is, there was only ONE appointment slot until June 18th....and that appointment slot was yesterday (Wednesday) morning at 8:15. But I had to be in Zwolle in the afternoon. And A still had school...a half day. How do we get him to school at 8:30 am while we need to be in Amsterdam, an hour and a half drive, at 8:15am? And I need a US passport photo, which has different requirements than the Dutch passport photo. Last time, I had to go to Arnhem to find someone who could do US passport photos. And it was now 4:30 pm, I had to work at 7....I had 2 and a half hours to find someone who can do a US passport photo and we still had to get dinner before I had to work. Fortunately, there's an office supply store just a couple of blocks away that does passport pictures, and she can change the format in the software she uses to do US ones. THANK HEAVEN! So I quickly snatched up the 8:15 appointment for the consulate, ran to get my photo done, I'm looking at the requirements as I'm walking, brought my current passport, marriage cert, birth cert. along to make photo copies because you need that for the passport, run back home, DH ordered pizza. It was so so stressful and not at all what I needed right after dealing with the Disney booking debaucle. We ended up having to call DS in sick to school because we had no way to get him to school as we would be in Amsterdam at the time he needed to go. So we got up at 4:00am, got showered and dressed, left at 5:00, dropped A off at Oma and Opa's, drove to Amsterdam to turn in all my stuff for a new passport (which they said 7-10 work days, NOT 4-6 weeks), drove home, picked up A, Picked up E from home, and drove to Zwolle to get my resident card, ate dinner as planned, and got home at 9:30 last night. Longest. Day. Ever. I completely crashed when we got home. But it's done. I have to go pick up the passport in a couple of weeks, but you don't need an appointment to pick it up, so we can go when DS has a whole day of school and we can just drop him off, drive straight to Amsterdam, pick up the new passport and be home in time to pick A up from school again.

I tell ya, I think I have had a year or two sucked from my life in the last week. And DH had to go into the office today when he was supposed to be free to make up the time he missed yesterday driving me to Amsterdam and back. At least he has tomorrow off, too, so we still have a long weekend.

Oh, and I am happy to also report that I got a message from my friend who was trying to get her son into my DS's school because they were trying to make her son go to the lowest level of school that is meant for kids with massive cognitive handicaps, etc. I don't know what happened, but she must have listened to me and enrolled him herself, because her son's school refused to enroll him in A's school. I told her that they won't tell you this, but you can enroll him yourself and then you just need to get the committee to approve your doesn't have to come through his current school. Anyway, she sent me a message to say they have a meeting next Wednesday with the principal at A's school, and if all goes well, D can start there on Thursday, and he'll start in 5th grade until the end of this school year to get used to the school, and then next year, he can redo 6th grade. That way they can assess him next year to see where he actually belongs in high school.

Good week. STRESSFUL week....but good.
Wow you need to borrow some of Figgy’s basin bath bombs and have a nice bubble bath after all that!😉


Well-Known Member
We met a family from Germany who had several service animals. One was an alert animal for their child with diabetes, and the other two were for the mother's asthma. The older one was training the younger one. We were allowed to pet them. Basically, they just signalled the dogs that they were on a break, and they were like regular dogs, perfectly happy to have the attention.

It's when they're working and you don't have the owner's permission that you shouldn't pet them.
Yep, there was a blind girl in one of my college choirs and she had a service dog. When we were in rehearsal, no one was allowed to pet the dog, but if we were in the "veggie pit" (the lounge area where we could veg between classes), the dog was technically not working and could just be a dog.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the late reply. Trying to catch up now. You are definitely Gryffindor.

I don't feel half as brave as you guys seem to think I am. Thank you for this :)

So I really need to vent about getting older! Just had my annual eye exam. I only wear glasses for up close work like reading, puzzles, computer, phone, etc. You get the picture. Well, I had some floaters back in Dec that were in my left eye that occurred after some flashes of light. I ran to see one of the doctors, and she couldn't find anything wrong. Ok I have had floaters before so I can deal with them.
Well, my left eye has been bothering me a bit the last several weeks when I read. So, today he said my left eye was 3x worse than last year. Grrr... a new prescription so I can see better, new glasses. Then, I had to go through a baseline scan of my optic nerves to see if there is damage. I will hear from the nurse to see what showed up. It seems like the older you get, there is something else to have to worry about. Ok vent over. :banghead:

Are you seeing an optometrist or an ophthalmologist? You definitely want to be seeing an ophthalmologist.

I have had floaters from the stroke, but there's nothing in my eyes. They aren't real floaters. Just my brain sending signals that there are.


Well-Known Member
A fiend of mine in an electric wheelchair because of war injuries when asked he if his Pup can be petted usually says yes. Asking is always proper. Some harnesses state do not pet. So yep don’t pet them. But most service dog owners allow their Pups a break. If that is to meet other humans or play fetch. Orange county sheriff at the Studios gives his guy a break out front with a tennis ball. He has been seen allowing young guests to toss the ball.

Some people won’t even stay in the same building with a dog. Sometimes introducing skeptical people to the best trained animals is a service of educating the community at large. It likely did those guests in the queue a world of good to see Disney’s acceptance and love for service animals along with a nice gesture by the CM.

ultimately is up to the Pups owner when to allow the Pup to stand down from working. At Disney hotels for all Dog owners they are told not to allow Dogs to approach other guests. Still guests may ask to approach dogs and pet with owners permission. Mutual respect

Following Motzart on Instagram is a learning tool. He belongs to a CM and goes to work with her daily.
To be fair, I don't think it's just service dogs that you should ask for permission to pet. It's ANY animal. You wouldn't want strangers coming up and just grabbing your baby out of the stroller to hold....same applies for animals. And some dogs do not like to be petted or are not used to children, who can be unpredictable and grab ears or tail, etc. So you should ALWAYS ask the owner of any animal if it's ok to pet them. Most people say sure, but there have been occassional people who have said better not. DS won't go near enough to most dogs to pet them anyway, but there is one mom at DS's school who just adopted a dog from Germany. I guess the dog was rescued as a stray in Russia and is super submissive, and she is so...just still and quiet and doesn't jump or bark. DS is ok with approaching her slowly and giving her a pat. That's the extent of it, but he will pet her where he won't go near another dog. But we always ask first if it's ok.


Well-Known Member
Giggle. The kindness of strangers. Kudos

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Made me laugh. But it IS kind of sad that so many people only do things because they think they will get something out of it. When I was about 13, I was with two of my friends. We were just hanging out and had decided to walk to the local cafe for some ice cream maybe? I don't even remember, but we were at the rec center and we saw an elderly man struggling with moving his furniture BY HIMSELF from a truck to his house. My friends were both LDS and had been taught to help others, and so the three of us offered and the man was so skeptical that 3 teenage girls were willing to help him for FREE. He thought we must want something. We assured him we just wanted to help as it was the right thing to do, so we helped and tried to tell him we didn't need the money he offered us to buy our ice cream, but he was very insistant. I still feel bad that he felt like he had to pay us, even though it was only $1 for each of us....that wasn't our intention. My mom was so angry with me when I told her because we didn't know the guy and it could have been a trap. I was like,'s Wright, Wyoming, and we stood there watching him struggle for 5 minutes that he didn't even know we were there. There were 3 of us and one of him....we could have overpowered him if he tried anything.


Well-Known Member
I have not. Fit For Life, years ago. My diet can vary from year to year, but miles ahead of the average “meat and potatoes” and fast food diet. (That’s one reason I so look forward to eating whatever I want at Disney.)

No caffeine, very little processed sugar, only olive oil, rarely any red meat, rarely any cheese except mozzarella on pizza, lots of fruit, lots of veg, zero milk/butter. I was vegan + fish for a number of years. Added chicken and turkey back in a few years ago, cholesterol didn’t budge (stayed high but didn’t go higher.) It’s very hereditary with me. Dad died of a heart attack at 45. I’ll be 48 in 3 months. He smoked, ate fast food for lunch every day, overweight, no exercise, etc.
Fit for that anything like the Body for Life program where you work out 6 days a week and concentrate on protien and produce? I could have apples with peanut butter, or beef jerky and a veg, but no carbs. Then on the 6th day, you had a "rest" day where you didn't work out and you could eat anything you wanted. So I would keep a list of things I had craved during the week, and only eat those on my rest day.
It seemed to be working pretty well, but I got derailed when I didn't have access to a gym for a few weeks. I could do my 3 days of cardio, but not my upper body strength or lower body strength days.

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