The saga continues. I was not satisfied with it either, but I didn't see I had any choice, considering I got cut off from the phone conversation every time. So I did write the email, but I called again later, hoping the connection issues would have been resolved. Spoiler: They were not.
In the meantime, I got a confirmation email that R's reservation had been canceled, which worried me because if they refunded the payment, they couldn't transfer the funds to my brother's booking, and as it was still on my credit card, I couldn't make the payment AGAIN without going over the credit limit. So I called again, and the gal I spoke with was really slow and she was trying to find verification of the authorization for me to handle the booking when we got cut off. I wasn't particularly upset at losing that connection because it was going to take forever. I called back again, and got the same cast member I had spoken with this morning who had put me on hold before I got disconnected. She remembered me and said she had tried to call me back, but the phone number did not work. She transferred me to the care department immediately, and the CM I spoke with there was aware of the connection problems, so he was quick to get both invoice numbers before we could get disconnected again. He was busy making the transfer when I was cut off. My husband called our phone company to see if it was on our end, and they reset our modem to see if that helped, and I called back again. I didn't even make it to a castmember before I was cut off. So I called a different number I had, and got the one cast member for a 3rd time, she double-checked my phone number to call back, and was going to transfer me again when she heard from him that he had been able to get it done after I was disconnected. I still have not received the updated invoice for my brother's booking reflecting the balance paid in full, but hopefully it comes soon. In any case, it is, in theory, resolved. And the CM said I was good to go, and I thanked her, and said I don't know why I kept getting cut off, every time at 5 minutes and 10-15 seconds, and she said "Well, we've made it to 4 and a half minutes and we're beep...beep.....beep". Her timer didn't account for the minute that it took me to get from the automated system to speak to a CM. As long as it's resolved, I don't care.